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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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JD Sports asks the internet to vote for their Face of 2014

Rake Ali is in the lead:

Rake Ali said:
I am an adamant hair enthusiast that gets all the chicks. My haircut is one of a kind and looks like a rake



Jed needs a hug guys, bless.

If it helps mate, you're one of my fav peeps on teh neogaphs. And I think it's because of the very reasons you just stated: you wear your heart on your sleeve and just put it all out there for the world to see. It's an amiable and endearing trait.

And you a funny fucker too!

Love ya buddy.

Aw thanks man :) Hugs always appreciated.

You're awesome too :D
....This, is not cricket. You may clear your throats and glance at each other, maybe a quick pat on the back. Anything more is for wibbly-wobbly Americans.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I've not read that Moore piece but may have to track it down, he's usually quite insightful about the creative process even if he has become cunt #1 in recent years.

If I get some time tonight, I’ll dig it out and type that bit up. It made me feel better about everything. If even he went through that regularly, well, we’re in good company, eh?

Also? Wash your fucking mouth out.

I totally get you about the songwriting thing too. My thing to say at practice (which probably drives the others insane) is "What is the point in this song? What is this music FOR?" Everything needs to be thought about from every angle. Otherwise it really will be shit and you'll have no excuses.

I like that a lot, that’s a great approach. I’m always trimming fat or adding bits or scrapping sections; I’m fucking hard work, mate. My biggest issue is explaining the crap in my head, I end up using ridiculous metaphors: “Make the drums sounds like a fat man running down the street”, “You need to make the guitar sound like someone’s finally decided to jump off a ledge”, or “this doesn’t sound zombie-striptease enough, where's the fucking snap?!”. But we’re starting to sort gigs out now and hopefully get a very bare bones room recording in a few weeks, so I’ve essentially got out the hole… for a while at least.

…Although, on first reading, I imagined you asking that in a Nathan Barley style. XD

I think we'd be awesome in a band together. We should get Mike in it too and make all the songs be about feelings and stuff. Emo revival v3

BritGAF 3? I like it. Sometimes I won’t.


I think we all have those up and down moments regarding confidence. As long as the balance is right, it's all good.

Nobody likes a cocky twat, but being a timid little shrew will get you nowhere in life.
....This, is not cricket. You may clear your throats and glance at each other, maybe a quick pat on the back. Anything more is for wibbly-wobbly Americans.

Dave, you're a stand up geeza, and a proper bloke's bloke....

*scratches balls*

....the ref needs glasses, big tits, fast cars, explosions and beer.

*shakes hand maintaining eye contract*

I'm off for a piss, rack the table up again and get yourself a pint. And a Strawberry Woo-Woo for me.


formerly Oynox Slider
Jed, everyone's said everything that needs to be said and you probably feel better now.

But have a big squishy internet hug from me anyway.

Jedeye Sniv

If I get some time tonight, I’ll dig it out and type that bit up. It made me feel better about everything. If even he went through that regularly, well, we’re in good company, eh?

Also? Wash your fucking mouth out.

I like that a lot, that’s a great approach. I’m always trimming fat or adding bits or scrapping sections; I’m fucking hard work, mate. My biggest issue is explaining the crap in my head, I end up using ridiculous metaphors: “Make the drums sounds like a fat man running down the street”, “You need to make the guitar sound like someone’s finally decided to jump off a ledge”, or “this doesn’t sound zombie-striptease enough, where's the fucking snap?!”. But we’re starting to sort gigs out now and hopefully get a very bare bones room recording in a few weeks, so I’ve essentially got out the hole… for a while at least.

…Although, on first reading, I imagined you asking that in a Nathan Barley style. XD

BritGAF 3? I like it. Sometimes I won’t.

I do the same thing with metaphors and similes! Maybe it's a nervy-musician thing? We have definite ideas of what we want but without the requisite theoretical knowledge to work from. So it's pretty much hit it till it sounds right.

Glad that you're getting on with going public though, I think the very best cure for musical procrastination is just to fucking get out there and do it. My first band as a teen, we played twice a week for five years and only played 6 shows, pathetic! In Gordo we played our first show after three months, way more fun.

Also, have still not forgiven Moore for his dummy spit last year, made me genuinely angry for how arrogant and nasty it was. Still love his books though. Mrs has just started Swamp Thing so I'm reliving it vicariously through her.

Jed, everyone's said everything that needs to be said and you probably feel better now.

But have a big squishy internet hug from me anyway.

Ta :)

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I do the same thing with metaphors and similes! Maybe it's a nervy-musician thing? We have definite ideas of what we want but without the requisite theoretical knowledge to work from. So it's pretty much hit it till it sounds right.

Oh god yes.

I don't have many musician friends to chat with, so I really appreciate you opening up about it. You'll be outta of your (brief) despair hole in no time, hopefully pimping your new shizzle here!

Glad that you're getting on with going public though, I think the very best cure for musical procrastination is just to fucking get out there and do it. My first band as a teen, we played twice a week for five years and only played 6 shows, pathetic! In Gordo we played our first show after three months, way more fun.

This be true. I just got hang ups because of how my last band ended and how they're doing really really well without me. Actually, I'll post some of their stuff, they are absolutely cracking.

Speaking of stuff, did I mention I can't wait to hear your new batch? :) Pump that shit directly into my cherry picker, son.

Also, have still not forgiven Moore for his dummy spit last year, made me genuinely angry for how arrogant and nasty it was. Still love his books though. Mrs has just started Swamp Thing so I'm reliving it vicariously through her.

I can't be mad at him. That last interview was a riveting read. Swamp Thing is SOOO good.
I joined a covers band because I thought it would be easier, more likely to gig and less stress full than my previous originals band. We've been together for a year now and have played one gig. Last time we rehearsed I think was beginning of December.

Time to look for a new band.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I joined a covers band because I thought it would be easier, more likely to gig and less stress full than my previous originals band. We've been together for a year now and have played one gig. Last time we rehearsed I think was beginning of December.

Time to look for a new band.

I think you might be right. Which do prefer: covers or originals?

Jedeye Sniv

Oh god yes.

I don't have many musician friends to chat with, so I really appreciate you opening up about it. You'll be outta of your (brief) despair hole in no time, hopefully pimping your new shizzle here!

Oh man you won't be able to avoid it :p You guys are a prime market, I've got you by the feels.

This be true. I just got hang ups because of how my last band ended and how they're doing really really well without me. Actually, I'll post some of their stuff, they are absolutely cracking.

Speaking of stuff, did I mention I can't wait to hear your new batch? :) Pump that shit directly into my cherry picker, son.

Oh man that's a shame. What happened there?

Actually, story time: before we were PFG we were a four piece called Occasional Kings (check this out for the best song you'll never hear again plus a sexy closeup of me - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZRv-3XpFjI - this was our fourth and final show). The band started when my drummer friend Stu started looking for people to play with, roping me in as a bassist since we lived local and hung out all the time. Stu had static with his last band that basically ended up with them kicking him out and carrying on without and I think it really hurt him. He also had a medical condition whereby he had these massive, painful spots in random places on his body, but mostly on his arse which gets a bit painful as a drummer.

So in order to keep the band together we had a swtichup, he became a keyboard player and Johnny, guitar and vocals in the above vid started playing drums. But Stu's health deteriorated more, coupled with his mental health deteriorating as well, just becoming more depressed and withdrawn. It came to a head when we got offered a fairly prestigious local festival and flat out said he wasn't interested in gigging any more. So the band split into two halves, Occasional Kings would be a studio based experimental act (we have a song that's 99% finished and it's AWESOME and nobody will hear it :( ), and PFG would be a three piece live act so we could go out and gig. Three months till the show, none of our old songs would work live any more so we had to write an entirely new set to play the show. As time progressed, Stu kept declining practices and eventually faded out entirely. I still feel super guilty about this, and when I see him a few times a year it's super awkward when he asks what I've been up to ("having loaaaaads of fun, sorry...), because even though we didn't kick him out, we kinda did and I think that's how he sees it.

So yeah, what's your story of heartache and boys being casually horrible to each other?

I can't be mad at him. That last interview was a riveting read. Swamp Thing is SOOO good.

Man, he flat out insulted me. Said he doesn't want me as a reader. That really stung, I love his stuff and look up to him immensely. But I also like Morrison. And Moore reacts to that like I'm stupid, and he doesn't want me as a reader. Shit, when only like 5 people in the comics industry are actually making literature rather than soap opera, it's galling to have the most well respected one just shit all over the best one.

I joined a covers band because I thought it would be easier, more likely to gig and less stress full than my previous originals band. We've been together for a year now and have played one gig. Last time we rehearsed I think was beginning of December.

Time to look for a new band.

:( Definitely get yourself a new band, there must be loads of em in London, and everyone is chasing that Paramore vibe recently. Jump on that bandwagon! You can always be in two bands if they call again.


awwwww yeeeeaaaah

Had my performance meeting at work today. Top performing member of staff (results, wrap up time and customer satisfaction) out of the entire office (100 employees)

hell yeah. My only issue is I still take a retail-like approach to angry customers. I need to be more insanely happy to them rather than stern


Knows the Score
Man, he flat out insulted me. Said he doesn't want me as a reader. That really stung, I love his stuff and look up to him immensely. But I also like Morrison. And Moore reacts to that like I'm stupid, and he doesn't want me as a reader. Shit, when only like 5 people in the comics industry are actually making literature rather than soap opera, it's galling to have the most well respected one just shit all over the best one.

I'm mostly in agreement here, but also I've found his work of late to be pretty poor. Given Dodgem Logic, his album and the end of Century I won't be reading anything further from his poisoned pen.

awwwww yeeeeaaaah

Had my performance meeting at work today. Top performing member of staff (results, wrap up time and customer satisfaction) out of the entire office (100 employees)

hell yeah. My only issue is I still take a retail-like approach to angry customers. I need to be more insanely happy to them rather than stern

Onwards and upwards, sounds like you're in a far better place than whatever your retail hell was last year.


Cyberpunk is good stuff. I hate the traditional "All dirt was eliminated in 2037" depiction of the future. And the self awareness that comes with it. Cyberpunk is all about filth. Filthy cities, filthy people, filthy morals, filthy money, filthy tech, filthy lives, filthy deaths.

Cyberpunk is just humanity, with new, inventive ways to exploit and kill people.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Actually, story time:

Firstly, that track is a splendid bloody journey, sir. The ending is lip smackingly good!

Secondly, that is a bloody tragic tale, but I don't think you should feel guilty. Not to be brutal, but Stuart didn't want to gig or practice, so what could you have done, march him to rehearsals with a gun to his head? On one hand, it's a shame because that track clearly shows you were great, on the other hand: PFG fo' life, man. :)

So yeah, what's your story of heartache and boys being casually horrible to each other?

There in lies a tale...

... Not much of one, though.

Basically, we were all childhood friends and in bands on and off for years. As we got older we started to take it seriously... Well, in our heads. We'd mostly just get smashed and talk about what we were gonna do, rather than do it.

One New Years, I said: let's actually do something rather than just talk shit. So I essentially took the reigns: booked gigs (making sure everyone was available well in advance), wrote a shit ton of songs, organised recordings, got us on a little indie label (Small Town America. It was mostly off the back of - NAMEDROP - Zane Lowe picking us as a single of the week - mental) etc. etc. I changed my job to a temp sales position which allowed me to take off any time I needed (unpaid, of course).

So, in a year we'd seen massive turnaround and managed to generate the littlest sliver of a grain of buzz... and it was awesome.

Anyways, the boys started to complain about the quality of the gigs (a lot of the time at the gigs, in front of the promoters) and that STA weren't helping us enough. The reason we were getting shit gigs was A) we were unknowns (gotta earn those stadiums, boys) and B) we ended up cancelling a significant number of them a few days before. This was mostly because one of the boys just wanted to write and record, not bother gigging at all, so he would drag his feet about everything. He was working long hours as a sparky, too, and would arrive at rehearsals literally saying and contributing nothing; just not having fun. It didn't help that I was so picky about the songwriting process too. Being the charming chap that he is, his attitude started to affect the rest of the band, especially his little brother who was our drummer/driver.

Eventually, we started cancelling gigs more frequently... at the last minute; like literally a few hours before we were meant to be there. I'd get shouted at down the phone by promoters that I'd spent my evenings emailing, glad ragging and organising with. Our rep on the circuit only got worse and it became harder to get gigs. I still managed to fill our time until, after SIX of these occurrences in a row (and the subsequent six promoters screaming at me for fucking them about), I said "If you guys do this again, I'm out."

Had a couple of nifty gigs set up in Manchester with a guy I met at one of our gigs... and they did it again. I told them I was out. They went: "okay". I tried to meet them to talk about it but they all said they were too busy... and that was that.

We're still friends, not nearly as close as before, but it's like four years ago now, Bridge/water etc., but if I'm honest I'm still gutted about it (it was a very significant and important part of my life and I put a meteoric fuck ton of work into it). It can sometimes still colour the times we do hook up (mostly my fault, though).


So, yeah. That's my rather bias view of events that I should really just get over. :)

You asked...

Man, he flat out insulted me. Said he doesn't want me as a reader. That really stung, I love his stuff and look up to him immensely. But I also like Morrison. And Moore reacts to that like I'm stupid, and he doesn't want me as a reader. Shit, when only like 5 people in the comics industry are actually making literature rather than soap opera, it's galling to have the most well respected one just shit all over the best one.

Me too, man, but I read the whole thing in his voice, so it's hard for me to take too much personally when the guy insulting you sounds like a stoned, Northern Dylan from Magic Roundabout. XD

I'm looking at the whole thing as the comic writers version of Biggy and Tupac.


formerly Oynox Slider
Wow. You band types. My parents were / are musicians and they were in a band that played the various hotels and clubs in Blackpool. It drove them bonkers, tbh. I've seen people - literally - go mad with music.

(which reminds me, you are all welcome to come to my next 'free improv' gig with lots of friendly arty people in a small cafe in Manchester somewhere in March. Or even join in if you want!)nll

Edit : I also don't know how you do it, it's such a drain on your emotions. You must be bloody strong, I think.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Wow. You band types. My parents were / are musicians and they were in a band that played the various hotels and clubs in Blackpool. It drove them bonkers, tbh. I've seen people - literally - go mad with music.

Really? How?

(which reminds me, you are all welcome to come to my next 'free improv' gig with lots of friendly arty people in a small cafe in Manchester somewhere in March. Or even join in if you want!)nll

Free Improv sounds right up my street... Shame Manchester isn't! We have a few local noise improv nights which are fairly mental. Did you see the guy I posted who cellotaped TOMATOES to his noggin'?


I was in a 'band' back at the beginning of high school. My mate, Mark, played bass. My other mate, Matt, played drums. And what instrument did I play? That's right, ladies and gentleman, I played keyboard. We kinda sounded a bit like a reject 80's band. We had fun, though, but I proper cringe at some of the songs we played.
Happy very belated birthday Mikeside! Hope it was a good one!

I've had a fantastic week: graduate job acquired, and I've just picked up a Vita (did I do good Mister Dave?).

Works night out tomorrow. I'm going the pub/meal, but do I go 'out out' afterwards or not? Can't decide.

Son Of D

Good night out tonight with a couple of visiting friends. Didn't stay out too long as they had to give themselves time to pack before heading home early tomorrow. In such a good mood right now, not even the horrible weather down here can ruin it.

Jedeye Sniv

Catching up!

There in lies a tale....

Ah, makes my heart hurt for ya. Cancelling that many shows must have made you feel like shit, it would drive me mad way sooner. That's what being in a band is all about, playing for half filled rooms and making it awesome. Hope you have much more luck in your new outfit!

my neknomination, given the request from someone at work


best one yet, by far

That was pretty epic.

Ah found you guys!

How come there doesn't seem to be a London meet in the works?

2014 is the year of BGAF on tour man, we're off up to Newcastle at the end of March, will be a tale for the ages. I think some folks are meeting next sunday for Mike's birthday though. Most likely will be a mainline meet when the weather's a bit nicer I guess.


formerly Oynox Slider
Really? How?

Free Improv sounds right up my street... Shame Manchester isn't! We have a few local noise improv nights which are fairly mental. Did you see the guy I posted who cellotaped TOMATOES to his noggin'?

My old guitar tutor became agoraphobic because of his obsession with becoming perfect at the instrument. There are more stories too, I just can't remember them. Stupid memory. When I do though, I'll share.

No?!!? I miss a lot of links because I mostly browse GAF on a mobile with all the trimmings switched off to save data. I'm on computer today, though. Could you link me up, please?

P.S. I am spending the afternoon learning Java and listening to music, so if anybody wants to recommend songs for the playlist, feel free!
my neknomination, given the request from someone at work


best one yet, by far

Genius. Seriously I was all ready to rag on you for taking part in something so stupid, but that is some pretty funny stuff dude.

Ah found you guys!

How come there doesn't seem to be a London meet in the works?

As Jedeye said the main quarterly meets are being held elsewhere, but for those in the South that won't be travelling further afield I'll be sure to sort out some sort of mini meet at some point in the first half of the year.
Catching up!

Ah, makes my heart hurt for ya. Cancelling that many shows must have made you feel like shit, it would drive me mad way sooner. That's what being in a band is all about, playing for half filled rooms and making it awesome. Hope you have much more luck in your new outfit!

That was pretty epic.

2014 is the year of BGAF on tour man, we're off up to Newcastle at the end of March, will be a tale for the ages. I think some folks are meeting next sunday for Mike's birthday though. Most likely will be a mainline meet when the weather's a bit nicer I guess.

Kind of a cool idea but I'm also kind of gutted. Never really got to take advantage of the London meets and you guys seemed to be going to some cool places. Was hoping to tag along to some!

Mainline meet sounds good whenever it happens!


Oh dear the beard is gone

The fact that half the office assumed I was in my early thirties convinced me to get rid of it.

Mr. Sam

Meanwhile, Event Horizon is on Viva. Lots of talent but this has been misfiring on every level so far.

Anybody want to talk about how great Hotline Miami on Vita is? Dave?

Jedeye Sniv

Kind of a cool idea but I'm also kind of gutted. Never really got to take advantage of the London meets and you guys seemed to be going to some cool places. Was hoping to tag along to some!

Mainline meet sounds good whenever it happens!

I know what you mean but the wait for summer will be worth it. Winter meets are usually more about the drinking, summer is a bit more social and breezy.

you could always hop on a train and come up to Newcastle with us still, it'll rock :)


I know what you mean but the wait for summer will be worth it. Winter meets are usually more about the drinking, summer is a bit more social and breezy.

you could always hop on a train and come up to Newcastle with us still, it'll rock :)

Truuuuue dat. Both meetups I attended were summer ones and they were fan-fuckin-tastic.

Son Of D

I know what you mean but the wait for summer will be worth it. Winter meets are usually more about the drinking, summer is a bit more social and breezy.

you could always hop on a train and come up to Newcastle with us still, it'll rock :)

Sweet. Just what I like to hear. Looking forward to the possible April mini-meet.


Yeah man, the summer meet was so good. Sitting getting wrecked and chatting shit in a big circle in a sunny, buzzing Regents Park was a perfect introduction for me. Then some mint craic in De Hems and a sweaty boogie in Borderline, top banana.

Come to the March meet fence sitters, it'll be fun I promise!

zomg, I had a little play with the Z1 Compact today, it's a really nice phone like. Well made, nice screen and it's spot on size. Just a little bigger than an iPhone.

It's not out on EE yet, but I think I'll swap when it launches. Cheers for the recommendation, it's just what I was after, a small but powerful Android phone. Well made and nicely designed into the bargain. Sold.
Does anybody know if the UPS Standard service will deliver from the US to the UK? I'm not in a hurry for the delivery but I refuse to pay more than $80 for delivery and UPS Standard is by far the cheapest at $15.


Knows the Score
Does anybody know if the UPS Standard service will deliver from the US to the UK? I'm not in a hurry for the delivery but I refuse to pay more than $80 for delivery and UPS Standard is by far the cheapest at $15.

It's going to depend on the item as opposed to the shipping method, but there should be a UPS express standard or something that's not too pricey.
It's going to depend on the item as opposed to the shipping method, but there should be a UPS express standard or something that's not too pricey.

It's just some dust filters, the shipping options I have are:

UPS Standard $15.00
UPS Worldwide Expedited $87.25
UPS Saver $90.69
UPS Worldwide Express $94.02
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