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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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But on the flip side it's wide screen and has less slowdowns. In reality they both have pro and cons. I just get a bit tired when people dismiss the Wii version as a subpar version when in the end you get the same experience. Also it costs a fraction of the price.

Neither make up for the terrible "waggle to attack" or the "flail wildly as you hope the game registers the nunchuk movement (it wont)"


formerly Oynox Slider
Sat in first class on the train back from London having been told at lunch that after one week they want me to head the Manchester office...

And to top it off, somone just brought me free beer.

Makes a change from being in the self employed wilderness.

Wow! Congrats!

I think you should be Steve Brasso now (I'm not sure what Brasso is, but it's better than WD40 right? And it sounds like an Al Pacino character)


If I find it, you may borrow it. As in giving it back when you are done (and if you don't your name will be blackened here for evermore maybe). Sorry to sound rude, but it is pretty well the best game ever and I am very reluctant to let it go even temporarily, but since Microsoft so fucked-up the rerelease I really have got to give you the option! You will need a relatively lightly-used original Nintendo controller to handle the end section, as the third party ones don't seem to hack it.

If interested, drop me a PM.

Wow! Thank you so much for such a generous offer phisheep :)

However, considering the distance between us I'd be very concerned if the game would get damaged and/or lost in the post and I'd feel really bad considering how much it is worth :( If I happen to be local (and still haven't bought a copy) then I will definitely PM you and take up your offer and buy a big bag of beads too :) Blast through the game during a weekend and then give it back. It's been far too long since I played that gem.

Wow, love it when BritGAF is all kind and helpful to others. Ninj seemed so happy with his sploatee's Dreamcast and games last night :)


Knows the Score
I have the original Conker's Bad Fur Day here. Well, somewhere here - being as we have moved house twice recently. But it is definitely in one of these drawers.

If I find it, you may borrow it. As in giving it back when you are done (and if you don't your name will be blackened here for evermore maybe). Sorry to sound rude, but it is pretty well the best game ever and I am very reluctant to let it go even temporarily, but since Microsoft so fucked-up the rerelease I really have got to give you the option! You will need a relatively lightly-used original Nintendo controller to handle the end section, as the third party ones don't seem to hack it.

If interested, drop me a PM.

I would love to replay this on the Gamecube. Because they flipped it for the Wii I was perpetually flustered as to which direction I was heading (because the sun rose in the west rather than the east, and I belatedly found out that's the way I've been navigating all my life).

Has anyone got one I can borrow (under the same drastic terms as above)?

I would offer mine, but I'm a long way from you and it's a US copy so maybe not much use.


Maturity, bitches.
Neither make up for the terrible "waggle to attack" or the "flail wildly as you hope the game registers the nunchuk movement (it wont)"

Well I have beaten it twice no problem so I'll never be convinced that I apparently played the subpar version.


While the Wii isn't the best console in the world, it irks me when people dismiss the console because it had "waggle!" controls or because it was filled with shovelware. There were plenty of hidden gems. If Nintendo didn't fuck up by marketing the console to the casual market, allowing shitty shovelware and at least released a decent traditional controller then the Wii wouldn't have been a fucking joke. Obviously, it isn't possible to re-capture the NES/SNES days now that Sony and Xbox are in the scene but at least they were trying with the N64 and Gamecube. Those consoles were still good. Basically, if the Wii was the Gamecube 2 with support for motion control it would've been the shit.

Nintendo are definitely in the right mind with introducing innovation to the game industry but they are so bad at implementing it.

VR? Great idea but nobody wants headaches and eye problems.
Motion control? Great idea but no game was able to properly get it to work.
3D in handheld console? Great idea but it felt like a gimmick more than a new way to play games.
Tablet peripheral/merging handheld with console gaming? Interesting idea that might have potential but why the fuck did they market it as a Wii-2? why?! Might as well have called it the Jaguar 2 or the 3DO 2.


Maturity, bitches.
PS2 had a lot of shovel ware, it just wasn't a problem because the media never focused on it. How a console is received isn't all down to the one company and its marketing, especially with a product that realises on the efforts of other companies (third party software). Nintendo also has a problem with getting on good terms with the "journalists" and of course the lack of the big name games of the previous gen.

Of course I'm not saying the Wii's library was comparable with the PS2's, since it did have the big names of its gen. But I do feel there was a shift in how games were presented by the press. AAA tier was the in thing and thus the B tier was lost. On PS2 there was a healthy mix, whereas previous gen we seemed to have AAA on PS360 and B on Wii. Journalist only focused on the AAA and thus, like you said, the gems became hidden. We mock journalists all the time but we have to remember they do have an impact on audiences. Geoff literally says "my viewers" when talking to Reggie like he's raising his own private hive mind.

I don't blame third parties for the lack of support as technically the market of the 360 & the PS3 together was larger than the Wii's. but I will have beef when they come out with excuses like "test games" or blaming bad sales of a factually bad game". I mean all that does is alienate the informed consumer who will likely need extra effort to be convinced to support their next game. EA sells a reskinned copy job of FIFA (literally just names and a logo change) and then expect people to clamour over their next game? Seriously? No wonder they are in bed with Microsoft now, since their heads were already in the clouds.

It also seems that the moment you ever show a small sign of trying to appeal to a broader market, the "core" will be offended. Not saying MS did a good job with their attempt, but they went from being the "hardcore"'s best friend to a vile venomous villain the moment Kinect and family friendly games appeared at E3. I honestly finding the whole "gaming is ours, no casuals allowed" attitude displayed by many gamers quite sickening, and often quite ironic, since back in the 90s those Sega and Nintendo kids were likely seen as the casuals of their day.
why the fuck did they market it as a Wii-2? why?! Might as well have called it the Jaguar 2 or the 3DO 2.

It probably would have more sense to literally call it the Wii2 since Nintendo have since acknowledged that one of the reasons the WiiU is having trouble was that people didn't realise initially that it was a new console not a peripheral.

I get what you're saying though, it'd be nice if Nintendo just released some hardware that did it's job without trying to impress you with innovative features you don't want.

The gamecube was probably the console I've got the most enjoyment out of, though that was back in the days when you could wander into GAME, pick up a game with no prior knowledge of it and enjoy it. Now games are too expensive for you to just take chances on them, unless you buy second hand.


Aww BGBW, now you're gonna get me started ranting about video game journalism now :p

While I applaud the many journalists who impartially review games and write honest articles, the whole field is still filled with raging boner fanboys who'll happily give a game 10/10 if they were showered with free swag or cheeky strokes from their favourite companies. It's a joke how game companies can buy good reviews or positive publicity in this industry.

Ugh, you just reminded me of those Nintendo journalists at E3 (You remember the guy on GAF who tweeted a middle finger and got banned? That guy) who bad mouthed pretty much everything that wasn't Nintendo. Sure, they were working for a unnofficial Nintendo-only news website but E3 (and all other expos) is an open platform for all companies to share new ideas and judge on anticipating games/hardware.

"Ugh, Did you see how embaressing the MS conference was? Usher performance?! hahahaha. Pathetic. Just pathetic. Nintendo's conference was classic as usual".

Goodness, you're a middle-aged adult. Grow the fuck up. you're suppose to be a credible journalist and not a kid on a playground.


Maturity, bitches.
I remember him because I was responsible for the Reggie shop of him. ;)

I don't even follow Nintendo fan blogs because they are often terrible. GoNintendo and its anything Nintendo related we must report it philosophy is head ache inducing. Oh look, a man jumped off a tall building to commit suicide and his blood splatter looked a bit like a silhouette of Mario's head! #YouWillSayWow! Maybe it's an American thing because I did find the UK Nintendo mags too often be critical of when Nintendo did bad. Was quite easy back in the day considering what a shambles Nintendo of Europe used to be. R.I.P. NGamer.

In some ways Nintendo's E3 Direct was a better alternative because it removed the fanwankery of the audience. Obviously this comes at the cost of the on stage cockups which is really what E3 is secretly about so maybe we'll just have to grin and bear the screaming audience because at the end of the day an animated gif at the expense of E3 will be blessed with silence.

I think you remember my slightly bitter as a result of lack of sleep remarks about the audience at Sony's conference when we were watching it at 2am. "With PS4 you can still turn it on with a power button..." "OMG SONY YOU ARE AMAZING SUCK IT XBONERS!" The price I can understand cheering for, the rest was embarrassment central.


just bought yet another pair of kicks said:
I'm like a woman when it comes to shoes. I just need my Jimmy Choo stiletto's and I'm set. :|
If Nintendo didn't fuck up by marketing the console to the casual market, allowing shitty shovelware and at least released a decent traditional controller then the Wii wouldn't have been a fucking joke.
brilliant controller said:


Knows the Score
I'm like a woman when it comes to shoes. I just need my Jimmy Choo stiletto's and I'm set. :|

The Wii Pro Controller couldn't be used on such as Mario Galaxy though, could it? I gave up with Super Mario Galaxy 2 as I was getting tired of having to use the controllers the wrong way round as I'm a lefty.


venison crêpe
A personal question to run by you folks as I have done in the Football thread, I'm just garnering general thoughts and opinions here,

There's a job advertised both on a UK based recruiter's website and on that of the company themselves who are based in Zurich. With whom do you think I'd be better off sending my application?


Damn straight Mike, it's a fine product.

Edit: oh, you meant the WiiU one. Never used it, but if the Wii one is any barometer I bet it's excellent.
The Wii Pro Controller couldn't be used on such as Mario Galaxy though, could it? I gave up with Super Mario Galaxy 2 as I was getting tired of having to use the controllers the wrong way round as I'm a lefty.
No mate, two core mechanics were tied to the wiimote;
collecting star bits and the double spin jump.

That's a shame 8bit, SMG's are two of my fav games of all time. Pure distilled joy and fun.


Knows the Score
A personal question to run by you folks as I have done in the Football thread, I'm just garnering general thoughts and opinions here,

There's a job advertised both on a UK based recruiter's website and on that of the company themselves who are based in Zurich. With whom do you think I'd be better off sending my application?

If you have details of the job on the company site, then apply direct to the company.


edit, is it FIFA?

Damn straight Mike, it's a fine product.

Edit: oh, you meant the WiiU one. Never used it, but if the Wii one is any barometer I bet it's excellent.

No mate, two core mechanics were tied to the wiimote;
collecting star bits and the double spin jump.

That's a shame 8bit, SMG's are two of my fav games of all time. Pure distilled joy and fun.

I played both, but it was just after some time with 2 I couldn't find the motivation to continue playing anything on the Wii. I feel betrayed by Miyamoto.


formerly Oynox Slider
A personal question to run by you folks as I have done in the Football thread, I'm just garnering general thoughts and opinions here,

There's a job advertised both on a UK based recruiter's website and on that of the company themselves who are based in Zurich. With whom do you think I'd be better off sending my application?

Company, without a doubt.

Direct application means no recruitment fees, which lowers the cost of hire, which increases your chances.


Maturity, bitches.
The Wii Pro Controller couldn't be used on such as Mario Galaxy though, could it? I gave up with Super Mario Galaxy 2 as I was getting tired of having to use the controllers the wrong way round as I'm a lefty.

Is it that difficult? I mean control stick is still in the left hand like other controllers with the action buttons in the right.


Knows the Score
Is it that difficult? I mean control stick is still in the left hand like other controllers with the action buttons in the right.

It's just, not quite correct. I use a mouse with my right hand but use the Wii Controller with my left for Wiimote only games and had to switch for double handed ones. I nearly garotted myself playing Metroid Prime 3.


A personal question to run by you folks as I have done in the Football thread, I'm just garnering general thoughts and opinions here,

There's a job advertised both on a UK based recruiter's website and on that of the company themselves who are based in Zurich. With whom do you think I'd be better off sending my application?

Really depends if the recruiter has ties within the company. Have you worked with them before? My manager used to hang up on a lot of recruiters and only deal with one or two that he knew supplied good candidates.

At the same time my company is so big that when you apply via the website the CV likely gets passed around for 2 months before it gets where it needs. Then its too late anyways.

I would say try to see if the company has their own recruiter on linkedin and reach out directly to them. Thats what I've been doing and its had much better success then applying via websites. I get quick answers and don't have to waste my time in hopes it gets read....


I remember him because I was responsible for the Reggie shop of him. ;)


did find the UK Nintendo mags too often be critical of when Nintendo did bad. Was quite easy back in the day considering what a shambles Nintendo of Europe used to be. R.I.P. NGamer.

I think you remember my slightly bitter as a result of lack of sleep remarks about the audience at Sony's conference when we were watching it at 2am. "With PS4 you can still turn it on with a power button..." "OMG SONY YOU ARE AMAZING SUCK IT XBONERS!" The price I can understand cheering for, the rest was embarrassment central.

Hahaha yes! I remember that Reggie photoshop. So great :p

I was a die-hard Nintendo Official Magazine buyer when I had my N64 because I was young, and dumb and thought anything that wasn't official was shit. You remember the "Awesome" award that they'd give to every game that got over 90%? Pretty much all of Nintendo's first party games got an awesome award except for Mario Party 1 and Pilotwings iirc. Can't believe they gave one to the South Park game though haha. Lousy shooter. Plus, who can forget the name-bashing that went on; "Dreampants" and "Greystation".

Oh, and cannot wait until E3 when BritGAF stays up and gets all excited. I recall it was just me and noffles that were watching the Sony feed that night and at the end of it you posted in the #IRC "Is that it Sony?" and we were like "WTF?! You were awake this whole time!?" hahaha, amazing.

Yo Ninj, definitely think that Wii controller was great. Should've been announced day one alongside the Wii-mote rather than a "secondary controller that only worked for certain games" that was always behind the Wii-mote. Also, cool kicks bro :)


venison crêpe
If you have details of the job on the company site, then apply direct to the company.
Company, without a doubt.

Direct application means no recruitment fees, which lowers the cost of hire, which increases your chances.

Thanks for the responses.

This was my initial position too but, playing devil's advocate with myself here, would my chances not increase going through a recruiter due to the fact I'm a foreign national? Or is that fairly moot as they have also advertised on their own site in English?

Really depends if the recruiter has ties within the company. Have you worked with them before? My manager used to hang up on a lot of recruiters and only deal with one or two that he knew supplied good candidates.

At the same time my company is so big that when you apply via the website the CV likely gets passed around for 2 months before it gets where it needs. Then its too late anyways.

I would say try to see if the company has their own recruiter on linkedin and reach out directly to them. Thats what I've been doing and its had much better success then applying via websites. I get quick answers and don't have to waste my time in hopes it gets read....

No ties with either the company or recruiter before, no. I shall do some further research as you suggest. That's a good idea - thanks.


formerly Oynox Slider
I am enjoying the PS4 but the tribalism of gaming is irritating (most tribalism is annoying, actually). I don't understand it.

Sony vs MS
Casuals (ugh) vs Hardcore (ugh)
Indie vs AAA
GAF vs IGN / the mainstream media

They're all false dichotomies.

Jedeye Sniv

I am enjoying the PS4 but the tribalism of gaming is irritating (most tribalism is annoying, actually). I don't understand it.

Sony vs MS
Casuals (ugh) vs Hardcore (ugh)
Indie vs AAA
GAF vs IGN / the mainstream media

They're all false dichotomies.

IMO it's because children need to be opposed to something. It was the same when I was 10 and it was SNES vs Mega Drive(l). I think the console wars on GAF are either indicative of the fact that we have a lot of 12 year olds on the board or, more worryingly, that a large portion of the gaming audience is FUCKING STUPID. I'm leaning towards the latter ;)

It's even worse with iOS/Android gaming vs everything else.


Knows the Score
Thanks for the responses.

This was my initial position too but, playing devil's advocate with myself here, would my chances not increase going through a recruiter due to the fact I'm a foreign national? Or is that fairly moot as they have also advertised on their own site in English?

No ties with either the company or recruiter before, no. I shall do some further research as you suggest. That's a good idea - thanks.

It's Zürich, there shouldn't be any problem with you as a foreign national. It's the most foreigner friendly place in Switzerland, if you're the right candidate for the job and it's a reasonably sized company you'll be fine. They'll take care of work permits and anything you need, lots of people come over here to work.


Thanks for the responses.

This was my initial position too but, playing devil's advocate with myself here, would my chances not increase going through a recruiter due to the fact I'm a foreign national? Or is that fairly moot as they have also advertised on their own site in English?

No ties with either the company or recruiter before, no. I shall do some further research as you suggest. That's a good idea - thanks.

I would go through both anyways. Most companies don't care about paying recruiter fees as long as they get someone who is talented that will stay for a while.

Direct approach though is probably the best just to get you to the top of the pile.
I for one wish slow agonizing death upon those mainstream casual Xbots and the AAA viral marketing IGN shills.


Tribalism in different mediums reflects the worst aspects of the audience. People say ludicrous things online but let's face it, it's not likely that you could walk into a Dallas bar wearing a playstation t-shirt and get beaten up and have an X carved into your forehead by angry Microsoft fans.


formerly Oynox Slider
IMO it's because children need to be opposed to something. It was the same when I was 10 and it was SNES vs Mega Drive(l). I think the console wars on GAF are either indicative of the fact that we have a lot of 12 year olds on the board or, more worryingly, that a large portion of the gaming audience is FUCKING STUPID. I'm leaning towards the latter ;)

It's even worse with iOS/Android gaming vs everything else.

It's mad.

'I swear my undying fealty to Global Megacorp (Luxembourg) Limited. They really care about me! I love how I pay for the things they make! I wholeheartedly endorse the use of underpaid workers to make my devices! It is fair and just to ask me to rebuy the same content in slightly different formats at full price!'


Console Wars even as a kid was silly as hell. My friend had a Game Gear and I had the Gameboy. We used to always swap and play whenever we went on trips together. As I grew up I had the 64, my friends had the PSX. I'd go over to theirs and play Tomb Raider and WWF Smackdown, they'd come over to mine and play Mario Kart and Goldeneye. Pretty sad that certain kids would talk shit about video games to justify themselves instead of making friends and...you know..try new things.


venison crêpe
I would go through both anyways. Most companies don't care about paying recruiter fees as long as they get someone who is talented that will stay for a while.

Direct approach though is probably the best just to get you to the top of the pile.
It's Zürich, there shouldn't be any problem with you as a foreign national. It's the most foreigner friendly place in Switzerland, if you're the right candidate for the job and it's a reasonably sized company you'll be fine. They'll take care of work permits and anything you need, lots of people come over here to work.

Thanks again for the insight.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I am enjoying the PS4 but the tribalism of gaming is irritating (most tribalism is annoying, actually). I don't understand it.

Sony vs MS
Casuals (ugh) vs Hardcore (ugh)
Indie vs AAA
GAF vs IGN / the mainstream media

They're all false dichotomies.

It's not exclusive to gaming though: football, bands, religion, blah blah blah.

I think it was Adam Curtis who said that not too long ago people used to identify themselves with and by their political and/or religious stances, but nowadays, since politics is one meaningless homogenous blob (at least in The West) we do it via cultural artifacts, like the aforementioned bands or football teams or consoles or what not.

He suggests that, even though it's wholly imaginary/arbitrary, these kind of allegiances to things are about identifying with "objects" that reflect and signify who we are, whilst also making people feel part of something.

Or summink.

Jedeye Sniv

It's mad.

'I swear my undying fealty to Global Megacorp (Luxembourg) Limited. They really care about me! I love how I pay for the things they make! I wholeheartedly endorse the use of underpaid workers to make my devices! It is fair and just to ask me to rebuy the same content in slightly different formats at full price!'

The thing that gets me is gamers being fans of corporate suits. Fucking Reggie and Kaz Hirai and Phil Harrison and Peter Moore and all these other soulless goons who I'm embarrassed I know the names of. Liking games is one thing, but having affection or infatuation with these money men is the definition of ridiculous. All those Kaz gifs made me spit acid. Cloying fanboy bullshit.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
We need some good chants like football fans. I'm not funny enough to come up with any but maybe someone else is.

"You're going home on a fucking Wii Fit board!"

"The Wii U is a bomba! The Wii U is a bomba! Nah nah nah nah! Nah nah nah nah!"


Disclaimer: I have no issue with Nintendo or any of their fine products.


Maturity, bitches.
So shorty, your job is to get us all tickets to E3 so we can chant at the press conference like football hooligans and spin football rattles.

Microsoft would be rather easy. Just chant "Is it Halo? Is it Halo?" every time they are about to announce another title.
The thing that gets me is gamers being fans of corporate suits. Fucking Reggie and Kaz Hirai and Phil Harrison and Peter Moore and all these other soulless goons who I'm embarrassed I know the names of. Liking games is one thing, but having affection or infatuation with these money men is the definition of ridiculous. All those Kaz gifs made me spit acid. Cloying fanboy bullshit.

The Cult of Cerny was quite unsettling for me. Then Knack came out and it simmered down.

I've got to admit, I respect the creativity of the people that make those gifs, even if they are directly used to fuel console wars.

Jedeye Sniv

The Cult of Cerny was quite unsettling for me. Then Knack came out and it simmered down.

I've got to admit, I respect the creativity of the people that make those gifs, even if they are directly used to fuel console wars.

Yeah, def Cerny. People don't know who he is or wtf he really does. Obviously a very smart guy but the reverence for him was bordering on pathetic.

The gif makers were akin to Nazi propagandists, fuck them :p


formerly Oynox Slider
It's not exclusive to gaming though: football, bands, religion, blah blah blah.

I think it was Adam Curtis who said that not too long ago people used to identify themselves with and by their political and/or religious stances, but nowadays, since politics is one meaningless homogenous blob (at least in The West) we do it via cultural artifacts, like the aforementioned bands or football teams or consoles or what not.

He suggests that, even though it's wholly imaginary/arbitrary, these kind of allegiances to things are about identifying with "objects" that reflect and signify who we are, whilst also making people feel part of something.

Or summink.

Or summink :)

Blink Me

"You're going home on a fucking Wii Fit board!"

"The Wii U is a bomba! The Wii U is a bomba! Nah nah nah nah! Nah nah nah nah!"


Disclaimer: I have no issue with Nintendo or any of their fine products.

Good start but there also needs to be chants about banging peoples sisters/mums, chants for your home team (ie console) and maybe running up to people in a shop who are about to buy a Wii U, X box or PS4 and shouting "Wanker, Wanker, Wanker" in their face repeatedly.


venison crêpe
You're welcome. Can I get a tag in return?

Something like

"undeniably the very best poster that has existed ever in the history of existence"?

Well now that you've asked for it, it would be improper to do it. You were so close too.


Maturity, bitches.
Yeah, def Cerny. People don't know who he is or wtf he really does. Obviously a very smart guy but the reverence for him was bordering on pathetic.

Yeah, he's been around for ages but only now is he seen as important. Wonder how many supporters actually knew about him before his Vita/PS4 involvement.

Yeah, I sometimes mess with Reggie shops, but honestly, I just see him as a face of Nintendo to have fun with. Since he's over in America his actual policies don't affect me much.


formerly Oynox Slider
The thing that gets me is gamers being fans of corporate suits. Fucking Reggie and Kaz Hirai and Phil Harrison and Peter Moore and all these other soulless goons who I'm embarrassed I know the names of. Liking games is one thing, but having affection or infatuation with these money men is the definition of ridiculous. All those Kaz gifs made me spit acid. Cloying fanboy bullshit.

It's bizarre. They're businessmen. Their job is to deliver profits to shareholders. They absolutely do not care about games qua games (yes I am pretentious). They care about creativity and enjoyment only to the point it might limit profits. It's a bit like
identifying with a major record label rather than the artist.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Or summink :)

Innit, geez.

Good start but there also needs to be chants about banging peoples sisters/mums, chants for your home team (ie console) and maybe running up to people in a shop who are about to buy a Wii U, X box or PS4 and shouting "Wanker, Wanker, Wanker" in their face repeatedly.

I did the best I could with my limited understanding of football... which begins and ends with Dion "Dube" Dublin.


So shorty, your job is to get us all tickets to E3 so we can chant at the press conference like football hooligans and spin football rattles.

Microsoft would be rather easy. Just chant "Is it Halo? Is it Halo?" every time they are about to announce another title.

This is pretty much what Quiche and I did at Eurogamer to cheer on Coldman at the Mario Kart tournament.

So obnoxious but the most fun I had all weekend


So shorty, your job is to get us all tickets to E3 so we can chant at the press conference like football hooligans and spin football rattles.

Ha, even I have no clue how I managed to pull off getting an industry pass back in 2012 but if I can get a few spare ones in the future then get the scarves and pies ready ;)
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