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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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While the Wii isn't the best console in the world, it irks me when people dismiss the console because it had "waggle!" controls or because it was filled with shovelware. There were plenty of hidden gems. If Nintendo didn't fuck up by marketing the console to the casual market, allowing shitty shovelware and at least released a decent traditional controller then the Wii wouldn't have been a fucking joke. Obviously, it isn't possible to re-capture the NES/SNES days now that Sony and Xbox are in the scene but at least they were trying with the N64 and Gamecube. Those consoles were still good. Basically, if the Wii was the Gamecube 2 with support for motion control it would've been the shit.

Nintendo are definitely in the right mind with introducing innovation to the game industry but they are so bad at implementing it.

VR? Great idea but nobody wants headaches and eye problems.
Motion control? Great idea but no game was able to properly get it to work.
3D in handheld console? Great idea but it felt like a gimmick more than a new way to play games.
Tablet peripheral/merging handheld with console gaming? Interesting idea that might have potential but why the fuck did they market it as a Wii-2? why?! Might as well have called it the Jaguar 2 or the 3DO 2.

The problem with the Wii, and any console with alternative methods of input is not the "gimmick" but the game itself. So many games seem to have suffered because someone feels the need to force in the consoles features. Sometimes it's okay but most of the times it just leaves you with something way less precise then, just pressing a button.

eg zelda

using the wiimote pointer to aim the bow? Good idea
using the wiimotes motion sensor to assign attacking to a flick? Bad Idea
using the nunchuck motion sensor for... anything? atrocious idea and anyone who came up with that probably drowns kittens

In fact, I think the only good use of the wiimote was as a pointer (actually improved a lot of games). Most of the motion part wasn't good until Motion+ which was actually a lot of fun.

also speaking of Classic Controller Pros I have 3 lol got a black one (came with Monster Hunter) a gold one (came with goldeneye (even though the best way to play goldeneye was with the pointer) and a red one (came with xenogears).

Also also I think the wiimote + nunchuck combination was somewhat underrated in regards to comfort, I really liked the freedom they gave my arms when playing something.


South Park Stick of Truth censored in the UK (and Europe).


Assuming this refers to the console versions (EDIT: It is). Hoping the Steam version is still intact.


You got a beast of a PC rig man :p

PC version should be uncut...fingers crossed.

It better be otherwise I'm going to stand next to the counter at game all launch weekend and horrifically rape anyone who buys the game, thus rendering the in-game censorship utterly pointless
It better be otherwise I'm going to stand next to the counter at game all launch weekend and horrifically rape anyone who buys the game, thus rendering the censorship utterly pointless

Or you could protest by performing live abortions in front of the Ubisoft HQ, hurling each half formed fetus at the window.


Maturity, bitches.
First episode of South Park (not counting Jesus vs Santa) was about anal probes. Parent didn't care about me watching it (my dad sometimes even viewed it) and I was like 11. This game is rated 18 and they need to censor it? Wasn't the show a 15 anywho?

Son Of D

I do apologise for the large post, a fair few things to comment on.

I remember him because I was responsible for the Reggie shop of him. ;)

I don't even follow Nintendo fan blogs because they are often terrible. GoNintendo and its anything Nintendo related we must report it philosophy is head ache inducing. Oh look, a man jumped off a tall building to commit suicide and his blood splatter looked a bit like a silhouette of Mario's head! #YouWillSayWow! Maybe it's an American thing because I did find the UK Nintendo mags too often be critical of when Nintendo did bad. Was quite easy back in the day considering what a shambles Nintendo of Europe used to be. R.I.P. NGamer.

You were responsible for that shop. I have to applaud you for that, really well done (also that guy annoyed me from when I lurked).

Honestly, I don't even follow gaming blogs to be honest. I subscribe to a couple of channels on YT and watch a few streams, no blogs though.

WiiU Pro controller is one of the best I've ever held. Love that thing

I have to agree. Thinking about getting the PC adapter to use it for that. Also made Wonderful 101 so good to play (and will be the same for Bayonetta 2).

I am enjoying the PS4 but the tribalism of gaming is irritating (most tribalism is annoying, actually). I don't understand it.

Sony vs MS
Casuals (ugh) vs Hardcore (ugh)
Indie vs AAA
GAF vs IGN / the mainstream media

They're all false dichotomies.

I feel the same. Ok I don't own a PS4 or Xbox One yet but I still try and see it how it is. If any of Sony, MS or Nintendo mess up I won't sugarcoat it. And I won't try and downplay anything good they do. The casual vs hardcore and Indie vs AAA are the worst though. Both sides are just so annoying.

IMO it's because children need to be opposed to something. It was the same when I was 10 and it was SNES vs Mega Drive(l). I think the console wars on GAF are either indicative of the fact that we have a lot of 12 year olds on the board or, more worryingly, that a large portion of the gaming audience is FUCKING STUPID. I'm leaning towards the latter ;)

It's even worse with iOS/Android gaming vs everything else.

It's probably that plus people feeling the need to "justify" their purchase (or future purchase) if that makes sense. Probably don't want their money spent to feel "wasted" because of the opinions of others or something.

Console Wars even as a kid was silly as hell. My friend had a Game Gear and I had the Gameboy. We used to always swap and play whenever we went on trips together. As I grew up I had the 64, my friends had the PSX. I'd go over to theirs and play Tomb Raider and WWF Smackdown, they'd come over to mine and play Mario Kart and Goldeneye. Pretty sad that certain kids would talk shit about video games to justify themselves instead of making friends and...you know..try new things.

See this is what I like. I had the same experiences when younger. Had a PS1 for most of that gen, but playing a friends N64 with him got me to buy one. Playing Goldeneye, Smash or taking it turns in Mario 64 was really good. We did that throughout PS2/GCN/Xbox gen as well and in PS3/360/Wii gen as well. I do that with another friend now, playing his PS4 when I visit and when he comes to mine we mess around on Wii U or something.

The Cult of Cerny was quite unsettling for me. Then Knack came out and it simmered down.

I've got to admit, I respect the creativity of the people that make those gifs, even if they are directly used to fuel console wars.

The gifs can be funny at times, but they get so overblown so quickly. Look at the last Nintendo Direct for example, or that whole Banderas thing before PS4 launched. Just spiraled out of control. Same with the memes around that Twitch Plays Pokemon thing, but that's another topic.

So shorty, your job is to get us all tickets to E3 so we can chant at the press conference like football hooligans and spin football rattles.

Microsoft would be rather easy. Just chant "Is it Halo? Is it Halo?" every time they are about to announce another title.

Well if those leaks are anything to go by we can chant "Halo 2 Remake!" this year, "Fable!" and "Halo 5!" next year and so forth. Also a "What about Vita?" chant when Sony doesn't acknowledge it :(.

South Park Stick of Truth censored in the UK (and Europe).


Assuming this refers to the console versions (EDIT: It is). Hoping the Steam version is still intact.

Well fuck. Was looking to get that on PS3 at some point. Might wait for PC then, or just import.

Jedeye Sniv

I walked a dog and was treated to a heartwarming tale of my friend's sex life. Like, actually. It was very sweet. Been a good night but am tired now.


Nothing much. Just finished watching a round of That 70's Show episodes.
Never actually watched That 70's Show.

I've heard good things about it though.

I walked a dog and was treated to a heartwarming tale of my friend's sex life. Like, actually. It was very sweet. Been a good night but am tired now.
Nothing quite as depressing as hearing about your friends sex life, especially when you're going through a bit of a dry spell yourself. They always tend to exaggerate too.

I've had a haircut and I'm watching football, I should have played Banished instead.
I'm in need of a trim too but I'm feeling like I need a change from the usual number one all over. I need to decide what.

4 more episodes of House of Cards Season 2. So good.
Currently halfway through season one and, good Lord, I'm loving it.


formerly Oynox Slider
So...I'm playing Tomb Raider slowly - exploring everywhere, trying to find everything, getting into the backstory and what not. It's fabulous! I'm really, really enjoying it so far.

Maybe I ruined AC4 for myself a bit by rushing through it, so I've decided not to rush through this. It really does look astonishing, as well. I sit with the lights out with a headset on and it's so immersive.

Jedeye Sniv

Nothing quite as depressing as hearing about your friends sex life, especially when you're going through a bit of a dry spell yourself. They always tend to exaggerate too.

Well it was actually a very sweet and dirty story about a friend getting her groove back after nearly three dry years so I was happy to hear it. She's been through a lot, I'm chuffed for her.

And I wouldn't know about dry spells. Along with figuring out how to cook for one person, it's something I've not worried about since I was 16. #smugmarried

Son Of D

So...I'm playing Tomb Raider slowly - exploring everywhere, trying to find everything, getting into the backstory and what not. It's fabulous! I'm really, really enjoying it so far.

Maybe I ruined AC4 for myself a bit by rushing through it, so I've decided not to rush through this. It really does look astonishing, as well. I sit with the lights out with a headset on and it's so immersive.

Rushing games is a big no no for me. I've turned myself off many games doing that because of backlog. Only game I "rush through" is Devil May Cry because I like trying to beat my times (plus it's the only game I consider myself good at so I milk that skill :p).

Tomb Raider is a neat game though, I still prefer the older ones but honestly, this new one ain't that bad. When I get a PS4 I'd imagine it'll be cheap so that can be a good game to keep me satisfied as I wait for whatever I want to get released.
Rushing games is a big no no for me. I've turned myself off many games doing that because of backlog. Only game I "rush through" is Devil May Cry because I like trying to beat my times (plus it's the only game I consider myself good at so I milk that skill :p).

Tomb Raider is a neat game though, I still prefer the older ones but honestly, this new one ain't that bad. When I get a PS4 I'd imagine it'll be cheap so that can be a good game to keep me satisfied as I wait for whatever I want to get released.

Just finished TR tonight, pretty good! One thing I will say: there should've been more tombs! I made sure to do them all as I was going along, and they were probably my favourite bits. Just simple puzzles, but fun. I like that stuff better than all the shooty-bang stuff.

Jedeye Sniv

Seasons instead of series? When have we started turning into a bunch of Richard Hammond's.

Season is a good word though, it denotes a specific length of time. Series works well when talking about the entirety of a programme, but I think Season is an acceptable transatlantic import.


Howdy y'all. I have nothing of substance to add whatsoever, but thought I'd pop in anyway.

I feel like I'm stuck in a holding pattern waiting for the baby at the moment. It's kinda bumming me out to be honest. Every day is a blur of work, wait, sleep, work, wait, sleep. Sigh.


formerly Oynox Slider
Rushing games is a big no no for me. I've turned myself off many games doing that because of backlog. Only game I "rush through" is Devil May Cry because I like trying to beat my times (plus it's the only game I consider myself good at so I milk that skill :p).

Tomb Raider is a neat game though, I still prefer the older ones but honestly, this new one ain't that bad. When I get a PS4 I'd imagine it'll be cheap so that can be a good game to keep me satisfied as I wait for whatever I want to get released.

I wonder if it's something to do with me mostly playing arcade style games. I'm used to score chasing, not stories!

It looks astonishing on the PS4 though. I uses to stick my nose up at the 60/30 fps fanaticism, but the fluidity of it is really something.


formerly Oynox Slider
Just finished TR tonight, pretty good! One thing I will say: there should've been more tombs! I made sure to do them all as I was going along, and they were probably my favourite bits. Just simple puzzles, but fun. I like that stuff better than all the shooty-bang stuff.

I've just done the one tomb so far (tomb of the adventurer) but it was fun. Quick question...

although I got the treasure, it's still showing as incomplete. Is that because I was 'missing gear' to open a certain door in there?


formerly Oynox Slider
Howdy y'all. I have nothing of substance to add whatsoever, but thought I'd pop in anyway.

I feel like I'm stuck in a holding pattern waiting for the baby at the moment. It's kinda bumming me out to be honest. Every day is a blur of work, wait, sleep, work, wait, sleep. Sigh.

3 posts in a row (sorry, phone)

I'd say enjoy it while you can, but I hate it when people say that to me. But, erm, enjoy it while you can?

My only contribution of note is "swimming pools full of liquor and you diiiive in, pools full of liquor and you diiiive in" . It's wedged in my brain.


Danganronpa maybe be possibly the best looking game on the vita (sadly not a hard feat to achieve despite the hardware). So much style, it obviously lacked a budget to rival Uncharted or Killzone or whatever, but it used that to its advantage and didn't feel the need to resort to faux 8/16-bit that's currently in vogue.

Jedeye Sniv

Howdy y'all. I have nothing of substance to add whatsoever, but thought I'd pop in anyway.

I feel like I'm stuck in a holding pattern waiting for the baby at the moment. It's kinda bumming me out to be honest. Every day is a blur of work, wait, sleep, work, wait, sleep. Sigh.

be prepared to remove 'sleep' from that list in a couple of weeks then! And you can replace 'wait' with 'clean up shit' or 'listen to crying'. Enjoy the sleep while you still can fella!


formerly Oynox Slider
Danganronpa maybe be possibly the best looking game on the vita (sadly not a hard feat to achieve despite the hardware). So much style, it obviously lacked a budget to rival Uncharted or Killzone or whatever, but it used that to its advantage and didn't feel the need to resort to faux 8/16-bit that's currently in vogue.


It's obviously TxK.

(not played dangan and prob won't - Persona 4 G irritated the hell out of me)



It's obviously TxK.

(not played dangan and prob won't - Persona 4 G irritated the hell out of me)

wow, terrible, throw your vita away, buy a tiger electronic or something

but seriously, DanganRonpa isn't really anything like Persona 4. Closer to Ace Attorney more than anything.


formerly Oynox Slider
wow, terrible, throw your vita away, buy a tiger electronic or something

but seriously, DanganRonpa isn't really anything like Persona 4. Closer to Ace Attorney more than anything.

I know. I am a heathen!

It's more to do with the chirpy/cartoony style of the games. It just alienates me, even if there is a darker subtext.
Went to see The Monuments Men last night.

It's not that great. There's something about the film, it feels sort of contrived it's hard to explain. My eyelids were getting heavy during bits of the film as well and that almost never happens to me in the cinema.

Also Sploat, if you didn't like Persona 4 I regret to inform you that you are indeed a top pleb who obviously can't appreciate the high art of a Waifu simulator.


I know. I am a heathen!

It's more to do with the chirpy/cartoony style of the games. It just alienates me, even if there is a darker subtext.

well its not just the subtext, danganronpa's theme is despair and it does a really good way of showing that in the art and still manages remain colourful and not grimdark.


I haven't played my Vita for 3 or 4 days because me 'n' the missus are marathoning The Walking Dead. It's killing me. It's just sitting there in its cradle, being the greatest gaming device ever to have existed. Once we finish TWD tonight, I'm binging on OLED goodness.

3 posts in a row (sorry, phone)

I'd say enjoy it while you can, but I hate it when people say that to me. But, erm, enjoy it while you can?

My only contribution of note is "swimming pools full of liquor and you diiiive in, pools full of liquor and you diiiive in" . It's wedged in my brain.
Everyone says 'enjoy it while you can', but it's really difficult to enjoy 'normal' life any more than I normally do. I can't appreciate what I've got right now because I haven't lost it yet!

A swimming pool full of liquor sounds really good right now.

be prepared to remove 'sleep' from that list in a couple of weeks then! And you can replace 'wait' with 'clean up shit' or 'listen to crying'. Enjoy the sleep while you still can fella!
I'll take the sleepless nights and the hair-pulling frustration over this limbo thing that's going on at the moment. I feel like I'm putting my life on hold for no good reason. There's nothing to do but wait, so I need to pull my head out of my arse and get on with normal things. It doesn't help that despite my best wishes, all I seem to talk about is babies lately. I'm boring myself shitless, let alone those around me.

Still, we have a date of March 9th for an induction (if the baby waits that long), so at least the end is in sight. Or the beginning. Or the beginning of the end.


formerly Oynox Slider
Went to see The Monuments Men last night.

It's not that great. There's something about the film, it feels sort of contrived it's hard to explain. My eyelids were getting heavy during bits of the film as well and that almost never happens to me in the cinema.

Also Sploat, if you didn't like Persona 4 I regret to inform you that you are indeed a top pleb who obviously can't appreciate the high art of a Waifu simulator.

Pls imagine that I've just posted a GIF of Mugatu saying "I feel like I've taken crazy pills!"


formerly Oynox Slider
well its not just the subtext, danganronpa's theme is despair and it does a really good way of showing that in the art and still manages remain colourful and not grimdark.

That's cool, I just like things grimdark. If I haven't been harrowed, I'm not happy.
I've just done the one tomb so far (tomb of the adventurer) but it was fun. Quick question...

although I got the treasure, it's still showing as incomplete. Is that because I was 'missing gear' to open a certain door in there?

I have to admit, I was under the impression that finding the treasure constituted 'completing' the tomb, so I'm a bit confused about that...

I guess it only ticks it off when you collect everything from the tomb!

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Well that was mildly frustrating, can't believe I didn't get to post in that Cyanide meltdown thread

the ice slipping thread, obviously mikeside


Well that was mildly frustrating, can't believe I didn't get to post in that Cyanide meltdown thread

the ice slipping thread, obviously mikeside

had to look for this before you edit (grr) but man this thread is hilarious. brightening up my work day.
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