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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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This had just been on the radio:
Scanty Sandwich - Because of You
Mint tune in the sunshine.
Haha, awks post is awks. Me reading it:

Work is slow as shit sliding down a wall this week.
I prefer the term "dragging like snail's balls".
Been watching some Louis Theroux documentaries.

They're really good at highlighting the surreal and absurd. Just watched the one about the facility for paedophiles in America. There's a bit where it shows the inmates putting up decorations for Halloween and it cuts to a group of them around a piano performing the theme tune from the Adam's Family, complete with clicking fingers.

Another example.


The bit where it cuts to the woman with the baby is perhaps the best piece of editing I have ever seen.


I thought about calling her Lottie Gary Turner RTS Smoky, but her mum doesn't like it :(

She's going to help me finally restore the RTS in a few years, she just doesn't know it yet.

Ha haa! Nope. That's just one of those projects that isn't meant to be finished.


I'll be waiting for a photo of her leaning against your bike leaning against a wall in the Bicycle Age thread. Your absence recently has been noted.


Yeah daps, Louis' production team is amazing. And that dude is fucking batshit.

"They're gonna eat your babies!"

Dude, what?

We need some more from that guy, he's one of the finest journalists in the world. I love how he lulls people into a false sense of security with his "harmless, bumbling British idiot" act then cuts straight through their barriers and gets such revealing responses. He's a genius.
oh man I love that gif so much!
That dog was blatantly watching smut, filthy pup.


Thank you very much y'all. It's a pleasure sharing the news :)

First day of fatherhood was a blast. All the cliches are true, it's just indescribable. We're very lucky because so far, she's been a model baby. No problems feeding or dumping, all her reflexes are bang on. Hearing and vision are fine. She's a good girl. She's not too hot on her Moses basket, much preferring human contact, but she did sleep nicely last night (eventually). I slept like shit because I was constantly listening to her breathing and counting down the minutes to her next feed, but that was just a 'first night' thing, I reckon. I'll relax more over the coming weeks, or pass out from exhaustion at least.

We had a lovely evening together last night. Packed Mrs Smoky off to bed after a feed and me and kiddy watched Top Gear. Well, half of it anyway. Halfway through she let rip with an adult-sized wet fart that shook the walls. She'd dropped her first proper load. Still the tarry black stuff, but a quantity that I'd have snapped before flushing if it was mine. She gave me a couple of 'heh, parenthood' moments last night. I'd just finished cleaning up after the huge shit and I was gently sliding a new nappy under her as she decided it was time for round two. Explosive black shit all over my hand. Nice. Then as I was cleaning that mess up, she decided it was probably a good time to puke whilst she lay on her back. Between rolling her on her side and grabbing something to wipe her little chops with, I got another handful of shit. Cheers, kid.

With a fresh nappy, vest, and sleep suit back on I picked her up and cuddled her for a bit. She opened her eyes and was looking straight into mine (as much as a baby can see, anyway) and she was calm as a Hindu cow. It was an amazing feeling looking back down at her. We came through it together and we shared a little 'moment'. Intense shit. Really made me feel like her dad for the first time. Again, indescribable.

We'll see how the next few weeks and months go. I know things are going to get harder and I know I need to catch some sleep before too long, but I wouldn't trade these moments for all the hookers in Paris.

I'm also rapidly finding out that no matter how many muslins you own, there's never one of the fuckers around when you need one. Think I'm gonna start wearing one as a du-rag.

City. They were great, staff and facilities. No complaints at all. Really impressed with the care they gave us, even though they were busy as fuck. Good luck!

I thought about calling her Lottie Gary Turner RTS Smoky, but her mum doesn't like it :(

She's going to help me finally restore the RTS in a few years, she just doesn't know it yet.

Sounds like you got this, you already got through the hard part for some - bonding. Best time ever those first few days, all you believe to be true turned on its head and a renewed drive to survive and make this little person happy :)

City was great for my boy (waterbirth), having a girl this time and it's a relief to hear they're still ace. Cheers for the luck, I'd say the same but again, you got this!
You know, he has a western themed web series that's actually shot on 16mm film? I never thought doing that for a "just for fun" web show was even a thing.


Also just rewatched Demolition Man. Still an enjoyable movie.

Demolition Man is great.

More of a comedy than an action film but I think it gets the balance right.

Sandra Bullock's best film I think (though Gravity is now a contender)

Myself I just finished watching Master and Commander. That film... the trivia page for it on iMDB is pretty incredible. Russell Crowe learned to play the violin specifically for that movie, the guy is dedicated as fuck.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Dear BritGAF, I have made an OKCupid Profile

My life is now over



CHEEZMO™;104157492 said:
I know your pain bro
You'll be knee deep in clunge in no time at all.

Doubt it, think I'll keep the account for a bit, all the girls are way too hot in my area.. Don't think I'm ballsy enough to send any messages out or anything

Blink Me

Dear BritGAF, I have made an OKCupid Profile

My life is now over

POF seems to be more popular in the UK but both give me serious ball ache. Its much easier going out and meeting people face to face. But maybe I look butters in my pictures. Also if you have tattoos, piercings or love "banter" you are in with the POF girls.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Aww Tashy boy. You will find love one of these days in a toilet cubicle I'm sure of it.

Let's delve into Tashbrooke, what you your idea partner be like?
Someone who is fun, cute and has good taste in music and stuff... Dunno really

I think I'm gonna delete the account...

POF seems to be more popular in the UK but both give me serious ball ache. Its much easier going out and meeting people face to face. But maybe I look butters in my pictures. Also if you have tattoos, piercings or love "banter" you are in with the POF girls.

Ehhhhhh, I'll check it out but I don't want anyoe I know to see it from work or anything ;_;


Someone who is fun, cute and has good taste in music and stuff... Dunno really

I think I'm gonna delete the account...


Ehhhhhh, I'll check it out but I don't want anyoe I know to see it from work or anything ;_;

Who gives a fuck if somebody sees your profile?


Maturity, bitches.
Maybe I should make one of this OKC profiles but slap a million warning signals on it such as views anime and no dogs.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving

Jedeye Sniv

Someone who is fun, cute and has good taste in music and stuff... Dunno really

I think I'm gonna delete the account...


Ehhhhhh, I'll check it out but I don't want anyoe I know to see it from work or anything ;_;

Don't delete it you big soppy vagina! Get on that shit, meet some lovely folks.

edit: we can help you fill it in if you want, tell us what you're writing


Is it worth paying for OKCupid? They have a tab that says "who likes you" which says like 6 people liked my profile or whatever, is it just one of those usual scams to get you to pay or are there really 6 people that liked my profile?


Knows the Score
Maybe I should make one of this OKC profiles but slap a million warning signals on it such as views anime and no dogs.


Is it worth paying for OKCupid? They have a tab that says "who likes you" which says like 6 people liked my profile or whatever, is it just one of those usual scams to get you to pay or are there really 6 people that liked my profile?

More likely that six people licked your profile. OKCupid seems to be mostly full of weird people.

Blink Me

More likely that six people licked your profile. OKCupid seems to be mostly full of weird people.

I tend to find them more "quirky". I think if you pay for okcupid you just show up on searches at the top. To be honest even though I've had a few dates from online dating I've found its hurt my self esteem more than helped it. The only reason I use it is because my mates don't go out clubbing as much anymore.

Jedeye Sniv

What with being in a relationship my entire adult life I never got to use online dating, I feel like I missed out. Part of me wants to make a fake account to test the waters, but I don't think my fragile ego could take the battering. And I think the mrs might have something to say about it. I just want people to say nice things to me... *boohoo*


formerly Oynox Slider
Don't delete it you big soppy vagina! Get on that shit, meet some lovely folks.

edit: we can help you fill it in if you want, tell us what you're writing


On a separate topic, what album do you always find yourself listening to, regardless of what you're into at the moment?

I always seem to go back to my record of Schubert's 9th symphony. It's my comfort food. What about you?

Blink Me

What with being in a relationship my entire adult life I never got to use online dating, I feel like I missed out. Part of me wants to make a fake account to test the waters, but I don't think my fragile ego could take the battering. And I think the mrs might have something to say about it. I just want people to say nice things to me... *boohoo*

You're really not missing out.


Knows the Score

On a separate topic, what album do you always find yourself listening to, regardless of what you're into at the moment?

I always seem to go back to my record of Schubert's 9th symphony. It's my comfort food. What about you?

Autechre - Oversteps
Blanck Mass - Blanck Mass

Usually somewhere around 4.5 here :

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