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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Congrats Dave! Hope theres room in your heart for two champions.


Thank you so much peeps! I feel amazing for a dude that's slept for about half an hour in the last three days.

Here's my baby:


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I think the only thing they had in common was a character called Stanley Ipkiss and that scene with the mechanics getting buggered. The movie should totally have had that big guy in it.

Walter? Hell yeah, he was awesome. I loved the fact that, after all the trouble he went to to get it, when he finally does, the Mask doesn't fit! XD

Should've had the girl, too. She was after all the main character, ferrchrisakes.


I recall a big guy in the TV show.

EDIT: Holy shit, according to wiki there was a Joker/Mask crossover.

EDIT: Awwwwwww cute Vita baby!

Jedeye Sniv

Walter? Hell yeah, he was awesome. I loved the fact that, after all the trouble he went to to get it, when he finally does, the Mask doesn't fit! XD

Should've had the girl, too. She was after all the main character, ferrchrisakes.

Yeah I think that's what Diaz was meant to be, only they removed every part of her character. But let's be honest, Diaz was good enough in the movie. And by good enough I mean I masturbated to her for the entirety of my teenage years.

I recall a big guy in the TV show.

EDIT: Holy shit, according to wiki there was a Joker/Mask crossover.

EDIT: Awwwwwww cute Vita baby!

Oh wow I bet that crossover sucks! haha

Funny though, Doug Manke is a pretty big deal in comics right now, I wish he'd go back and do some new Mask stuff.

There was another book he and Arcudi did with DC called Major Bummer that everyone should read if they can track down a copy. It was like the Mask but with superheroes and was pretty mad iirc.

It's been a while since I've seen it, but I do NOT remember this scene o_O

The muffler scene! In the comics they've got spanners in their head and blood everywhere - it's a bit more cartoony in the movie though.

Mr. Sam

Nice Vita, Dave - congratulations. I tried to play a few rounds of Everybody's Golf at work today but my Vita wouldn't turn on. Hopefully it's just the battery and nothing more serious. It's just one of those profound fears that only we, as Vita owners, understand.


Nice Vita, Dave - congratulations. I tried to play a few rounds of Everybody's Golf at work today but my Vita wouldn't turn on. Hopefully it's just the battery and nothing more serious. It's just one of those profound fears that only we, as Vita owners, understand.

I've never had an issue with my Vita other than a problem where I bought a 3rd party charger for at my work. When I charge with that one, the touch screen stops working.

Freaked me out until I realized it was the charger to blame. I thought my unit was toast


Nice Vita, Dave - congratulations. I tried to play a few rounds of Everybody's Golf at work today but my Vita wouldn't turn on. Hopefully it's just the battery and nothing more serious. It's just one of those profound fears that only we, as Vita owners, understand.

It does this to me, if the battery is run down it acts like it's bricked until it's been on charge for a while.

Son Of D

Late to say this but congratulations on the child Dave. Things have been quite good for members of BritGAF so far in 2014 it seems.

On another bright note, finally got an English course sorted out. Starts next Wednesday (actual start that is. The assessment was today). Was a little more complicated than it needed to be to get going.
Doess anyone know any good podcasts / audiobooks? I've got a couple of long (~4hr) drives this weekend.

I've already listened to every XFM / Pilkington podcas
...and I still can't comprehend the huge international popularity behind Captain America. Out of all the superheroes movies out there I always considered him to be the cheesiest, most nauseatingly patriotic superhero that would only be liked by blindly patriotic flag-waving twats. Maybe it's the movies...I haven't seen the new movies so I don't know how good they are.

Good Cap writers understand he supports the American ideal, rather than blindly supporting whoever holds the offices of power. This has been a theme going back to the 70s. The Winter Soldier movie will probably expand on this, going by what I've seen (just the first trailer).

I kind of wish they'd kept him dead after Civil War though. I really enjoyed the fallout from his death. The MU was a scary place after Stark won the War.

Doess anyone know any good podcasts / audiobooks? I've got a couple of long (~4hr) drives this weekend.

I've already listened to every XFM / Pilkington podcas

I LOVE audiobooks and dramas. If you're looking for a free podcast, can recommend The Thrilling Adventure Hour, great spoof of old radio shows with tons of geeky guests over the years.

If you want to spend money, there's an Audible subscription as an option. I have one, it's great for sampling lots of books but their audio quality has always been a little dodgy. The Game of Thrones audios are superb, and are worth listening to for hearing one guy do 100+ voices (I think it's a Guinness World Record). Wheel of Time ones are quite good too, particularly the ones with multiple narrators.

I like GraphicAudio's stuff a lot, it's a hybrid between an audiobook and a play. Ones I really liked:
Mistborn: The Final Empire - Part One
Marvel Universe: Civil War
Batman: No Man's Land - Part One (Highly Recommended, sogood.gif)
Joe Rogan Experience, the ones with Bill Burr and Doug Stanhope in particular.

Stanhope's good, will check.


I LOVE audiobooks and dramas. If you're looking for a free podcast, can recommend The Thrilling Adventure Hour, great spoof of old radio shows with tons of geeky guests over the years.

If you want to spend money, there's an Audible subscription as an option. I have one, it's great for sampling lots of books but their audio quality has always been a little dodgy. The Game of Thrones audios are superb, and are worth listening to for hearing one guy do 100+ voices (I think it's a Guinness World Record). Wheel of Time ones are quite good too, particularly the ones with multiple narrators.

I like GraphicAudio's stuff a lot, it's a hybrid between an audiobook and a play. Ones I really liked:
Mistborn: The Final Empire - Part One
Marvel Universe: Civil War
Batman: No Man's Land - Part One (Highly Recommended, sogood.gif)

I'd rather not spend money if poss (perennial penny-pincher). I do like Audible though, and actually I signed up when doing a long drive in Feb because they had an offer of a free audiobook download. I already used it on the Morrissey autobiography though (I'm not even kidding, sploatee is going to shout at me again).

I already saw the Game of Throne's TV show so I guess I spoiled that for myself? I've heard that the books are better, but I don't know if I'll be able to get into it when I know what's going to happen.

I'll check out that GraphicAudio stuff though. Is it like a radio play type thing? I quite like that kind of thing, they do 'em on Radio 4 sometimes.

Jedeye Sniv

Doess anyone know any good podcasts / audiobooks? I've got a couple of long (~4hr) drives this weekend.

I've already listened to every XFM / Pilkington podcas

For interviews I like Marc Maron and Richard Herring - the latter in particular gets lots of good English comics on there. I listen to Keith and the Girl all the time but that only has a few eps available in the feed at any one time, often very funny but takes a bit of getting into. There's a pod called Tell Em Steve Dave that I really like, it's by some guys who are friends with Kevin Smith but even if you don't like him they're very funny and likable. Same for What Say You which has the guys from Impractical Jokers (US not the shitty UK one). Also a good general one is Good Job Brain which is a trivia quiz show.
For interviews I like Marc Maron and Richard Herring - the latter in particular gets lots of good English comics on there. I listen to Keith and the Girl all the time but that only has a few eps available in the feed at any one time, often very funny but takes a bit of getting into. There's a pod called Tell Em Steve Dave that I really like, it's by some guys who are friends with Kevin Smith but even if you don't like him they're very funny and likable. Same for What Say You which has the guys from Impractical Jokers (US not the shitty UK one). Also a good general one is Good Job Brain which is a trivia quiz show.

Cheers for the tips, I'll do some downloadin'.

Except for Richard Herring. I'm a big fan (since TMWRNJ!) so I've already seen / heard pretty much everything he's ever done. As It Occurs To Me and his Leicester Square Theatre / Edinburgh Fringe Podcasts are all ace, but I've already listened to them all twice!
Speaking of which, the new series of Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle is good. Chris Morris of Brass Eye fame interviews him on the show too.


I tested out the new BBC iplayer today and boy is it a steaming pile of poop. They've made it more complicated and slower to favourite shows you want and to see what shows are expiring. I hope they fix it before they change it permanently.


Maturity, bitches.
I tested out the new BBC iplayer today and boy is it a steaming pile of poop. They've made it more complicated and slower to favourite shows you want and to see what shows are expiring. I hope they fix it before they change it permanently.
Gave it a quick butchers. At least they've made the video size bigger. Found it annoying when they got rid of that option for no reason ages ago.

Jedeye Sniv

Cheers for the tips, I'll do some downloadin'.

Except for Richard Herring. I'm a big fan (since TMWRNJ!) so I've already seen / heard pretty much everything he's ever done. As It Occurs To Me and his Leicester Square Theatre / Edinburgh Fringe Podcasts are all ace, but I've already listened to them all twice!

Oh neat! I love how we've got a few Lee and Herring fans in here, BGAF got taste. I'm off to see Herring next week in my local venue (ego-fuelled aside: I'm going to try and get a pic with him standing in front of my gig poster :p)

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Oh neat! I love how we've got a few Lee and Herring fans in here, BGAF got taste. I'm off to see Herring next week in my local venue (ego-fuelled aside: I'm going to try and get a pic with him standing in front of my gig poster :p)

Did you watch last week's episode of Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle? I nearly shat myself laughing.


Thank you very much y'all. It's a pleasure sharing the news :)

First day of fatherhood was a blast. All the cliches are true, it's just indescribable. We're very lucky because so far, she's been a model baby. No problems feeding or dumping, all her reflexes are bang on. Hearing and vision are fine. She's a good girl. She's not too hot on her Moses basket, much preferring human contact, but she did sleep nicely last night (eventually). I slept like shit because I was constantly listening to her breathing and counting down the minutes to her next feed, but that was just a 'first night' thing, I reckon. I'll relax more over the coming weeks, or pass out from exhaustion at least.

We had a lovely evening together last night. Packed Mrs Smoky off to bed after a feed and me and kiddy watched Top Gear. Well, half of it anyway. Halfway through she let rip with an adult-sized wet fart that shook the walls. She'd dropped her first proper load. Still the tarry black stuff, but a quantity that I'd have snapped before flushing if it was mine. She gave me a couple of 'heh, parenthood' moments last night. I'd just finished cleaning up after the huge shit and I was gently sliding a new nappy under her as she decided it was time for round two. Explosive black shit all over my hand. Nice. Then as I was cleaning that mess up, she decided it was probably a good time to puke whilst she lay on her back. Between rolling her on her side and grabbing something to wipe her little chops with, I got another handful of shit. Cheers, kid.

With a fresh nappy, vest, and sleep suit back on I picked her up and cuddled her for a bit. She opened her eyes and was looking straight into mine (as much as a baby can see, anyway) and she was calm as a Hindu cow. It was an amazing feeling looking back down at her. We came through it together and we shared a little 'moment'. Intense shit. Really made me feel like her dad for the first time. Again, indescribable.

We'll see how the next few weeks and months go. I know things are going to get harder and I know I need to catch some sleep before too long, but I wouldn't trade these moments for all the hookers in Paris.

I'm also rapidly finding out that no matter how many muslins you own, there's never one of the fuckers around when you need one. Think I'm gonna start wearing one as a du-rag.

Congrats Dave, she's a cutie. Did you go City or QMC? Expecting no 2 in May and have heard horror stories about Queens.
City. They were great, staff and facilities. No complaints at all. Really impressed with the care they gave us, even though they were busy as fuck. Good luck!

Bravo, Smoky..!
Get GT into her name somehow...
I thought about calling her Lottie Gary Turner RTS Smoky, but her mum doesn't like it :(

She's going to help me finally restore the RTS in a few years, she just doesn't know it yet.

Jedeye Sniv

That's an awesome story Dave. Love and shit, that's what babies are. I like how men and women have such different experiences and thoughts as new parents.
Thank you very much y'all. It's a pleasure sharing the news :)

First day of fatherhood was a blast. All the cliches are true, it's just indescribable. We're very lucky because so far, she's been a model baby. No problems feeding or dumping, all her reflexes are bang on. Hearing and vision are fine. She's a good girl. She's not too hot on her Moses basket, much preferring human contact, but she did sleep nicely last night (eventually). I slept like shit because I was constantly listening to her breathing and counting down the minutes to her next feed, but that was just a 'first night' thing, I reckon. I'll relax more over the coming weeks, or pass out from exhaustion at least.

We had a lovely evening together last night. Packed Mrs Smoky off to bed after a feed and me and kiddy watched Top Gear. Well, half of it anyway. Halfway through she let rip with an adult-sized wet fart that shook the walls. She'd dropped her first proper load. Still the tarry black stuff, but a quantity that I'd have snapped before flushing if it was mine. She gave me a couple of 'heh, parenthood' moments last night. I'd just finished cleaning up after the huge shit and I was gently sliding a new nappy under her as she decided it was time for round two. Explosive black shit all over my hand. Nice. Then as I was cleaning that mess up, she decided it was probably a good time to puke whilst she lay on her back. Between rolling her on her side and grabbing something to wipe her little chops with, I got another handful of shit. Cheers, kid.

With a fresh nappy, vest, and sleep suit back on I picked her up and cuddled her for a bit. She opened her eyes and was looking straight into mine (as much as a baby can see, anyway) and she was calm as a Hindu cow. It was an amazing feeling looking back down at her. We came through it together and we shared a little 'moment'. Intense shit. Really made me feel like her dad for the first time. Again, indescribable.

We'll see how the next few weeks and months go. I know things are going to get harder and I know I need to catch some sleep before too long, but I wouldn't trade these moments for all the hookers in Paris.

I'm also rapidly finding out that no matter how many muslins you own, there's never one of the fuckers around when you need one. Think I'm gonna start wearing one as a du-rag.

This is amazing, I love the detail you've gone into.

I expect daily reports just like this for the foreseeable future.


She opened her eyes and was looking straight into mine (as much as a baby can see, anyway) and she was calm as a Hindu cow. It was an amazing feeling looking back down at her. We came through it together and we shared a little 'moment'. Intense shit. Really made me feel like her dad for the first time. Again, indescribable.
FFS Dave, I was laughing and smiling up until this point then you go and kick me in the feels. I can't wait for that moment man, the poor tot will be showered in tears!
I like how men and women have such different experiences and thoughts as new parents.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Dave, you got a pretty mouth. You seem to be taking to it really well. If Evy shat on my hand I'd have thrown her in disgust. XD

Yo yo yo.

No I didn't in the end. I flaked out a couple of hours before. I just couldn't get enough strength together.

Fair enough. Awww, it's a shame though. I can be a Dr Phil-esque Life Coach for you, if you like? Just pull my ring and I spout motivational... uh... phra... ses...

...wait, that doesn't sound right. Not right AT ALL.

Mr. Sam

Parenthood sounds about as poop-filled as I'd expect. Though Dave should probably be thankful he had a girl - I pissed square in my dad's face within my first few days. Apparently.

I've never had an issue with my Vita other than a problem where I bought a 3rd party charger for at my work. When I charge with that one, the touch screen stops working.

Freaked me out until I realized it was the charger to blame. I thought my unit was toast

It does this to me, if the battery is run down it acts like it's bricked until it's been on charge for a while.

Terrifying, isn't it?


formerly Oynox Slider
Fair enough. Awww, it's a shame though. I can be a Dr Phil-esque Life Coach for you, if you like? Just pull my ring and I spout motivational... uh... phra... ses...

...wait, that doesn't sound right. Not right AT ALL.

I know. I pulled out of (overshare alert)
group therapy
on Tuesday too. I dunno. I've got a feeling things are getting better, I've just not reached the tipping point yet.

Thanks though :)

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I know. I pulled out of (overshare alert)
group therapy
on Tuesday too. I dunno. I've got a feeling things are getting better, I've just not reached the tipping point yet.

Thanks though :)

Fair enough. Last bit seems positive!

Also, where is your new avatar from?

Mr. Sam

Work is slow as shit sliding down a wall this week, which is bizarre because it was busy enough to drive me to madness last week. I played a few holes on Everybody's Golf but then got scared that Somebody Important might walk in so I turned it off. Well, put it on standby.
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