There is however little evidence that this actually took place, or that use of lethal gas was used or even considered.
why u only quote that? come on dude,you remember me these people who rest importance to the nazi massacres,they have a name you know?
After the war, the Royal Air Force dropped mustard gas on Bolshevik troops in 1919, and Winston Churchill, secretary of state for war and air, suggested that the RAF use it in Iraq in 1920 during a major revolt there; see Alleged British use of gas in Mesopotamia in 1920. Historians are divided as to whether or not gas was in fact used.[1]
Churchill suggested that chemical weapons should be used against recalcitrant Arabs as an experiment. He added: I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes to spread a lively terror in Iraq
Britain had used gas weapons in the Middle East before, most notably in the Second Battle of Gaza against Ottoman forces in World War I. On that occasion, the use of gas did not prevent a British military defeat.
yeah im sure there is little evidence,britain knows how to make that happen
so rule britannia.... its funny you are talking about the credibility of other users on this thread