Faizah Shaheen, a psychotherapist in Leeds, was detained by police at Doncaster airport on 25 July, on her return from her honeymoon in Turkey. A Thomson Airways cabin-crew member had reported Shaheen on her outbound flight two weeks earlier, as she was reading the title Syria Speaks: Art and Culture from the Frontline.
Police officers questioned Shaheen for 15 minutes under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act, under which the police can detain individuals without grounds for suspicion of involvement in criminal activities, including terrorism.
Source is The Guardian
As a brown skinned person, this is one of the reason's I don't fly out to visit my family in the states anymore. I have been detained myself when I was 16 for some minutes for having "suspicious" items in my bag.
Every-time I have traveled since then, I have been "randomly" checked