GrEeN89 said:
Round Two
The Buffy Big Bads vs The Angel Big Bads remember everyone is at par. [/B]
The Mayor (in either Forms) VS The Beast
Haven't seen the Beast yet (c'mon Season 4, hit DVD already!), but the Mayor was just a giant snake. Ascension my white hairy ass. Beast.
Holtz VS Kokisstoff
Kakistos, not Kokisstoff. Kakistos was a tough vamp, but Holtz brought down several hundred vampires (according to W&H's files). Holtz would probably take Kakistos.
Angelus VS Glory
If Angelus could survive a fight with Glory long enough for her to turn back into Ben momentarily, he'd win. But Glory was always getting weaker the closer she got to the deadline. Glory when she first appeared would have easily killed Buffy and Angel at the same time if she had no interest in keeping them alive. Tough call, I'd give the edge to Glory.
Lindsey VS Evil Spike
Evil Spike. Lindsey's a pretender. He wussed out on being evil.
Sahjhan vs The First
Given how everyone says The First Evil was written to be weak (haven't seen Season 7 yet), I guess you'd have to go with Sahjhan. Besides, he owned Angel easily and wasn't even killed--merely contained--by Justine. Add that to the fact that he was powerful enough to manipulate the Prophecy through time travel and you've got a badass mofo.
Cyrus Vail VS Evil Willow
No idea who Cyrus is, going with Willow again. Lest we all forget she almost brought the end of the world?
Dru VS Darla
Darla, Dru was too stupid.
Crazy just lost Fred Wesley VS The Master
The Master is an ancient vampire. Wesley using magic might be able to take him, tough call. I'd have to give the edge to The Master.