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Buffy vs Angel

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+1 Angel

I preferred the Darker atmosphere and the cast of Angel really grew on me. Angel i felt the chracters matured more while in buffy they changed their apearance and sexual orientation but never really grew through experiance. Buffy jumped the shark around the time Willow became a lesbo.

Angel also had Badass wesley.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Angel. In retrospect, I realized the only seasons of Buffy I really enjoyed were the first three whereas I enjoyed every season of Angel.


+1 Angel

I preferred the Darker atmosphere and the cast of Angel really grew on me. Angel i felt the chracters matured more while in buffy they changed their apearance and sexual orientation but never really grew through experiance. Buffy jumped the shark around the time Willow became a lesbo.

Angel also had Badass wesley.

That sums it up very well. Somewhere inbetween Seth Green leaving and Willow going lesbian is where Buffy really lost it.

Angel never lost it for me and the characters that they added over the years actually helped instead of hindered the show. Fred is the hottness, angst-Wesley is the badassnessersomething.
etiolate said:
That sums it up very well. Somewhere inbetween Seth Green leaving and Willow going lesbian is where Buffy really lost it.

Angel never lost it for me and the characters that they added over the years actually helped instead of hindered the show. Fred is the hottness, angst-Wesley is the badassnessersomething.

yea Buffy started going dowhill during the season 3 finale. I felt the whole show became to jaded for its own good.

Season 6 and 7 were just train wrecks season 6 especially
Just watched through season 5 again thanks to dvds. Jesus it was a good season. I take back my season 2 is #1 award. Upon re-watching I know can appreciate season 5 for all it is. There really wasnt one bad episode. And illyria rocks. Spike rocked, rockage! ROkxxxx

Buffy started going downhill when Marti SEXNOXXXXX took over with her crap writing.

I also loved the 'world of nothing but shrimp' running gag, and how it was used in angel season 5. The writing in 5 was fucking amazing, and the fight scenes trumped all.
Season 5 was a bit too episodic but yea there wasnt really even one clunky episode ...i bought the set but havent watched it yet.

how are the extras?


What happened to Buffy and what I've seen in some comics I use to read makes me feel there is a disturbing new trend of what seems like... for lack of a better way to say it.. professional slashfic writers.
so far Angel 6 buffy 0

btw apprently they are continuing Angel through a graphic novel....so we can find out what happened to them. Although i still think its perfect to assume they all died fighting.

edit: season 2 was the one with lornes home world and cordelia in a bikini the whole time.
I liked Angel a bit more overall since it was darker and less angst oriented (Buffy S1-S3). However, Angel didn't have the chance to sink like Buffy did after it's 5th season (for most people. I liked S6), so who knows how things might have been if it continued on. I thought S5 for Angel was pretty down (the 1st eight or so mind-numbingly boring episodes) and up (the last 8 or so excellent episodes), so the potential was there to fall off further.


Basically the lack of character evolution or whatever killed buffy for me, I mean the characters never ever learn anything from what they do, its like a bad anime series.
Well in a technical sense, Joss learned more from each show he did.

Buffy was good, Angel was better, Firefly was badical.

Im talking most in terms of character development. And its clear Joss loves teh characters.
Granted, I've not seen near the amount of Angel episodes as I have of Buffy (so my opinion is pretty much worthless, heh), I'd definitely go with Buffy. Angel did feel "darker", yeah, but I actually preferred the lighter feel of Buffy. Plus, I prefer the characters, especially Xander and Spike ( Spike on Buffy > Spike on Angel >>>>>>> Spike TV :) ). And also.. I can see "why" people think Buffy went downhill in the last seasons.. but I didn't feel that way. I thought it was just as good as previous seasons.. the only thing even mildly annoying for me was the focus on the junior slayer girls and such. But badass priest man made up for them. :)

Angel is by no means a bad show though, it's quite good.. I just need to watch more of it.. I have Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, but haven't gone through them yet.. I believe I have Buffy Seasons 1, 2, and 7 right now..


I've been watching Angel - Season 5 on dvd and so far it r0x. The only thing that somewhat bothers me is the slow motion move during some fighting scenes. It looks cheesy and cheap as heck.

That said, Buffy > Angel in my book, any day, any time.

Edit: Oh, and I despise Spike. Hated him in Buffy, and still do in Angel.


I dunno, some of my favorite moments across the series are still in Buffy, but in general, Angel was just a lot more consistent. The only time it seems to start going bad is at the beginning of seasons before the arcs start kicking in. (especially 4)

Angel had some really great moments too. It's obvious Angel is the pick, I'm just saying Buffy had some incredible episodes and moments (Passion, Becoming Part II, Beneath You, etc)


Yeah it's a hard choice. Buffy had more seasons to start going downhill while Angel didn't. If we were talking about Buffy season 1-3 vs Angel season 1-3, I'd give it to Buffy, but to see how the show started to mess up over time while Angel just kept getting better and better, I just have to give it to Angel.


Was hot, she put on a few pounds.
She was pregnant! And she lost pretty much all of it when she showed up in Season 5. If anything, Fred is the one that really needs to put on a few pounds to become hot.


LakeEarth said:
She was pregnant! And she lost pretty much all of it when she showed up in Season 5. If anything, Fred is the one that really needs to put on a few pounds to become hot.

Oh ok i only watched up to E10 Angel 5 :lol
Angel based on the last two or two-and-a-half seasons when I started watching it and became hooked. Now it looks like I'll need to see at least Season Two as well soon...


+1 Angel.

As mentioned, every season was good while Buffy clearly suffered the last few seasons (especially 7, but 6 had it problems too). And I prefer the best of Angel to the best of Buffy simply because the character of Angel is inherently more interesting to me. It sucks for Buffy that the meh-ness of S7 make me forget how much the middle seasons rocked, but seriously by the series finale I was actually liking the previous season less simply because the various character/story arcs that were actually pretty good in S6 ended up lame in S7.

And as I've said dozens of times already, Wesley is truly the greatest character in the history of television drama. Has there ever been a character that got fucked over as much or dished out as much fucking up to others where you totally understood his reasons throughout?

:lol looking at the S5 angel cover again, my wife was right. If you didn't know what it was about that would look like the gayest (as in, being homosexual) show on TV. Even the Angel wings graphic looks kinda swishy.


I would go with Buffy.

Angel was too serious for a show about killing monsters. Forever Knight 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Neither show had a strong central character, but Buffy had a far better supporting cast. I didn't like most of the additional characters in Angel. Cordelia was dead weight on Buffy...she should have just been jettisoned rather than shuffled over to the spinoff.


Drunky McMurder
border said:
I would go with Buffy.

Angel was too serious for a show about killing monsters. Forever Knight 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Neither show had a strong central character, but Buffy had a far better supporting cast. I didn't like most of the additional characters in Angel. Cordelia was dead weight on Buffy...she should have just been jettisoned rather than shuffled over to the spinoff.

I agree about Cordelia more or less, but Wesley was a great character. And as far as annoying goes, Connor is ever so slightly less annoying than Dawn(At least Angel beat the shit out of him on occasion for being stupid, Buffy just had Full House moments with Dawn). I guess the case can be made that Willow and Xander take Fred and Gunn, but it's not that much of a difference.

I think Buffy has a few more of the great episodes between the two series, but Angel episodes on a whole (and the story arcs) were much better than those of Buffy. I'd give it to Angel, rather easily, because of that.


being watched
Buffy went on for two seasons too long. And suffered from (especially in the last season) it's main star not really giving a fuck. It was good Angel ended when it did, because from interviews, it's clear David was heading the same way...

Can't see how you can compare them really. Angel is supposed to be the darker, more adult themed version whereus Buffy is whole family entertainment. As Cordilia would say "Well durrrrrrr!".

And besides, Buffy had Vampire Evil Leather Willow. Nuff said.
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