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Bulking up my arms

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Yes, there have been many "OMG HOW DO I GET RIPPED" threads on gaf, so excuse this one, but I have a very simple question I'd like answered directly.

Right now I have decent arms...nothing i'm ashamed of, but I'd like to bulk them up a decent amount. Right now I'm basically just doing bicep curls.

The questions:

How many reps? How often? When and how much should I increase weight?

Again, I'm looking to bulk, not tone.

And a related question, how can I work my pecs without a bench? I tried the whole lying down and bringing arms up from the sides to meet over my chest, but I think that's working way more than my pecs, and thus is harder to do than a bench (if I am remembering correctly). Ideas?

1 set, 5 reps. Do only about ten pounds regardless of muscle.

Repeat that every three hours. Very important that is your sleeping, you wake up every three hours to do the sets.

I've been doing this for three weeks.

Started 5' 4" with 12 inch arms.

I'm now 5' 11" with 24 inch arms.

TRUST me it works.

Or, go to the link above, my method is better though.


I'm 22 so that heigh spurt was phenomenal. :D


muncheese said:
1 set, 5 reps. Do only about ten pounds regardless of muscle.

Repeat that every three hours. Very important that is your sleeping, you wake up every three hours to do the sets.

I've been doing this for three weeks.

Started 5' 4" with 12 inch arms.

I'm now 5' 11" with 24 inch arms.

You grew 7" in three weeks? I think something's in the water around your high school.

Justin Bailey

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muncheese said:
1 set, 5 reps. Do only about ten pounds regardless of muscle.

Repeat that every three hours. Very important that is your sleeping, you wake up every three hours to do the sets.

I've been doing this for three weeks.

Started 5' 4" with 12 inch arms.

I'm now 5' 11" with 24 inch arms.

TRUST me it works.

Or, go to the link above, my method is better though.
That's amazing. You actually grew 7 inches in three weeks!
muncheese said:
1 set, 5 reps. Do only about ten pounds regardless of muscle.

Repeat that every three hours. Very important that is your sleeping, you wake up every three hours to do the sets.

I've been doing this for three weeks.

Started 5' 4" with 12 inch arms.

I'm now 5' 11" with 24 inch arms.

TRUST me it works.

Or, go to the link above, my method is better though.

That's the Tom Cruise Scientology plan. He help a girl grow 8 inches in 7 weeks.


fugimax said:
How many reps? How often? When and how much should I increase weight?

Again, I'm looking to bulk, not tone.

And a related question, how can I work my pecs without a bench? I tried the whole lying down and bringing arms up from the sides to meet over my chest, but I think that's working way more than my pecs, and thus is harder to do than a bench (if I am remembering correctly). Ideas?

Attempt like 5-6 reps with as heavy weight as possible, three or four sets. Increase weight when you can make all 6 reps without using your back or other helper tactics. Do both bicep curls and "skull crushers" for triceps. A curl bar is best if you want to gain size quick.

As to the pecs question, you need a bench if you're serious.
fugimax said:
And a related question, how can I work my pecs without a bench? I tried the whole lying down and bringing arms up from the sides to meet over my chest, but I think that's working way more than my pecs, and thus is harder to do than a bench (if I am remembering correctly). Ideas?


Benching will actually hit far more muscles than what you're describing. Benching is likely to bring your tri's and shoulders to failure before your chest. The technique for fly's is somewhat tricky to get down, but it's a fantastic excersize once you get it to work for you.

Don't get me wrong, benching is still great, but it's more of an all inclusive upper body workout. (well...actually nowhere near all inclusive...but you get my drift).

A curl bar is best if you want to gain size quick.

HMM...depends on what you mean. If you do it the "comfortable way", then this is wrong. It puts your arms in a position such that your forearms are taking a large load off of your biceps. In terms of pure biceps, a straight bar is better.

Remember though, that your biceps serve two functions. Pulling your arm in, and pronating your palms. Twist your palm outward (the way that isn't natural), and feel your biceps contract.

The most intense way to hit your biceps i've found is to use a curl bar with your palms facing OUT. The squeeze is absolutely massive and you'll have to drop the weight a little, but it hits your biceps REALLY hard, and you can save your forearms for more forearm specific exscersizes.
xsarien said:
You grew 7" in three weeks? I think something's in the water around your high school.


"Im not here to talk about the past..."


You now belong to FMT.
best way to grow your arms is to super set!

I have been doing this for a couple years and I have seen great results... easily the best part of my body above my waist. Granted I work out 4 to 5 times a week, and before each workout I do 120 pullups, and at the end I do 3 sets of shoulder shrugs, so that plays a part in my definition and cut in my arms... So try to find a comfortable amount and get pullups in before and shrugs in after your work out.


I do one body part a day on Weds i do Bi's , I always do 3 supersets for each body part on its day.


3 SETS HEAVY - 30 reps each set(10 reps Standing curls, 10 sitting preacher curls, 10 sitting alternate dumbell curls) your bi's should be burning by now

after you finish 3 sets of that, go into forearm workouts such as

Reverse grip curls, tringle curls, and wrist flexes.

then you have:


3 SETS HEAVY - 30 REPS each set - (10 Reps Face crushers, straight to closed grip bench press with same weight, to 10 dips) your tri's should be stiff right now.

3 SETS of standing tricep pushdowns HEAVY straight to bar dips after set each set.

3 Sets of behind the head tricep push ups...

Work forearms again..

I can go on and on and help out whoever needs it, I am going for my personal training license soon... but I am willing to help..

Lil' Dice

Don't neglect your triceps, they make up the bulk of your arm. If you truly want impressive arms you should dediczte an entire workout to tricep workouts.


Reverse bicep curls are good, too. I usually do:

first set: 50 lbs/10 reps
second set:60 lbs/8 reps
third set: 70 lbs 6 reps
fourth set: 80 lbs/4 reps


Not to be an ass, but in my experience, most guys that focus on their arms and chest tend to impress....other guys. It's like throwing giant rims and sporting a Folgers muffler on your car.

Anyway, if you want to grow your arms, there are a limitless number of things you can do. Arnold presses, traditional bicep curls, hammer curls, rope/bar tricep pushdowns, using a closer grip when benching (the wider the grip on the bench, the more you focus on your chest and core), dips, and so on. I don't know what you have access to, so I'm throwing things out there. As noted, supersets are great for bulking up. Also, don't forget that your tricep makes up most of your upper arm; your bicep is only about the size of an orange.


Kabuki Waq said:
what are skull crushers?

Malleymal said:
Granted I work out 4 to 5 times a week, and before each workout I do 120 pullups
Why? By the point you get to biceps, they're already partially exhausted from the pullups. I'd at least switch it around every other time. I do pullups before biceps too, but not that many!


You're really not supposed to lock your elbows, like done in that video.

Not to be an ass, but in my experience, most guys that focus on their arms and chest tend to impress....other guys. It's like throwing giant rims and sporting a Folgers muffler on your car

I agree. I'm cut up pretty nice, and all I want to do is get stronger just in case I get in a scuffle with someone in the future ;).

Doing dips is good too, for your triceps. Just make sure you squeeze your rhombus when you do them.


i've been doing a lot of work on my arms and chest too, while neglecting my lower body....WoOps, my legs have become pitiful. anyone else have that phase...where you just hit the upper body really hard and ignore your legs?

It's too hard to find good leg exercises (shut up, tahts my excuse!)


kgHavok23 said:
i've been doing a lot of work on my arms and chest too, while neglecting my lower body....WoOps, my legs have become pitiful. anyone else have that phase...where you just hit the upper body really hard and ignore your legs?

It's too hard to find good leg exercises (shut up, tahts my excuse!)

It's hard to do any leg excercises imo, since you can easily do a ton of arm excercises and hit every muscle group with a barbell and some free weights, while for legs it's almost required to have machines.


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Teddman said:

Why? By the point you get to biceps, they're already partially exhausted from the pullups. I'd at least switch it around every other time. I do pullups before biceps too, but not that many!

120 pullups are nothing to me, they serve more as a warm up ..... I use 115 pounds when i do my bicep superset, and I dont feel like I am selling my self short when I get done doing those 90 reps.... maybe because my body is so used to the pull ups... I try to increase the weight ever 2 weeks or so....

Legs are tough to do because you dont see instant results... I do legs in my gym at home,
It's hard to do any leg excercises imo, since you can easily do a ton of arm excercises and hit every muscle group with a barbell and some free weights, while for legs it's almost required to have machines.

Not really. Squats are tough to do without a barbell and some sort of thing to hoist it up on, but dumbell squats are doable. Calf raises and lunges are also totally doable as well. Only thing I wouldn't really know how to hit hard is the hammy's.


Superset with deadlifts and leg curls for hamstrings. Then do those reverse extensions or whatever they're called. I seperate my quads and hams.

For Quads, I superset between squats and leg presses. Then I do a finisher: duck walk. If you got the knees, then do them. They're excellent.


Wellington said:
It's hard to do any leg excercises imo, since you can easily do a ton of arm excercises and hit every muscle group with a barbell and some free weights, while for legs it's almost required to have machines.

its really that hard to do squats, lunges and deadlifts

i dont use any machines for my lower body, expect a calf raise machine, but they can be done without machines too


Steroid Distributor
muncheese said:
1 set, 5 reps. Do only about ten pounds regardless of muscle.

Repeat that every three hours. Very important that is your sleeping, you wake up every three hours to do the sets.

I've been doing this for three weeks.

Started 5' 4" with 12 inch arms.

I'm now 5' 11" with 24 inch arms.

TRUST me it works.

Or, go to the link above, my method is better though.


I'm 22 so that heigh spurt was phenomenal. :D

:lol freakin hilarious. I pity all the people you just screwed for life man.


Steroid Distributor
Wellington said:
It's hard to do any leg excercises imo, since you can easily do a ton of arm excercises and hit every muscle group with a barbell and some free weights, while for legs it's almost required to have machines.

WHAT?!?!?! Legs are the easiest muscle group to hit man. You got lunges, sissy squats, sumo squats, front squats, back squats, box squats, calf raises on stairs. You could go to a field and sprint. You don't even need weights for legs. You just need effort.


Truelize said:
WHAT?!?!?! Legs are the easiest muscle group to hit man. You got lunges, sissy squats, sumo squats, front squats, back squats, box squats, calf raises on stairs. You could go to a field and sprint. You don't even need weights for legs. You just need effort.

um, if you want large legts you need weights
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