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Bulletstorm |OT| Dick-Tits


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Bought this off D2D. Preferred having it on Steam, but for $22, whatever. D2D is some ghetto ass shit though. Good lord.

Was the MP any good or is it really all about the campaign here? I guess I don't know anyone who has the game anyway, so yeah, heh.


erotic butter maelstrom
GuiltybyAssociation said:
Was the MP any good or is it really all about the campaign here? I guess I don't know anyone who has the game anyway, so yeah, heh.

I found Anarchy mode to be a lot of fun. Bulletstorm's mechanics actually work quite well with multiple players, you can essentially 'alley-oop' kills with your co-op partners by leashing or kicking enemies towards them as they finish it up with a kick into a cactus or whatever method of murder they choose. It's good, hectic fun.

So it's a nice diversion, but in the end it feels like an underdeveloped idea. There is only the single mode, which is basically just score attack with increasingly higher requirements and tougher enemies as you move on. It's damn near impossible to find a group that plays together at a high enough level to proceed past a certain point. I feel like I've spent 90% of my time with Anarchy on the first several levels of it, I haven't once made it to the 'end'. Either the team can't get a high enough score (which requires a lot of coordination and team kills), or everyone quits before we can even get there.

I still have fun playing it, but it didn't take long until I felt like I 'seen it all'. It doesn't help that there are only like 4 or 5 maps. It's worth playing but I wouldn't expect it to stay fresh after several hours unless you can find a few bros to play with.


Yeah, Anarchy Mode does feel like it's more of an afterthought than anything else. I played a bunch of games the other day and a couple of matches were pretty laggy (360 version). It didn't help that none of the randoms I played with had mics on, so it was annoying as I had to guess what the other people were trying to intend to do, but its pretty decent no doubt provided you bump into a team where everyone is chatting or play with friends.

The game is pretty good overall;it was worth the 40 bucks when I got it and the Gear 3 Beta was icing on the cake. But you get burned out fast by it after replaying the SP twice and going through the Echoes stages, so it doesn't have a long lasting appeal, but I'll still say it's worth it as it's a pretty good game that doesn't take itself seriously and it's a nice break from playing through the corridor shooter that is the COD series.


Trucker Sexologist
Olivero said:
I really cannot tell if this thread is serious or not.

I've been playing through this game on hard. Gunplay is overly simplistic. You literally get 10 one shot kills on the assault rifle. In fact, almost everything is a one shot kill, if not a multishot kill. AI is completely silly. On hard I can take the Pistol, run up beside an enemy, watch him shoot two or three times at my AI partner, and then just line up a head shot and kill him.

The game offers nothing new in terms of Unreal Engine performance, many previous Unreal Engine game sequences make a return:

The end boss from Gears Two (flying in the king raven around a boss) and the vulture sequences are near identical.

A train sequence. The train is on a linear path as a large set piece, essentially a big circle, careens around behind you on it's own linear path. Oh, the mini-gun you have pretty much has unlimited ammo. (That's an interesting point to make because everyone has been raving about how this game doesn't feel like COD with unlimited ammo.)

Large, "epic" moving set pieces are also back.

Dialog is ridiculous. So ridiculous that the characters make fun of themselves,
a) Damsel in Distress, "I'll kill your dicks!"
b) Gray, "That doesn't make sense!"

Despite the fact that almost every line he says relates to dick-tits.

Basically Gaf, WTF? Did I miss something here or what?

You're doing it wrong.
I got this game at launch initially planning on trading it in so I could get Crysis 2 or Killzone 3. Having played both of the other two games, I'm glad I held on to Bulletstorm. I find it more entertaining than any other FPS I've played this year and think the single player campaign has a lot more replayability even if the multiplayer mode sucks.


Gvaz said:
The game in gameplay isn't especially good, but the script is entertaining. Good voice acting. That's about it.

No, the gameplay is great, he's just doing it wrong.

If you're not trying to get new skillshots constantly, you're playing this game incorrectly. The fact that just surviving/killing enemies normally is super easy should have already tipped you off on that, really.


Finished it last night and immediately started a second run. This is the best FPS I've played in a looooooooong time (if not the best). Such a refreshing change in these days of call of duty 9575345.

Also lol at the folks taking the game too seriously.


ArjanN said:
No, the gameplay is great, he's just doing it wrong.

If you're not trying to get new skillshots constantly, you're playing this game incorrectly. The fact that just surviving/killing enemies normally is super easy should have already tipped you off on that, really.
The skillshots aren't very entertaining though. Oh man I shot a dude in the nuts! Ball BREAKER!

Or I shot him in the ass wee.

Sorry, that's only funny the first time.

Maybe I would have liked it more had there been things to actually spend all that crap on at the end of the game, but by then I had every weapon, all of it maxed out.
Thats two out of 131 skillshots though (many of which can be used in combos) so thats a pretty weak complaint. I agree that there isn't really anything interesting to spend points on but the idea is that you use the points you earn to buy ammo.


Gvaz said:
The skillshots aren't very entertaining though. Oh man I shot a dude in the nuts! Ball BREAKER!

Or I shot him in the ass wee.

Sorry, that's only funny the first time.

Maybe I would have liked it more had there been things to actually spend all that crap on at the end of the game, but by then I had every weapon, all of it maxed out.

I thought the skillshots were fun at least a couple of times, and as there's 135 of them...

Maxing out the weapons is nothing special. You're supposed to buy the seconday ammo to get the skillshots associated with those.


Trucker Sexologist
Air Zombie Meat said:
Thats two out of 131 skillshots though, many of which can be used in combos so thats a pretty weak complaint. I agree that there isn't really anything interesting to spend points on but the idea is that you use the points you earn to buy ammo.
Do you get any points for shooting the perineum? Tainted Love would have made a perfect skillshot.

I can understand the people saying that Bulletstorm isn't their cup of tea, but it doesn't make sense to dismiss the core elements of the package and then use that to justify criticism of the whole product. It's like complaining about how dry Oreos are after throwing away the frosting.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
I am shooting bros in the nuts and not getting the skillshot for it. That's some shit. Can't be done after a leash or kick I take it?

Game seems cool so far. Dialogue is a riot. Very bright, pretty; Unreal engine be doin' work. Oh colorful, non-serious shooters, how I've missed thee.
Olivero said:
I really cannot tell if this thread is serious or not.

I've been playing through this game on hard. Gunplay is overly simplistic. You literally get 10 one shot kills on the assault rifle. In fact, almost everything is a one shot kill, if not a multishot kill. AI is completely silly. On hard I can take the Pistol, run up beside an enemy, watch him shoot two or three times at my AI partner, and then just line up a head shot and kill him.

This is like a whole generation ahead of everything else in terms of "gunplay." I mean, in the purest interpretation of the term, this is the pinnacle of shooting art. And, of course, using environmental dangers, non-projectile and other enemies to make the booms and splats bigger, longer and more complex.

I mean, not liking the game is one thing, but simplistic gunplay? Honestly now.

Gvaz said:
The game in gameplay isn't especially good, but the script is entertaining. Good voice acting. That's about it.



ArjanN said:
I thought the skillshots were fun at least a couple of times, and as there's 135 of them...

Maxing out the weapons is nothing special. You're supposed to buy the seconday ammo to get the skillshots associated with those.
I had like 50k points and full ammo and alternate ammo, I had nothing to spend it on.

I used the alternate ammo frequently but I felt ten shots was too limiting for how powerful they were.

I know the point was to "find new skillshots via whatever means possible" but the game simply wasn't interesting enough for me to put forth that effort. I also didn't touch MP because I don't like MP in games. Maybe if I looked up skillshots before hand to know what they were I'd work towards them, but I then thought "cool all this work for some measly gamerscore". Nope.
SapientWolf said:
Do you get any points for shooting the perineum? Tainted Love would have made a perfect skillshot.

I can understand the people saying that Bulletstorm isn't their cup of tea, but it doesn't make sense to dismiss the core elements of the package and then use that to justify criticism of the whole product. It's like complaining about how dry Oreos are after throwing away the frosting.

Ha, nice. And yes I agree with that. I don't usually bother commenting on complaints people have about games but some of the stuff people say about Bulletstorm compels me to. Lots of "This apple isn't an orange!" type stuff.

And Gvaz, I don't give a shit about gamerscore either. Going for the skillshots was fun and rewarding in itself. If you found going for skillshots "work" then I guess it's just not the type of game for you. Also play on a higher difficulty if having too many points left over bothers you. The cost of upgrades depends on what difficulty you play it on.


Gvaz said:
I had like 50k points and full ammo and alternate ammo, I had nothing to spend it on.

I used the alternate ammo frequently but I felt ten shots was too limiting for how powerful they were.

I know the point was to "find new skillshots via whatever means possible" but the game simply wasn't interesting enough for me to put forth that effort. I also didn't touch MP because I don't like MP in games. Maybe if I looked up skillshots before hand to know what they were I'd work towards them, but I then thought "cool all this work for some measly gamerscore". Nope.

I don't care about gamerscore, I thought getting the skillshots was it's own reward, i.e. fun.


ArjanN said:
I don't care about gamerscore, I thought getting the skillshots was it's own reward, i.e. fun.

Haha exactly, gamerscore, who cares.

This game is so great, who cares about getting gamerscore, it's all about the crazy ass skillshots. I know this sounds like a viral marketeer talking but Bulletstorm has one of the best SP FPS campaigns in such a long time, a fun story which is actually very decent in it's own right, and looks and feels great while doing so. Leashing a ugly bastard and then kicking him into a spiky object or into some electric wires always feels great. It's just has a good kickback to it you know?

Drinking some booze and rocking a minigun in the club and unloading on 10 guys is another great example and the game is filled with awesome moments like these.

How anyone can play this as a standard fps and just go around with an assault rifle and pistol, trying to headshot everybody...wtf are you even doing have your gaming senses been lulled this much by Call of Duty?


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Got the shotgun, the boneduster or whatever. Oh ho ho ho. The dirty, chunky, thudding noise that cries out when you fire that thing is a riot. Not to mention the whole 'hey, where'd his legs go?' results on screen, of course.

On to chapter 3 now. So good.


Gvaz said:
The skillshots aren't very entertaining though. Oh man I shot a dude in the nuts! Ball BREAKER!

Or I shot him in the ass wee.

Sorry, that's only funny the first time.

Maybe I would have liked it more had there been things to actually spend all that crap on at the end of the game, but by then I had every weapon, all of it maxed out.

Do combos man, not just single shots. Throw some guy in the air, Chain another guy with a bomb, kick him towards the other aerial guy, shoot the guy you kicked in the head with a charged pistol shot, BOOM. Payoff.

MMaRsu said:
Haha exactly, gamerscore, who cares.

This game is so great, who cares about getting gamerscore, it's all about the crazy ass skillshots. I know this sounds like a viral marketeer talking but Bulletstorm has one of the best SP FPS campaigns in such a long time, a fun story which is actually very decent in it's own right, and looks and feels great while doing so. Leashing a ugly bastard and then kicking him into a spiky object or into some electric wires always feels great. It's just has a good kickback to it you know?

Drinking some booze and rocking a minigun in the club and unloading on 10 guys is another great example and the game is filled with awesome moments like these.

How anyone can play this as a standard fps and just go around with an assault rifle and pistol, trying to headshot everybody...wtf are you even doing have your gaming senses been lulled this much by Call of Duty?

Looks that way, since lots of gamers seem to even try to play Gears or even Bad Company 2 like that. I cant wait for the complaints to flood in when Duke Nukem Forever releases.


MMaRsu said:
Haha exactly, gamerscore, who cares.
I don't usually care about gamerscore, I'm just saying that skillshots for me were less interesting than gamerscore and unlocking gamerscore after I got around 50~ different ones lost its appeal to me.


OMFG corrupted save at act 7 chapter 1.. lost the ability to chapter select, all progress on newsbots, swarms, and skillshots gone. Finished the game on Very Hard and it did not give me any completion achievements. LOVE the game but this hurts :\


Sorry for the bump, just thought it wasn't worth starting a thread for.

Just watching my cousin playing it, forgot how fun it was... How well did this sell? Are we likely to see a sequel announcement at e3?


Nobody would ever defend a fighting game where you're supposed to take your enjoyment from combos.

But daring to question Bulletstorm for doing just that? Oh no, "you're doing it wrong".



I'm LTTP to this game, borrowed it from a friend and I know it's early (only played for about an hour) but this is one of the funnest shooters I played this gen, it is a breath of fresh air from you generic army shooter. Also trying to get skillshots is loads of fun. I hope this game sold well enough for a sequel or a new IP that is similar to it.


Frankfurt said:
Nobody would ever defend a fighting game where you're supposed to take your enjoyment from combos.

But daring to question Bulletstorm for doing just that? Oh no, "you're doing it wrong".

I don't get what you are saying...combos are a part of Bulletstorm but the core game itself can stand by itself even if there was no a combo meter. I don't think that is the main reason its fun for many at all. If anything its just a added bonus.
Finally picked this up and wow, what an awesome game.

Visuals are insanely beautiful and awe-inspiring, skillshots are so much fun and incredibly satisfying and overall the game is just "epic".

So pissed that I originally chose Killzone 3 over this.
besiktas1 said:
Sorry for the bump, just thought it wasn't worth starting a thread for.

Just watching my cousin playing it, forgot how fun it was... How well did this sell? Are we likely to see a sequel announcement at e3?

I sincerely hope so. Or at the very least I hope People Can Fly are able to continue making original properties. They're mad talented as evident in this game and Painkiller.

The Interrobanger said:
So pissed that I originally chose Killzone 3 over this.

Last Laugh: People who were laughed at for choosing Bulletstorm over Killzone 3


Anyone heard any news on a PC patch yet? Really hoping the 16:10 black bars get fixed along with a general improvement in performance.


Sooo this game didn't age well for me. I tried playing anarchy and I was extremely bored by the 8th round. I tried replaying the campaign and I just didn't care to go through with it. :( I loved it so much on release too


Tunavi said:
Sooo this game didn't age well for me. I tried playing anarchy and I was extremely bored by the 8th round. I tried replaying the campaign and I just didn't care to go through with it. :( I loved it so much on release too

Yeah... sorry I had to leave. But I agree. I'll probably replay the campaign again sometime though.

If they make a Bulletstorm 2 they need more than just Anarchy for multiplayer...
Finally got to playing Anarchy with my friend the last few nights. Enjoying it. It just lasts a tad long. I'd definitely like to see some multiplayer additions for Bulletstorm 2. They can start with adding Co-Op to the campaign.

Edit: Changed my mind. Quickly boring of Anarchy. 20 Rounds is way too long.
Just entered the city after the dam. What a beautiful level. Its so refreshing to see a shooter with such an exageratted color pallet. I frequently found my self just glaring at the scenery. That water was so blue!


Junior Member
Need a suggestion here..

Debating between the following for 360.. Need gaf advice.

Deadspace 2, Bulletstorm, and Alice
Vestal said:
Need a suggestion here..

Debating between the following for 360.. Need gaf advice.

Deadspace 2, Bulletstorm, and Alice

I lean towards Dead Space 2, cause it's awesome and one of my favourite games of the year so far... but Bulletstorm is also a ton of fun.

Dead Space 2 - Superb third person horror-action shooter with a great, dark story.
Bullet Storm - Superb first-person shooter with a fun story and great shoot-skill mechanics.

You in the mood for scares and thrills or just balls-out fun? Both are fairly linear with likeable protagonists. Bullet Storm's ending is kind of a let-down, but it's still good. I liked DS2's ending a lot. Have you played the first one?
Why not link the unbeliever to some good high score videos to show them what the main point of the game is? (that is, getting a high score)


I got in on that deal...~$13 for a digital download of Bulletstorm for PC. I have to say - I'm real impressed so far. Gorgeous game (i5 2500k @ 4.7 GHz & GTX 580) - playing at 1080p maxed. High quality story, too...which is rare. Usually I can't wait to skip the BS. IMO - the demo did this game a great disservice. It turned me off...while the actual game is awesome!
mjemirzian said:
Why not link the unbeliever to some good high score videos to show them what the main point of the game is? (that is, getting a high score)
Eh. I had a ton of fun in the campaign and didn't care about score, other than to see as many skillshots as possible and unlock all the gear. I just loved the feel and look of the game and the story was entertaining too.


keep your strippers out of my American football
sk3tch said:
I got in on that deal...~$13 for a digital download of Bulletstorm for PC. I have to say - I'm real impressed so far. Gorgeous game (i5 2500k @ 4.7 GHz & GTX 580) - playing at 1080p maxed. High quality story, too...which is rare. Usually I can't wait to skip the BS. IMO - the demo did this game a great disservice. It turned me off...while the actual game is awesome!

I picked it up at that price also. Playing with my 360 controller on my PC and yes, it does look better than the 360. Not day and night better, but it does look better. I am having a good time with it and even dipped into some multiplayer this morning. That was really fun.
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