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Bulls kill seven at Spain summer festivals

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Bulls have gored seven people to death during festivals across Spain since the beginning of July - four of them over the past weekend.
The deaths occurred during bull-running in the streets, not in bullrings. It is an unusually high number of fatalities for such a short period.
Among them was a 36-year-old town councillor gored in Penafiel, a town near Valladolid, north of Madrid.
Further north an 18-year-old man gored in the stomach died in Lerin, Navarra.
The other deaths occurred during bull festivals in the regions of Valencia, Murcia, Toledo, Castellon and Alicante.
Last year more than 7,200 bulls and steers (castrated bull calves) were killed by bullfighters across Spain, the news website El Diario reports.
Nearly 2,000 bullfights - or "corridas" - are still held in the country every year, but the numbers are falling. In 2010, Catalonia became the second Spanish region after the Canary Islands to ban the tradition.

The only sympathy I have is with the bulls. Backwards fucking tradition. You get what you deserve.


More like 7 people killed themselves.

Yup, fighting bulls are fucking scary. Look at this, half a ton of muscle ending in basically two spears:


Dai Kaiju

I remember being little and trying to wrap my head around why anyone would run with bulls. Come to think of it, I do that now.


Haha 7 human beings, including an 18 year old, have died...

Jesus fucking Christ, I mean I'm all for banning bullfighting but is this callousness really called for?
Finally some good animal related news.

How exactly? What did the runner do to the bulls apart from run away down the street?

I'm not particularly a fan of the bullfighting, but people following a tradition of pegging it down the street while a bull chases you, although stupid to me, you don't deserve to be killed for it.
How exactly? What did the runner do to the bulls apart from run away down the street?

I'm not particularly a fan of the bullfighting, but people following a tradition of pegging it down the street while a bull chases you, although stupid to me, you don't deserve to be killed for it.

I just don't have much sympathy for it is all. If you run down the highway with cars and you get killed I'm gonna say, hey...you kind of got what you deserved.

Same with running down a street with a half ton muscled animal with horns.


How exactly? What did the runner do to the bulls apart from run away down the street?

I'm not particularly a fan of the bullfighting, but people following a tradition of pegging it down the street while a bull chases you, although stupid to me, you don't deserve to be killed for it.
They choose to run. It's like people running on the Autobahn. No, I wouldn't wish for their deaths, but I am not exactly surprised when Lady Death takes them.


I always wonder, do they ever make use of the bull after they kill it? I imagine it would be good for dog food.

I remember being little and trying to wrap my head around why anyone would run with bulls. Come to think of it, I do that now.

You have no romance, that's why. I'm just kidding.
I just don't have much sympathy for it is all. If you run down the highway with cars and you get killed I'm gonna say, hey...you kind of got what you deserved.

Same with running down a street with a half ton muscled animal with horns.

They choose to run. It's like people running on the Autobahn. No, I wouldn't wish for their deaths, but I am not exactly surprised when Lady Death takes them.

Since when is running down the motorway the same as running down the street with a bull?

I'd agree with you that an idiot running down the M4 and dodging traffic on purpose get little to no sympathy if they got hit, considering people are driving the cars, but this age old tradition is completely different.


I always wonder, do they ever make use of the bull after they kill it?
It is a quite expensive meat. The kind of bull they use would basically be extinct if bullfighting didn't exist. It's a pretty sad situation.
Since when is running down the motorway the same as running down the street with a bull?

I'd agree with you that an idiot running down the M4 and dodging traffic on purpose get little to no sympathy if they got hit, considering people are driving the cars, but this age old tradition is completely different.

You don't think a bull is at all comparable to a car in terms of ability to kill you? Cars at least have breaks, these bulls aren't stopping for shit.


Since when is running down the motorway the same as running down the street with a bull?

I'd agree with you that an idiot running down the M4 and dodging traffic on purpose get little to no sympathy if they got hit, considering people are driving the cars, but this age old tradition is completely different.

Running like an idiot with a deadly animal is dangerous, albeit less than running on an highway, so it's hard to feel bad for the people that get hit.

cm osi

that's animal abuse and should be stopped. we in italy we have the "palio di Siena", and we should stop that too.


Since when is running down the motorway the same as running down the street with a bull?

I'd agree with you that an idiot running down the M4 and dodging traffic on purpose get little to no sympathy if they got hit, considering people are driving the cars, but this age old tradition is completely different.

I dunno man sounds relatively the same to me..

The street with the bull may even be worse. At least theres a human who doesn't want to run someone over in the car. The bull is going to destroy anyone in his way to try and achieve freedom.


Since when is running down the motorway the same as running down the street with a bull?

I'd agree with you that an idiot running down the M4 and dodging traffic on purpose get little to no sympathy if they got hit, considering people are driving the cars, but this age old tradition is completely different.
I was refering to the stupidity of the runners, less to the inconvenience of the bull that is late for work. People are getting themselves in deliberate danger in the hopes that they escape it. That's why I have little to no sympathy. The animal abuse is another, not less important thing.
In Portugal a horse was attacked by a bull during a tourada and everyone in the audience gasped and was shocked but come on you're watching a bull getting tortured, why the shock?

EDIT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUT_LksL_14

This is the video, obviously don't watch it if you don't want to see animal cruelty, it's not too graphic though. Love the commentators when they see the horse running away "oh he's fine"
This situation reminds me of that one dude from Texas who taunted some alligators and then jumped into the alligator-infested bayou, and immediately got eaten
The OP doesn't actually have anything to do with bullfighting though does it? Or am I confused? It seems like they just slung that fact in there about bullfighting for basically no reason.

At any rate, I heard a fairly interesting phone into a radio show whose conclusion was basically that the lives of bulls raised for bullfighting is significantly better than those raised as livestock, and they all die in fairly grizzly circumstances anyway, and so that it's not really logical to simultaneously be for eating meat but against bullfighting. Not entirely sure I'm convinced, mostly because there's something perverse about killing things for entertainment. But then, given we don't need to eat meat to survive, that's basically what happens now every time I have a burger. So I dunno. It's more overt in a bullring but I don't know how much difference that makes.
Some pretty disturbing comments in this thread.

These people are idiots for running with the bulls, it's a stupidly dangerous and cruel thing to participate in. But to say that their deaths are a good thing? That is frankly disturbing.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Imagine if canada had a running of the grizzly bears, that would be some hardcore shit
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