Not directly anyways. But they keep this bloody tradition alive by participating in it. You could help putting it to an end simply by staying home.
Bullfighting may not be PC, but I still think it is an art. Just like hunting or butchering can be an art. It is cruel, yes, but so is life.
Wow. "This thing is bad so this other thing isn't that bad!" is never a good defense. Why not aim for not torturing any animal in any way?Bullfighting may not be PC, but I still think it is an art. Just like hunting or butchering can be an art. It is cruel, yes, but so is life.
If bulls could talk, I bet livestock cows would trade places with a fighting bulls if they could.
Livestock cows live for a year or two in a pen eating crap barnyard feed before they get slaughtered.
These bulls get to roam around outdoors, live long lives and eat real food. They may die a slower death, but the longer (real) life they get in return is a pretty fair trade-off.
You really think bull fighting is the same as butchering a dead animal so the meat can be cooked and provide sustenance?
I'd prefer to be realistic.Why not aim for not torturing any animal in any way?
Bullfighting may not be PC, but I still think it is an art. Just like hunting or butchering can be an art. It is cruel, yes, but so is life.
If bulls could talk, I bet livestock cows would trade places with a fighting bulls if they could.
Livestock cows live for a year or two in a pen eating crap barnyard feed before they get slaughtered.
These bulls get to roam around outdoors, live long lives and eat real food. They may die a slower death, but the longer (real) life they get in return is a pretty fair trade-off.
Beautiful animal.Yup, fighting bulls are fucking scary. Look at this, half a ton of muscle ending in basically two spears:
So the solution is to torture them for other reasons too? I don't get this at all.I'd prefer to be realistic.
Some people consider eating meat at all to be torturing animals - you can never win with everyone.
I'm from Portugal where this tradition is fortunately dying and becoming irrelevant as time goes by and I always condemned it, but when I think about it, this is just the point of the iceberg when we think about the mass slaughter that livestock suffer in the food industry.![]()
Beautiful animal.
I hate to say it, but this type of breed of cattle is still around is because these type of events. They are completely useless for anything else. They wont be raised for beef, as they don't grow very big and have a lot of muscle. No farm would use the females for milking as they don't produce enough milk. On top of all that they are very aggressive, dangerous, and consume a lot of food. Very Expensive to raise. Rodeo's don't care to use them as they are too small. So it's pretty much this or they go extinct.
So the solution is to torture them for other reasons too? I don't get this at all.
The only sympathy I have is with the bulls. Backwards fucking tradition. You get what you deserve.
I'm from Portugal where this tradition is fortunately dying and becoming irrelevant as time goes by and I always condemned it, but when I think about it, this is just the point of the iceberg when we think about the mass slaughter that livestock suffer in the food industry.![]()
Then let's rip the band-aid off now. It's probably better to be extinct when the only reason you're alive is to be tormented for the fun of mouth breathing jackasses. Never understood this argument.
What's Not to understand? You want an animal to go extinct? So how is it any different then any other type of animal that serve no purpose other then to be pretty much hunted. I don't like seeing any animal suffer but I also dont want to see an animal go extinct. These bulls aren't tortured there whole lives. They are raised better the your average beef cattle. I dont like bullfighting, but to have a whole breed of animal wiped out because of the way it's treated the last 15 minitutes of its life is even sadder. I'm not defending animal abuse but at least these animals get to live a good life for a long time before meeting there end.
Not to mention the females continue to live to breed better fighting bulls
This idea that the bulls are treated better, is that from an actual source or are we basing it on the post where the guy heard it on the radio?
Not saying its incorrect. Just wanting a more solid source which I can't seem to find online..
7 people are dead and they likely kids the Bulls that killed them.I finally have a Monday start out okay.
Not saying that it is 100% accurate but it is in line with what I've always heard.
From article: "He believes even those who end up in the ring have a better deal, overall, than commercially raised animals. "For 15 minutes, they undeniably suffer the stress of combat; for the rest of the time they and the rest of their breed are able to enjoy all the pleasures and privileges possible for cattle, roaming in their natural environment among the acorn trees of the dehesa [pasture], and eating their preferred foods.""
And you have never heard the other side? I grew up hearing about this insane thing where they torture bulls. More like... this.Not saying that it is 100% accurate but it is in line with what I've always heard.
Well for one, if bullfighting and everything that goes with it went away, I don't believe they would go extinct so I was being hyperbolic. People would still keep them, in much smaller numbers obviously.
I like how sure you are that they have good lives, it's just as likely they are mistreated to make them even more aggressive as they age, after all isn't that the point of this breed?
it's just as likely they are mistreated to make them even more aggressive as they age, after all isn't that the point of this breed?
The only sympathy I have is with the bulls. Backwards fucking tradition. You get what you deserve.
I think the art argument is bad, because basically almost anything humans do can be considered art.
In any case, I thought we were talking of bull running, not bull fighting (all these last deaths came from bull running).
Not saying that it is 100% accurate but it is in line with what I've always heard.
From article: "He believes even those who end up in the ring have a better deal, overall, than commercially raised animals. "For 15 minutes, they undeniably suffer the stress of combat; for the rest of the time they and the rest of their breed are able to enjoy all the pleasures and privileges possible for cattle, roaming in their natural environment among the acorn trees of the dehesa [pasture], and eating their preferred foods.""
lots of disgusting people in this thread. rip to those who died. best wishes to their families.
I think it's disgusting sticking spears into animals and letting it die slowly.
Jeez, how is this shit still happening? Love the spabish their animal abuse that much?