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Burnout 1 & 2 Sales Data?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Just out of curiosity for when the burnout 3 data is released, anyone have data for the first two titles?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
All numbers are LTD as of July '04. I don't think we will be seeing any new numbers though because someone mentioned that Acclaim was de-listed from the NPD.

PS2 - 303,882 (50.3% of total sales)
GCN - 229,055 (37.9% of total sales)
XBX -  71,490 (11.8% of total sales)
All Systems Combined - 604,427

Burnout 2: Point of Impact
PS2 - 366,611 (60.4% of total sales)
XBX - 138,205 (22.8% of total sales)
GCN - 101,864 (16.8% of total sales)
All Systems Combined - 606,680


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Thanks JC, that's exactly what I needed for my burnout story. Much appreciated!
Not bringing Burnout 3 to GC is a fucking joke.

Depends how you look at it. While the BO2 totals for XB and GC are close, the drop off from BO to BO2 on the GC is huge, while the XBox version gained sales.

Also I always wonder why people look at hard sales as indicative of a titles success. Maybe a larger proportion of the GC's sales were at a lower pricepoint. Only Criterion really know how well the title sold relative to how much it cost to develop.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Die Squirrel Die said:
Depends how you look at it. While the BO2 totals for XB and GC are close, the drop off from BO to BO2 on the GC is huge, while the XBox version gained sales.

The GC version was also damn near impossible to find after a few months. I had to get mine on EBay.
JC10001 said:
The GC version was also damn near impossible to find after a few months. I had to get mine on EBay.

That doesn't really say much. It could have been hard to find 'cause lots of people wanted it, or because nobody wanted it so they didn't bother reprinting it.


shuri said:
Just buy one of the two other consoles for gods sake, they are so cheap now

I do own the other ones (3 PS2s in fact), and I don't like racing games at all, but it doesn't prevent it from being a fucking joke. :D
JC10001 said:
All numbers are LTD as of July '04. I don't think we will be seeing any new numbers though because someone mentioned that Acclaim was de-listed from the NPD.

LOL. They got (or are getting) delisted from NASDAQ. Has nothing to do with NPD. They won't be covered by analyst, but sales will still be tracked.


According to Criterion 80% of their sales in the previous versions came from Europe.

Here's some more sales anyway:

Burnout 3:
PS2+Xbox = lots
Gamecube = 0.


Mrbob said:
How is that Gamecube online community thriving lately.

This excuse is bullshit and you know it. I've been playing BO3 for Xbox like gangbusters and SOLELY offline in single and multiplayer. A game should never, ever require online to be worth purchasing and BO3 doesn't require it to be worthwhile.


Meier said:
This excuse is bullshit and you know it. I've been playing BO3 for Xbox like gangbusters and SOLELY offline in single and multiplayer. A game should never, ever require online to be worth purchasing and BO3 doesn't require it to be worthwhile.

No your line is bullshit. A lot of games are great because of online, case in point Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Socom, Socom 2, counterstrike, Final Fantasy XI, Unreal 2K4, Phantasy Star Online, Diablo and many more. I don't know why you have a hate on for online gaming but you are the one missing out.


This is interesting. Wipeout has managed to convince himself Meier hates online gameplay, when in fact he was just saying that the "not on GC because of a lacking online audience" excuse is bullshit because the game doesn't rely on online multiplayer to be enjoyable.


Well the original pushed 229,000 units but the sequel on Gamecube only did 101,00. Apparently they figure BO3 would follow a similar trend so they kept it off the system. PS2 numbers were good and Xbox numbers almost doubled so it makes sense to me.


Uhh you totally missed the point... bafflingly. Not all of those games REQUIRE online gaming to be enjoyable (with the possible exception of SOCOM and obviously FFXI and Counterstrike which are online only and thusly in no way comparable) just like Burnout 3 doesn't. I havent bothered to renew my Xbox Live account because really, I see more or less no need to, but even when I do (probably after Halo 2's release), I would never consider a game good if it required me to play online to be up to snuff. If there is not a high quality single player mode or split-screen mode, I'm not interested.

And Burnout 3 has a VERY high quality single player and split-screen mode. It doesn't require online connection and claiming that a GC version shouldnt exist because online isnt as prevalent on the machine is a load of shit. And that's a fact.

Kon Tiki

wipeout364 said:
No your line is bullshit. A lot of games are great because of online, case in point Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Socom, Socom 2, counterstrike, Final Fantasy XI, Unreal 2K4, Phantasy Star Online, Diablo and many more. I don't know why you have a hate on for online gaming but you are the one missing out.

Funny. You do not even menton one racing game. :p


You could also make the argument that certain online enabled titles will generally sell well or more copies. Is that always the case? No, but Gamecube online is pretty much a joke and they obviously didn't feel the game would sell well on the Cube anyway. Otherwise..........it's a CONSPIRACY!


Burnout 3 isn't on Gamecube because Criterion/EA figures, probably correctly, that 90%+ of the audience for the game has another system to buy it for, so they are not sacrificing any sales by dumping the third platform.

Seriously, how many racing game fans are there out there who somehow decided that a Gamnecube would be their sole gaming console?


JayFro said:
No, but Gamecube online is pretty much a joke!

It's funny because there's at least a solid 200k broadband adapters/modems out there for the GC which is only 1/5th the Xbox's online community... and for essentially 1 game.


Rhindle said:
Seriously, how many racing game fans are there out there who somehow decided that a Gamnecube would be their sole gaming console?

I actually know one. The presence of the first 2 Burnouts, NFS:HP2, Underground, and recently SRS was enough for him. The GameCube was cheapest, and he isn't interested in online play.


And I'll point out the lack of sales 229,000 down to 101,000 with a larger user base for the sequel. It doesn't make sense to put it on the Cube when sales went down.

If I have a million dollars and you have 200,000 I laugh at you! :D

Kon Tiki

Rhindle said:
Burnout 3 isn't on Gamecube because Criterion/EA figures, probably correctly, that 90%+ of the audience for the game has another system to buy it for, so they are not sacrificing any sales by dumping the third platform.

Seriously, how many racing game fans are there out there who somehow decided that a Gamnecube would be their sole gaming console?

That is the kind of thinking that killed 3rd party on Gamecube. "Why try to create a market? It will not sell." Even before the first game was annouced, it was already pigeonholed. I am sure Nintendo is to blame somewhere.


Rhindle said:
Burnout 3 isn't on Gamecube because Criterion/EA figures, probably correctly, that 90%+ of the audience for the game has another system to buy it for, so they are not sacrificing any sales by dumping the third platform.

Seriously, how many racing game fans are there out there who somehow decided that a Gamnecube would be their sole gaming console?
You have the perfect mentality to rule a big videogames company...and screw tons of users.

Seriously, how many people doesn't expect the system they have just bought to be their sole gaming console ?


Unconfirmed Member
They should have verified that everyone who was going to play it had Live or their PS2 online since it was so integral to the experience. No online you can't purchase it. Buy a gamecube kiddy.


Which sould be the official line. Not Online. Would it hurt to have some honesty in the industry?

If Alex Ward wants Criterion to make an online game then he can. He doesn't owe anything to you, and he can say what he likes. Time to grow up and accept it people.

Kon Tiki

pilonv1 said:
If Alex Ward wants Criterion to make an online game then he can. He doesn't owe anything to you, and he can say what he likes. Time to grow up and accept it people.
Wow. Simply wow.


The 2nd title suffered on GC due to Acclaim's crappy marketing of the gc version. Their policy at the time was to place less priority on GC titles despite higher sales all round on GC compared to Xbox. No surprise they arent here today.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I actually know one. The presence of the first 2 Burnouts, NFS:HP2, Underground, and recently SRS was enough for him. The GameCube was cheapest, and he isn't interested in online play.

Poor guy (if he is a big racing fan, that is)...

BO1 & 2 are good games, NFS:HP2 is terrible on anything but PS2, GC has the worst version of Underground, and SRS is not very good. The best racer on the system isn't even conventional (F-Zero).


It's not on the GC...let it go, most people here outside of a few fanboys are multi-console games...this makes no difference. This topic, the what wrong with Sega topics, and ones including people who are still pimping tired ass impressions from E3 as if it was last week and not half a year ago now need to go.


dark10x said:
Poor guy (if he is a big racing fan, that is)...

GC has the worst version of Underground

Out of the PAL versions it was the smoothest and load times were in a different league.


I actually know one. The presence of the first 2 Burnouts, NFS:HP2, Underground, and recently SRS was enough for him. The GameCube was cheapest, and he isn't interested in online play.

He couldn't afford the extra $50 to buy a console with much better racing games?
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