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Burnout 4 has a new title...


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

I thought it was gonna be

Burnout: Street


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Dr_Cogent said:
Quit stalking me Victim.

And yes, I do want to know. Sure it may be a dev system, and if it is he can say so. Do you honestly really even need to interject?

<psst> look in the bottom right corner of each picture!


DarienA said:
<psst> look in the bottom right corner of each picture!

Gee, was that so hard for some people? Christ Almighty!

I simply didn't notice the bottom right hand corner. You would think some people on here never overlooked something in their life.

Victim is still just holding a grudge from about a week ago.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Well to be fair, you could also tell what version it is by the amount of sparks. You're not trying hard enough!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I simply didn't notice the bottom right hand corner.

Well to be fair, you could also tell what version it is by the amount of sparks. You're not trying hard enough!
I know it's an Xbox site posting pictures, but it wouldn't be the first or the last time same set of screens is being distributed to all the news outlets. I'm saying this because according to an interview with Ward, which probably took place a month or so ago, they only had the PS2 version running at that time.

That again brings me to my earlier point, why is it even important which platform are these pics from, when it's not even 100% representative of it (no matter which one it is), and both version will most likely end up looking nigh-identical anyways.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Marconelly said:
It looks great, but that's not surprising.

I was hoping for the PSP version after reading all the crazed enthusiasm that Alex Ward expressed for PSP at last year's E3. No such luck I guess, now that EA "helps" them making decisions. I'm thinking It might get ported over by EA's PSP team, but without Criterion's coding wizard I have a feeling it'll suck.

I don't know if this means anything, but about two weeks ago, someone came into work looking for a bunch of PSP accessories. He said he was visiting the U.S. and was a developer. His company was currently working on Burnout for PSP, and they were being told by EA to make the game look exactly like it would on PSP, which he said they couldn't do so it was causing all kinds of stress. This guy could have been making everything up (I wasn't there), or this really was one of the development team. Where is Criterion located?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Lyte Edge said:
I don't know if this means anything, but about two weeks ago, someone came into work looking for a bunch of PSP accessories. He said he was visiting the U.S. and was a developer. His company was currently working on Burnout for PSP, and they were being told by EA to make the game look exactly like it would on PSP, which he said they couldn't do so it was causing all kinds of stress. This guy could have been making everything up (I wasn't there), or this really was one of the development team. Where is Criterion located?

Guildford, UK I believe.


Suikoguy said:

I thought it was gonna be

Burnout: Street
That'll be really weird, because I just imagine a car driving along the wall in an alley. Once you do that it's like a retro-F-Zero.


Inumaru said:
Boy, they don't learn very fast, do they?
I think a major amount of bitching is from the fact that the first two were on the Cube and the EA-published version wasn't. That's surprising considering EA would put nearly anything on it.
Of course, we'd need to see F-Zero cars in the next Burnount on the Cube. Haha, get it? That way it'd sell!
sequel to 2004's Co-GOTY? IM THERE BITCHES! Its a shame there won't be a Xenon version, sure it would have been a port (more or less) but would have cemented my purchase, now i guess i'll put that off til next year.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I'm up for any Burnout game. As long as they don't change the main formula (High speeds, Amazing crashes), it's all good. Taking down traffic sounds intriguing.....I can't wait for E3 :)


Gek54 said:

Not likely.

Anyway EA do something smart for once and release a PC version please.


The Autumn Wind
Suikoguy said:

I thought it was gonna be

Burnout: Street
Personally, I was concerned it was going to be renamed to another Need for Speed variant.
The Faceless Master said:
hope it's more like 2 and less like easy mode (3)

the boost system in 3 made the game skillless, boring and easy...

Considering how easy Burnout 2 was to Burnout 1 I really don't want the series to be continually dumbed down to the casuals. They don't seem to be buying the series anyway. They'd rather sleep-stimulator GT4 ;p
Red Dolphin said:
Considering how easy Burnout 2 was to Burnout 1 I really don't want the series to be continually dumbed down to the casuals. They don't seem to be buying the series anyway. They'd rather sleep-stimulator GT4 ;p
Uh...I think an arcade racer appeals more to a casual gamer than a simulator there buddy.


WafflesOfMassDeliciousnes said:
EA's just gonna keep rehashing. There will be a new BO every year.

Criterion is a good enough developer that the Burnout games won't seem like your typical EA rehashes.


WafflesOfMassDeliciousnes said:
Uh...I think an arcade racer appeals more to a casual gamer than a simulator there buddy.

If that was the case then the Burnout series would sell extremely well. The series hasn't seen great success. While on the other hand Gran Turismo sells extremely well and I would expect Forza Motorsport to sell well also.
I see Burnout turning into generic EA shit. Hell, I blame EA for fucking up the boost system and the shitty music. If BO4 combined the boost system and traffic of the 2nd with the graphics and modes of the 3rd, and a better online mode, it'd be the shit.
There was absolutely no need for this game. I am not paying $50 for this, looks like Burnout 3. They should have waited till next gen for a proper sequel.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I'm curious where were all you bitches complaining about EA making this come out too soon when Burnout 2 came out less than a year after the original title?

DarienA said:
I'm curious where were all you bitches complaining about EA making this come out too soon when Burnout 2 came out less than a year after the original title?


Who cares about burnout 2? The point is, I played Burnout 3 last year and I don't want more of the same. Bring some new ideas at table and save it for next gen.

This looks like a fucking add-on. I hope it's $19.99 at release.

Fucking EA, I knew this would happen, give me Black and some PSP games please.
Marconelly said:
So you already know everything there's to know about the game? Have you at least read the OPM preview?

Oh now I can "blow" the traffic away. Big fucking deal, this still looks like an add on.


Junior Member
Doom_Bringer said:
Who cares about burnout 2? The point is, I played Burnout 3 last year and I don't want more of the same. Bring some new ideas at table and save it for next gen.

it's EA - what did you expect?
They should just release this for whatever console I don't own, that would be great.

The EA cash cow is hungry for more franchise milking.
Dr_Cogent said:
Gee, was that so hard for some people? Christ Almighty!

I simply didn't notice the bottom right hand corner. You would think some people on here never overlooked something in their life.

Victim is still just holding a grudge from about a week ago.
Naw, I'm just trying to make sure you re-buy a PS2. :lol

BTW, have we heard if the *SPARKS* on the PS2 version will be "BRIGHTER" ?!?!?!? I MUST KNOW!!!! :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Doom_Bringer said:
Who cares about burnout 2? The point is, I played Burnout 3 last year and I don't want more of the same. Bring some new ideas at table and save it for next gen.

This looks like a fucking add-on. I hope it's $19.99 at release.

Fucking EA, I knew this would happen, give me Black and some PSP games please.

According to the OPM article they are making quite a few changes.... but who cares about reality when it's just so much more easy to bitch and whine!
DarienA said:
According to the OPM article they are making quite a few changes.... but who cares about reality when it's just so much more easy to bitch and whine!
Yeah the changes sound pretty drastic and honestly 4 will seem like 2 as 3 seemed to 2.


VictimOfGrief said:
Yeah the changes sound pretty drastic and honestly 4 will seem like 2 as 3 seemed to 2.

more destruction derby/car combat and less burnout?

heh...either way I'm still getting this...Criterion may develope for the PS2 first and then port around but I doubt that the PS2 version will be the best...

the ability to 'take out' traffic is a welcome edition...a consistant damage/collision model for all vehicles would balance out the series nicely IMO


VictimOfGrief said:
No, just a "different kind" of Burnout. :)

Burnout 3 was already a pretty big departure from the previous titles (racing 1/4 of a lap in the suicidal style that the previous titles promoted gave a far weaker reward than the much easier act of simply taking out another car)

I fully expect Revenge to be an evolution of 3...much the same way that 2 was an evolution of 1

Gattsu25 said:
Burnout 3 was already a pretty big departure from the previous titles (racing 1/4 of a lap in the suicidal style that the previous titles promoted gave a far weaker reward than the much easier act of simply taking out another car)

I fully expect Revenge to be an evolution of 3...much the same way that 2 was an evolution of 1

Mostly.... from what I'm hearing the content of the game is going to look and feel the same however the physicss have been bumped up again to take advantage of an already amazing physics system that Crit developed.

What I have heard is that the game will have certain goals or "crashes" that trigger in game sequences that can affect future races on that track. I can't 100% confirm that, but it's sounds pretty solid at this point.
I love the Burnout series but I would have much prefered a next gen sequel. If the gameplay is really improved with more traffic and better A.I. then it might be all good :D

Did many ppl here play Flatout? Was it actually any good? Besides the fact that your driver would fly through the car windscreen? ;p I'm up for something arcadey that similar to Burnout.
Franck said:
57 new screenshots ! Photoshop power ? :D




Thanks for the link. Some great shots at that site. I have to admit I light the "grittier" more realistic look to the game. One thing I hope they take out is that obnoxious blur effect in Burnout 3 as soon as your car starts moving!! In Burnout 1 and 2 it was only used while boosting but in Burnout 3 it was completely overused. Made the graphics look like next gen N64 graphics! ;p


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Red Dolphin said:
I love the Burnout series but I would have much prefered a next gen sequel.
What, you don't think we're going to get one of those as well? ;)

Criterion hasn't done me wrong yet with this series. I'm good for a little more Burnout lovin' this gen, a new start to the series next gen and some portable Burnout whenever they can get around to it.

If there's an iteration that they should spend more time on than the others, I'd think you'd all want it to be the next gen version. They're clearly on top of their form by now with current gen hardware so LET THEM pound out a single year rev if they want to - guaranteed to be better than a lot of game software we wait longer for.
kaching said:
What, you don't think we're going to get one of those as well? ;)

Criterion hasn't done me wrong yet with this series. I'm good for a little more Burnout lovin' this gen, a new start to the series next gen and some portable Burnout whenever they can get around to it.

If there's an iteration that they should spend more time on than the others, I'd think you'd all want it to be the next gen version. They're clearly on top of their form by now with current gen hardware so LET THEM pound out a single year rev if they want to - guaranteed to be better than a lot of game software we wait longer for.

I just don't want this series turning out like the Tony Hawk games. The first 3 games were fantastic but Neversoft continued to churn out sequels much to quickly and the series quickly turned stale. I won't even touch the series anymore.
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