nib95 said:the guy he started trouble with unfortunately fits the hot headed stereo typical temperament of so many Black youths.
Fuckin fifty-year old black youths. Can't even be young properly.
nib95 said:the guy he started trouble with unfortunately fits the hot headed stereo typical temperament of so many Black youths.
nib95 said:The girl who was behind the camera took the bag (naturally as she was clearly friends with the guy who got beaten up). Not exactly a "heinous" act to be fair given the circumstances. So are you telling me that the girl who filmed the original video was the one in the video interview on break?
OuterWorldVoice said:Fuckin fifty-year old black youths. Can't even be young properly.
Saren is Bad said: <- Looks the same to me, unless my "ignorance" has impaired my sight.
And she stole the bag of the white guy, not the black dude, who, after her other videos and "interviews," is clearly not a friend. Hell, the guy was a fucking stranger. Shit...this is getting pathetic, man.
Saren is Bad said: <- Looks the same to me, unless my "ignorance" has impaired my sight.
And she stole the bag of the white guy, not the black dude, who, after her other videos and "interviews," is clearly not a friend. Hell, the guy was a fucking stranger. Shit...this is getting pathetic, man.
Good points and I'm not here to argue. Somehow I just doubt what you're saying though. Had the black guy been sporting a gray beard and the white guy was the younger of the two, it would not have been "old guy". He would have been "old black guy" by most people here.Archaix said:While I'm scared of how much defense there is of some pretty blatant racist actions, I don't agree with you here. Old is used because it's the best descriptor of the old guy. He's got a giant Santa beard for christ's sake. If he weren't so damned old it would be white guy and black guy.
Also, the black guy wasn't actually young. Avoiding calling him the black guy in this video is just going out of your way to not look racist. It's not racist to use the most obvious physical difference to describe somebody.
nib95 said:Obviously we can't know for sure, but we do have common sense. And spit shine, chinaman, boy, cotton picker (etc) all lead to a pretty clear picture that the old man likely was racist. Remember, ignorance is not as excuse and however you slice it the amalgamation of those things certainly constitutes the notion of racism at least on surface value.
nib95 said:Lol...yes...obviously the bag wasn't the black guys lol. What I meant was, the camera women stealing the guys bag isn't really that heinous given that he just had a fight with her mate. Hell, if the White guy really did start this whole malarkey with a racist comment about shoe shining as the video interview suggests, if I was the friend of the black guys I'd probably do a bit more than just "steal his bag" (which I wouldn't do) anyway.
Old man needs to learn that, that kind of old fashioned mentality doesn't cut it any more. Just as the Black guy needs to learn not to be so damn hot tempered or let the words old some old buffoon affect him. He did after all move away from him, should have ended there really.
Dark Octave said:Good points and I'm not here to argue. Somehow I just doubt what you're saying though. Had the black guy been sporting a gray beard and the white guy was the younger of the two, it would not have been "old guy". He would have been "old black guy" by most people here.
Saren is Bad said:I agree with your last statement, but the black man was not the witness' friend, they didn't even know each other.
No I wouldn't take offense. Describing them both by race is all good and fair. It's a descriptor and it works. It's just sad when your encounters with black/white/Mexican/Asian ect... people in your life are so rare, the only descriptor for them that you can come up with is their race.Saren is Bad said:I don't want to start anything with you, lol, but just curious - if someone referred to both of them as black guy and white guy, would you find the same offense? Just curious, I find the easiest thing to describe the two are their skin doesn't get more cut and dry than that,
nib95 said:The women filming refers to the Black guy by name. So the women filming (who stole the bag) clearly knew the Black guy. The women in the video interview doesn't refer to the Black guy by name, rather just as "the black guy". Which makes me believe the women in the video interview wasn't the same women who filmed the entire scene/stole the bag?
She should have shown herself walking away from the bag as the police escorted them off the bus. But in that situation, you aren't thinking like that. The bag was probably full of dirty underwear and socks anyway.Duki said:stole the bag my ass, prolly just kept it to give to the police or w/e. why the fuck are you all so fixated on that bag anyway.
She [whoever was talking, not necessarily the camera girl] explicitly said that they were going to look through it. Whether they actually did is irrelevant - what's clear is that her intentions fucking suck. Add it to the racist goading and it only paints a negative picture.Duki said:stole the bag my ass, prolly just kept it to give to the police or w/e. why the fuck are you all so fixated on that bag anyway.
I think it was the girl sitting next to her that suggested looking through the bag. The camera girl just sat it down.I NEED SCISSORS said:She [whoever was talking, not necessarily the camera girl] explicitly said that they were going to look through it. Whether they actually did is irrelevant - what's clear is that her intentions fucking suck. Add it to the racist goading and it only paints a negative picture.
17 years is still a huge gapharSon said:The Black guy is 50 years old, the fight was a relatively old man "assaulting" an even older man.
harSon said:The Black guy is 50 years old, the fight was a relatively old man "assaulting" an even older man.
Not saying that size determines the better fighter, but I think the size difference trumps age in this situation. Dude was huge. When he hit him with that Kimbo Slice KO flurry, it was a wrap.-COOLIO- said:17 years is still a huge gap
Dark Octave said:Not saying that size determines the better fighter, but I think the size difference trumps age in this situation. Dude was huge. When he hit him with that Kimbo Slice KO flurry, it was a wrap.
Still, the guy standing up should have won for the simple fact that he was standing up and was in a better position to start with.
Duki said:stole the bag my ass, prolly just kept it to give to the police or w/e. why the fuck are you all so fixated on that bag anyway.
This. There is no way that guy is 50. He looks to be around the late 20s early 30s area. 40 tops, I'd say.ssoass said:The guy may be 50 years old (he would look very young for his age), but I doubt it.
Personally, I think he just said he was 50 years old as a kind of bluff/joke in response to the older guy stating that he's 67 years old.
PoliceCop said:You're wrong too, congratulations.
neorej said:So white people quoting Dr Dre lyrics are not being racist? They are just quoting a song?
UrokeJoe said:why does everyone keep saying he was Fitty? I thought he looked more like Ludacris.
Probably the most unintentionally brilliant comment of the last 5 pages.UrokeJoe said:why does everyone keep saying he was Fitty? I thought he looked more like Ludacris.
that was fuckin geniusUrokeJoe said:why does everyone keep saying he was Fitty? I thought he looked more like Ludacris.
something tells me that she's completely unaware that some dudes on the internet have spent the day talking about her.MisterNugNug said:Its amazing to me. I wonder what she was thinking? She got on a bus (minding her own business) and after a youtube video, she's now an Internet Meme. How does that feel?:lol
Black don't crack. He definately gave off the "older black dude who is about 10 years behind on the hip hop trends" vibe. I bet he still rocks Fubu an Lugz.bangladesh said:This. There is no way that guy is 50. He looks to be around the late 20s early 30s area. 40 tops, I'd say.
OH SHIT!!! :lol :lol :lolGhostRidah said:Wow someone made a MK video with them, its pretty damn funny :lol
So this about the "I am a Motherfucker guy" on the Oakland bus. I saw this cat that day. Here's what he was up to just before the incident:
So I'm waiting on the NL bus to San Francisco on the corner of Fruitvale and MacArthur in East Oakland (not ghetto East Oakland). It's a good neighborhood. Anyway, it's a beautiful day and I had to go to work. So I arrive at the bus stop at 1:35pm. The bus leaves at 1:45pm. The weather is gorgeous. Not a lot of people out. A sleepy day.
There are three Mexican kids at the bus stop as well. The kind of kids that try so damn hard to be street but just can't quite pull it off: "nigga" this, "nigga" that, "ya feel me". It was funny, yet a little sad. So out of nowhere I see this cat in a Santa Claus Silver beard come bombastically walking towards the bus stop. This cat was LOUD. He walks up to the kids and it looked for a second as they might have been getting off on the wrong foot but it was just that they were got a kick out of his "I am a Motherfucker" shirt. When I saw it, I laughed too.
IAAMF guy pulls out a pack of generic menthol 100's cigarettes and gives one to the 3 Mexican kids to share. Then he puts on a show. He telling everybody how hard he is (in a funny/jovial way). I believed him. He's yelling how he got his ass beat by 6 Black guys in Chicago for wearing an A's hat. It was in the bathroom and while he was pissing, he got hit over the head with a bottle. He also talked about the time he got beat up by the cops in NYC and that's why he was yelling at the "pig" OPD who was across the street in his patrol car. The Mexican kids were loving it.
I kinda was too.
He then goes on about how "high" he is and that he just "smoked some of the best shit in town". Then he talked about (when I say "talk", I mean very loud almost yelling) wanting to get "some pussy". I laughed and he walks over and gives me a high five. He goes on to say that he's hung like a mule and that "even guys want to suck my dick". I believed THAT.
This is all great street theater.
So it's about 3-5 minutes before the bus comes and he spots this cat across the street. This guy is a famous shoe-shiner in the City. I know the guy. IAAMF guy yells and runs across the street. He almost got killed in the process as he didn't look both ways and seriously ALMOST got hit. I'm thinking this guy really is a MOTHERFUCKER. Apparently IAAMF didn't have enough money for the $4 transbay fare (I know, rip off) so he got some cash from shoe-shine guy. I guess they "go back 20 years man".
That Brown Bag that you see on the bus that the ghetto kids say "let's go through it" was actually IAAMF guy's buddy's bag. Yes he had a friend. His friend never said a word and he didn't have his bus fare either. So when the bus came IAAMF guy couldn't get on it.
My guess: They scrounged some bus fare and hopped the next bus.
In closing, in The Town you have a lot of these young/not so young black kids that fuck with white people on the bus. Not just any white guy but white guys that seem vulnerable to them. Just the other day there was this guy that looked like Tug Speedman's character in Tropic Thunder. The mentally challenged guy. He got fucked with on the bus. It wasn't cool. There is also a "slow guy" that's a neighborhood guy whom I've seen get fucked with. I think this guy and his crew thought IAAMF guy was an easy target too hence the "beat his white ass" remark. You never know who you're fucking with. That cat had it coming to him.
Thanks for your time,
Dark Octave said:Also, I gotta get this off my chest. Fuck you guys talking about "black guy" and then turning around and defining the white guy as "old guy" because we all know good and well that if it was a younger white guy who got into it with an older black guy, it would be "black guy" and "young guy". As if the white guy is "normal" so there is no need to define him by race. Just think about what the fuck you're saying is all I'm saying.
Don't get out of hand with this thing. Nobody is calling anyone racist.weekend_warrior said:ITT- calling a black guy black makes you a racist.