S1lent said:
-Asked a black guy to spit shine his shoes in a smug and condescending way
-When black guy takes offense, tries to prove he isn't racist by saying he'd be fine having another minority (a "Chinaman") do it too
-"Don't fuck with me BOY"
-In the second video, appears to yell out "cotton-pickin' mother fuckers!"
Dude is very likely racist, or at the very least is ignorant and racially insensitive.
Also, a side note, but I'm pretty sure the white guy originally was sitting in the front and then walked back to the back to talk to the black guy. This is why the black guy keeps telling him to go "back" to the front, and then he does.
Not sure if serious.
Also, you can see when the black man says "Why a brother got to spit shine your shoes?" The white man responds "You offered!"
How do you say "You offered" if the white man made the initial request of a shoe shine?
You assume too much stuff that happens before the video, because the context I saw was
- Black man says spit shine comment to white man
- white man says ok spit shine shoes because i have a funeral on friday
- black man takes offense and says "why a brother got to spit shine your shoes?"
- white man says "you offered!"