SteveO409 said:wow 4chan is weird. they already found the headphone girl name is Amber Lamps :lol
-COOLIO- said:i disagree. i believe he chose another race at random, the tone of his voice and the expression in his eyes suggests that he really was on the defensive at that point.
KHarvey16 said:Errr...
chinaman?S1lent said:You might be right, but it was still a horribly poor choice of words, and it made him look racist.
SteveO409 said:Ah yeah I feel like an idiot now. Forget what I said lol
BastardTrees said:
-COOLIO- said:chinaman?
well once again it's offensive, but not on the same level as c**** or n*****. it's actually something you may commonly here from old people because it was a somewhat politically correct term back in the day, like negro.
also, he couldnt say 'white people' because the bg threw out that suggestion a moment earlier and so the wg and pick a race that was unmentioned and exotic to the conversation to get his point across.
S1lent said:No, again, not the term itself, but the fact that he brought up another minority to prove his point. The black guy said 'white person' literally a split second before the white guy said chinaman, so it's not like he was going to say 'white person' and then switched after the black guy said it (even if switching for that reason would have made sense, which it wouldn't). Also, the white guy, to me anyway, seems quite smug and condescending when when he first asks about the shoe shine.
-COOLIO- said:the timing and urgency in the chinaman retort definitely suggests that it was in response to the white man comment.
he didnt seem smug to me at all, if that were his intention he'd be smiling, chuckling and leaning in closer. also, when the bg started to seem offended, the wg stuttered a bit when he realized. it was not his intention to be offensive, after looking at things closely im fairly sure of this now.
Imm0rt4l said:why does everyone keep saying the guy was young? They were both old, dude said he was 50
-COOLIO- said:the timing and urgency in the chinaman retort definitely suggests that it was in response to the white man comment.
SteveO409 said:wow 4chan is weird. they already found the headphone girl name is Amber Lamps :lol
Yeah, tell me about it. But seriously, you're calling out 4chan??? How about some of the posters in this very thread!eggandI said:What a dumb shit.
Lol @ 4chan. That girl is average as fuck. What a bunch of sexually frustrated basement dwellers.
Fuck no lol. The white guy was literally responding to the comment in the first place. How long does it take you to process what you heard?The black guy said 'white person' literally a split second before the white guy said chinaman
eggandI said:What a dumb shit.
Lol @ 4chan. That girl is average as fuck. What a bunch of sexually frustrated basement dwellers.
eggandI said:What a dumb shit.
Lol @ 4chan. That girl is average as fuck. What a bunch of sexually frustrated basement dwellers.
S1lent said:I disagree with that, but even if you're right, why would he have to switch to something else just because the black guy said 'white guy' before he could?
The most charitable interpretation of his actions in the video shows him to be, at the least, someone wildly ignorant of racial sensitivities.
Pretty much everybody involved ends up looking bad one way or the other.
Luixfern said:Also he wouldn't gather his things and walk away. If his intention was to instigate a fight or what not he would have stayed in that seat.
-COOLIO- said:have you ever heard an argument that went something like this
"why x, why not z"
same deal. you throw out a new variable to say it could be anything. the only racial insensitivity coming from the wg was in using the term 'chinaman' and that's just a result of his age.
eggandI said:What a dumb shit.
Lol @ 4chan. That girl is average as fuck. What a bunch of sexually frustrated basement dwellers.
micster said:Daymn he made him bleed a LOT
S1lent said:I see no reason why he couldn't have said "A white guy would be fine, it don't matter!" That would have been the smart, racially-sensitive thing to say. And yes, a white guy asking a black guy to spit shine his shoes, then saying he'd be fine having a Chinese guy do it, is being racially insensitive.
They?universalmind said:Listen to the people in the background. I can't believe that is actually how they act and not just a cliche stereotype. *Guy gets punched* "OH LAWD IT'S THE TERRORISTS!"
you could see the "wtf" mixed with "oh shit" on the guys face after he recived the first punch :lolDude Abides said:That was basically over in one punch, but good to see that Motherfucker followed up with a couple more just to be sure.
-COOLIO- said:that response would of been perfect yeah, but like you pointed out before it was a split second comeback. we very rarely say things just right the first time, especially in tense situations.
bjork said:I rewatched this, I like how the other people on the bus go from cheering BG on, to instantly going all victim when he got his shit romped.
Headphones girl is too delicate a flower to be in such a situation. She should ride with me.
S1lent said:That's true, but it was still an incredibly insensitive thing to say, and that's my point.
And yeah, he clearly does say spit shine near the very beginning of the video. He goes "let's get back to [something, sounds like "specials"], how much you charge me for a spit shine?"
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because he does seem genuinely surprised later, but he still comes off quite ignorant and insensitive.
I srsly wasnt expecting that much, especially on the seat tooBeardz said:That's why everybody should carry a mouthguard, just in case!.