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Bus Fight: Old White Guy V.S. Young Black Guy in an Arguement Over Racism

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Here is my half-hearted attempt at a transcript:

White Man: "How much you chargin' me for a spit shine?"
Black Man: "What?"
White Man: "How much you charge me for my Stacy Adams? I'm going to a funeral on Friday."
Black Man: "You get what I said just now?"
White Man: "Yes."
Black Man: "Why a brother gotta spit shine your shoes?"
White Man: "You offered!"
Black Man: "I didn't offer you shit."
White Man: "What did you just say when you walked by me?"
Black Man: "I say why a fuckin' brother gotta spit shine your shoes."
White Man: "He don't have to."
Black Man: "Why a white man can't spit shine?"
White Man: "It can be a Chinaman, it don't matter! I ain't prejudice. You think I'm prejudice!?"
Black Man: "Look dude, look. Take your ass back up and get the fuck out my face right now."
White Man: "Why you bein' so hostile man?"
Black Man: "'Cause. I'm pissed off."
White Man: "Good. You better be pissed off (inaudible) cause you ain't scared this white boy."

At this point the old man is on his feet and in the process of leaving.

Black Man: "Take your ass up there right now."
White Man: "I'm 67 years old. You ain't scared me."
Black Man: "I'm 50!"
White Man: "You ain't scared me. You ain't scared me."
Black Man: "I'll put my foot up your ass."
White Man: "Oh no you won't! No you wont!"
Black Man: "Yes I will."
White Man: "You'll get my foot up yours."
Black Man: "I'll put my foot up your ass."
White Man: "This old man will whip your ass. Sit your little black ass down."
Black Man: "I'll put my foot up your ass."
White Man: "You won't do nothing to me!"
Black Man: "Say it again. Say I won't do shit!"

The black man gets out of his seat and follows the older man to the front of the bus. The conversation becomes somewhat inaudible at this point due to racist passengers yelling and encouraging the younger man to "Beat his white ass."

White Man: "I ain't gettin' off."

The argument continues and more words are exchanged, though most can't be heard at this point.

White Man: "I see punks like you and I slap the shit out of them!"
Black Man: "What!? WHAT!?! What!?"

Black guy throws a (weak) punch. The white guy deflects it and connects with several punches of his own. Moments later, the black man is lying on the floor of the bus with a face full of blood.

White Man: "I told you not to fuck with me!"

It's hard to tell, but it appears as though the black guy made some sort of comment about shining shoes before the video started. When the white guy asked him about the matter, the black guy explained that he wasn't making an offer and was apparently complaining about "brothers" always having to do menial jobs. The white guy explained that it wasn't an issue of race and didn't care who shined his shoes. It would appear as though it was the black guy brought up the issue of race first, but it's really a moot point. It's clear that the first threats were made by the black guy. It's clear that the black guy followed the white guy after he moved. It's clear that the black guy threw the first punch. It certainly seems as though the black guy got what was coming to him.

1) Don't threaten to beat up anyone who is bigger and stronger than you are.
2) Don't follow anyone who is bigger and stronger than you are after they opt to walk away from a hostile situation.
3) Don't throw punches or initiate physical contact with anyone who is bigger and stronger than you are.

Unfortunately, the black guy doesn't appear to have learned anything from the matter and continued to threaten to beat the other guy up even after having his ass handed to him.


The Everyman
harSon said:
People really will excuse almost anything if it means you don't have to label something racist eh?

racism is alive but i dont think this guy is racist. naive maybe, but not racist.


Instro said:
Wow 4chan already has the recorder's(the one who grabbed the bag) name, address, myspace, etc etc.

God I hate 4chan. Yeah she was a dumb bitch, but they're just going to make the situation worse.


-COOLIO- said:
racism is alive but i dont think this guy is racist. naive maybe, but not racist.

You can't say for sure but within the video, there's more evidence pointing towards him being Racist than not, yet people seem more likely to believe the latter.


I don't think the old lady said anything, she was trying to stop the fight no? The bitch behind the camera was the worse out of all 3 people. Pinky, beat his white ass, and stealing the dudes bag? come on.


harSon said:
You can't say for sure but within the video, there's more evidence pointing towards him being Racist than not, yet people seem more likely to believe the latter.
well maybe he was racist

1. he moved to another seat to avoid a fight
2. he did not start to fight until the black guy threatened and punched him

so i can understand that sympathy is on his side


BastardTrees said:

That's the ambilamps dude?

* Let's Go Oakland: Keep the A's

Damn he is a fellow A's fan, now I have sympathy for him...

S1lent said:
God I hate 4chan. Yeah she was a dumb bitch, but they're just going to make the situation worse.

She videotaped herself stealing someone's bag and put the video on Youtube, the SF police should at least be informed. Who knows if anything valuable was in the bag or if the old dude wants it back...


farnham said:
well maybe he was racist

1. he moved to another seat to avoid a fight
2. he did not start to fight until the black guy threatened and punched him

so i can understand that sympathy is on his side

I don't think 99% of the bus deserves any sympathy to be perfectly honest.

The old guy was a smug douche, and while he moved seats to avoid a fight, he had a part in getting it to that point in the first place and went overboard in his self defense.

That bus was just a collection of stupidity though.
Damn that old dude went full Beast.

Anyway it's obvious that the black guy said something that the white guy misunderstood as an offer to shine his shoes. It was all downhill from there. Black woman 1 or 2 rows ahead of headphones girl deserves kudos for saying everything she could to both guys in an effort to stop the fight. Black girl with camera is exactly the kind of self absorbed sociopath this world would be better off without. Hopefully when she got off on her stop she accidentally fell under the back wheels of the bus.


The Youtube comments.:lol

I would love the day where you had to have your own picture by your youtube comments i wonder how many morons would still spit the same hatred.


harSon said:
went overboard in his self defense.

:lol WTF, what are you basing that on? The other dude 1) threatened him, 2) came after him even after he had tried to remove himself from the situation, and 3) hit him first.

What would you consider adequate self defense in that situation and what would you consider going overboard?

Once the guy was vulnerable on the ground, the old man yelled at him a bit and then got off the bus. If he wanted to go beyond mere self defense, he could easily have kept hitting him at that point.


I <3 Memes said:
Damn that old dude went full Beast.

Anyway it's obvious that the black guy said something that the white guy misunderstood as an offer to shine his shoes. It was all downhill from there. Black woman 1 or 2 rows ahead of headphones girl deserves kudos for saying everything she could to both guys in an effort to stop the fight. Black girl with camera is exactly the kind of self absorbed sociopath this world would be better off without. Hopefully when she got off on her stop she accidentally fell under the back wheels of the bus.

How in the hell is it obvious? :lol
I knew this was San Francisco/Northern California due to that white guy's accent. And, the fact he immediately went to "chinaman," as there are a lot of Chinese people in the area.
harSon said:
How in the hell is it obvious? :lol

From Coolio McAwesome's transcript. I heard it the same way.

White Man: "How much you chargin' me for a spit shine?"
Black Man: "What?"
White Man: "How much you charge me for my Stacy Adams? I'm going to a funeral on Friday."
Black Man: "You get what I said just now?"
White Man: "Yes."
Black Man: "Why a brother gotta spit shine your shoes?"
White Man: "You offered!"
Black Man: "I didn't offer you shit."
White Man: "What did you just say when you walked by me?"
Black Man: "I say why a fuckin' brother gotta spit shine your shoes."
White Man: "He don't have to."
Black Man: "Why a white man can't spit shine?"
White Man: "It can be a Chinaman, it don't matter! I ain't prejudice. You think I'm prejudice!?"
White guy actually went easy on him. He could have easily murdered him there with his fist. I hope the white guy had the sense to stick around and get his bag back and talk to the police. He did nothing illegal. Black guy looked like maybe he was slow mentally? Or high? His punch was so weak. :lol

I love how even after he gets his face demolished he's still talking shit. Everyone involved has a few screws loose. Girl recording needs to get a bitch slap, too.


That black guy should've known not to fuck with a guy who has, what?, 6" on you and at least 50 lbs on you too....even if he is old.

and damn, GAF provides the awesome GIFs like usual.:lol

pje122 said:
Yeah, tell me about it. But seriously, you're calling out 4chan??? How about some of the posters in this very thread!

4chan always deserves to be called out.
When he said "Slap the SHIT outta 'em!" you can tell by his voice he ain't scared, and he wasn't lying. I said DAMN.

So, how do we know he was a former marine?
Am I the only one here flabbergasted that this actually happened without the bus driver doing anything about it?

If shit like this started here, the bus driver would've tossed both of them off the bus.


xbhaskarx said:
She videotaped herself stealing someone's bag and put the video on Youtube, the SF police should at least be informed. Who knows if anything valuable was in the bag or if the old dude wants it back...

Yeah, I'm sure reporting the incident to police and then letting them do their job is totally 4chan's aim here...
Crazy video... but something else caught my eye:

V.S. ?

Quick wiki search for what "V.S." could mean:

- an abbrevation for Vikaram Samvant, a Hindu Calender
- Vojska Srbije (Serbian Military) in Serbian
- V. S. Achuthanandan, Chief Minister of Kerala state

I'll ignore "arguement" for now
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