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BusinessInsider.com: Microsoft's Xbox is beating the PlayStation 5 this holiday season for 3 key reasons

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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
The article doesn’t say the xbox series will outsell the PlayStation forever. It doesn’t say that Xbox is winning the gen.

It just reports to the general public that xbox is poised to outsell PlayStation over the holidays in the US because of the cheaper, more available SKU and critical suppy issues for the PS5 and Series X.

What’s ‘stupid’ about that? Why does such an innocuous article strike a nerve?
You know why...


I’m going to guess you aren’t in the USA or Canada.
I can order the S right now from Best Buy and I am in the USA. I can also order it and pick it up at a store near me. I've also seen it sitting under the console cabinet in electronics at a Target. It's definitely available more than the other two (Seres X & PS5). People might also pick it up when they can't find an X or a PS5.


Even the article in question, says as much:
"It's all about stock," NPD Group video game analyst Mat Piscatella said. "The console with the most units in market will lead the charts."

Such is the case for the Xbox Series S, which is widely available in stores even as of this publishing. Everywhere from Amazon to Best Buy has the console in stock. While the more powerful, more expensive Xbox Series X model remains nearly as elusive as the PS5, the Series S is easy to find and purchase.
So the person didn't even need to live in the USA or Canada!
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People like you, are why we getting bad games.
Yeah, sure, early adopters it the reason games are bad.
When developers have to focus on graphics to satisfy you guys, we get garbage gameplay.
Uhuh. New BF2042 fiasco which I was waiting since PS3 (BF4) is totally on me and people like me.

You need to take this "ME" shit mentality.
I'd rather not, thank you. Society as a whole couldn't care less about me, so I'd rather care about myself lol

Games are available for everyone.
And? Power to the people! Doesn't matter to me still. I ain't trying to steal games from anyone. Lower entry point isn't my concern as long as it doesn't affect me. Unfortunately with S it does affects me, MS, Sony and PC devs.

If you want higher quality, then play on PC exclusives
Gladly. Unfortunately there's not many of those left and now 90% of PC devs targeting consoles and it brings us back to the S existence. I already told you what happened to Assassin's Creed series after Ubi tried to target PC. Unfortunately targeting PC isn't feasible for the vast majority of the developers and publishers.

Because you ain't getting next gen games, until 2 years from now.
Yeah and I fail to see what's there to celebrate, let alone what to celebrate about the S sales numbers.


That has nothing to do with Series S selling more than PS5 or Series X... or Xbox selling more than PS5.
Supply is the only reason.

With enough supply Series X should be selling more than Series S like MS planned (they where producing more X than S until they faced production issues) and PS5 should be selling more than Xbox (actually it is still is... I mean even in US alone it was like 100k difference in November... worldwide PS5 is probably still selling more).

So something that contributes a lot to the sales of the console should not be counted, because reasons?

Completely unsurprised that You have no qualms when people attribute some of the sales to parents and grandmas picking up the consoles as a last ditch alternative, but are up in arms at the suggestion that people are buying them to play console sellers.


Gold Member
I can order the S right now from Best Buy and I am in the USA. I can also order it and pick it up at a store near me. I've also seen it sitting under the console cabinet in electronics at a Target. It's definitely available more than the other two (Seres X & PS5). People might also pick it up when they can't find an X or a PS5.

Pretty easy to track this stuff using sites like nowinstock.net which keeps a history of stock.

Here we have stock showing for Xbox Series X and PS5 every few days:

While Xbox Series S is available every few hours, daily:
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This thread shows that GAF users heavily sway PlayStation and they get genuily hurt when things don't go their way.

Honestly, no one is saying that the series s, or x will be the best selling console of all time. Everyone knows that the S is in stock whilst the other two arnt. No one is saying the the series S will continue to outsell PS5 throughout its whole life.

The article is merely stating -(from a business perspective, as its that type of paper) that the Series S is performing really well because, 1- its in stock, and 2, its cheap. I can't believe that people can't even deal with those facts.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
I think he's implying that its the only thing readily available during this time of year. And if its a gift for the kids you either come back with nothing or something. Series s is a way better deal than buying a Xbox one x. I get his point, but the thing he omits is how attractive in this fucked US economy a $299 new gen console is.

I mean once they buy it and get or ask about gamepass I think thats a decision thats easy for most family's this christmas.
If it was so attractive why are they not sold out more much like the 5/X and have more than a few at stores? Settling is settling
people who don't and have no intention of buying one who aren't, funny that.
I never understood this take....This is a gaming forum and most of the users are passionate about gaming.

Like other consoles and Series S has some flaws and that is a concern that most hardcore gamers have with the console.

Hardcore gamers are the ones that make the most noise to move gaming forward so I don't get this "its not for you" argument because even if that is the case it will still impact console gaming this gen which impacts everyone especially those playing within the Xbox ecosystem.
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The Series S isn’t effecting the big boy consoles or PC though, there’s zero evidence for that. The S versions of games simply get gimped resolution, stripped back LoD etc.
Sure there is. GotG released with less than optimal resolutions and features vs expectations and the s had to omit Ray tracing altogether. Is it that big of a stretch to say that those hours spent on the s could have been used to optimize the lead consoles?
Here we have stock showing for Xbox Series X and PS5 every few days:

While Xbox Series S is available every few hours, daily:
It’s been available in the US everywhere for weeks. Just to put into perspective, people are paying the retail equivalent of both $499 consoles for the PS5 and the equivalent of the series s and one of the lead consoles for the series x on after market sites. So $1000 for PS5 and over $800 for series x. The s stays available at retail price and that includes the bundle that has 2 games.


gaf after reading that headline
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I have a series x this gen but only reason Sony is loosing is because its still impossible to find a ps5 where as series s is readily available


I never understood this take....This is a gaming forum and most of the users are passionate about gaming.

Like other consoles and Series S has some flaws and that is a concern that most hardcore gamers have with the console.

Hardcore gamers are the ones that make the most noise to move gaming forward so I don't get this "its not for you" argument because even if that is the case it will still impact console gaming this gen which impacts everyone especially those playing on Xbox ecosystem.

Sadly, there’s a massive contingent (on both sides) that’s only passionate on gaming on one platform. Hence threads being overrun with salty fanboys and console warriors.

What you call ‘flaws’ in the Series S is simply what it was designed for. Would you insist that the RTX3050 is flawed because it’s much weaker than the RTX 3080?

One year in, there is zero evidence of the Series S holding back next gen. In fact, the Matrix tech demo showed UE5 running quite well on the Series S. And it’s clearly been downported, so no cutbacks to the vision for the demo.

Since the gen began, the most we’ve seen in cutbacks to resolution, texture quality and some effects from the flagship consoles to fit on the XSS. That’s it.

Any ‘holding back’ claims have zero basis in reality.
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Less than a week before Christmas, and there are about a million series S at my local Costco. How in demand could they be? I’ve never seen a series X or PS5 on the shelf.
The S isn’t the console people want, it’s the one they settle for.


Stimmies ran out ages ago and disposable income is now below 2019 levels. If this continues, expect the $300 box ($250 next holiday?) to continue to move units and dominate sales charts.
If Series S is the majority console, its not good for both Series X and PS5 as next gen games going to be downgraded for Series S.

There is nothing to downgrade, because we will be playing PS4/One level games all this gen.

I would never buy a Series S, but these comments make no sense. Neither console is truly capable of your pre launch wish. Post launch it is clear that both consoles do best with last gen graphics at high frame rate and high image quality. These consoles turn into puddles when it's time to play a round of Matrix.

PCs don't even appear to fair all that well either, all for reflective puddles. These aren't features that matter more than games looking crisp for once. The only struggle console is Switch.


So something that contributes a lot to the sales of the console should not be counted, because reasons?

Completely unsurprised that You have no qualms when people attribute some of the sales to parents and grandmas picking up the consoles as a last ditch alternative, but are up in arms at the suggestion that people are buying them to play console sellers.
Not to be counted?
What ware you talking about?
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Less than a week before Christmas, and there are about a million series S at my local Costco. How in demand could they be? I’ve never seen a series X or PS5 on the shelf.
The S isn’t the console people want, it’s the one they settle for.
Why does it matter if its the one they settle for? The article is saying that because its available it's selling... So your just describing the article in more words.

I can imagine Microsoft is happy to have the series s as a console to settle for because it gets people into an ecosystem and encourages them to try gamepass.

So why are you angry? Not everything has to be console wars. Of course a console that has less manufacturers units is going to sell less. And MS is capitalising on that. Boohoo. That's good business sense.
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I never understood this take....This is a gaming forum and most of the users are passionate about gaming.

Like other consoles and Series S has some flaws and that is a concern that most hardcore gamers have with the console.

Hardcore gamers are the ones that make the most noise to move gaming forward so I don't get this "its not for you" argument because even if that is the case it will still impact console gaming this gen which impacts everyone especially those playing within the Xbox ecosystem.
It wont. How many times do we say this shit. It wont impact gaming this gen.

We had shit consoles before, and gaming was fine.

Loud gamers are soo annoying at everything.

If you want ground breaking games, Then ask devs to focus on gameplay 1st, instead of graphics.


Gold Member
Microsoft made an excellent move with the S and it keeps bringing people into their ecosystem. I've said before that people wanting to buy a next-gen system will eventually just buy what they find. This might be an unexpected long-term winning strategy. With the Forza/Halo combo, the S is super attractive. Love to see it. Also, because the S being a success goes against all the hundreds of autistic threads we see on the forum discussing resolution percentages and frame drops. Gamers in general couldn't care less about absurd tech analysis discussing details that only a microscope can reveal. People just want to play games.
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Sadly, there’s a massive contingent (on both sides) that’s only passionate on gaming on one platform. Hence threads being overrun with salty fanboys and console warriors.

What you call ‘flaws’ in the Series S is simply what it was designed for. Would you insist that the RTX3050 is flawed because it’s much weaker than the RTX 3080?

One year in, there is zero evidence of the Series S holding back next gen. In fact, the Matrix tech demo showed UE5 running quite well on the Series S. And it’s clearly been downported, so no cutbacks to the vision for the demo.

Since the gen began, the most we’ve seen in cutbacks to resolution, texture quality and some effects from the flagship consoles to fit on the XSS. That’s it.

And ‘holding back’ claims have zero basis in reality.
Here we go with the PC comparisons nonsense....

The Series S was designed to have all the features of the Series X but with a 1080p cap and no disc drive.

But as we have seen, games are missing features on that console and have a worst performance . So MS lied about what the system was compatible of doing but when this point is brought up for some reason people want to dismiss that.

Nothing is wrong with properly educating people on what they are buying. For some reason the Series S should be immune to criticism? I don't get that take but whatever ....
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Article: "Xbox outsold Playstation because the Series S is in stock"

Neogaf: "Bullshit!!! The only reason Xbox outsold Playstation is because they're in stock!"

Me: ???
The article actually says 3 reasons when it is actually just 1.
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Here we go with the PC comparisons nonsense....

The Series S was designed to have all the features of the Series X but with a 1080p cap and no disc drive.

But as we have seen, games are missing features on that console and have a worst performance . So MS lied about what the system was compatible of doing but when this point is brought up for some reason people want to dismiss that.

Hey man.. stop whining about what a company told you.

Its a company, not your daddy.

Some of yall act like such babies.

Wah wah its going to hold back GAMING? GAMING??? WAAHH
Get out of your damn basement. Jesus fuck. "Gamers" are so embarrassing.
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The article doesn’t say the xbox series will outsell the PlayStation forever. It doesn’t say that Xbox is winning the gen.

It just reports to the general public that xbox is poised to outsell PlayStation over the holidays in the US because of the cheaper, more available SKU and critical suppy issues for the PS5 and Series X.

What’s ‘stupid’ about that?
Why does such an innocuous article strike a nerve?

Because, as stated, it's pointless to compare a freely available console with one that's completely unavailable. Chances are the Ps5 would be outselling the Series S and X if all were easy to buy. They're not. Pointless.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
2 key reasons : It’s all that’s available and desperation by the consumer .

If the PS5 was available it wouldn’t be a contest.
Hey man.. stop whining about what a company told you.

Its a company, not your daddy.

Some of yall act like such babies.

Wah wah its going to hold back GAMING? WAAHH
Get out of your damn basement. Jesus fuck
So relying to post made directly to me is whining? lol

By the way, I don't know if your aware but your on a gaming forum making fun of someone that is into gaming
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Man, this is like team race, but only one team is participating. To be thrilled by win like this shows just how little that team has had to celebrate.

Thinking about it, it seems people are more elated that it's people upset about this news then the news itself.

I guess you have to get your W's anyway you can.


It threatens the dear fanbase, as they need to be the one and only gaming subject at all times.

Everything else is uncivilized.

Given the fact that in recent times you've agreed with me when I've been positive about Microsoft and XBox's success at turning the tide from last gen... this strikes me as an incredibly odd thing to say.

Not everything should be seen through the prism of the never ending kiddie playground console wars, dude.


If it was so attractive why are they not sold out more much like the 5/X and have more than a few at stores? Settling is settling

Smaller console= more chips per wafer, also materials are not as hard for the series s. There's less so there for more can be made. Look at the switch? It's basically using a 5-6 year old tegra style chip, and config wise has nothing that is not readily available.
The series S also had a stock pile or left over production wise from previous year that rolled over, since more people in the beginning were buying the Series X.

The series S is smaller there for also does not require as much room in shipping.
There's more that can be shipped per container. The series X box is pretty big. Series S box is very minimal.

Not hard to understand.


Sure there is. GotG released with less than optimal resolutions and features vs expectations and the s had to omit Ray tracing altogether. Is it that big of a stretch to say that those hours spent on the s could have been used to optimize the lead consoles?

They would have made all of those graphical pre-sets/removed ray tracing for low-mid tier PCs anyway?

And why stop there? Why do they bother paying a cleaning lady or spending any time/budget on marketing? All of that time and effort could go in to the X/PS5.
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Gold Member
They clearly state that a large reason is availability. I don't see how stating that price and the availability of great games as additional factors is in any way controversial
Because there are great games on the other consoles as well, so a moot point perhaps?
MS does not even have enough stock for Series S. You can find one online easily. but they are losing out on sales from it rarely being available in stores. I haven't seen a Series S in stores for almost 2 weeks now since I have been doing my Xmas shopping. MS is losing out on all the impulse shoppers who would be interested if they saw it.
I feel like whoever makes the most consoles will lead and possibly even win, at least until the consoles are actually on store shelves and relatively easy to find. Around here, the XSX is actually harder to find than the PS5 and that’s saying a lot. Not sure how many gamers will settle for an XSS instead of an XSX or PS5 though.
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MS does not even have enough stock for Series S. You can find one online easily. but they are losing out on sales from it rarely being available in stores. I haven't seen a Series S in stores for almost 2 weeks now since I have been doing my Xmas shopping. MS is losing out on all the impulse shoppers who would be interested if they saw it.

They are available right now on microsoft, gamestop, and amazon and its 4 days before christmas.


They clearly state that a large reason is availability. I don't see how stating that price and the availability of great games as additional factors is in any way controversial
Because the only reason is stocks.
If there is stocks even Series X should be selling more than Series S.

Price or games has nothing to do with that right now in the situations the consoles are.
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There is no way Series S being in stock is a good thing for Microsoft. It appears no one wants the damn thing.
I went to Amazon, Bestbuy, Walmart (canada) and it was in stock in all locations.

Maybe the narrative will change around the console once some kids get their hands on it and realize it plays fortnite really good. 🤷‍♂️


Because the only reason is stocks.
If there is stocks even Series X should be selling more than Series S.

Price or games has nothing to do with that right now in the situations the consoles are.
I disagree. If the price of the Series S was significantly higher, or their were less attractive games available, it would almost certainly have sold less than it did.
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