Square Triangle
NO worries, it just cuts down on excessive posts. People do read pages back so don't worry about exposure.
I have a question for anyone here.. On a different forum, I am currently working on a trade to someone from Canada (I'm in the US). They used a normal paypal payment to pay me, and did not want to pay the difference for the more expensive shipping method that can be tracked (for now, still working on that). I guess what I want to ask is, if I send the package out, will the user have the right to contest me on paypal without a proof of tracking? I was happy with the deal until I thought about the potential scenario of what if they say they never got it, or actually somehow didn't get it. Would I be able to protect myself? How does Paypal handle this kind of thing when the transactions didn't happen through them and has no tracking?
Any insight would be helpful, keep in mind this item hasn't been shipped yet so it's just something I want to gain an understanding on, could I potentially lose my goods and money, or would the buyer just be forced to pay?
Always ship with tracking number. They can file a claim with PayPal and say the item was never received. With tracking number, Paypal usually sides with the seller.
Ouya - Perfect working condition, I've just decided to wait for a Tegra 4 or something similar to become available in a year or whatever for my android on tv needs. Looking to get $80 shipped for it in the USA.
PS3 60 GB Phat - I still have the box for this as well. Works great, just let my friend borrow it for a few months. Only one minor defect on the hardware, just a chip on the exterior. Never had too many hours on it so I don't think YLOD will be an issue for it. I'd like to get $150 + whatever shipping comes out to be (I'll calculate it if there is interest), again to anywhere USA.
I can take pictures if people are interested, and I have a bunch of NeoGAF positive rep as well.
I don't want to start this discussion again, but I'm also from another country (Brazil) and I usually ask for shipping without tracking number - I either go "USPS First Class Package International" or "USPS Priority Mail International" - I do that because I try to avoid Customs on my country, as they usually charge 60% of the declared price PLUS SHIPPING. Not being a traceable package minimizes the chances that I'll get taxed (don't ask me why, but that's just how it is down here). Just recently I bought a 3DS XL from here and the seller was a champ and managed to fulfill all my weird requests for the shipping of the product.
I really don't know about PayPal policies and what do they consider a tracking number. However, every international mail has a Customs issued tracking number. It's not as good as regular tracking number and, usually, it only works inside the US. It comes in the US<9numbers><2Letters> arrangement and it's usually on the Customs Form you're obliged to fill up when shipping internationally.
On my case, that tracking number is usually tracked inside the USA until it leaves the USPS "jurisdiction" (my package says "Processed through USPS Sort Facility CHICAGO, IL 60666", which means it already left the USA).
I don't know if that's enough for paypal to side with you on a dispute, but there IS a tracking number, just not a very good one. It's proof that you mailed SOMETHING.
On another note, afaik, Canada doesn't have these abusive Customs issues, and I don't think a tracking number would make a difference for the buyer in this case. I'm a special case, because I live in a shitty country, but I don't see why would this be a problem on Canada.
Even though the customs number "tracks" until it leaves the US, if the buyer claims to have never received the game, then Paypal will still side with the buyer, because it doesn't show the item as delivered.
Mom moved in and brought back my old NES consoles, and somehow one game from the collection has gone missing: Mighty Final Fight.
Bums me out.
I'll pay $25 for a loose copy or $40 if you have one with manual.
Please PM.
(Also, where did all the eBay/Amazon copies go? I saw a bunch for $15-$20 around January and now nada... wtf?)
Bump. I can't believe what's happened to the NES availability the last 6 months; figures I waited too long. Anyway...
I'll go $35 loose or $45 with manual.
Also: kind of a longshot, but I guess I'll look here anyway. I'm looking for a 3DS XL. Color doesn't really matter to me (preferably not pink lol), as long as it's in good condition. Offering $120 shipped. I'd be down to trade my offers + cash for one as well.
You're crazy man, the Pink 3DS XL is the best one by far. It's a wonderful, peachy pink as well and the white inside is a great contrast.
Positive seller feedback for Square Triangle, package arrived quickly and in great condition![]()
I'm in dire need here had. Does anyone have a spare, super cheap 2.5" hard drive? Mine died and I need a replacement but simultaneously don't have a lot of spare cash.
WTB Sony Elite Edition Wireless Headset for $90. Willing to negotiate on a price though.
I recently got a paycheck from a company I quit, and I didn't expect to get said paycheck. So I decided to splurge that unexpected money on a much needed pair of console cans. Knowing that I can use it for the Wii U and soon to be PS4 (will most likely anyway) are icing on the cake.
I have the original 80GB drive that came with my PS3. Would that work?
Hmm. You do owe me a favour...Have:
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Digital Collector's Edition (NA) - PC pre-order code from GMG.
This is a pre-order code so it will get you those items as well as the CE items and early access. You can read the details here. (This has to be used with a new service account to get the collector's edition items.)
$25.00 Paypal
Bought it without knowing it couldn't be applied to legacy accounts, so my loss is your gain; I'm selling it for $12.50 less than it costs. I'll send you the code/screen from GMG. PM if interested.
Hmm. You do owe me a favour...![]()
I'm being silly. Gifted you a game you were looking for once.?
Not sure what you mean, you'll have to PM me.