All prices include shipping. I'm listed as NeoGAF Plus +9 in the feedback list. All feedback is from selling.
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1. Paypal Gift Only (or you cover fees)
2. U.S. Lower 48 Only
Note: None of these games are new/sealed. Some are in excellent condition; others were bought used from Gamestop, so less than excellent. If this is important to you as a collector, please ask questions before you buy. I'm happy to provide whatever info you need, including additional pictures.
If anyone wants to bundle up, especially 3+, deals shall be cut.
House of the Dead 2&3 Return + 2 White/Blue Nyko Perfect Shot - 35
NSMB Wii - 20
Metroid Prime w/ Echoes Demo Bonus Disc (black label, complete, minor sticky stuff on lower spine) - 12 SOLD
LoZ: Windwaker (black label, complete) - 30
F-Zero GX - 25 SOLD
Mario Kart
D (black label, complete) - 35 SOLD
Paper Mario:TTYD – 30 SOLD
DS Lite white with charger, Acekard 2 and 4GB micro SD – 55 Some minor discoloration of shoulder buttons and hinge area. No cheeto fingers were used while playing this device. I am leaving the file structure on the micro SD but no roms will be included. My understanding is this will not work on the 3DS out of the box, FYI to all.
Final Fantasy IV - 25
PS2 – Everything CiB was bought new by me and is in pretty great shape. Everything not CiB was bought used from BB or Gamestop and has scratches and no manuals, but has been played through to completion. I would prefer to sell this whole lot as a bundle, including the console, but if you want to mix and match or buy singles feel free.
Drakan: The Ancients Gates - 7
Baldur’s Gate DA - 10
Baldur’s Gate DA2 - 20
Gauntlet Seven Sorrows CiB - 10
Gauntlet Dark Legacy - 10 SOLD
Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms CiB - 30
Champions of Norrath CiB - 15 SOLD
Bard’s Tale CiB - 10
KH CiB - 7
Spyro: New Beginning CiB - 13
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly CiB- 9
PS2 Slim Console – 50 I tested all of the PS2 games above up to first gameplay on this console with no trouble. I turned my house upside down looking for the memory card and DS2, but can’t find them. So please be aware this will come with no memory card and a pelican PS2 controller with rumble and a DS1 that I would only use in an emergency. The pelican controller has less than 20 hours on it.
FFVIIGH – 20 Three playthroughs, minor scratches/prints on discs, should be no problem SOLD
FFVIIIGH – 18 – Minor scratches on D1, rest have never been out of the case except when I checked them today, 9.5/10 condition. SOLD
FFIXGH – 18 – Two playthroughs, minor scratches on D1, rest are pretty clean.
Glacier GBA – 15 No game to test it, but it boots the gameboy screen and speakers work