PS3 250gb superslim (no box)
Dualshock 3 + charging cable
PS3 wireless headset (with box + usb)
Cables, no hdmi cable though.
The system bundle is for 150$ shipped. You can pay me using paypal or amazon gift card.
Ultra street fighter IV + UMVC 3 for 30$ (The marvel game's case is not in really good condition, gamestop, so I sell the two this price. USFIV play about 2 times.) (currently pending)
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma 25$
Vanquish 5$ (it's gamestop case so please don't expect quality)
Red dead redemption GOTY 15$ (play one time still have the map)
Ni No Kuni 10$ ( open to play one)
The guided fate paradox 15$ ( just take off the vinyl, never play)
COD:MW3 free ( go with the system bundle)
Ar tonelico Qoga 22$ ( open the vinyl never play)
Dragon's Crown 15$ (open one time to play, but the case have a slight bump)
You can still pay for both games and system for 265$ normal paypal transaction (sorry i have to change the price a bit, if you gift paypal then the price for the bundle is 250$)
All games, system tested and work
All the price already incl shipping, I want paypal or amazon.
If there is something you have question, offer or other thing please pm me.
Wii U pro controller
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
If you want anymore pic please tell me I'll take more picture of its.
I really want to sell and buy stuff so just pm me what you want me to do in order for you to feel safe and secure.