What I have to sell/trade:
Microsoft Points (About ~$250 left) in $5 denominations
Wolfenstein PS4 (just opened and beat so it's very much like new)
GTA V (PS3) Brother's dog chewed the corner of the case. Disc is scratch free
Wonderful 101 Like New
Ni No Kuni Like New
A bunch of old games
Guilt Gear Judgement, Crackdown, Dead or Alive 5, Dead or Alive 4, Virtua Fighter, Uncharted 2, Tales of the World Radiant Mythology (has a crack on the bottom right corner of the case), Arcana Heart, Death By Degrees (lol), Enchanted Arms (lol), Genji Days of the Blade (lol), (Not selling MGS4)
Red Wii Console
Old 20 gig Xbox 360 console + a butt load of games
What I'm interested in:
Super Mario 3D World
Amazon/PSN Credit/Best Buy Credit
Deception Blood Ties (PS3)
Some steam games I might not have yet
If you have something not listed here go ahead and PM me if you're willing to trade it.
Sorry I don't have prices on the things I'm willing to sell or trade. I haven't had much time to look. But feel free to PM and we can discuss or just make an offer outright.