Positive buyer feedback for Mac the KNife. Quick transaction with no problemsPositive feedback for DMPrince, whose princely package of DQ games arrived at a pace that would make Santa blush.
iTunes gift card, whatever value you happen to have
I guess this is the right thread for this...
I have a code for 3D Classics Kid Icarus.
I'm willing to give it away for any Wii U codes. The two games being offered on Club Nintendo right now (Metroid and Kirby) are acceptable, though I'd prefer Kirby at the same coin cost. I'd also accept offers for eShop credits or potentially any other codes you may have laying around. PM me with offers.
Revising this a little.
I no longer want Kirby. I will trade a 3D Classics Kid Icarus for absolutely any Wii U game code I don't already own, however. Including Metroid, being offered through Club Nintendo right now. eShop credit is also accepted. Anyone interested just let me know.
Positive Buyer Feedback for Gloomfire. Thanks again!
Want to Sell:
Playstation TV with 16gb memory card and Dual Shock 3. System and memory card is 2 weeks old. Controller is a couple years old, but still good condition. Bought it for remote play, but I just purchased a second PS4 so no need for it.
$85 shipped in the US
Playstation "Choose one of 4" voucher. Voucher for Destiny, Far Cry, Little Big Planet, of NBA 2k15.
$28 code delivered via PM Sale Pending
Assassins Creed Black Flag download code for Xbox One
$8 code delivered via PM
How does the netflix thing work? Can I add that to my subscription and it won't charge me for 6 months? Do you need a new account?Try contacting me in the e-mail below if I don't respond quickly! Sometimes the PM system fails and I might not get your message. I will get back to you.
Lurkers contact me here:
WTS - Neogaf Gold Seller! 74 Positive Seller Feedback(100%). Google Wallet or Paypal.
6 Months Netflix! - $35 Hurry, redemption ends Jan 1 2015!
Windows 8
Upgrades from Windows 8 Pro to 8.1 Pro is FREE!
Windows N Keys have everything except a media player, which is available for free.
- Windows 8 Pro key - $60
- Windows 8 key - $55
- Windows 8.1 Enterprise key - $65
- Windows 8 Pro N key - $55
- Windows 8.1 Pro N key - $55
- Windows 8 N key - $50
- Windows 8.1 Enterprise N key - $60
Windows 7
- Windows 7 Home Basic key - $50
- Windows 7 Home Premium key - $55
- Windows 7 Pro key - $60
- Windows 7 Ultimate key - $65
- Windows 7 Enterprise key - $65
- Windows 7 Home Premium N key - $50
- Windows 7 Pro N key - $55
- Windows 7 Ultimate N key - $60
- Windows 7 Enterprise N key - $60
- Windows Vista key - $35
Microsoft Office
- Office 2013 Pro Plus - $60
- Office 2010 Professional - $50
- Office 2010 Standard - $45
- Office 2011 for Mac and Home Business - $45
Project, Visio and Visual Studios
- Project 2013 Professional - $50
- Visio 2013 Professional - $50
- Visual Studio 2013 Professional - $50
- Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate - $55
JDS Labs O2 + ODAC combo with AC Adapter - $225
Marvel Unlimited Subscription 1 Month Gift - $5
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $10 Gift - $2
WTB Amazon, Netflix, Starbucks Gift Cards
Positive Buyer Feedback
How does the netflix thing work? Can I add that to my subscription and it won't charge me for 6 months? Do you need a new account?
.I'm looking to sell my Borderlands 2 Vita code for $30 Amazon gift credit. PM me if interested. Code is redeemable through NA store. Code will be sent by PM.
I may not respond immediately due to work/sleep.
You aren't supposed to link to outside auctions here.Yes, I just bought 2 years worth on Ebay for $80. I received four six month codes, they stack. Sorry threetri333 I don't mean to take potential sales from you just trying to help a Gaffer out finding a cheaper price. I almost bought from you myself. Just make him an offer or pay what he's asking. 12 month:
150 posts between bumps and just a friendly FYI that you are asking about $15 to $20 more than the normal going rate for that code.
Looking to SELL:
Assassin's Creed Unity and Assassin's Creed Black Flag digital download codes for Xbox One. Valued at about $50-60 if you were to buy these two games at retail. Asking $40 for both.
Looking to BUY:
Xbox 360 slim or E model with at least 250gb hard drive.
PM me if interested in either transaction.
Xbox Slim 250GB console w/ 3 controllers, original box, etc. (will trade for Vita or Wii U)
Modded SF4 360 fightstick w/ sanwa buttons
Softmodded Wii console w/ multiple controllers
PSX Final Fantasy 8 (CIB, black label)
PSX Final Fantasy 9 (CIB, Black Label)
PSX Parasite Eve (CIB, Greatest hits)
Wii Super Mario Galaxy 2
Wii Okami
Wii Sports
PS2 Neo Contra
PSP Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core
PS4 nba 2k15
PS2 Linux install kit (case and disk 1 only)
NES Mario 3
SNES Super Tennis
GEN Tournament Golf (case and cart)
PS3 Uncharted 2 GOTY greatest hits (CIB)
360 Halo 4
OG XBOX Sega Rally/Jet Set Radio Future
OG XBOX Fable Lost Chapters
3DS Shinobi
Wii Nyko Perfect Shot attachment
Wii Wireless Sensor Bar
Wii Motion Plus Dongle
Wii remotes white/black
Wii Nyko Dual Charging station with battery packs and back covers
Wolfenstein PS4
Lightening Force GEN
Kickmaster NES
Skyblazer SNES
Marvel war of the gems snes
Soul Blazer SNES
SNES Final Fantasys
Vita console and mem card
Wii U Console
3DS Zelda Ocarina
PayPal, PSN content/credit, eShop credit, PS3 games
Retro games specifically NES, SNES, Genesis, TG16
iTunes credit at a 20% discount. (Larger increments preferred)
Can pay with PayPal or Amazon GC
Positive seller feedback for Mark5130, quick and easy purchase!
WTS: Playstation 4 Anniversary console
I'm looking to sell this on the lower end of what these are going for on eBay (1200-1300). I can cover shipping, which would be insured and require a signature.
Very tempted to keep it but with a recent PC upgrade and the need for a new monitor I just can't justify it.
150 posts between bumps and just a friendly FYI that you are asking about $15 to $20 more than the normal going rate for that code.