I don't really. Especially since in Blarg's last big post, he implied that I should be watched for a night action. I have never declared the time cube being a night action. Either way, I don't find the eviction as pushing for the good of the town. Rather them being votes for the sake of voting. I don't think anyone with the right intentions would have jumped on him so early. I hadn't even had the chance to reveal my omega ultra power.
It's activated only by choosing one of the abilities. If I don't activate an ability, it doesn't get used and moves to another player.
I don't really. Especially since in Blarg's last big post, he implied that I should be watched for a night action. I have never declared the time cube being a night action. Either way, I don't find the eviction as pushing for the good of the town. Rather them being votes for the sake of voting. I don't think anyone with the right intentions would have jumped on him so early.I hadn't even had the chance to reveal my omega ultra power.
I unvoted because bandwagons generate discussion, and it became clear that that bandwagon wasn't taking off.
I voted for you for starting a bandwagon because you voted for me for starting a bandwagon.
Oh hell nvm , my brower did not refresh for hours lol.
I agree completely , bandwagoning just leads to everyone agreeing that the accused person is fishy and no one will argue against that and just roll with it.
I voted according to the last vote count posted, where Neuromancer had the most votes. You had just voted for someone else (without unvoting), so I missed it.
I'm keeping my vote on Flame. He didn't unvote until I did and I didn't even have the most votes when he voted for me. It seems to be his modus operandi: subtly add to a potential bandwagon without antagonizing anyone ("I just agree with the other guy who voted but nothing's going to happen anyway so don't sweat it, oh by the way this is me being active").
Bandwagons start plenty of discussion. Why are we starting one? Who started it? What does the bandwagoned have to say? Perhaps my definition is a little different: I think those who contribute to the start of one are the most suspicious. No one questions a rock already barreling downhill, but who pushed it to the edge and gave it a nudge?
*Talks about how Flame is real sketchy because he jumped on a bandwagon already in progress*
*Goes on to explain that the person/people that start a bandwagon are really the most suspicious*
No one take me the wrong way here, I have no real opinion of Flame one way or the other yet so this is in no way meant to be a defense for him. This is more trying to figure out what Prodigy here is on about. With the reasoning you gave here, I'd think Droplet or I would be the top of your shit list, but you skipped us and went to Flame. It could just be that he attacked you most recently and you are using your vote to attack back but I feel like it's more than that.
I noticed your vote and Droplet's, but Flame piled on after I responded and unvoted. And if he's going to vote me for piling on, then I'm doing the same.
I wouldn't say I'm any less suspicious than Flame, but I haven't posted as much fluff as he has and I haven't piled onto every burgeoning bandwagon. I can see how my vote looks retaliatory, but if I wasn't the one with votes I'd likely do the same.
Swamped would be so proud that this is catching on.
I've seen all I can from this line of attack, I think. For now, I'm going to retreat. I have a few more people who have been flying under the radar that I'm interested in but now is as good a time as any.
VOTE: Flame_AC
I'm latching on to you for two reasons. First, you have a vote on you already, so now is the best time to apply pressure. Second, before this whole Prodigy thing came up, I can't recall you having made any meaningful observations. I just took a quick look through your post history and yeah, I don't see much in the way of real thoughts.
My question for you is simple, ignoring everything after post 451 (I choose that post because Lone Prodigy gets brought up in the next one), give me a single person or a shortlist of who stands out the most to you as possible cult and why.
Speculation about the item is pretty much useless unless someone wants to drive an eviction against me.
GreatCharleston - I know it's probably just first-game jitters, but I would love for you to list some people that have attracted your attention, or even just respond to accusations more comprehensively. As it stands you're quite reactive, and the closest I've seen to you addressing the problems that some people have was to simply try and deflect attention back onto Sorian and then move us back onto the item talk.
1. One of those inactive people, I know this comes after your limit of #451, but it sent off red flags to me immediately. In this case I'm talking specifically about Coppanuva, his two posts since the game started was one saying why he was inactive and another restating conjecture about the orb which we still have no idea about. Following that post, I asked him to elaborate on his suspicions as he was never going to get anything concrete on Day 1 and he has yet to do that.
2. Droplet / NeverForever, their exchange was very odd and Droplet has since seemed very guarded in what she says, perhaps to not slip up? NF is probably okay, but of course any thoughts of his on the current voting trends would be nice.
I'm not sure how I feel about the item issue. I suppose we have nothing else, but it stops the flow of interpersonal chat by creating a completely separate focus. I don't feel like this speculation has a particular goal, aside from just for the sake of having something to talk about, but I think we're veering into just reiterating the same talking points without anything more to go on, or else just flying off into the far reaches of imagination. I don't think we're going to get much else out of Darryl for the present and we've exhausted most of the reasonable avenues of discussion.
Speculation about the item is pretty much useless unless someone wants to drive an eviction against me.
Timeaisis - Seems to be keeping up with this game(?) but I dunno something just doesn't feel right about it to me, seems like the watcher type and has a lot more going on in the background.
MattAttack - Seems to be playing it like I wanted to but I failed. Generally seems to be laying low and still posting on the side, gets brought up a few times but nothing overall serious.
While I threw out the statement about Sorian to my knowledge no one had yet even questioned him and I've kept up with this thread as much as possible but honestly... I don't doubt him right now, but that's how he might want it.
Alright, so back up to speed. A few thoughts on the day so far.
Neuromancer is pretty defensive, but I think we can just as easily chalk that up to being new and being called out on D1. Not sure how damning that is.
I know we've moved past this at this point but the "RNG play", in my opinion, isn't the wisest way of going about things. Sure, it puts pressure on random players D1, but we should focus on their posts content instead and vote on them for that, instead of just randomly picking someone to prod and watching them flail because they are new at the game and want to survive D1. Doesn't really give us a whole lot.
Finally, Darryl's secret item doodad is by far the most interesting thing to come out today. Is it passed to another player randomly each night after you chose one of the five abilities? That's how I'm assuming it's working. I wonder if we can confirm town using the list of possible abilities? If everyone makes note of the list of abilities they can choose from, we can use that to corroborate later. Of course, we don't actually know for sure if the item can only go to town...but I'm going to make the assumption Darryl is town since he is willfully revealing this to all of us on day 1.
While I absolutely agree that you really, really shouldn't hint towards your role (doing so serves to help the mafia/cultists so that they know who to kill), don't let yourself get lynched without a fight, because a dead power role isn't any good for us either.
Anyways, to offer an alternate possibility from Tucah, also via RNG:
VOTE: Neuromancer
100% agreed.
On a related note, one thing that came up a lot in Star Wars Mafia was this idea that people who go inactive were often assumed to be ordinary roles, because they got bored of not having a power beyond voting. I don't like assumptions like that. Even though it did turn out to be true in the end in our case, it assumes a lot- there are so many reasons why a player could go inactive, regardless of role. So, in the event that somebody does go inactive (hopefully this won't occur), I hope we won't place too much stock into the idea that their replacement couldn't have a power role/be scum.
How can I help, Drop? I thought I was being less fluffy today, but perhaps not.
My suspicions are such:
Blarg - Town. His weird coded message makes no sense for a Mafia player. If he's trying to talk to his fellow mafia, well, he has a whole forum for that, and it makes no sense for him to hint info to town if he's mafia.
Darryl - Town and not lying about his special item. I was very tired last night when I was cautioning against him - that claim seems to easy to disprove, and Darryl is no fool.
Neuro - Suspicious and defensive. Possibly Mafia, and the best target we currently have.
Droplet - I don't love you pushing things on me, especially after I made a huge post similar to this one last night. I don't think you're evil, though.
Orange - Has been very quiet. I'd like to hear from him.
Fair point.
Also, I've heard NOTHING from Afrocious so far this game. Seems worth checking into.
I will admit that I find it interesting that Retro continues to focus on players who have 0 activity from when the game started. He could very well be looking for an easy lynch that might also destroy a power role. Just my two cents there.
I think the bigger problem is that he left out some people, such as Coppanuva, Tucah, and Capitan, while deriding others. I'm pretty sure that he chose or left out the people he did for specific reasons that I'd love to know.
Well, my 100% intention was laming it out until someone dies then seeing who and what went down and going in hard from there, right now we are all on equal footing I'd say, with some people being a little crazier than others. I'm not trying to keep the heat off myself (Kinda easy to say this but I ain't got nothing to lose) I just tried to bring up valid statements, my focus on this "item" is a bit weird I must admit but I don't personally trust Darryl. ANYWAY, going with this list:
Darryl - Already made my statement.
Blarg - I think him saying some straight up nonsense and people buying into it is a bit crazy, taking the bait a bit too easily, I mean, it could be something but it could be NOTHING.
Timeaisis - Seems to be keeping up with this game(?) but I dunno something just doesn't feel right about it to me, seems like the watcher type and has a lot more going on in the background.
MattAttack - Seems to be playing it like I wanted to but I failed. Generally seems to be laying low and still posting on the side, gets brought up a few times but nothing overall serious.
While I threw out the statement about Sorian to my knowledge no one had yet even questioned him and I've kept up with this thread as much as possible but honestly... I don't doubt him right now, but that's how he might want it.
But that's just how I feel.
I actually think it is funny that I brought that up twice in a row. That is suspicious and I apologize. All I can really say is my only mafia type experience was one of those ONUW games hosted by Retro just a few days ago. Aside from that, I've just tried to read things that crab and others have posted as resources and when Zatoth said we would be using that weird voting system, I made sure to read the post detailing it a few times.
I would like to point out that I don't suspect Darryl because he came forward with this power, I just want people to keep in mind that we have the word of one person when it comes to the existence of this power. It makes a lot of sense to be in this game but then a good lie usually always makes sense when there is a lack of information. I'm quite aware that the odds of me ever believing 100% that this power exist are quite slim because only very few things could happen that would convince me. I will admit though, it hadn't even crossed my mind that someone else's role could just be choosing who this power goes to. That's actually a really good call and would make more sense than it just be random from day to day.
As for my vote, I'd expect it to flip at least 5 more times before day 1 is out. A vote on the first day seems to be fairly useless so I might as well use mine to look for cracks in people. It draws attention but it gets the job done.
I find this post interesting. It's a post all about how voting for Blarg would lead to scum because he is an easy target. You then detail why Blarg is an easy target (which really doesn't need much detail but I understand you were being complete in your thought). You then list me among the suspects when I never voted for Blarg and actually said:
Blarg was on my radar but hardly ever one of my main talking points, especially after he stopped with that avatar switching non-sense. Now I do see that when you started the game you were looking to see who would jump Blarg or you because you are both easy targets, but I don't see where you would be an easy target. Your first real post in this thread talked about a power that could end up deciding this game and it's my understanding you are a quite talented player. Yes, I threw a vote your way, for the same reason I've thrown a vote at anyone, I wanted you to post more, you did and I moved on. I appreciate you for posting these suspicions because they can end up being good but I can't quite get on board with Blarg being a litmus test to sniff out scum. He's done nothing to help up until now so I'd think scum would rather he hang around to distract and confuse.
So my main reservations right now all fall on the same category of player. These are players that I feel have done the bare minimum to stay interesting while still engaging when appropriate. I have personally not engaged with many of them directly (OceanicAir being the exception) and I feel that it is time to change that.
I'll start with Oceanic because I just mentioned him. His two main posts were an apology of time and a throwaway vote on Blarg and his second post is mostly fluff. It did put suspicion towards me but it was a softball, done purposely or not. He is meeting the template to be active but has done nothing of interest. I expected more because I believe we got the classic "I'll post my thoughts later" but then he drifted away in the background.
With that being said I:
VOTE: OCeanicAir
Out of the three people I posted mainly about, you are the most suspicious to me. You tried to put substance into your posts but they were quite weak overall. I don't mind suspicion thrown on me but you pulled a very weak reason out IMO and I feel that we need to talk more. I think you suspect me for more than you let on and I'd like to know why.
Well what the heck is it? Is it suspicious and apology worthy? Or is it a very weak reason? It's just these little things that really bother me and I feel like you post an unnecessary amount of times and have thrown suspicion absolutely everywhere which completely devalues the value of your vote. Your voting for everybody is more of an interview of "tell me why you're not mafia" than anything concrete.
I made my reasons clear why I voted blarg which was as substantial if not more than the reasons you gave for the people you've voted for this phase.
I'm still all about GreatCharleston, personally. His first seven posts in the game were the definition of empty filler. Since I called him out he's tried to be more substantive, but not to my satisfaction. It's a lot of attempts to spread uncertainty, not much real contribution.
I will admit that I find it interesting that Retro continues to focus on players who have 0 activity from when the game started. He could very well be looking for an easy lynch that might also destroy a power role. Just my two cents there.
I think the bigger problem is that he left out some people, such as Coppanuva, Tucah, and Capitan, while deriding others. I'm pretty sure that he chose or left out the people he did for specific reasons that I'd love to know.
Additional thoughts:
You have a fair point about Blarg, and one I hadn't considered. I've never played a full mafia game with a 3rd party, (AC didn't have any) so it did not occur to me.
Neuro - Didn't go into detail because I don't have anything new to say. I was mostly noting that, yes, he is on my radar. Nothing new to report.
Just kicking up stones, and trying to kick up different ones than you.
Nope, giving me too much credit. I noticed the two I mentioned, and called them out. Didn't really think about the others.
But since you mention it, I would love to hear from Coppanuva, Tucah, and Capitan.
The only reason I'm worried about Blarg being 3rd party is since I spec'd Star Wars mafia and know how bad it can turn out for us.
I could be a stickler and say that you are only mentioning them now that you've been called out for excluding them previously, but I'm happy I suppose.
Well what the heck is it? Is it suspicious and apology worthy? Or is it a very weak reason? It's just these little things that really bother me and I feel like you post an unnecessary amount of times and have thrown suspicion absolutely everywhere which completely devalues the value of your vote. Your voting for everybody is more of an interview of "tell me why you're not mafia" than anything concrete.
I made my reasons clear why I voted blarg which was as substantial if not more than the reasons you gave for the people you've voted for this phase.
unvote: blargonaut
I would be lying if I wasn't intrigued by his puzzle. But I swear blarg, if you die as a power role again without giving us more info...
Can't really add much when everyone else already has everything covered but I believe I've found my footing at least. First few posts were just joking and settling in and besides, my posts have been a little more detailed than yours as of recent. If you want me out because you feel I'm not an asset then that's fair, but if you think I'm against you then...
nin1000 - I know you've just gone to bed, but in the morning would you mind just listing some of your personal thoughts and people that have stuck out to you? Some of your posts are awful fluffy and seem intent on dragging attention away from interpersonal discussion and towards more general 'topics'
To be honest i dont really want todo that right now since everything that has been said up to this point has been "fluffy", i dont like that word. I think every post is important even those that not everyone will find interesting. Claiming that a post ist "fluff" is in my head as much bad as pointing that shit out. So can we please stop that "fluff" thing ?
In my book those who have not posted are on the top of my list.
Oh and Sorian is doing Launchpads job this time around, he talks a lot but i doubt he is to be feared.
I think in the case of Sorian it is both suspicious and also a weak reason. Now this isn't a defense of Sorian, I just wanted to point out that to vote Sorian for saying he's new a bunch is a far weaker reason than why, for example, I voted for Neuromancer for being overly defensive. While both are weak reasons, Sorian's is scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to reasons. Also, I disagree with the way you say posting a lot is unnecessary, if he wasn't posting as much he is, we would have less information and the town would be worse off. This of course is still day 1 and he could be building up town credit for later.
I apologized because it did look like it was an easy target when it was brought up, it was a silly thing to bring up that had nothing to do with the game and I was surprised at myself for mentioning it twice in a row, that's why I apologized. It is still a softball suspicion that didn't mean much of anything and it provided an easy talking point for you. Take it or leave it but there is a method to the madness within my posts. Everyone I've voted for has done something that I've wanted them to do and that may end up being useful later. It may not. You still keep my vote, I do want to hear a lot more from you. I knew you've been watching the thread.
As I will tend to do, I'd like to announce that I am going to be away from the thread for the rest of the night. Oceanic, if you are still watching, I'd just like your opinion on something. A lot of inactive players have been brought up over the course of the last few hours. Which one do you think is the most suspicious?
[m] Never Forever
[m] Rats Off To Ya
[m] Lord of Castamere
[m] nin1000
[m] GreatCharleston
[m] Sorian
[m] RetroMG
[m] Fireblend
[m] Timeaisis
[ f ] Droplet
[m] ultron87
[m] Tucah
[m] MattAttack
[m] OceanicAir
No reads / Players probably haven't posted anything significant enough for me to note they're alive
[m] Lone_Prodigy
[m] Neuromancer
[m] Capitan
[m] OrangeYouGlad
[m] Coppanuva
[m] Afrocious
I'm ok for evicting an inactive as long as the mafia agrees to also evict an inactive. Any mafia that agrees say ok.
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
No reads / People probably haven't posted anything significant enough for me to note they're already dead
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
[Blargonaut] Blargonaut
You know what, I am inclined to believe you. But this whole delayed reaction to my post that you at first called suspicious, then you call it silly and softball. Call it dumb the first time! And it wasn't just the repetition that I had issues with, it was what you repeated. It was how you were saying that you're new and didn't know some of these things which I had a bigger issue with. I feel that you're more well-versed than what you said.
Tucah, made about 4 post and of extremely fluffy substance and hasn't really thrown any ideas about anybody, however, I really don't think inactives are who we should be targeting day 1 to be quite honest. Its been what 2 real life days so far? I don't think that there is a great chance that they would hardly post with how much people put the spotlight on inactives. I mean it's game 6 of gafia, the prevailing theme is inactives are bad, regardless of how the results pan out.
[m] Never Forever
[m] Rats Off To Ya
[m] Lord of Castamere
[m] nin1000
[m] GreatCharleston
[m] Sorian
[m] RetroMG
[m] Fireblend
[m] Timeaisis
[ f ] Droplet
[m] ultron87
[m] Tucah
[m] MattAttack
[m] OceanicAir
No reads / Players probably haven't posted anything significant enough for me to note they're alive
[m] Lone_Prodigy
[m] Neuromancer
[m] Capitan
[m] OrangeYouGlad
[m] Coppanuva
[m] Afrocious
Next up is Timeaisis. He posted this:
earlier but I feel like that is his only meaty post. The rest of his posts have been about the orb/item some more but nothing about the players. As I said, I think the orb is important and discussion is fine on it but when your only discussion is about the orb, it really does make me wonder. For day 1, our main goal is lynching something that makes sense, this item shouldn't be front and center until, at least, day 2.
Our final duel was fated to be, you ain't going nowhere
I gotchu for 3 days
3 days o' night time
I've found these lists interesting when I've seen them posted in other threads. It seems like so much guesswork to categorize people and I mean, it's all guesses right now but I'm just trying to find the most suspicious not people people on to teams yet. Anyway, to each their own, I actually wanted to ask a specific question about your list. What makes Rats Off To Ya a town choice as apposed to a neutral choice? I haven't commented on Rats yet and while he has been active enough, no one else really has either so I'm curious of your thoughts.
It's a bit impenetrable, but don't be worried, I'm not leading you on a wild goose chase! The 3 pieces of info you may potentially find are 100%-verified. At this point, you can probably guess how. ;o
I'm about to name some people for things. However, note that my reasons behind selecting the following targets have no relation whatsoever to the info found in my puzzle:
This implies he has some power to survive night kills. I'm assuming he thinks Sorian is a player worth protecting and that the mafia are likely to kill him. And he'd probably be right: very active "leader" type players are often the target on night one.[*]If there is a switcher role among you, I need you to switch me with Sorian during Night 1.
I don't have any read on this yet. Arsonist is a serial killer type role that can mark a bunch of targets for death and then kill them later. I'm not sure why Blargonaut is concerning himself with who a serial killer should be killing, unless he knows Tucah is scum.[*]If there is an arsonist among you, I want you to douse Tucah.
Probably has some information on one of these.[*]If there is an investigator role among you, I need you to investigate Never Forever; if you're a 'suspicious activity' monitor, I need you to watch Darryl tonight.
Again, likely has information on one of these. Since it's day one I have no idea how, though.[*]Any doctor present needs to protect either OceanicAir or Matt Attack tonight.
Now here's the really interesting bit. He's saying that if you are reading this and you are a cultist, you should kill one of these three people. It's worth noting that this "suggestion" has the most names, implying he's more likely to know something about at least one of them. But why, if town-aligned, would he give the mafia good targets to kill? What does that gain the town? The only thing I can see it helping is Blargonaut and the mafia, which, to me, implies a mutual win for the presumed neutral mafia and the town.[*]If you're a cultist, I suggest killing RetroMG, ultron87 or Neuromancer.
Finally, he mentions he chose 6 of these at random, so we really have no way of knowing what's actually true. Is this just a layer of misdirection? Who knows. He also mentions that he doesn't want to "waste any time" discussing his suggestions. As if it is a waste of time to discuss anything in the game of mafia. Sounds more like he's trying to protect his identity so he doesn't have to reveal how or why he chose what he did.I chose 6 of these 9 suggested targets at random; the remaining 3 were selected based on my own deductions from your discussions and posting behaviours. I'm not going to share my thoughts.
I don't want any of you to waste time discussing my suggestions. Honestly, don't waste your time. Just choose to do it tonight or not. A fully-faithful execution of my Night 1 plan will result in two dead townspeople. You'll get the information you need.
And finally, if I end up as the majority vote to lynch today or end up dead tonight, I want you to rename Barrylocke after me.
*shuts off slightly-barbequed HAM radio*
Timeaisis said:implies a mutual win for the presumed neutral mafia and the town.