Why do YOU think that he deserves to be lynched ? Like Retro said things happen but your vote just came off to me as Pure bandwagoningVOTE: Coppanuva
If you unvote Coppanuva, I'll tell you.![]()

Why do YOU think that he deserves to be lynched ? Like Retro said things happen but your vote just came off to me as Pure bandwagoningVOTE: Coppanuva
If you unvote Coppanuva, I'll tell you.![]()
If that's the possibility you're hoping for you're sorely mistaken. If a townsperson gets evicted this first day, there's certainly worse choices we could make than me.
I'm still in with the logic that a cultist is likely voting on me at some point, especially now that the count of votes on me is 6. Unfortunately, there's not many consistencies between voting patterns so far, so nothing that pairs 2 people together as constantly voting on people yet...
Four players isn't much of a bandwagon, though. I'd imagine cultist votes would be more of a lynchipin vote to seal the majority, like the last 20% needed to lynch, but maybe not.
Although now that Blarg has voted (is that 5?), maybe there will be more.
The link is totally in my clipboard right now... all I have to do is
If that's the possibility you're hoping for you're sorely mistaken. If a townsperson gets evicted this first day, there's certainly worse choices we could make than me.
I'm still in with the logic that a cultist is likely voting on me at some point, especially now that the count of votes on me is 6. Unfortunately, there's not many consistencies between voting patterns so far, so nothing that pairs 2 people together as constantly voting on people yet...
But we weren't successful. Saying that he would come back with impressions soon isn't the same as actually giving us his impressions. It's not a reason to let up the pressure and move onto the next suspect.
Coppa seems like a safe choice, I'm not sure I'd say for sure there's a cultist amongst the people voting for him, though statistically there probably is/are? He's one of the players who have posted the least, seems to be evading calls for him to speak his mind, and most of his posts are defensive in nature. It's not hard to see why people are bandwagoning against him.
That said, I don't want this post to be a defense for Coppa or deny that cultists may be pushing for his lynching; if he's a townie they may see it as an easy kill that even other townies may get behind, justifying their actions in later days. As townies, we should push for Coppa to defend himself if he's innocent. But the way he's acting, "day 1 lynch material", as LoC put it is a fitting description. Coppa, you better speak up, as you seem to be painting a huge target on your back, for both townies and cultists.
Why do YOU think that he deserves to be lynched ? Like Retro said things happen but your vote just came off to me as Pure bandwagoning
You don't scare me Blarg, you just confuse me.
a up-and-coming
If that's the possibility you're hoping for you're sorely mistaken. If a townsperson gets evicted this first day, there's certainly worse choices we could make than me.
I'm still in with the logic that a cultist is likely voting on me at some point, especially now that the count of votes on me is 6. Unfortunately, there's not many consistencies between voting patterns so far, so nothing that pairs 2 people together as constantly voting on people yet...
My Lawful Good has thrown you off of your game. You're not even proof reading your posts correctly anymore.
I wonder, if I remove my vote from Coppa, are you planning to do the same?
Well, then forget voting patterns. You're not going to suddenly produce the entire cult on Day 1. Day 1 is about individuals.
Just give us your opinions of the six of us, gut reads, whatever.
- Rats Off To Ya
- Never Forever
- Sorian
- Darryl
- Lord of Castamere
- Blargonaut
Lord of Castamere:
I don't like his whole secret puzzle hint with Blargonaut, and I'm suspicious of him based on how he reacted to it. If anything I'm more suspicious of him based on his pairing with Blargonaut (whether he was able to get a meaning from a riddle based on deductive reasoning or a player-ability remains to be seen), but it's not something I'm sure can be taken as not somewhat suspicious.
VOTE: Coppanuva
If you unvote Coppanuva, I'll tell you.![]()
Coppa seems like a safe choice, I'm not sure I'd say for sure there's a cultist amongst the people voting for him, though statistically there probably is/are? He's one of the players who have posted the least, seems to be evading calls for him to speak his mind, and most of his posts are defensive in nature. It's not hard to see why people are bandwagoning against him.
That said, I don't want this post to be a defense for Coppa or deny that cultists may be pushing for his lynching; if he's a townie they may see it as an easy kill that even other townies may get behind, justifying their actions in later days. As townies, we should push for Coppa to defend himself if he's innocent. But the way he's acting, "day 1 lynch material", as LoC put it is a fitting description. Coppa, you better speak up, as you seem to be painting a huge target on your back, for both townies and cultists.
I still need to know how Blargonaut gets his info, and I don't think there's a good way to prove it. I'm suspicious of how he determined what to say in his hints, and it's not something I fully trust yet. I'm very curious how good his advice plays out. I'm also curious why he would give us advice that would lead to 2 dead by the end of night 1. He seems to have a lot of information, and it doesn't quite look good (particularly if any of the powers he suggested might exist are single-use).
I don't think the smart play is to ever lynch someone who is asking to be lynched. When the bandwagon starts on you, it's easy for a player to just say screw it, kill me and be done with it. I read that as a mafia play hoping someone would bring up this reasoning or a townie that has no real power role.
Never Forever:
You're a swing vote in my opinion, could be either and it's way too hard to tell. You seem to be pushing to dictate conversation, and threw it away from the mystic ball at probably a good time, which is good. The one thing I really don't like is that on the very start you called someone out for putting someone up to vote without stating a reason then did the same thing.
Correct me if I am wrong. Capitain and Orange have not posted since the day has started? If true, I have no interest in them. If they sneak in posts right before the game ends though, I won't be happy with them going forward.
Welcome Vylash, I'm sorry you didn't end up in the danganronpa game like you originally intended, but I hope you have fun.
This got me pretty good.3. DO NOT CLAIM YOUR ROLE
I think this may be the case for a lot of new players. Especially day one, where there's not much to go on, being vocal can get you into more trouble than it's worth if people read your posts the wrong way.Neuromancer, I want more from you too. I think you are a new player who is just scared especially after having a bandwagon on you but I can't spare you a real inspection just because you are new.
Sure, I'll start there, I readjusted your list in order of who I think is the most to least suspicious:
I still need to know how Blargonaut gets his info, and I don't think there's a good way to prove it. I'm suspicious of how he determined what to say in his hints, and it's not something I fully trust yet. I'm very curious how good his advice plays out. I'm also curious why he would give us advice that would lead to 2 dead by the end of night 1. He seems to have a lot of information, and it doesn't quite look good (particularly if any of the powers he suggested might exist are single-use).
Lord of Castamere
Never Forever
Rats Off to Ya
That item is interesting and seems plausible. I also don't think he's lying about it, especially given that it would lead to a very early eviction against him if nobody else gets it tomorrow. Darryl isn't likely to slip up like that this early on. Town.
I find Neuromancer a bit overly defensive, and his no-lynch vote came out of nowhere when others were discussing how we shouldn't do a no-lynch.
Vote: Neuromancer
Unvote: Neuromancer
I was too hasty and agree that it's too early for a bandwagon. I would like to hear from him about his suspicions though.
What mounting pressure? And who's potentially bandwagoning now?
Vote: Flame_AC
I unvoted because bandwagons generate discussion, and it became clear that that bandwagon wasn't taking off.
I voted for you for starting a bandwagon because you voted for me for starting a bandwagon.
I voted according to the last vote count posted, where Neuromancer had the most votes. You had just voted for someone else (without unvoting), so I missed it.
I'm keeping my vote on Flame. He didn't unvote until I did and I didn't even have the most votes when he voted for me. It seems to be his modus operandi: subtly add to a potential bandwagon without antagonizing anyone ("I just agree with the other guy who voted but nothing's going to happen anyway so don't sweat it, oh by the way this is me being active").
Bandwagons start plenty of discussion. Why are we starting one? Who started it? What does the bandwagoned have to say? Perhaps my definition is a little different: I think those who contribute to the start of one are the most suspicious. No one questions a rock already barreling downhill, but who pushed it to the edge and gave it a nudge?
Gotta get your Professor Layton on tho
Coppanuva, I totes respect you for passing the Speech check, but I'm going to maintain my vote on you because I'm on a low karma playthrough at the moment.
Also... Darryl? Darryl at the bottom?
You chose the wrong pocket monster
That being said, it's probably worth asking those who haven't posted as much to chime in on who they suspect or their thoughts on the game overall. Even if it's a single line or two explanation, just to let everyone know they are actually following the game and "active". I know that I personally don't post as much when I have nothing further to contribute, even if I'm following the game.
Coppanuva completely turned me around with that post of his. There were a couple points in particular that haven't been brought up in the thread yet and I felt like I could have written them myself. That scored him a lot of points with me.
I think it's about time we circle back around on somebody we passed over a bit. Lone_Prodigy seems to have weathered the storm and then slinked back into the shadows. Let's look back.
This is his first post wherein he votes for Neuromancer. This is interesting for a couple of reasons. Neuromancer had already explained himself, and come around on the day one lynch. Lone_Prodigy is the first and only vote since that happened. This vote also came right after Droplet posted a vote summary showing Neuromancer in the lead. What a safe time to jump on a bandwagon, eh?
Prodigy went a long time posting again. It wasn't until the wagon had turned on himself that he came back and tried to "undo" what he had done. Seems like he was trying to ignore the pressure but it became too strong.
The "I Know You Are, But What Am I?" defense.
Just a weak defense all around.
Still doesn't offer anything of substance, just cast aspersions upon those who have wronged him.
After that there's one more similar post and then Prodigy just disappears. His easy bandwagon backfired and now he's trying to lay low and survive the remainder of the day. Everything he's done is indicative of a Cultist or an ineffective Tourist. I have no problem losing either on Day One.
VOTE: Lone_Prodigy
This is probably the vote I'm sticking with unless anything truly dramatic comes up.
What do you want to know? If I had any solid suspicions on anyone I'd have shared them by now. The fact is I have no idea who anyone is, I don't even know what behaviors to really look for to indicate who anyone is.Neuromancer, I want more from you too. I think you are a new player who is just scared especially after having a bandwagon on you but I can't spare you a real inspection just because you are new.
What do you want to know? If I had any solid suspicions on anyone I'd have shared them by now. The fact is I have no idea who anyone is, I don't even know what behaviors to really look for to indicate who anyone is.
Coppanova is looking a lot better than before. I retract my vote. I never wanted a bandwagon lynch only a good read list from the accused. BUT I don't feel that list or his defense to the vote was genuine. It felt forced. He took a defense someone else provided and structured a list that was fed. If we don't find a better candidate by tomorrow, I will return to Coppanova.
UNVOTE: Coppanova
What do you want to know? If I had any solid suspicions on anyone I'd have shared them by now. The fact is I have no idea who anyone is, I don't even know what behaviors to really look for to indicate who anyone is.
UNVOTE: Coppanuva
Cough up the goods.
Damn, a lot of posts have been posted since the AM and I've read through them twice. It's good to see Timeaisis posting a lot more, can't say I fully agree with how everyone is feeling about Coppanuva just yet. I mean, he successfully managed to avoid drawing attention for a time but now he's getting called out so obviously he needs to get more active and prove himself, just like how I did after my mild shit posting session (And yet Blarg gets adored for it. AAAAA) While I was pushing up on Darryl for a while I do acknowledge his posting quality and tact as a player but still... I can't put my faith into him but I want to. Droplet seems to be playing a bit too sweetly and keeping her posts just right in order to avoid judgement but some of you seem to be questioning her and I feel the same.
If I vote someone I wanna try and have it be stacked against someone honestly, someone who we all agree has slipped up and we're confident in getting rid of them.
That's fair. I'm not gonna reveal Blargs presumed role, but I will reveal his presumed alignment.
Based on the Puzzle and the post following it, I can confirm, assuming he's not lying, that Blargonaut von Blargington is not Cultist aligned. Take that as you will.
I would greatly advise against killing Blargonaut until the situation can be further illuminated.
OK, I've been going through the thread today, and here are my current thoughts.
Note: A lot of these are just impressions. We don't have any hard evidence to support any of this. If you call this post fluff, I'm going to vote for you.
I agree with LoC that Blarg isn't Mafia. He might be a third party. We are going to have to vote him out eventually, but it doesn't need to be tonight.
Althrough Blarg, as soon as you die, I want to see full rundowns of any and all puzzles in the Dead Thread.
Lord of Castamere:
I like LoC, and he reads like town to me. I don't begrudge him not giving out solutions to Blarg's puzzle. Knowledge is power in this game, and power must sometimes be earned.
Basically, tell me about what you think of posts from today. Give me an impression of Coppa, tell me what you think about the band wagoning that started on him, and finally, what's your take on Blarg and LoC in terms of their interactions together. If you answer those 3 things for me then I think most of us would be satisfied for now.
From what I saw Coppanuva was only being threatened with being lynched to try to get a response out of him one way or another. I thought his responses were fairly reasonable and I have nothing against him.There's any number of reasons why someone might be inactive in this game. They could be a tourist disappointed that they didn't get a more exciting role. They could be a cultist laying low. Or it could just be life outside GAF. I don't think being inactive makes anyone more or less likely to be good, bad or indifferent.As sorian just mentioned. just Jump in and let your thoughts flow. tell us what YOU think about all this. keep active and chime in once and a while.
Good, good... let me just get the link and synopsis here and-
Ignoring yourself (and I guess Blarg too so you can stay impartial) is there anything about his list that you don't like? It was fed to him, I agree, but I'm debating if I see anything in it that feels wrong.
Well that's the thing, the feeding part is what's wrong. We voted for Coppa and he provided a list not of his own choosing. You may notice that he called no one out. The closest he came was Blarg and me, but the very next post backed down from that too. It feels like he shaped his opinion around the list, because he doesn't want to rock the boat. Like I said, compared to what Retro gave when "proded" it didn't feel genuine in the slightest.
just coming home now from my late shift. going to bed now.
Happy posting everyone
Yes sorian i will make a lit with every single player and my thoughts on them : * i hate you
Yes sorian i will make a lit with every single player and my thoughts on them : * i hate you