Vylash is a replacement. He replaced Afrocoous, I believe.
Also: are we not doing phrasing?
Some people the dice felt like me looking at.
The lack of posting since joining the game yesterday has made me assume he is one of the mentioned four replacements.
What's phrasing?
Any particular reason you left it up to chance at this point? If you have qualms about someone, you could just speak up. No reason to hide behind a RNG.
Yeah I would like to know what's up with LoC. Did he actually understand Blarg's message or not? I was under the impression that he had, and he didn't seem to deny it after people assumed so too. Then he says yesterday he was joking all along and he didn't actually understand it? If that isn't cause for suspicion I don't know what is.
LoC: were you actually able to decipher Blarg's message or not?
Huh? I doubt that, he last posted 9 hours ago and said he was heading to bed...
To Mr. Castamere; ???
Finally some activity again! After Fireblend and Charleston's posts ages ago and then Zatoth's post about replacements I thought I had offended people out of the game :'(
Come back everyone... I'm not crazy, I promise :3
I don't really have qualms about anyone besides Blarg, and I'm willing to see where that goes. But lists are so hot right now.
I guess I would like Lord of Castamere to clarify what he did or didn't understand about Blarg's message. And creating very explicit ties between himself and other players (Blarg and the new players) seems kind of odd at this point.
Vote: Lord of Castamere
Correct me if I am wrong but Blarg's original puzzle post reads as 4 small puzzles as opposed to 1 big puzzle. I could be wrong there and LoC is still kind of odd because he said he didn't know the answer to the first "solute" then proceeded to post the answer. I think Blarg also seemed confused at what LoC was on about:
Either that or Blarg was linking him back to Solute 4 of the original puzzles.
So you want me to potentially reveal the role of another player?...
So you do know Blarg's role then? And anyone who solves the puzzle would also know it? Help me out here with my sticking point that I just posted though. Did you solve 100% of the puzzle?
So you want me to potentially reveal the role of another player?...
Maybe also consider the possibility that the message might not reveal Blarg's role but someone else's.
Oh, I wasn't defending Sorian. I could have definitely phrased that better if that's what you perceived. I said I think he's doing good work for us that on this day is the kind of persistent "poking" that we need, not that he's one of us for sure. I don't think I could trust anyone 100% today, if not for most of the game's duration.
If anything, I still think of how several people have said "if I was mafia, that's how I'd play it" when describing their reads of him, and as I said, I think it's dangerous that he's earned enough cred for himself to make it seem like challenging him is equal to an attempt to stop that poking, making him an unlikely target for those scared that throwing suspicion at him may backfire.
I agree with your read on Neuromancer. Had pretty much our first bandwagon out of the gate, came out to defend himself, and then disappeared into the background. It does seem like he's keeping up with the game but not posting. I read this as one of two things:Some people the dice felt like me looking at.
Neuromancer - Could be playing up the "new player" role to hide in the background. Was initially one of the few trying to push No Evict (which really does make sense when you first start and you're town), but that could be coming from encouragement from Cultist brethren to at least give it a shot. There was basically no initial push for it in this game, so I'd kind of expect a truly new player would've seen that no one else was arguing for this and not try and go for it. Basically faded into the background as soon as the heat was off. Despite that seems to be watching the thread fairly closely since he welcomed Vylash very quickly.
Guilty until proven innocent huh. I don't like it and I'm not going to play your game. I don't see how us, in all likelihood, killing a potentially innocent tourist today is any better than cultists deliberately killing a tourist tonight. I don't think it's likely any of the cultists are going to slip up and say anything today, in fact, I imagine they're quietly enjoying this as you're doing their work for them. My vote stands.
Enough heat came on him that he was forced to change his vote. But not it was after he tried to say his peace, like he was trying to stand by his original stance. My opinion is that if he were mafia, he'd have realized he was being bandwagoned for his no lynch and flipped back on it much sooner. For, it seemed he truly did believe (as town) no lynch was in their best interest.All right I'm coming around on the random lynching idea. Maybe I was taking the flavor part of the game too seriously, and the game part of the game too lightly. Give me some time to think it over.
UNVOTE: No lynch
What can I say, I'm an infinite mystery.Timeaisis - I've played with good ole Time-Is-A-Sis in both games. Had a pretty varying level of engagement in those two games despite being town in both, so nothing to get from that. Most substantive post so far has been attempting to analyze Blarg's nonsense. Which makes sense but I don't necessarily agree with the initial premise of Blarg having a role at all.
Lord of Castamere - Was claiming to understand what is up with Blargonaut, says Blarg isn't cult aligned, but doesn't explain fully. Seems suspicious. If you can figure it out the cult probably can, especially since they can collaborate on the solution in a way we can't. Later says he didn't actually figure it out? Lots of posts about the puzzle. Also tried to steer the pressure away from Neuromancer and Lone Prodigy acting as a sort "defender of the new player". Could be genuine, but also something to keep in mind as things go forward since it might be running interference for an ally.
Vylash - Came up on the random.org roll, but I assume is getting replaced.
I guess right now I'm still pretty suspicious of Blargonaut and, due to their very intentional association, LoC. The whole puzzle thing and the way a large portion of the group seems to have assumed it is genuine based on the player's reputation really feels bad over here. But it gives something to talk about, so *shrug*. It also doesn't seem very likely that two cultists would tie themselves together so clearly.
Might write about a few more people at lunch.
I'd at least like to know what you said you were lying about in regards to solutions.
So you do know Blarg's role then? And anyone who solves the puzzle would also know it? Help me out here with my sticking point that I just posted though. Did you solve 100% of the puzzle?
I was joking. I couldn't figure it out either. HA
SOLUTE1: D D... Halve #2nd = Co M M an D D Post #21, then div. by 7 = 3 WARNING: Minimum number of Cultists in bound, verified
In regards to Sorian, he's looking town to me. Most everything he's done has had the town's best interest in mind. He's playing very pro-town right now. Prodding random people to speak up, initiating discussion, contributing to the dialogue, giving reads on players as they come. That being said, anyone could be mafia. I don't think going after Sorian night one is wise, though, as he's driving a lot of our discussion.
True but I have a hard time figuring out how Blarg could possibly know someone else's role already. It's possible but it just seems so unlikely.
I was joking. I couldn't figure it out either. HA
SOLUTE1: D D... Halve #2nd = Co M M an D D Post #21, then div. by 7 = 3 WARNING: Minimum number of Cultists in bound, verified
So you want me to potentially reveal the role of another player?...
Did I miss something or had you actually implied or made mention that knowing a role was the outcome of solving the puzzle?
Ah, the painfully obvious ID_Solution line. [internet sarcasm button]
How would Blarg know that there is a minimum of three cultists, if he is not a cultist himself? I mean, anyone who has played on GAF previously would agree that it's a solid guess based on previous games, but he says that it's verified.
How would Blarg know that there is a minimum of three cultists, if he is not a cultist himself? I mean, anyone who has played on GAF previously would agree that it's a solid guess based on previous games, but he says that it's verified.
Ah, the painfully obvious ID_Solution line. [internet sarcasm button]
In some ways the post is very easy to understand even if you can't crack the code, it's right there in convoluted English.
I think his role gave him that info, if my deductions are correct.
I agree that, based on my precious experiences, this is pretty suspicious, but would a cultist really out themselves so easily?
What else could 'ID Solution' mean?
It was easy to guess the outcome and the information that solving the puzzle could give you, even if you couldn't actually solve it.
I think his role gave him that info, if my deductions are correct.
Coppanuva (3)
Never Forever
Lone_Prodigy (2)
Rats Off To Ya
Blargonaut (2)
Matt Attack
Flame_AC (1)
ultron87 (1)
Lord of Castamere (1)
13 votes are need to end the day early.
How would Blarg know that there is a minimum of three cultists, if he is not a cultist himself? I mean, anyone who has played on GAF previously would agree that it's a solid guess based on previous games, but he says that it's verified.
@Zatoth: That's probably my vote under Coppanuva there, not Coppanuva's for himself?(I didn't retract after my convo with Sorian, although I haven't checked back if Coppa had ever voted for himself though)
@Zatoth: That's probably my vote under Coppanuva there, not Coppanuva's for himself?(I didn't retract after my convo with Sorian, although I haven't checked back if Coppa had ever voted for himself though)
If your deductions are correct Blarg's role is either insanely powerful. He'd have gathered some barebones information during the first day (maybe before set-up even?). Keep in mind the traditional information gathering role can only operate at night.
the question is, if you're right is he able to gather even more information in consecutive nights or is this the scope of his abilities?
Oh, and while we're at it:
VOTE: blargonaut
I'm not fully convinced you're town-aligned. I don't necessarily think you're a cultist at this point, but I'm not convinced you're not a possible third-party.
I'm very much up for switching my vote to someone else if someone can make a reasonable case for them, but at the same time I'm fully willing to tie this so I don't lose a majority vote at this point.
Btw voting for the person mentioned in the puzzle and not the maker of said puzzle is a dic move. Also kinda shady. Like a roundabout way to get Blargs role revealed. "No no, I don't want Blarg to reveal his role. I'm just gonna threaten you until you reveal his role."
Guys I am really sorry about the inactive / replacement situation. But I still have to wait for some players to respond before I can move ahead.
I may have to extend the night phase to fix all this.
I know why you are voting for him now purely from a numbers stand point but I urge you to not keep that vote when it comes time for the actual lynching. My feeling is that Blarg isn't cult but that is only just a feeling so I won't try to convince you because that. Instead, I want to point out that the best way to handle day 1 is to eliminate someone who has portrayed themselves as useless or an ineffective tourist. Blarg may speak in riddles but he has not portrayed himself as useless in my eyes. I'll be making a much bigger post sometime tonight to explain exactly who I am voting for and why I want to vote for them.
Speaking of which, he's painted such a large target on his back I find it unlikely the mafia won't kill him.
...but can they?