It's a bit impenetrable, but don't be worried, I'm not leading you on a wild goose chase! The 3 pieces of info you may potentially find are 100%-verified. At this point, you can probably guess how. ;o
I'm about to name some people for things. However, note that my reasons behind selecting the following targets have no relation whatsoever to the info found in my puzzle:
- If there is a switcher role among you, I need you to switch me with Sorian during Night 1.
- If there is an arsonist among you, I want you to douse Tucah.
- If there is an investigator role among you, I need you to investigate Never Forever; if you're a 'suspicious activity' monitor, I need you to watch Darryl tonight.
- Any doctor present needs to protect either OceanicAir or Matt Attack tonight.
- If you're a cultist, I suggest killing RetroMG, ultron87 or Neuromancer.
I chose 6 of these 9 suggested targets at random; the remaining 3 were selected based on my own deductions from your discussions and posting behaviours. I'm not going to share my thoughts.
I don't want any of you to waste time discussing my suggestions. Honestly, don't waste your time. Just choose to do it tonight or not. A fully-faithful execution of my Night 1 plan will result in two dead townspeople. You'll get the information you need.
And finally, if I end up as the majority vote to lynch today or end up dead tonight, I want you to rename Barrylocke after me.
shuts off slightly-barbequed HAM radio*