Lord of Castamere
Scrolled back up to the top of this page. OrangeYouGlad is banned.
Heh. That sucks. I learned the hard way that "darker jokes" should be kept to ones self while on gaf. Looks like he just learned that too.
Scrolled back up to the top of this page. OrangeYouGlad is banned.
I have three "Day 1 lynch" potential targets and they're LoneProdigy, OceanicAir and Tucah. Here's my notes on them:
Lone_Prodigy: 8 posts. Easy choice. He's been inactive and reactionary. He's taken accusations too seriously and that has only helped him sink further and made himself look like he's on the defensive. That doesn't really apply to these last 2 votes though, since now that the end of the day approaches, they're definitely becoming something you want to avoid. Still, that it took him ~5 posts to justify his initial Necro vote and people haven't forgot makes him look really bad. I didn't like one bit of that last post either - throwing the towel about Rats and throwing a random accusation at Retro.
OceanicAir: 5 posts. Maybe a target for replacement? Anti-Blarg, anti-Sorian and anti-Darryl early on, though presumably he has experience from past games. He pretty much ignored early votes against him, which I think is the correct thing to do, and kept punching the air in their general direction. I'd really like to know if he's one of the targets for replacement, it'd be a shame if he was because I think his experience makes him a good asset. That's why I think I'd give him the edge over Lone_Prodigy, hoping he becomes more involved. If he doesn't I think he'd be a good day 2 target though.
Tucah: 6 posts. None of them say much at all, he might as well not have posted at all =/ Has he been in previous games? Also potentially a target for replacement? I'd like it if Zatoth came forward with who he's looking into replacing. He mentioned having suspicions and looking into some people but never came forward with anything. Between him and LP... a toss up really.
TL;DR: I feel that since Tucah and OceanicAir might be eventually replaced, Lone_Prodigy is the only real safe choice. I'd like some clarification on Zatoth's part about whether any of those is up for replacement.
I'll have to think about Darryl's Droplet vote. Darryl, do you think this would yield more information than going after an inactive? Don't we risk the game going stale if we kill someone that's been at least engaging with us? I'd like you to elaborate on your suspicions.
For now though,
VOTE: OceanicAir
Just in hopes he'll wake up.
Good. We need to get the thread back on track. We have an audience now, and time is ticking down.
One new development: Darryl's vote for Droplet. I wouldn't say it's random (Droplet has not participated much since an initial flurry of rule-explaining) but a relative lack of explanation for it, plus his treatment of OrangeYouGlad ("read the thread") seems like someone who may be a bit too comfortable with his place in the game since his item reveal warded off suspicion. If this behaviour continues it may be something to keep an eye on.
Finally, it's Day One. No is suspicious. Everyone is suspicious. It's why we circle and point fingers everywhere, hoping for something to stick. There are so many posts that provide an opposing perspective with the caveat "but I'm not defending him/her, by the way." It's survival.
Man, I just can't catch a break huhFireblend
I don't know. Unlike some of the others you seem to have said a lot, but I'm not sure much of it has left an impression on me. You definitely ask lots of questions. Sorry.
Rats Off To Ya: I read rats as a cultist early on and I think he is trying to convince us to go for the easy vote in Prodigy. He's started to sound more tourist as the game went on but i still feel Verdict: Cultist
Of course we're all town.
Flame_AC: Has bouts of inactivity but overall has been helpful in getting discussion going for better or worse. His last post seemed to indicate something interesting but it has been radio silence since then. Verdict: Tourist
Time for another list.
Flame_AC- Me o_o u
Of course we're all town.
Rats Off To Ya will remember that.
A revote for emphasis:
OTE: Blargonaut
Oh, and Blarg? If you're actually are town, please please start proving it and begin actually helping town. Your riddles will be the death of me.
I also think with Rats Off To Ya is that he is very quick to pass judgement thus that is why some may think you're not town. There's literally nothing in between reads of people and saying they aren't trust worthy.
If you are cultist then by all means, remember it to your grave. If you are town, read my last post. I'm probably dead wrong on my mafia verdicts. That's the fun of the game.
Lone_Prodigy I think you may have just misread an accusatory post as a defensive post. I'm questioning your line of thinking as coming from someone with a town-perspective. I responded to accusations in the first post. In the second one where I quoted you, I was making them.
I voted for Droplet before so the reasoning was already out there. I just changed back now that Cuppa has explained himself and I find her new circumstances make her worth voting for even more. I thought her tone sounded mafia and the early bandwagon onto Blarg was suspicious. If she is going inactive, she is worth a vote even more.
You responded to my accusation by voting for me. Seems defensive to me.
This post began as an attempt to read over the entire game yet again, in the hopes of building a compelling list of players I was confident in voting to lynch. What I've ended up with is a treatise on why voting Blargonaut is the choice I believe we have to make.
So, I think we should lynch Blargonaut. He challenged anybody who thought as much to try to convince everybody with words, and that's what I'm going to try to do. His play really rubs me the wrong way. In fact, I would be concerned about anybody who isn't rubbed the wrong way. He essentially refuses to communicate in anything other than riddles and nigh incomprehensible prose. I've said this before, but this doesn't benefit the tourists in the slightest. I would argue that it's actually hurting us- the last thing we need in a game of lies and deceit is a layer of confusion from one of our own. And if it turns out he's not one of our own? Well, now there's almost assuredly no reason to keep him around.
He says that he's worth keeping around because he generates discussion, but how much of that discussion has proved useful thus far? Compare Blarg to Sorian- both players have generated a significant amount of discussion. However, there is a striking difference between the two- it would seem that only around two people can actually read anything Blarg is trying to say, and even then, they haven't necessarily been able to read all of it. In other words, you could remove his posts entirely and there would be almost no difference for the vast majority of us. But wait, that's discounting another possibility! What if the cultists ultimately are among the few to read (and therefore benefit) from his information, and have neglected to tell us? At this point, you've crossed the line from merely harming town to helping scum. Of course, the cultists being able to decipher your puzzles is not a forgone conclusion. It is still, however, a distinct possibility. Even if it's information already available to the cultists, they are now aware of the fact that it's out in the wild, and thanks to the riddles, have time to adjust their strategies accordingly. And assuming you really will be bringing more information forward in the days to come? Even more opportunities for the cultists to get their hands on this information. This sort of behavior is so blatantly hurtful to town that it leads me to believe that you don't care who gets your information, so long as they've earned the right to see it. In other words, I don't think you have our best interests in mind. On paper, this sounds totally cool and honorable, but the reality of the situation is that we're trying to win. We do not want to afford the cultists any more informational advantages than they already have.
Of course, the above rests on the assumption that his information is true. However, in Mafia, we don't have the luxury of accepting everything somebody claims as fact. Just because a claim is wrapped up in an exceedingly well thought out riddle, doesn't make it any more likely to be true. I would even argue that by making the message so challenging to access, its ability to be called into question is greatly diminished. The fact that this information is so obscured, requires a significant time investment to comprehend, and ultimately cannot be guaranteed as truthful makes me very wary.
So, what exactly is Blargonaut's alignment? Let's cut to the chase, because I'm pretty sure many of us have already figured it out- he is, in all likelihood, a neutral party. Lord of Castamere has claimed that Blarg is not a cultist- he never said he was town either. Furthermore, Blarg's basically confirmed it himself (pay attention to the references to HIS victory). The question then arises, why should we vote him out, if he's not a cultist? After all the win condition of the tourists merely requires all of the cultists to be gone. This fact is undeniable. However, things are rarely so simple. It is important to keep in mind that a good neutral player will ultimately place their own win condition above that of the remaining factions. I have experienced this first hand. As one of the two final rebels to perish in the Star Wars Mafia game, when the neutral Palmer_v1 betrayed us and led the himself and, by extension, the Hutts to victory, you had better believe that I regretted putting off his detainment. If he flips mafia, great. If he flips town? Obviously not so good, but considering his playstyle, who knows if he would have hurt us in the end (I don't think he'll be town though, for the record).
But still, even knowing this, should we put off his lynching? We've got some other candidates, like Lone_Prodigy. Even I will admit that some of his posts have left me cautious. My request is that we delay the lynching of these other candidates. It's only Day 1, and we don't have much information. There is a precedent for Day 1 mislynches on GAF, and while there's no guarantee the same will hold true for this game, there are certain circumstances exclusive to us that have me concerned. That is to say, our number of inactive players has been really low. Capitan, OrangeYouGlad, Afrocious/Vylash, OceanicAir, Tucah, these players have flown under the radar so hard for me that they might as well not have been here at all- and there are a few more who've posted a bit more but still not enough for my tastes. Who knows what sort of dynamic these individuals would have added to player interaction? A Day 1 lynch is almost always a shot in the dark, but in our case, we have even less to work with because of this. Frankly, I think we need another day to see how the rest of us, including our current suspects, interact. Combined with player replacements, a night kill and whatever else the night may provide us with, we'll have more to work with as well.
But, the math doesn't lie- we have little reason to go with a No Lynch vote, So, I propose we vote Blargonaut. His behavior is decidedly anti-town. His alignment is probably neutral, which could potentially bite us in the ass later on. His role could offer us some new information- at least more than what we might get out of an Ordinary Tourist. If he wants to stick around longer, I say he's got to prove to use that he's not a liability. I may not be bright enough to solve his puzzles, but it doesn't take much to see that he's got to go. This would be a preemptive move, to minimize confusion and remove a liability, all the while allowing us to get better reads on everybody else. And even if we don't decide to get rid of him today, I hope you all will keep this post in mind going forwards.
A revote for emphasis:
VOTE: Blargonaut
Oh, and Blarg? If you're actually are town, please please start proving it and begin actually helping town. Your riddles will be the death of me.
Dang, Matt Attack, way to steal my thunder on going after Blarg. I suppose I'll shorten my post and give you my perspective anyways though. My post will be up in a bit, but Matt basically said everything I wanted to. Get rid of non tourists, even if they're not Cultists was my view on the matter.
VOTE: Blargonaut
I'll be honest, I just can't sanction a vote for blarg. You're all right, the only thing I feel really positive about is that he is not cultist. That doesn't mean he is on our side though. The thing is, he seems to have information and we need that information. The tourists have the numbers but the cult has the info. Blarg can provide us a way to bridge that information gap but he has to be alive to do it. If he is neutral, he does need to go during early to mid game but I think he still has a useful role to serve so I don't think he should be first.
As for him speaking in riddles, unfortunately, that's the way he is. I'd prefer that he didn't but he is still trying to supply information. It is there for us if we are good enough. I think he knows something that we might need to win and we'll lose it if he dies.
I don't think your former assumption is correct. The info he got would make sense for the role I think he has, but that also could have been a guess. The 100% verifed fluff. He did the same guess in Star Wars with no actual knowledge.
Hmm, you jolted my mind. 1 sec. I think I fucked up S1. I might be able to explain everything, but the explanation isn't nice.
I think he knows something, somehow. I think the information got to him by way of someone else's role, not his own. If you want my real thoughts on the matter.
If you truly believe me to be a "confirmed" Neutral, then killing me "absolutely" reduces the Tourists' buffer against a Cultist win.
You two would be making a "confirmed" anti-Town move.
Your fear of me betraying you a la Palmer is understandable, but currently, inconceivable.
It's simply too early for that.
My vote was already justified. I didn't need a monologue. I was complaining about how I was starting to become frustrated about inactive posters. Read the thread. That included you.
Then you're just wasting our time by filling the thread with more useless fucking spam text. Like we aren't all bring crushed by its unbearable weight as it is. You're intentionally dragging it on by being daft. I don't need to justify shit that is justified. Go find scum.
Couldn't quote on the last one because mobile making it all difficult. Anyways, there is no reason at all for me to feel uncomfortable with the game. Comfortable for fucking what? What will my behavior do? Offend mafia and get me a night eviction? Offend town and get a day eviction? Is town going to push for a day eviction because they're OFFENDED? Is that something a real town player will do? I don't care about how long I'm in this game for. I'm playing as if I'm going to be gone today anyways, as we all should.
Well, I mean... You did say in one of your earlier posts that you would be open to becoming the sacrifical lamb for us all if the time came and yet now you're fighting against it? Well... I have a killer image ready if I ever wanted to vote against you but I simply don't believe it's the right thing to do for now. Killing off the entertaining characters leaves the game stale.
Well, I mean... You did say in one of your earlier posts that you would be open to becoming the sacrifical lamb for us all if the time came and yet now you're fighting against it? Well... I have a killer image ready if I ever wanted to vote against you but I simply don't believe it's the right thing to do for now. Killing off the entertaining characters leaves the game stale.
I don't disagree with anything you say, Matt, but I'm not ready to string him up quite yet. At this point in the game Blarg feels like a necessary evil. A few days from now if we still don't know what the fuck he's playing at we can keelhaul his ass.
Yes, I believe Blarg may be a Neutral role. I've actually narrowed it down to 3 roles. 2 of which are town alligned and critical. I think Blargonaut is worth the risk, but ultimately that's up to everyone.
I'll be honest, I just can't sanction a vote for blarg. You're all right, the only thing I feel really positive about is that he is not cultist. That doesn't mean he is on our side though. The thing is, he seems to have information and we need that information. The tourists have the numbers but the cult has the info. Blarg can provide us a way to bridge that information gap but he has to be alive to do it. If he is neutral, he does need to go during early to mid game but I think he still has a useful role to serve so I don't think he should be first.
As for him speaking in riddles, unfortunately, that's the way he is. I'd prefer that he didn't but he is still trying to supply information. It is there for us if we are good enough. I think he knows something that we might need to win and we'll lose it if he dies.
If you truly believe me to be a "confirmed" Neutral, then killing me "absolutely" reduces the Tourists' buffer against a Cultist win.
You two would be making a "confirmed" anti-Town move.
Your fear of me betraying you a la Palmer is understandable, but currently, inconceivable.
It's simply too early for that.
Hmm, you jolted my mind. 1 sec. I think I fucked up S1. I might be able to explain everything, but the explanation isn't nice.
New thoughts on the puzzle.
SOLUTE1: Don Draper, Halve (#21 = CoMManDD Post) #21 / 2 = 10.5 then div. by 7 = 1.5 WARNING: Minimum number of warships in bound, verified
New thoughts on the puzzle.
SOLUTE1: Don Draper, Halve (#21 = CoMManDD Post) #21 / 2 = 10.5 then div. by 7 = 1.5 WARNING: Minimum number of warships in bound, verified
If the information we get does end up helping us then I wouldn't mind keeping him around at all. The issue for me though, is that I'm just not confident in lynching anybody else at this point, whereas I'm almost certain about Blarg being a solid vote (a rarity on Day 1). His posts have seemingly done far more harm than good up to this point, and I've seen little that convinces me he'll clean up his act, beyond vague promises of potentially unverifiable information to those who can actually solve his puzzles (please tell me they'll get easier ;_.
I'll be honest, I just can't sanction a vote for blarg. You're all right, the only thing I feel really positive about is that he is not cultist. That doesn't mean he is on our side though. The thing is, he seems to have information and we need that information. The tourists have the numbers but the cult has the info. Blarg can provide us a way to bridge that information gap but he has to be alive to do it. If he is neutral, he does need to go during early to mid game but I think he still has a useful role to serve so I don't think he should be first.
As for him speaking in riddles, unfortunately, that's the way he is. I'd prefer that he didn't but he is still trying to supply information. It is there for us if we are good enough. I think he knows something that we might need to win and we'll lose it if he dies.
New thoughts on the puzzle.
SOLUTE1: Don Draper, Halve (#21 = CoMManDD Post) #21 / 2 = 10.5 then div. by 7 = 1.5 WARNING: Minimum number of warships in bound, verified
Maybe, but I think you're Unhinged.
Joke's on all of you, I've been playing this game with everyone on my Ignore list.
Joke's on all of you, I've been playing this game with everyone on my Ignore list.
I'm not sure I'm making the connection. Help
Sorian, it is my opinion that you are following Blarg down the rabbit hole and that you are blinded to the fact that that information is likely to never come. On the bolded, you think the Cultist's don't realize the same thing? If we don't lynch him, and Blarg continues to play his game and not the Town game, then the Cultists will let him live if only to lead us on. You and any others who want to wait for this mystical information would be akin to a rabbit constantly chasing a carrot at the end of a treadmill.
My vote for Blarg will stay unless he provides his information, no games, no riddles, no fun allowed.![]()
VOTE: Blargonaut
I imagine the other voter(s) on Blarg share the same sentiment, give the information and live on as your third party role for another day. Otherwise your faction will likely end at the end of the day. I have enjoyed playing with you, but if the option is to save a potential tourist, (Coppanuva or perhaps even LoneProdigy) for the price of a third party, I'm okay with that.
I'm not sure I'm making the connection. Help?
A tourist such as myself, Rats off to Ya, or Fireblend shouldn't be wasting our time