Coppa is NOT on my list since he was a lot more active since he got called out for being inactive and has made some good points and about the Matt Attack votes ?
i trust him and wont vote for him just now , i BELIEVE in Matt Attack being town!
At the end of the day, we need to solve this Matt Attack and Blarg thing. They both sound neutral to me and Blarg has basically verified everything Matt Attack said even though it no longer helps him to verify that information. Killing Blarg is really the only choice that makes sense. If Blarg were some important town role, he wouldn't be laying over and dying like this. If Matt Attack is neutral and his win condition as to get Blarg lynched, then fine whatever. It'll help us with the night block and Matt will exit the game as a winner, we can start day 3 with no distractions. Coppa and Darryl can then get the same discussion time then along with anyone else people find suspicious.
Fair points. My main suspects AFTER blarg are as follows
Nothing interesting or substancial came from him, he just posts enough to stay active but for me his post behaviour raised some red flags
Even if he made a fair point saying that he had nothing to say. I would love to hear some thoughts on the current game from him. I cant place my thoughts on him and that makes him suspicous in my book for the moment.
He's not Town, trust me.
If I get lynched (which is likely and entirely justifiable) Matt Attack is going to win today, but I think we ALL know who's going to "win" today.
He's not Town, trust me.
If I get lynched (which is likely and entirely justifiable) Matt Attack is going to win today, but I think we ALL know who's going to "win" today.
Matt Attack would be winning today. I gave you a slight victory for your help but he would still be the only winner today if he is a neutral role that just needs to kill you.
Also, is there any way we could kill Matt AND Blargonaut in this day phase? There's a possibility that's an option if we're concerned about letting someone else "win" today.
Blargonaut, again you're full of it. Why do you insist on claiming I'm not town sometimes, but then freely admit that: 1) You have no proof of other player's roles. 2) You brought me up to mess with me.
Also, is there any way we could kill Matt AND Blargonaut in this day phase? There's a possibility that's an option if we're concerned about letting someone else "win" today.
I'm fine with letting Matt Attack win today, it seems likely that a game win for him gives town a win for all of day 2.
I'm fine with letting Matt Attack win today, it seems likely that a game win for him gives town a win for all of day 2.
Help me out on these two a bit. Your other ones were vague but the reasoning was there but these two don't make sense to me. Scrafty has gone back into the background a bit but she did bring up Charleston which had been previously a buried point and, whether I like it or not, Neuromancer has at least been active in trying to get support against me.
I'm fine with letting Matt Attack win today, it seems likely that a game win for him gives town a win for all of day 2.
He's not Town, trust me.
Yeah, but he's not going to "win" tho
Well he came in and made one good post i will give him that but something about him not being there just gave me this uneasy feeling.
Regarding Neuromancer , he made a good point against you, i will give him that, i agree with him with you just being vocal aswell but since he was just barely vocal in this game gives me an uneasy feeling and a feeling of Cult from him.
If Blarg's not the killer, somebody is still going to die tonight.
I'm not so sure Matt Attack's win condition is us lynching Blarg. It makes sense that it would be at a cursory glance, but if Blarg dies to cult tonight, then does that mean Matt Attack is just screwed? Does he just lose and stay on the island, or just lose and die? Usually neutral win conditions rely on the role to accomplish some set task before they die, not before somebody else dies. If I'm understanding this correctly, it sounds like a pro town role that he just threw out into the open way too fast.
Pronouns nin, pronouns.
Well he came in and made one good post i will give him that but something about him not being there just gave me this uneasy feeling.
Wait, was this part about Scrafty? Nin, pronouns. She is still a she lol
You say that about nearly everyone.
Yes it was , Sorry about that once again. I dit not know that and i corrected myself ;P
Maybe we should just lynch anyone who Blarg was not suspicious of at some point during the game. That's gotta be only 1 or 2 people right?
I've slept on it and I agree with Darryl. Blarg is not a threat. I'd much rather see him get night killed than eat a lynch that could go to a possible Cultist. I think the idea that the Cult gets a "super kill" out of him is a paranoid fantasy. And besides, as I said to Neuromancer on the first day, our job is to kill Cultists, not to keep Tourists alive. We're not doing our job by killing Blarg.
Zatoth listed me as voting for Coppanuva, but I actually unvoted last night. However, in the name of making it official:
VOTE: Coppanuva
Not that it matters. You're all too busy jumping at shadows to play the damn game.
I've slept on it and I agree with Darryl. Blarg is not a threat. I'd much rather see him get night killed than eat a lynch that could go to a possible Cultist. I think the idea that the Cult gets a "super kill" out of him is a paranoid fantasy. And besides, as I said to Neuromancer on the first day, our job is to kill Cultists, not to keep Tourists alive. We're not doing our job by killing Blarg.
Zatoth listed me as voting for Coppanuva, but I actually unvoted last night. However, in the name of making it official:
VOTE: Coppanuva
Not that it matters. You're all too busy jumping at shadows to play the damn game.
The other shuttle crashed Rats, that payload's not going anywhere
The dream is dead
Help me out on these two a bit. Your other ones were vague but the reasoning was there but these two don't make sense to me. Scrafty has gone back into the background a bit but she did bring up Charleston which had been previously a buried point and, whether I like it or not, Neuromancer has at least been active in trying to get support against me.
Please, the core of the game is town vs. mafia. Neutral roles are just there mucking things up from the get go. The faster we get them out of here, the less people we have running around who have a reason to lie. The fact that we get to remove a neutral role and we don't lose someone to the cult at night is just bonus. There's only two scenarios that we get out of leaving Blarg alive. The cultists get a bonus for killing him or they just ignore him and kill another town member instead. You've already said a bunch of times that the cult killing him would be a waste of a night just like if we used our lynch to block them, they aren't going to waste that night kill if there is no reward for them.
Well I did a big ol' chart last page but I guess we're not countin' that as productive now, are we?
There just ain't much to discuss as of right now. Charleston's a dead lead until we get to tomorrow cuz either Blarg or Mattack are definitely gonna die tonight and he hasn't given me more material to work with in the meanwhile. I've got no beef with you or Neuromancer as neither of ya have come across as 'specially suspicious to me.
Is there anythin' in particular you wanted me to comment on or were you just makin' sure I haven't folded on this hand yet?
EDIT !!!!
almost the same as ScraftyDevil but not as strong , since he posted some more ( does that make sense ? )
The one good thing I see coming from Blarg's death is that all of you will be able to focus on what matters for the first time in this game.
You've already said a bunch of times that the cult killing him would be a waste of a night just like if we used our lynch to block them, they aren't going to waste that night kill if there is no reward for them.
Hmm, ok, you're still holding my vote for awhile longer while I see if there is anything else worth asking. Do me a favor and speak up more, all of your reads are extremely vague and I can't really tell if they mean anything to me.
Stop taking credit for my work, Sorian. I know it's easy and convenient to plagiarise, but it's considered bad form in most academic circles.
Just so you know, both Droplet and ScraftyDevil are girls.
The last thing I want to do is take credit for some of your non-sense. That being said, what exactly was I copying from you in that post?
So we should kill him because the Cult gets nothing out him.
Better start rounding up the Ordinary Tourists, then.
The one good thing I see coming from Blarg's death is that all of you will be able to focus on what matters for the first time in this game.
I think, unfortunately, that we aren't going to get the information we necessarily want for the rest of Day 2 as everybody here knows they're safe unless their name is MattAttack or Blargonaut. I'm not saying we should end the day early, but I'm just putting it out there that we may be spinning our wheels until Day 3 starts.
Sorian's clearly trying to cover up my list of suspected Cultists, people who've been constantly and conveniently harrassing my unique playstyle since the game began, by dismissing my explanation posts as nonsense.
Sorian's clearly trying to cover up my list of suspected Cultists, people who've been constantly and conveniently harrassing my unique playstyle since the game began, by dismissing my explanation posts as nonsense.
Sorian's clearly trying to cover up my list of suspected Cultists, people who've been constantly and conveniently harrassing my unique playstyle since the game began, by dismissing my explanation posts as nonsense.
Killing him trades him for a tourist essentially. The tourist that doesn't die has a range in value as they could be anywhere from ordinary to a power role, and a prolific poster to low activity, but at least that person won't be someone filling up the thread with distracting lies and confusion. Also the extra night is another night that any potential power roles can be active.
come on mate, you are like the billionth player pointing something out i appologized 20 minutes agoenough is enough
No, we should kill him because we do get a reward out of it. Last I checked, we don't get a reward for stringing up the ordinary tourists or Zatoth owes us some cookies for day 1.
If we leave him there and he is worth nothing to the cultists then all they are going to do is know that he is one player that they don't need to bother with because killing him won't further their goal as much as killing a tourist would.