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Call of Cthulhu Mafia |OT| Nuts on this island taste insane! Yum Yum!

We can hear thoughts from Darryl directly, I hope, assuming he doesn't think I'm too much of a peasant to address. I can believe a cultist making a crappy play like that but Darryl seems more experienced.

He's going to destroy you all.

You think I'm bad? At least I'm out in the open.


He's going to destroy you all.

You think I'm bad? At least I'm out in the open.

You want to paint yourself as pro-town Blarg so make yourself useful before you go. You keep hinting that Darryl is some great evil but it doesn't seem like your role came with any investigative powers. Why is Darryl so scary?


You guys are passionate idiots over Blarg, who is pretty much a non-entity as far as the game itself is concerned. Like you guys are too caught up chasing applause from other threads to focus on what we're actually doing here. He has done nothing up until now to draw any legitimate suspicion. Just posting stupid fucking riddles and you guys fawn over them like amazed children.


Because discussion is a waste of time right? You're suspicious, I'd think that reason enough to say something.

If I'm legit a suspicious target right now than you need to evaluate your fucking priorities. I actually went hard on a mafia target day #1 and followed through. What can you say?


You guys are passionate idiots over Blarg, who is pretty much a non-entity as far as the game itself is concerned. Like you guys are too caught up chasing applause from other threads to focus on what we're actually doing here. He has done nothing up until now to draw any legitimate suspicion. Just posting stupid fucking riddles and you guys fawn over them like amazed children.

And yet you still said you would probably vote for him for today. Now, I don't care about Blarg's riddles or any of that, stop using his antics to deflect, I asked you a question. You're suspicious because of the way you handled the whole Blarg situation. "Non-entity" my ass, his death provides a clear anti-cult play and you were too busy berating people to try to get us to look away from that. Tell me why.


If I'm legit a suspicious target right now than you need to evaluate your fucking priorities. I actually went hard on a mafia target day #1 and followed through. What can you say?

I went hard on someone who I thought was cult too on day 1. If we are both town, then congratu-fucking-lations, you got luckier than I did since finding scum on day 1 is just that, luck. Today, you are acting like scum though and if we look back to day 1, there was a cultist making a terrible play and the best way for another cultist to hide in there is to go hard against a teammate who didn't know what they were doing anyway and would just be a liability later.


And yet you still said you would probably vote for him for today. Now, I don't care about Blarg's riddles or any of that, stop using his antics to deflect, I asked you a question. You're suspicious because of the way you handled the whole Blarg situation. "Non-entity" my ass, his death provides a clear anti-cult play and you were too busy berating people to try to get us to look away from that. Tell me why.

Yes. Because he actually said something for once. Matt_Attack made an accusation and Blarg agreed with the details. It's the first useful thing he's said and the moment he did my opinions shifted and I based my suspicion entirely on that. Unlike just about everyone else, who has acted completely irrational over him posting basically nothing at all.


And yet you still said you would probably vote for him for today. Now, I don't care about Blarg's riddles or any of that, stop using his antics to deflect, I asked you a question. You're suspicious because of the way you handled the whole Blarg situation. "Non-entity" my ass, his death provides a clear anti-cult play and you were too busy berating people to try to get us to look away from that. Tell me why.

He was a non-entity up until he revealed his role, and I treated him as such. Then after we had something to work with, I agreed he should probably go. Your inability to separate our escalation of information and instead lump all individuals behavior under one flag comes across as anti-information and anti-town.


Yes. Because he actually said something for once. Matt_Attack made an accusation and Blarg agreed with the details. It's the first useful thing he's said and the moment he did my opinions shifted and I based my suspicion entirely on that. Unlike just about everyone else, who has acted completely irrational over him posting basically nothing at all.

Matt role claims here. Blarg spends all of page 32 (on 50ppp) confirming that Matt is telling truths. You then pop in here trying to sell us that a night of cult not being allowed to kill would be useless to us.

Then what? Blarg confirms Matt is telling the truth in a more direct tone and suddenly that night of cultists being allowed to kill is useful again? You're trying to intimidate with your words and its not working. You said it's only useful if Blarg is also a cultist, he's said himself that he is neutral, what's different now?


He was a non-entity up until he revealed his role, and I treated him as such. Then after we had something to work with, I agreed he should probably go. Your inability to separate our escalation of information and instead lump all individuals behavior under one flag comes across as anti-information and anti-town.

Take it how you want, everyone else can decide on this point. I think you made a bad play and used the escalation of information to cover your tracks and it's not working.
Sorian calling Darryl suspicious? Now I've seen everything. Personally I wouldn't let Sorian browbeat information out of anyone any more after the events of day one. 'Bad luck,' that's a very interesting way to put a methodical lynching of a townsperson.
Just posting stupid fucking riddles and you guys fawn over them like amazed children.

Why didn't you say this sooner? Leaving me hanging. Smfh.

You ain't one to trust though but whatever, you're untouchable due to status more so than anything else but it's good to see you going in hard for once.


Matt role claims here. Blarg spends all of page 32 (on 50ppp) confirming that Matt is telling truths. You then pop in here trying to sell us that a night of cult not being allowed to kill would be useless to us.

Then what? Blarg confirms Matt is telling the truth in a more direct tone and suddenly that night of cultists being allowed to kill is useful again? You're trying to intimidate with your words and its not working. You said it's only useful if Blarg is also a cultist, he's said himself that he is neutral, what's different now?

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Blarg telling riddles is suddenly confirmed truths for you people. When I made that message, the only solid information we had was coming from Matt_Attack making a claim. Blarg didn't say anything solid until here. Notice how my tone completely changed after he came out, go ahead and read all the posts I made after that. I'm not wasting my fucking time on this.


Sorian calling Darryl suspicious? Now I've seen everything. Personally I wouldn't let Sorian browbeat information out of anyone any more after the events of day one. 'Bad luck,' that's a very interesting way to put a methodical lynching of a townsperson.

Darryl's not going to contribute anything meaningful unless someone actually engages him and stops treating him like some scary boogeyman. I didn't like how he acted last night so now I have reason to engage.


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Blarg telling riddles is suddenly confirmed truths for you people. When I made that message, the only solid information we had was coming from Matt_Attack making a claim. Blarg didn't say anything solid until here. Notice how my tone completely changed after he came out, go ahead and read all the posts I made after that. I'm not wasting my fucking time on this.

No, how about you read, I'll even cut the post and bold the question for you:

You said it's only useful if Blarg is also a cultist, he's said himself that he is neutral, what's different now?

Answer this for me, you went out of your way to say that blocking cult kills for a night would be useless unless we also thought Blarg was a cultist. He is not a cultist, so what is different now?


The only thing that has changed since is that now I want to wash my hands of this complete scenario and anyone using it to hold back town, not much unlike you. So regardless of whether keeping him alive a bit longer is good, I have agreed that it is not much better than allowing people like you to ramble about garbage.



That pulls up this post?

If Blarg poses no threat we can lynch him whenever we want. The longer this game continues, the more valuable his death becomes. If the Cultists choose to kill him on some night, any night, boom! There's our "blocked night kill" and we haven't wasted a lynch.

Lynching Blarg now is a waste of his utility.

What? So now you don't want to lynch him? Ignoring the fact that I think letting the cult kill him could activate a different power, you were still in favor of lynching him after he role claimed and didn't seem to back down even after he also confirmed that he was a neutral player. But now that I'm pushing, you don't want to lynch him again?

Please give me the correct read of the situation if what I just said is wrong.


The only thing that has changed since is that now I want to wash my hands of this complete scenario and anyone using it to hold back town, not much unlike you. So regardless of whether keeping him alive a bit longer is good, I have agreed that it is not much better than allowing people like you to ramble about garbage.

If nothing else, at least this post makes sense. Any line of questioning I do for the rest of this day phase is just that, questioning. My vote is on Blarg once the day is coming to a close, this situation is a distraction like I've said since the beginning of day 2.


I'm not going to say fucking anything

thats my man :D

You guys are passionate idiots over Blarg, who is pretty much a non-entity as far as the game itself is concerned. Like you guys are too caught up chasing applause from other threads to focus on what we're actually doing here. He has done nothing up until now to draw any legitimate suspicion. Just posting stupid fucking riddles and you guys fawn over them like amazed children.

Lovely !!

For the record ! he has a point with all the "drama" this poster has caused. In the end those riddles did not help town in any meaningful way.


Why didn't you say this sooner? Leaving me hanging. Smfh.

You ain't one to trust though but whatever, you're untouchable due to status more so than anything else but it's good to see you going in hard for once.

The idea that someone is "untouchable" is disgusting. I don't particularly like the way Darryl is handling the situation. His reasoning is flawed and some of his statements are exaggerations.

Also, it was interesting that Neuromancer showed up for 1 or 2 posts when he was called out, but has since vanished yet again.

UNVOTE: Matt Attack

VOTE: Neuromancer


I'm not going to put a vote on Neuromancer only because I know it's just going to be construed as me retaliating but yes, I would love to hear more about the obvious bone he has to pick with me. It's odd, I'm not an easy target but he's knocked on my door twice now, he has to be coming with some real evidence and now is the time to talk, if there's something I need to address, I'd rather just do it now.
I'm right here. I think it's interesting we're back to voting for people just because they haven't posted for a few minutes, as though that's really suspicious behavior. Why not vote for the person who's posted more than twice any other player in the game? That to me is what's really suspicious, well, that and the time Sorian voted to lynch Tucah and got 8 people to follow him for no clear reason. But that was just bad luck, right?


I'm right here. I think it's interesting we're back to voting for people just because they haven't posted for a few minutes, as though that's really suspicious behavior. Why not vote for the person who's posted more than twice any other player in the game? That to me is what's really suspicious, well, that and the time Sorian voted to lynch Tucah and got 8 people to follow him for no clear reason. But that was just bad luck, right?

I've explained both of these points already and you know it. And that vote from Flame wasn't because you took a few minutes to answer, it's most likely because I countered you yesterday and you said nothing else about it until coming back today to mention the same points again.



Nothing weird going on here

Yup, I post a lot, other than some people finding it annoying, I'm sorry to say it isn't indicative of anything. It's like trying to hunt down whether people have logged into neogaf anytime that day and pondering on why they may not have visited the game thread. It sounds good but it leads no where.


Now that you're talking again neuromancer, what's your opinion on what we should do? Blargonaut seems to think you're suspicious and worth watching, why shouldn't we keep a closer eye on you?

Do you have an opinion on how Darryl's been acting?

Also, since you're talking now, this isn't needed:

Unvote: Neuromancer


Also I plan to vote for Blargonaut right now, but I don't want to push the scale even closer to that given that there's 2 days left. For now, my vote is unused.
I'm not real impressed with Blargonaut. I don't think he knows anything. Weren't his predictions for the first night off? He's a great distraction though, I'll give him that.

I don't have a strong feeling about Daryll either way.


My vote right now is still for Blarg. Not actually posting it because I don't want the day to end early, but there is is. Vote: Blargonaut. I'll add the highlights when we're closer to day's end.

Honestly, it's time to put the whole thing behind us and play the actual game. Strategically, it would be optimal if we could keep him alive until we get closer to the end game where he would do the most good, but I don't see that actually happening. I don't believe we have the ability to protect him, and I don't want to either squander the opportunity, or worse, have it fall into the wrong hands. (If such a thing is possible.)

Further reads - I don't believe Sorian is scum, but he always bears watching. If I see something that makes me think he's suspicious, I will speak up, but otherwise, I'm pretty sure he's town.

Darryl - I think Darryl is also town, but Darryl playing as Mafia looks a lot like Darryl playing as town, so it's hard to say. At the moment, I'm assuming that he's one of the good guys, but also bears watching.

Coppa - Has redeemed himself in my eyes today. Still not 100% sure that I believe he's town, but it doesn't really matter right this second, if we're really lynching Blarg.

Neuro - Suspicious. Back up on my list. I'm watching you.

Timeaisis and Flame: I'm on the fence about both of you. Not sure what to think.


That to me is what's really suspicious, well, that and the time Sorian voted to lynch Tucah and got 8 people to follow him for no clear reason. But that was just bad luck, right?

Yeah, it really was. I've led those votes before, where I thought for sure that I thought I had all the evidence I needed to go after someone, only to be totally wrong. It does happen.

By and large, Sorian's goal is to get people talking, which is about the most pro-town thing any of us can do. And for the most part, when he's satisfied with where a conversation has landed, he moves on to someone else.

Could Sora be mafia? Sure. I've not discounted it, and I'm always keeping an eye on him. But his playstyle doesn't feel like Mafia to me.


One more thing: Blarg, your puzzles were outstanding, and I NEVER would have gotten them on my own. I salute you, sir.



My vote right now is still for Blarg. Not actually posting it because I don't want the day to end early, but there is is. Vote: Blargonaut. I'll add the highlights when we're closer to day's end.

Honestly, it's time to put the whole thing behind us and play the actual game. Strategically, it would be optimal if we could keep him alive until we get closer to the end game where he would do the most good, but I don't see that actually happening. I don't believe we have the ability to protect him, and I don't want to either squander the opportunity, or worse, have it fall into the wrong hands. (If such a thing is possible.)

Further reads - I don't believe Sorian is scum, but he always bears watching. If I see something that makes me think he's suspicious, I will speak up, but otherwise, I'm pretty sure he's town.

Darryl - I think Darryl is also town, but Darryl playing as Mafia looks a lot like Darryl playing as town, so it's hard to say. At the moment, I'm assuming that he's one of the good guys, but also bears watching.

Coppa - Has redeemed himself in my eyes today. Still not 100% sure that I believe he's town, but it doesn't really matter right this second, if we're really lynching Blarg.

Neuro - Suspicious. Back up on my list. I'm watching you.

Timeaisis and Flame: I'm on the fence about both of you. Not sure what to think.

You mention Neuro, Time, and Flame as possibilities but you don't seem to sure of them. Out of curiosity, do you have anyone that seems more likely to be scum? You don't seem like the type to call someone out direct until you have real evidence but I'm honestly curious.
I'm right here. I think it's interesting we're back to voting for people just because they haven't posted for a few minutes, as though that's really suspicious behavior. Why not vote for the person who's posted more than twice any other player in the game? That to me is what's really suspicious, well, that and the time Sorian voted to lynch Tucah and got 8 people to follow him for no clear reason. But that was just bad luck, right?

Eh. There are 23 players in the game, at best 5-6 of those players are Hutt with another 1-3 Neutral. Hitting a Hutt is damn near impossible Day 1. It's not Sorians fault that Tucah refused to play. Complete inactivity is always going to be inherently suspicious and an extremely valid reason to policy lynch. Tucah was also a regular Townie, a shield for power roles. There are worse ways D1 could have ended. I don't think there's a large possibility that Sorian is Cultist. Now you on the other hand...


Yeah, it really was. I've led those votes before, where I thought for sure that I thought I had all the evidence I needed to go after someone, only to be totally wrong. It does happen.

By and large, Sorian's goal is to get people talking, which is about the most pro-town thing any of us can do. And for the most part, when he's satisfied with where a conversation has landed, he moves on to someone else.

Could Sora be mafia? Sure. I've not discounted it, and I'm always keeping an eye on him. But his playstyle doesn't feel like Mafia to me.

Actually, now I think you are scum because that's the second time you've called me Sora.

Now, I'm going to go eat my lunch and think on things but

UNVOTE: Darryl

I do have very real doubts about you but I'm not pursuing a lynch on anyone today so no reason for that vote. Need to think on who I want to talk with next.


Actually, now I think you are scum because that's the second time you've called me Sora.

Don't over-think it, it just amuses me to call you that, after the character from Kingdom Hearts. If it bothers you, I'll stop.

You mention Neuro, Time, and Flame as possibilities but you don't seem to sure of them. Out of curiosity, do you have anyone that seems more likely to be scum? You don't seem like the type to call someone out direct until you have real evidence but I'm honestly curious.

I don't have evidence on anyone. When I have evidence I'll present it, and I'll push hard. These are just feelings, because that's all I've got to work with. No collaborators or crazy power role, just the little voices in the back of my head saying, "I think Rats has the right idea," or "Huh, I don't like the way Neuro is going about this."

If I weren't on board for Blarg, though, I would probably be voting for Neuro. That last string of posts gives me a nasty feeling.


Don't over-think it, it just amuses me to call you that, after the character from Kingdom Hearts. If it bothers you, I'll stop.

No biggie, as long as we all are having fun its ok ;)

but for real now , is the general consensus now that we keep on chatting up until the end of this day and lynch Blarg ? I can understand the unvoting but i dont like it.
Aight, here're all of the plausible scenarios for tonight's lynchin':

[bold]Lynch Blargonaut:[/bold]

Best-Case Scenario: Mattack was tellin' the truth and we go a night without anyone gettin' killed by the cult, leavin' us with another day of investagion without losin' any power players.

Worst-Case Scenario: Mattack was lyin' and by lynchin' Blarg he wins the game, leavin' us one potentially useful players down with no concrete leads left to pursue.

[bold]Lynch Matt Attack:[/bold]

Best-Case Scenario: Blarg was right and we dodge a bullet by preventin' a potentially cult-aligned figure from removin' a powerful role from the game while securin' his own victory. We also find out more about this enigmatic role which we have nothin' but his word as proof of its existance.

Worst-Case Scenario: Blarg duped us, the cult kills Blarg, and potentially gets to kill again, puttin' us at a severe disadvantage.

[bold]Lynch Coppa:[/bold]

Best-Case Scenario: We remove the second cultist in as many days, puttin' us one step closer to victory.

Worst-Case Scenario: We kill an innocent tourist, allowin' the cult another free night to kill and probably take advantage of th' confusion to kill a figure of influence.

Lynch Darryl:

Best-Case Scenario: A shifty, antagonizin' cult-alligned figure is dead and we get to keep Blarg's power in out pocket for future use.

Worst-Case Scenario: We lose a tourist/power figure and the cult gets a free night of killin'.

The cards are all on the table. Are we gonna raise, or fold?


Don't over-think it, it just amuses me to call you that, after the character from Kingdom Hearts. If it bothers you, I'll stop.

It's the worst.

it doesn't bother me at all, I actually just assumed it was an auto correct or other such typo.

I don't have evidence on anyone. When I have evidence I'll present it, and I'll push hard. These are just feelings, because that's all I've got to work with. No collaborators or crazy power role, just the little voices in the back of my head saying, "I think Rats has the right idea," or "Huh, I don't like the way Neuro is going about this."

If I weren't on board for Blarg, though, I would probably be voting for Neuro. That last string of posts gives me a nasty feeling.

Fair points, all I was curious about.


Aight, here're all of the plausible scenarios for tonight's lynchin':

[bold]Lynch Blargonaut:[/bold]

Best-Case Scenario: Mattack was tellin' the truth and we go a night without anyone gettin' killed by the cult, leavin' us with another day of investagion without losin' any power players.

Worst-Case Scenario: Mattack was lyin' and by lynchin' Blarg he wins the game, leavin' us one potentially useful players down with no concrete leads left to pursue.

[bold]Lynch Matt Attack:[/bold]

Best-Case Scenario: Blarg was right and we dodge a bullet by preventin' a potentially cult-aligned figure from removin' a powerful role from the game while securin' his own victory. We also find out more about this enigmatic role which we have nothin' but his word as proof of its existance.

Worst-Case Scenario: Blarg duped us, the cult kills Blarg, and potentially gets to kill again, puttin' us at a severe disadvantage.

[bold]Lynch Coppa:[/bold]

Best-Case Scenario: We remove the second cultist in as many days, puttin' us one step closer to victory.

Worst-Case Scenario: We kill an innocent tourist, allowin' the cult another free night to kill and probably take advantage of th' confusion to kill a figure of influence.

Lynch Darryl:

Best-Case Scenario: A shifty, antagonizin' cult-alligned figure is dead and we get to keep Blarg's power in out pocket for future use.

Worst-Case Scenario: We lose a tourist/power figure and the cult gets a free night of killin'.

The cards are all on the table. Are we gonna raise, or fold?

At the end of the day, we need to solve this Matt Attack and Blarg thing. They both sound neutral to me and Blarg has basically verified everything Matt Attack said even though it no longer helps him to verify that information. Killing Blarg is really the only choice that makes sense. If Blarg were some important town role, he wouldn't be laying over and dying like this. If Matt Attack is neutral and his win condition as to get Blarg lynched, then fine whatever. It'll help us with the night block and Matt will exit the game as a winner, we can start day 3 with no distractions. Coppa and Darryl can then get the same discussion time then along with anyone else people find suspicious.

No biggie, as long as we all are having fun its ok ;)

but for real now , is the general consensus now that we keep on chatting up until the end of this day and lynch Blarg ? I can understand the unvoting but i dont like it.

You're the next person I want to go with.

VOTE: Nin1000

You've been watching but I haven't seen anything of substance from you for awhile if ever. I want a real post, one that actually has some current theories on who you think is cult. I know you are voting for Blarg and that's good but I want to start looking ahead. What thoughts do you have on other people?


No biggie, as long as we all are having fun its ok ;)

but for real now , is the general consensus now that we keep on chatting up until the end of this day and lynch Blarg ? I can understand the unvoting but i dont like it.

I won't speak for others, but yes, that is where I am at. We are getting dangerously close to plurality, and we have 24 hours left to chat, so even though I have declared my intention to vote for Blarg, I'm not submitting it.

Of course, I'm being very clear about my intent. Last game I didn't get to vote for one of our Mafia kills before we hit Plurality, so a couple of people (including Nin1000,) thought it was suspicious that I didn't vote for the Mafia kill, when in reality it was just that I didn't vote quick enough.


VOTE: Nin1000

You've been watching but I haven't seen anything of substance from you for awhile if ever. I want a real post, one that actually has some current theories on who you think is cult. I know you are voting for Blarg and that's good but I want to start looking ahead. What thoughts do you have on other people?

Fair points. My main suspects AFTER blarg are as follows

Nothing interesting or substancial came from him, he just posts enough to stay active but for me his post behaviour raised some red flags

Even if he made a fair point saying that he had nothing to say. I would love to hear some thoughts on the current game from him. I cant place my thoughts on him and that makes him suspicous in my book for the moment.

Never Forever
called me out for posting too much Fluff , yet here we are and i cant really recall one single post that was interesting :( Would love to hear from you more like in day one :)

almost the same as GreatCharleston but not as strong , since he posted some more ( does that make sense ? )
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