Fuck it then
He's useless
might vote for him again
He's useless
might vote for him again
By him, I of course mean Timeaisis.
I am so confused right now. If I survive, someone investigate me tonight.
As you close in on Timeaisis he begins to laugh like a madman. You want to lynch me? Do you know who I am? With my knowledge I am a god compared to you imbeciles! The Great Cthulhu will protect me! Just wait and see!
You are not sure who to react to that. Timeaisis laughing does not stop and he begins to speak in an otherworldly tongue. Is this how it ends for all of you? Will Timeaisis kill you now? Was this just a sick game for his amusement? You just stand and watch, frozen in terror.
Suddenly someone among your group throws a coconut at his forehead and manages to knock him out. Not taking any chances, you jump on Timeaisis and take care of him for good. It is not pretty.
Timeaisis, a Cult Leader is dead.
You are a Cult Leader.
You are aligned with the Cult of Cthulhu.
Years of worshipping Cthulhu turned you insane. But your sanity was a small price to pay for the gifts Cthulhu granted you. You used your powers to sink the cruise ship you spotted on the horizon. Somehow a small group of passengers survived and made it to your island. In the chaos your cult managed to infiltrate them. It will be easy to sacrifice them one by one.
Your partners are Lord of Castamere and Lone_Prodigy. Each night phase, one of the Cult of Cthulhu-aligned players may kill/turn insane (depending on Cthulhus mood) one of the other players by PMing me the command SACRIFICE: playername. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM. You may also communicate with your partners at the Quickboard found here.
Experience taught you how to blend in. If investigated by an information gathering role, you will appear as a Tourist.
To be sure you used some protective magic. It allows you to survive one night attack.
You win when only Cult of Cthulhu-aligned players remain.
After Timeaisis death, you could feel that a great evil left the island. With his last worshipper gone, Cthulhu is no longer paying attention to your island.
Was that it? Did you actually survive this horror?
Something does not feel right. Even with Cthulhu gone, you can still sense something lurking in the shadows. Now that Cthulhus aura is no longer present, you notice that the darkness you felt all this time was not just Cthulhus
Zatoth, you may have a problem:
(Today, 01:54 PM)
I did it for you, Blarg. Now your soul can finally rest.
Celebrating the end of the Cthulhu Cult was a short-lived distraction from the horrors on the island after you realised that the night may still be dangerous. You are not really surprised that once again not everybody showed up this morning.
Neverforever, an Ordinary Tourist is dead.
You are an Ordinary Tourist.
You are aligned with the Tourists.
You have no abilities other than voting.
You win when no remaining players are Cult-aligned.
I suppose a game with no more deaths at night would've taken way too long.
Okay, so we basically need to start over. If there's a second cult-like group or killer that activated once the Cthulhu cult was dead they would've been playing like a normal town this whole time. Even someone who voted out every cultist and was the best townie ever is no longer in the clear, because that is exactly what the Cult 2: Electric Cthulhu would need to do start their murderous rampage.
FUCK 0-3
Sidebar: Are we just letting it ride with Charleston's ban since he'll be back by the end of the day?
FUCK 0-3
One thing to consider is that LoC possibly got killed by trying to roleblock one of the members of the other cult. If that was the case Cult 1, and therefore Timeaisis yesterday, would know who that target was and would probably want to deal with them.
He jumped on TheWorthyEdge train pretty early on yesterday: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=176510159&postcount=3046
Motherfucker. Never Forever was the only person I felt I could trust at this point.
Here are the facts, as I see them:
1. None of the role text we saw from the Cult of Cthulhu mentioned recruitment.
2. I win when no "Cult-aligned" players remain. The Cult of Cthulhu would have won when only "Cult of Cthulhu-aligned" players remain.
3. Darryl's role text said he could be recruited by "Cultists." Not "the Cultists" and not "the Cult of Cthulhu."
Conclusion: Our remaining enemy is another Cult, and they are the ones capable of recruiting Insane Tourists. My guess is that they were not at full power until the Cult of Cthulhu was eliminated.