Does anyone know what players are in US it Europe? I want to know when I should reasonably expect activity from them, because a few people have stayed very low, to the point where I flat out want to demand then to speak up. I don't really want to waste a lynch in these players, so I want everyone to be more active.
As it stands, I'm not going to count on any more luck in this game. We're likely the luckiest game right now. 2 of our scum kills were nightine vigilante shits and the other felt very last minute "we better lunch something, let's just roll the die and see what happened."
If a second Cult exists, I believe they may be intimately involved with the book in some way. I felt safer about it after Cthulhu's role blocker died, but now we have a whole other problem to worry about. Maybe the book is now even more dangerous with the first Cult gone.
I've been flip-flopping on this issue throughout the whole game, and once again I have become wary about item claims. We don't know its true purpose, if it even has one, and suddenly the picture has become all the muddier.
Well, we know what to do
VOTE: nin1000
Consider this as an attention grabber. It's much too early in the day for me to decide do anything.
I want information on the book and book ALONE. Don't try to distract here. Whoever has the book right now better not claim, unless nin makes a major lie or tries to bs us
At this point, I'm tired of relying on the book to give us anything. It's a tedious process, and I can't fully trust those who have spent a night with it in any way.
Give us every single thing on the book. I want all the info we can get. This thing needs to get out into the open, and every other book holder is gone for now. I have feeling that, should the cult control the book, they've kept you, the book holder with the most suspicion on him, alive to get more attention on you. So I only want a short and sweet explanation on the book, as well as it's last power
Oh, and preferably don't respond to this immediately, I want other people to comment on whether we should bring the book out into the open too, as well as point things out they I likely missed