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Call of Cthulhu Mafia |OT| Nuts on this island taste insane! Yum Yum!


When I was banned how could I communicate as a cultist to anyone (game leader) to have someone killed or use my powers? It's legit not possible, all I had was Twitter on my profile to contact someone and it's just a no go, I mean potentially I could have given my game details prior to the ban but it was so sudden it just wouldn't happen.

The current assumption is that there is another cult with multiple members. Since Cult-chat is held off-site, it would still be possible for you to communicate with them.

Not saying that I think it's you, but I do feel obligated to fill the logic hole.


No I have done this quite a few times. It was just to clarify some things though.

I haven't seen you noticeably going back over things to the point that it would be suspicious. The only person I've seen doing that is Hyper, and it's understandable.

So now I'm in the lead of votes? That's interesting, how many people are going to go for Scrafty before I change anything.

I don't really find you suspicious, but you hanging your power over our heads like this is getting frustrating. I made that post on Scrafty because I find her now now too suspicious to ignore. It doesn't mean we have to lynch her now but I think she's a good candidate. It'd be nice if you didn't kill one of us over it though.

The day's almost over anyway. As much as your power scares me, I don't think you're evil and you're trying to help in your own unique way. I just want to go after someone I actually find suspicious. If you not overriding and killing someone I want to save means I have to vote for Retro, so be it. I'll do it. But I'd rather not.


I haven't seen you noticeably going back over things to the point that it would be suspicious. The only person I've seen doing that is Hyper, and it's understandable.

I don't really find you suspicious, but you hanging your power over our heads like this is getting frustrating. I made that post on Scrafty because I find her now now too suspicious to ignore. It doesn't mean we have to lynch her now but I think she's a good candidate. It'd be nice if you didn't kill one of us over it though.

The day's almost over anyway. As much as your power scares me, I don't think you're evil and you're trying to help in your own unique way. I just want to go after someone I actually find suspicious. If you not overriding and killing someone I want to save means I have to vote for Retro, so be it. I'll do it. But I'd rather not.

If you want to get Scrafty today, as does Rats, (the only people posting lately it seems) then I'm fine lynching her, plus it'd give us a night to see what happens to Retro and we can return to him tomorrow barring any interesting leads.
Look, it's fine if you don't want to lynch people that are good. I felt bad for Coppa when we mislynched him, and even slightly beforehand I figured he was probably a tourist, but I couldn't change it because we didn't have any viable alternatives. If you're so against lynching somebody, come up with a convincing argument about someone else you think is scum.

I'm glad that all of a sudden you seem interested lynching people now, but I'm confused about your reasoning. You want to kill nin to see if the book only goes to tourists? You, who has said repeatedly, and has just now again said that you didn't want to wrongly kill an innocent tourist? You want to kill nin, who might have a good chance to be a tourist, to understand the game mechanics?

Seriously? These posts don't strike anyone as strange?

I should also mention that you're also the one who told us we should be finding inactives suspicious before because being inactive would be the best way for cult to go undercover. I don't mind if people go inactive because real life exists, but you can't tell us that we should be going after inactives and then proceed to be one of the inactives yourself right as our enemy changes and think that wouldn't seem odd.

Also, TWE isn't even the one who keeps mistakenly retreading on covered ground, that's Hyper and he's new.

I guess this is one'a those "damned if ya do, damned if ya don't" situations cuz while I'm very hesitant to lynch someone I don't think is cult, I also don't wanna waste my only power as townsperson. Eitha way, I think tonight will be critical in terms'a findin' out information so we all need t' be extra vigilant. I'll post a full list of my reads of everyone left sometime tomorrow, and I promise I'll be more active after that.

OOC: The real reason I've been so quiet lately:



I guess this is one'a those "damned if ya do, damned if ya don't" situations cuz while I'm very hesitant to lynch someone I don't think is cult, I also don't wanna waste my only power as townsperson. Eitha way, I think tonight will be critical in terms'a findin' out information so we all need t' be extra vigilant. I'll post a full list of my reads of everyone left sometime tomorrow, and I promise I'll be more active after that.

Unfortunately, we've only got about 12 hours left, and if we want to look at past activity here on this game day, not much more is going to happen. I intended to protect you, but Droplet pointed out something which I had missed and I'm fine to admit that.


VOTE: ScraftyDevil

I'm fine to change again if you can provide something of substance to make a better case against someone else, Retro's an easy one, but I'm personally fine letting him live so we can see what happens on the night.
What makes me suspicious again? That I don't throw around baseless accusations and prefer to operate under the influence of logic rather than gut feelings? Or simply that I have the tendency to pontificate and attempt to act more flamboyently than the majority of the individuals entangled in this mystery?

Simply put, voting for me gives the third party another night to kill uninhibited and if you truly do believe that I am "wishy-washy" and don't take a solid stance on anything, then what will my death accomplish when I inevitably and invariably flip town? You shall learn nothing, and be in an even worse position tomorrow until you've run down every name on your scum-hunting list and burn this island to the ground in search of a killer who only gets stronger for every night you spend faffing about. I do not fear death, my friends, but I do however fear what will become of my death. Do you really want another Coppa incident on your hands?


All I'm sayin' izzat you won't learn nothin' from my death. I've never had the book, I have no special powers, and I haven't been fraternizin' with any 'spicious folks since I got here. Plus, who'll be around to lighten th' mood when I'm gone? A clown's death is extra tragic, and I'm as close to Pagliacci as we've got.


You know, of all the responses I thought I was going to get from you, I did not expect you to be an actual Dangan Ronpa character.

I'm sorry I'm laughing so hard right now. You would have been amazing in that thread.

Anyway, the answer is that you're suspicious not because you're wishy washy, but because you're encouraging everyone else to be so as well. I'm not trying to take a solid stance against you, because just like everyone else I don't have any idea what the hell's going on either. You're just doing nothing but telling us all that as if we don't know it, but you're not helping either. If you really wanted to say you act under the influence of logic, you wouldn't be coming up with ridiculous theories that don't make sense, nor would you be trying to shoot down the ones that do without anything to support your argument. You can't just sit here and keep complaining that we mislynched a tourist when you're not even helping find someone that makes more sense. The candidates you came up with barely even had arguments behind them, and one of them was completely contradictory to everything you've stood for. You can't expect that "well my flip will be tourist and you'll all regret it" is going to be a good defense when you've said literally nothing of value today.


I should also say this to add: I don't mind your posting style at all. It's actually kind of fun to read. Please don't think I'm holding it against you in any way.
I dunno what else t' say. I've got no role to barter with and I'm not gonna beg for my life so I guess you can either trust that I'm tellin' th' truth or wait and find out for yourself.

All I can do is give you my word and promise I'll be more active and analytical if I live to see tomorrow. T' be entirely honest, my "votes" t'day were born of pressure rather than logic, but I really don't have a solid case against anyone else right now. T'day's just been one cluster-cuss after another for me.
We only have 7 hours left and I may never post again after this but I will say right now I don't think Scrafty is the final boss, after her mild obsession over me I believe she's always been in a supportive role for townand never really been anything otherwise. Like I said I may not post again after this so the final few hours will all be down to you. If she goes then she goes but just think a little bit. Also my vote won't be moved, sorry Retro.


Meh. I had pretty much accepted death, so no offense taken, GC.

TBH, I don't want to believe that it's Scrafty, either.


Can't sleep, so I'm looking at the posts from the thread. Writing up a short timeline, in case it helps.

Day 0: Zatoth is "Killed"

Day 1:
We lynch Tucah, an ordinary tourist

Night 1:
The cult kills Fireblend, the Witch
Ultron kills Lone_Prodigy, a cultist

Day 2:
We kill Blargonaut, aka HP Lovercraft
MattAttack, aka Bastian Balthazar Bux, wins the game and leaves

Night 2:
Neuromancer erases Sorian
Ultron kills Darryl
The cult is unable to use the Sacrifice command, but presumably are able to use other commands.

Day 3:
We lynch Coppanuva, an Ordinary Tourist

Night 3:
Lord of Castamere, Priest of Cthulu, dies for unknown reasons. (Either killed by another cult, or the victim of his own ability backfiring)

Day 4:
We lynch Timeaisis, a Cult Leader. The Cult of Cthulu is pronounced dead.

Night 4:
NeverForever, an Ordinary Tourist, dies under unknown circumstances

As I don't for a second believe that Darryl was the only Insane Tourist, I've been looking for where someone might have been recruited. I don't see where that could have happened, but it does beg the question: When did Cult 2 start becoming able to preform night kills? We can account for just about every kill until Castamere, and even that has a logical explanation. Did this new cult only gain the power to kill once the Cult of Cthulu died out?


I was thinking maybe the CoC and the Co? took turns with their night kill, but that makes no sense. We would have to assume the cult of ????? killed Castamere, but Cthulu couldn't kill the next night, because they were all dead. (Unless they were upgraded to kill every night after, but then, does it matter who killed who?)


Why am I digging around in all this? Because I was thinking we needed to look for someone who was town and became cult. But that no longer tracks, because it doesn't seem like anyone was turned. Whoever is cult now, was probably cult from the very beginning.

At least, that's my theory.

So a great question now would be: Can the new cult turn people?
I'm heading into work and won't be able to check in again until the day closes. My vote will stay where it is. I look forward to seeing what shenanigans you all get up to in my absence.


My posting is probably going to be sporadic (again) today. It's Saturday, the wife is home and wants help around the house. I'll try to keep an eye on the thread, though.
I'm free today, I can be fully active

What makes me suspicious again? That I don't throw around baseless accusations and prefer to operate under the influence of logic rather than gut feelings? Or simply that I have the tendency to pontificate and attempt to act more flamboyently than the majority of the individuals entangled in this mystery?

Simply put, voting for me gives the third party another night to kill uninhibited and if you truly do believe that I am "wishy-washy" and don't take a solid stance on anything, then what will my death accomplish when I inevitably and invariably flip town? You shall learn nothing, and be in an even worse position tomorrow until you've run down every name on your scum-hunting list and burn this island to the ground in search of a killer who only gets stronger for every night you spend faffing about. I do not fear death, my friends, but I do however fear what will become of my death. Do you really want another Coppa incident on your hands?


All I'm sayin' izzat you won't learn nothin' from my death. I've never had the book, I have no special powers, and I haven't been fraternizin' with any 'spicious folks since I got here. Plus, who'll be around to lighten th' mood when I'm gone? A clown's death is extra tragic, and I'm as close to Pagliacci as we've got.

I'm going to have to agree with Droplet here. You keep talking about Coppanuva, but that day wasn't really bad because we lynched him. It was bad because we bandwagoned him from the get go. Today's been different, as even though we don't have too much info to work with, we've still gotten info and thrown suspicion everywhere, letting a variety of people have to defend themselves.

I don't want to get rid of you, but you're talking in a way that sounds like you want to slow down or stop the flow of information and just talking, which almost always helps town. IT's also that you started this game going around, throwing suspicion, but after that quietened down, chipping in occasionally, to now, the day after the old cult dies, you're suddenly relatively quiet. I don't like the 2nd piece of evidence as much as the first, but you're still acting suspicious in my eyes

VOTE: ScraftDevil
Yeah today is going to be one of those inactive days for me so I'm gonna get this done and over with really fast.

I don't know about Scrafty. It does feel like a good lynch but I'm still having those same feelings I did a while back when trying to go for Flame. Scrafty does seem to want to slow it down a bit but Flame also wanted to do things earlier this day that weren't entirely town.

I feel the worst offense was Flame and that's why I have to vote for him here.

VOTE: Flame_AC


I am not to keen about the vote for scrafty but at this stage no one is being suspicious, everyone is trying to be the nice guy and not to tip on anybodys toes.

Regarding me just making fluff posts again , well the day got stale and i just wanted to stirr up some discussion if there are players that dont like that , so be it, nothing to be done about that.

About Retros Vote though, i initially thought that he could only host several games due to him having an unnatractive role , this has changed a tiny bit since he hinted at a power role. I am still unsure and am going to read through every post now


ScraftyDevil 4
Rats Off To Ya

Flame_AC 3

TheWorthyEdge 1

RetroMG 1


7 votes are needed to end the day early


About Retros Vote though, i initially thought that he could only host several games due to him having an unnatractive role , this has changed a tiny bit since he hinted at a power role. I am still unsure and am going to read through every post now

My role requires no active action from me, so no, it hasn't really been an issue.
Well, I s'pose even the best poker player has to go all in on a crappy hand sometimes. Nothin' personal, Flame, but it's you or me and I sure as hell know I ain't a baddie.

VOTE: Flame_AC


Well now, this is interesting. Perhaps I might be able to sway one of you lot with a little bit of extra info about my role. I am able to effect lynches by protecting up to two people using magic. If I protect two people on a certain day, then I'm unable to protect anyone the following day. I cannot, of course, protect myself. I've generally protected the people who the majority believed was a sure Tourist, regardless of how I felt about them.

Beyond that, I stand by all of my actions as I don't view the hunt for information, no matter how odd it may seem, to be a bad thing. A couple of you mentioned that it is Anti-Town to be digging around for roles, but I think the exact opposite, we need to know the kind of firepower we've got on our side so we can put up a united front against whatever's left for us to beat.
Well now, this is interesting. Perhaps I might be able to sway one of you lot with a little bit of extra info about my role. I am able to effect lynches by protecting up to two people using magic. If I protect two people on a certain day, then I'm unable to protect anyone the following day. I cannot, of course, protect myself. I've generally protected the people who the majority believed was a sure Tourist, regardless of how I felt about them.

Beyond that, I stand by all of my actions as I don't view the hunt for information, no matter how odd it may seem, to be a bad thing. A couple of you mentioned that it is Anti-Town to be digging around for roles, but I think the exact opposite, we need to know the kind of firepower we've got on our side so we can put up a united front against whatever's left for us to beat.

What days did you do this to Coppa?

Actually, who all have you protected?
Very well. I'll give Flame the benefit of the doubt and abstain from voting today. My life isn't worth a role that useful, no matter how much I may try and kid myself.


Do what you will.
Well now, this is interesting. Perhaps I might be able to sway one of you lot with a little bit of extra info about my role. I am able to effect lynches by protecting up to two people using magic. If I protect two people on a certain day, then I'm unable to protect anyone the following day. I cannot, of course, protect myself. I've generally protected the people who the majority believed was a sure Tourist, regardless of how I felt about them.

Beyond that, I stand by all of my actions as I don't view the hunt for information, no matter how odd it may seem, to be a bad thing. A couple of you mentioned that it is Anti-Town to be digging around for roles, but I think the exact opposite, we need to know the kind of firepower we've got on our side so we can put up a united front against whatever's left for us to beat.

As I mentioned before the cult are in a much better position than the town to verify and act upon roles that are claimed. Outing them is a much bigger benefit to them than us.

If you want to give out more info on your role: At what point do you decide on who to protect? Previous night phase? Before day ends? What happens if someone you protect has the most votes does it fail or fall on the player with the next highest number of votes?

For now I don't like the role/claim and my previous points stand alongside my vote.


Scrafty, I'm not sure that your sacrifice is necessary, but it is noble.

You have surpassed the accent. We award you the title of Big Accent.



Very well. I'll give Flame the benefit of the doubt and abstain from voting today. My life isn't worth a role that useful, no matter how much I may try and kid myself.


Do what you will.


Hell there i was for sure that my vote would go for scrafty, but hell my gut is screaming that Flame is town
I'm going to miss you and your accent

Just promise me you'll learn something from my demise. You won't get any new information from my role or affiliations, so the least you can do is not make this same mistake again.

Paranoia is a dangerous force. It dulls the wit, clouds the mind and blackens the heart. The only way this town will achieve victory is by overcoming it, and moving forward into the future like an arrow of light piercing through the darkness.
I'm not sure I like Flame's role at all
I've pegged Flame for a tourist, but it sounds funny. A tourist role that decides who tourists get to lynch, instead of the tourists themselves choosing?

Sounds neutral, or even scum, at least. Or like a lie

VOTE: Flame_Ac


Just promise me you'll learn something from my demise. You won't get any new information from my role or affiliations, so the least you can do is not make this same mistake again.

Paranoia is a dangerous force. It dulls the wit, clouds the mind and blackens the heart. The only way this town will achieve victory is by overcoming it, and moving forward into the future like an arrow of light piercing through the darkness.

Thats why i doubt the most that you are cult. We are being paranoid to the point of madness.
I don't like his role at all. Town's power is the vote, and the vote means town decides who dies. A town role shouldn't be deciding this, nor be able to do this as much as it wants
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