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Call of Cthulhu Mafia |OT| Nuts on this island taste insane! Yum Yum!


Yeah, the extention surprised me too.

Well, let's talk about Rats and GC.

I don't think Rats is Mafia, but it wouldn't terribly surprise me if he were. He plays the good guy role super well, which is what I would do, were I mafia.

GC - Guy's been totally inactive (even after the ban got lifted.) He might not be mafia, but he's not much help either.

But I've got a hunch, and though it will be seen as reactionary, I've been thinking it for a while now, ever since I described him as seeming bloodthirsty.

VOTE: Flame_AC

Have to step away for a little bit now. Wife is calling. Will try to check back in soon.

I'll bite, what's your hunch?


I'll bite, what's your hunch?

Um. That you're mafia?

Sorry, thought I made that clear. I can't prove it. (If any of us could prove anything, things would be going better.) But something about the way you play feels wrong. It was clearest before Blarg went.

But, I can't prove anything. No one thing I can point to. That's why I call it a hunch.

Darryl and Sorian are probably having collective conniptions right now.


I don't have a night action, and my win condition is when all cultists are dead. I can be targeted at night, but the cult won't enjoy the result.


Um. That you're mafia?

Sorry, thought I made that clear. I can't prove it. (If any of us could prove anything, things would be going better.) But something about the way you play feels wrong. It was clearest before Blarg went.

But, I can't prove anything. No one thing I can point to. That's why I call it a hunch.

Darryl and Sorian are probably having collective conniptions right now.

Oh.. I thought you had some excellent reason, other than me being fine with the necessary evil of people dying for the greater good.

If GC doesn't post by sometime tomorrow night, would everyone like to lynch him instead of Retro?


I don't have a night action, and my win condition is when all cultists are dead. I can be targeted at night, but the cult won't enjoy the result.

Aw man, why'd you have to say that out loud so the other party knows.

Here's the thing. I am Town. I am not an ordinary tourist. I do have a special attribute, but I do not think it can possibly be useful to anyone in this stage of the game. However, there is juuuuust enough doubt about that in general that I am certain that if I roleclaim, I will be the next to die.

The bolded seemingly contradicts what you just claimed. Why would the Cult go for you now that you've made it clear that something bad will happen to them?


Oh.. I thought you had some excellent reason, other than me being fine with the necessary evil of people dying for the greater good.

If GC doesn't post by sometime tomorrow night, would everyone like to lynch him instead of Retro?

The greater good, huh? Whose greater good?

I'm fine with lynching GC. I'm curious now to see what happens next.


Aw man, why'd you have to say that out loud so the other party knows.

The bolded seemingly contradicts what you just claimed. Why would the Cult go for you now that you've made it clear that something bad will happen to them?

Maybe I messed up. Or maybe it's all part of the game.

Do you like.... Puzzles? ;)


The greater good, huh? Whose greater good?

I'm fine with lynching GC. I'm curious now to see what happens next.

The gain of information once people die, it is generally impossible for us to develop leads without death? Is that not the core of Mafia?


So then you would say GC is our best choice? We're in an unfortunate situation, lacking a lot of information about this second Cult.

I would say it's the least offensive choice. I don't honestly know who the best choice is. There's no easy Neuromancer to go after this time.

Droplet, Nin, and Scrafty read town. Rats does too, but I'm less sure now. Could be a wolf in sheep's clothing. I don't know about Hyperactivity. If I were Sorian, I'd question them all one by one, but I'm not.

I'm sure I'm missing someone, but that's off the top of my head.
Flame, do you understand how anti-Town you're acting right now? We have a new enemy and we know nothing about them. We're essentially on Day One of an eleven-player game, and you're telling the rest of us you'll only allow us to vote for certain people. You, a person who has shown no great affinity for scum hunting. And one of your targets (me) is not only a Tourist, but has been one of the most effective Tourists in the game so far. Do you realize how detrimental it is to shut down discussion at this critical point, based on your whims alone?

I've said it before that I think you're a Tourist, and that's still true. But this is a horrendous play you're making.

I realize this will likely only increase your suspicion of me, as will anything else I do at this point. But somebody has to say it.


Oh, Ultron, Worthy and Johnny.

Ultron is safe. We know who he is.
Johnny is worthy of suspicion and investigation.
I was ready to clear Worthy, but it was pointed out that I was being premature.


Flame, do you understand how anti-Town you're acting right now? We have a new enemy and we know nothing about them. We're essentially on Day One of an eleven-player game, and you're telling the rest of us you'll only allow us to vote for certain people. You, a person who has shown no great affinity for scum hunting. And one of your targets (me) is not only a Tourist, but has been one of the most effective Tourists in the game so far. Do you realize how detrimental it is to shut down discussion at this critical point, based on your whims alone?

I've said it before that I think you're a Tourist, and that's still true. But this is a horrendous play you're making.

I realize this will likely only increase your suspicion of me, as will anything else I do at this point. But somebody has to say it.

I acknowledge your criticism, however, much like in the case of Coppanuva, I'll be glad to relent my position if it is what the large majority wants. I'm saying that I won't let those people be lynched, think carefully about my wording this time and all the others that I've said it. Discussion is completely open right now, and I'm open to lynching anyone, but only on the basis that a large majority, as in the case of Coppanuva, deems it best for town.

I get what your saying, but I would ask you to look at the Coppanuva day. Would you say I shut down discussion there? He still died, we still developed more information. Scum hunting is an art, one which can take many shapes, I think we just have different ways of going about it.

I'm curious though, what are your thoughts on Retro's claim?

Also, this is my last post till tomorrow morning, g'nite y'all.
Retro's claim seems similarly convenient to Time's, so much so that I can't help but think he's telling the truth. I dunno. I don't place a lot of stock in unverifiable things people say when they're looking down the barrel of a gun.
Scrafty's been oddly silent all day and I want to hear from her

Retro's claim seems similarly convenient to Time's, so much so that I can't help but think he's telling the truth. I dunno. I don't place a lot of stock in unverifiable things people say when they're looking down the barrel of a gun.


Time, who role claimed this:

Ya'll's strategy continues to elude me.

I didn't want to do this so early in the game, but I suppose I'll do a partial roleclaim now since people are confused as to where I stand.

I have a power role. It activated after Blargonaut died. I don't want to reveal what it is yet because the cultist knowing about it effectively nullifies it's effect, but suffice it to say that I've kept it secret for a reason.

I'm town. Investigate me if you want. Yes, I knew Blarg was third party since the very beginning of the game. No, I didn't know about Matt.

and ended up being a cult godfather?

Could you explain what you're saying here?
Also, by the very nature of our situation, we might not even reach a large majority today, but that doesn't mean you know better than the plurality.

I very much dislike the Override role in general. Nine times out of ten you're just gonna lynch a Townie, possibly saving scum in the process. It's an anti-Town role that just so happens to be given to Town. The only winning move is not to play.
Scrafty's been oddly silent all day and I want to hear from her


Time, who role claimed this:

and ended up being a cult godfather?

Could you explain what you're saying here?

I mean that it seems unlikely to me that Retro's big Cultist lie would be so much like Time's. But maybe that's what he wants us to think. I sure hope this wine doesn't have poison in it.
Also, by the very nature of our situation, we might not even reach a large majority today, but that doesn't mean you know better than the plurality.

I very much dislike the Override role in general. Nine times out of ten you're just gonna lynch a Townie, possibly saving scum in the process. It's an anti-Town role that just so happens to be given to Town. The only winning move is not to play.

And another point: even lynching a Tourist can be useful, because it provides us information from the discussion. I led the lynch on Coppa, but Time was a little too willing to go along with me on it, and that's one of the things that helped me zero in on him the next day.

With an Override, what do we get? "Welp, sorry guys, I was wrong. And I had an Override, so now you know I'm Town. Good luck tomorrow!"
Eh, I've been going back and forth, but I want to know Flame

Do you have an override or no? The cult knowing this doesn't directly affect them, as far as I understand, as, based off of what Rats said, it typically hits town, or won't directly affect them. I only see it happening if list the entire cult as your only suspects the day before.

You basically brought up the possibility then went radio silent after that, never to be brought up again.

Honestly, the biggest thing going for you right now isn't your protection of coppa, but rather the sort of mutual understanding the two of you had, although that could easily have been coppa trying to stay alive

I want to hear some thoughts on whether flame should claim if he has it first though


Eh, I've been going back and forth, but I want to know Flame

Do you have an override or no? The cult knowing this doesn't directly affect them, as far as I understand, as, based off of what Rats said, it typically hits town, or won't directly affect them. I only see it happening if list the entire cult as your only suspects the day before.

You basically brought up the possibility then went radio silent after that, never to be brought up again.

Honestly, the biggest thing going for you right now isn't your protection of coppa, but rather the sort of mutual understanding the two of you had, although that could easily have been coppa trying to stay alive

I want to hear some thoughts on whether flame should claim if he has it first though

No need, he's pretty much entirely verified it.

If you don't want me to save you, and you're fine dying, I'll let it go and carry on your memory to the end of the game. However, if you want, I'll be glad to keep my current position, it's a matter of what do you want?

Or, if everyone else is agreed, 100%, barring the inactives, that Coppa is the choice for today, I'll relent.

Also, if you guys would like to see a spectacular "override gone wrong", you should all read the Star Wars thread where our very own moderator Zatoth saves mafia and lynches a townie.
No need, he's pretty much entirely verified it.

Also, if you guys would like to see a spectacular "override gone wrong", you should all read the Star Wars thread where our very own moderator Zatoth saves mafia and lynches a townie.

Huh, I guess from this perspective the Enker override wasn't so bad


Scrafty's a huge question mark for me. Everyone seems to have her sold on town, and I was reasonably certain she was too - back when we were hunting CoC members. Which makes sense, if someone couldn't do anything anti-town back then, then they were pretty much as good as a town member. I would consider anyone whose win condition was living until the end of the game or killing cultists town too, as in them acting with town's best interests wouldn't be strange at all. Scrafty's still posting with her same strong tendencies towards "we shouldn't lynch anyone if we don't know they're evil", but she's now basically gone full filler, most of which either doesn't make any sense when you look at it, or is following her earlier "but if you wanted to lynch someone who flipped town you might be bad", which is almost certainly not true. I'm also not sure if she's hanging back because everyone seems fine with her or if she's just busy (she didn't show up when Retro and Hyper summoned her which I suppose is a good sign).

Here is almost every post she's made this day phase:

I'm just throwin' this out there, but what if th' remainin' evil power isn't a second cult at all, but somethin' even more sinister? What if evil walks among us, and is hell-bent on draggin' us inta th' depths'a madness?

All I'm sayin' is that who or whateva is recruitin' those nutty tourists might be more than just yer runnathemill cult leader.

What if somethin' from beyond time an' space is now sittin' smack-dab in our midst, ready t' prey offa th' madness and paranoia we've wrought?

What if Those Who Sleep ain't so sleepy any more?

What do these even mean? This barely even qualifies as speculating on what's going on. It's a distraction. Ok, maybe there isn't a second cult. Maybe we're wrong and there's some other non-Cthulhu role out there who's trying to make us all insane? Or...something? I thought I was pretty good at parsing Scrafty's posts before, but I've been staring at these posts trying to make sense of them, and nothing's come up. You can look at her other posts before this and they're at least trying to be helpful. This here is so confusing I can't help but wonder if she's trying to throw us off with it.

By that logic we should be lynchin' you since th' hunch you were so soitain of on Day 2 ended up gettin' an innocent man killed.

I'm all for pokin' and proddin' at theories, but let's not pretend fer a second that makin' a wrong guess means you're scum.

I'm just sayin' we should explore more avenues before latchin' onta someone to lynch at the very beginnin' of th' day like what happened to poor Coppa. Give everyone else a chance to speak first.

Look, you can criticize someone for having a bad read, and I too am guilty of this, but Rats or Sorian or whoever else starts a vote is not the end all be all of who gets lynched. Everyone else here has the ability to vote for who they think is suspicious, the first person to do it is not suspicious because they were the first person to do it and were convincing enough to get others to follow them. They could be suspicious because their reasoning doesn't make sense, or they're overly defensive, but it shouldn't be because they started a vote or made a case for it.

Anyway, I think this is Scrafty trying to stop conversation. A lot of other people were speaking, and there were barely even any votes out. Yet she was on Rats's case for pressuring people, even though Hyper and ultron were right there pressuring people too. Bringing up the Coppa vote is a great example of her doing her "I told you so" thing, which for some reason is doing a good job of convincing other people she's innocent. I don't understand why people have changed their minds on some people but not Scrafty, she's right there making posts that don't quite line up with her early ones and I find it weird.

Here's the deal: I'm not going to vote for her. As I said, she's a big question mark to me. I don't know if this makes her second cult or SK or whatever the hell else we have out there. I'm not super thrilled that Flame is reconsidering me, but on a conscious level I think it's good. I just wish he would reconsider everyone else too. It's been said before and I'll say it again: we're basically on Day One again (and if the second cult theory is accurate, that's doubly true), except that we're all familiar with each other now.

And Flame, please, don't use your override today. I'll admit part of this is for selfish reasons. I want to live another day, at least so if I decide to, I get the chance to use the book. But there's also that if we're really starting over, you have a huge chance to hit town because we have so little information. If you want to use it, I might be fine with it later, but at least I want you to do that on the information that's really there. And I want to be clear with this too, I trust Rats on a day one level in the sense that I think he's helpful to have around. I would feel the same about Hyper if he didn't keep asking repeat questions. And I trust Flame too, even if I don't like how he's playing right now. Could they be good targets for lynch in the future? Sure, but I'd rather not do it today. Today, I think we should get the information we can as we would on Day One, and I'm glad we're finally finished with the book so we can focus on other things. If we're getting someone, and I think we should, I'd rather it not be a big loss if they flip town.

Uh...I guess on another note, I have to think about Retro. I really wasn't expecting a hint at a PR with so few votes. Same with GC, but we should let him talk. He wasn't even here when we started this day and we're extending it for him.
Scrafty's a huge question mark for me. Everyone seems to have her sold on town, and I was reasonably certain she was too - back when we were hunting CoC members. Which makes sense, if someone couldn't do anything anti-town back then, then they were pretty much as good as a town member. I would consider anyone whose win condition was living until the end of the game or killing cultists town too, as in them acting with town's best interests wouldn't be strange at all. Scrafty's still posting with her same strong tendencies towards "we shouldn't lynch anyone if we don't know they're evil", but she's now basically gone full filler, most of which either doesn't make any sense when you look at it, or is following her earlier "but if you wanted to lynch someone who flipped town you might be bad", which is almost certainly not true. I'm also not sure if she's hanging back because everyone seems fine with her or if she's just busy (she didn't show up when Retro and Hyper summoned her which I suppose is a good sign).

Here is almost every post she's made this day phase:

What do these even mean? This barely even qualifies as speculating on what's going on. It's a distraction. Ok, maybe there isn't a second cult. Maybe we're wrong and there's some other non-Cthulhu role out there who's trying to make us all insane? Or...something? I thought I was pretty good at parsing Scrafty's posts before, but I've been staring at these posts trying to make sense of them, and nothing's come up. You can look at her other posts before this and they're at least trying to be helpful. This here is so confusing I can't help but wonder if she's trying to throw us off with it.

Look, you can criticize someone for having a bad read, and I too am guilty of this, but Rats or Sorian or whoever else starts a vote is not the end all be all of who gets lynched. Everyone else here has the ability to vote for who they think is suspicious, the first person to do it is not suspicious because they were the first person to do it and were convincing enough to get others to follow them. They could be suspicious because their reasoning doesn't make sense, or they're overly defensive, but it shouldn't be because they started a vote or made a case for it.

Anyway, I think this is Scrafty trying to stop conversation. A lot of other people were speaking, and there were barely even any votes out. Yet she was on Rats's case for pressuring people, even though Hyper and ultron were right there pressuring people too. Bringing up the Coppa vote is a great example of her doing her "I told you so" thing, which for some reason is doing a good job of convincing other people she's innocent. I don't understand why people have changed their minds on some people but not Scrafty, she's right there making posts that don't quite line up with her early ones and I find it weird.

Here's the deal: I'm not going to vote for her. As I said, she's a big question mark to me. I don't know if this makes her second cult or SK or whatever the hell else we have out there. I'm not super thrilled that Flame is reconsidering me, but on a conscious level I think it's good. I just wish he would reconsider everyone else too. It's been said before and I'll say it again: we're basically on Day One again (and if the second cult theory is accurate, that's doubly true), except that we're all familiar with each other now.

And Flame, please, don't use your override today. I'll admit part of this is for selfish reasons. I want to live another day, at least so if I decide to, I get the chance to use the book. But there's also that if we're really starting over, you have a huge chance to hit town because we have so little information. If you want to use it, I might be fine with it later, but at least I want you to do that on the information that's really there. And I want to be clear with this too, I trust Rats on a day one level in the sense that I think he's helpful to have around. I would feel the same about Hyper if he didn't keep asking repeat questions. And I trust Flame too, even if I don't like how he's playing right now. Could they be good targets for lynch in the future? Sure, but I'd rather not do it today. Today, I think we should get the information we can as we would on Day One, and I'm glad we're finally finished with the book so we can focus on other things. If we're getting someone, and I think we should, I'd rather it not be a big loss if they flip town.

Uh...I guess on another note, I have to think about Retro. I really wasn't expecting a hint at a PR with so few votes. Same with GC, but we should let him talk. He wasn't even here when we started this day and we're extending it for him.

I peg Scrafty as more of a little question mark, but her behavior today is throwing me off. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for a little bit, as she might have stuff going on, but I really want to see her become active before this day phase ends. If not, I'm open to going after her next day phase
Ahhh here we go. Finally! Guys. I have a strong feeling Retro isn't Cult. Almost 100% sure, the way he is playing is very passive and if you were to be a Mafia and play very passive you'd be spotted hella-quickly.

I've voted for Flame before having suspicions about him and I really don't know about him still. There was a possibility talked about that there was another Neutral in the game. I feel it could be him by the way he's acting. Right now Flame is at the top my list.

Nin I still have some doubts about but I don't know if he's on the top of my list at this point in the game. He hasn't said much this game besides those few posts leading to his vote on...Ultron(?) but then his immediate vote takedown based off of one post. I feel like that's nins strat vote for everyone until they talk once then UNVOTE them. It's kinda crazy but eh. Seems to be (kinda?) working.

Rats is obviously a Tourist. Come on. Rats has been our MVP by far but that doesn't mean he couldn't be an extremely risky Cultist but the odds of that? VERY. Slim. The way Rats talks is almost condescending and that leads me to believe he may have a Tourist power role. Idk maybe a Tour Guide? Lol


Rats entire resume is built on killing the previous cult. That's exactly what he would want to do if he was our current enemy. So we can't just clear him. I don't think he's the guy to vote for right now, but just keep that in mind.
What do these even mean? This barely even qualifies as speculating on what's going on. It's a distraction. Ok, maybe there isn't a second cult. Maybe we're wrong and there's some other non-Cthulhu role out there who's trying to make us all insane? Or...something? I thought I was pretty good at parsing Scrafty's posts before, but I've been staring at these posts trying to make sense of them, and nothing's come up. You can look at her other posts before this and they're at least trying to be helpful. This here is so confusing I can't help but wonder if she's trying to throw us off with it.

Sure the writings a bit obtuse but I don't think those posts were particularly hard to decipher, I mean you've done it in your summary. They're certainly not wierd enough that I think theyre being written as deliberate distractions.

Flame wasn't really pulling me in any direction but I really dont like the way he's played over the last few hours. It's not just the way he's lording his (may or may not even exist) power over us but the way he reacts.

Now we're getting somewhere, what exactly is this attribute? Prove to us that you're town beyond a vague claim and you can be targeted by the other party tonight. This gives the town a known night time death in you, and a chance to go after someone else for the rest of the day?

Your earlier post makes it seem like you want to die, why is that, is it your role? Do you perhaps lose if you're killed at night, but win if you die during the day or make it all the way?

whether or not Retro is telling the truth forcing people to potentially out their power role is not a pro-town move. It's not something that should make him happy and it's not the type of information that we should be seeking out.
I agree with Rats that it's not a pro-town ability and I actually think we have more to learn at this point by killing him and verifying his power than we do from most of the other players.


Sure the writings a bit obtuse but I don't think those posts were particularly hard to decipher, I mean you've done it in your summary. They're certainly not wierd enough that I think theyre being written as deliberate distractions.

Flame wasn't really pulling me in any direction but I really dont like the way he's played over the last few hours. It's not just the way he's lording his (may or may not even exist) power over us but the way he reacts.

whether or not Retro is telling the truth forcing people to potentially out their power role is not a pro-town move. It's not something that should make him happy and it's not the type of information that we should be seeking out.
I agree with Rats that it's not a pro-town ability and I actually think we have more to learn at this point by killing him and verifying his power than we do from most of the other players.

I'm not going to force him to do anything, I just think that we needed something more to go on if we were simply going to take his word for it. You can look at Time's example of a claim and see what happened to him, what would have happened if we took his word for it?

I think both you, RoTY and anyone else are still confused on what my power is, but it's not what you think it is, but similar.
I've had nothin' but the town's best interests in mind. It's just... I don't wanna accept that one'a youse guys is scum, cuz you all seem like pretty damn fine folks in my book and it always breaks my heart t' see someone who didn't deserve it get th' axe.

It's in yer best interests to keep me around though, if only cuz you'd be throwin' your vote in th' trash by lynchin' me. If I absolutely had to vote for someone t'day I'd say that our best bet would be eitha nin or Edgy. The forma cuz we'd be able to establish once and fer all the patterns of the book and hopefully glean some more information, and the latter cuz he seems to get awfully trigger-happy, especially in regards to information that's been common knownledge for a long time.


TheWorthyEdge 2

RetroMG 2
Rats Off To Ya

Flame_AC 1

nin1000 1


7 votes are needed to end the day early
I have returned from my punishment.


I am sorry I disrupted the flow of the game, I didn't even know you didn't replace me until last night when I checked, I thought you'd all have given it to someone else but I suppose not. I am truly sorry, GAFia. This is to everyone.

But honestly in these last few days it seems you've run out of leads and ideas, but that's how I know Cthulhu mafia the most we all end up winning somehow. NeverForever is kill and he was the last person to have really big, detailed posts and now we're truly the last of us. Dropet is trying and RatsOffToYa seems to have taken the leadership role. I do agree with Ultron on ROTY that he still isn't clear of being completely a safe member of the game.

Although by now with what happened to me and returning to you I think this should completely clear me of cult activity being plucked from the game for a period of time, the show must go on but if there's no final boss left then how could the game continue? So at this point I think you could all come to the conclusion that my role (Tourist) and Ultron's role as the vigilante are the only ones 100% confirmed. Besides I was the one who called out Timeaisis last day phase and the slope began (I was so close to changing my vote at the last second for TWE however.) If nin1000 100% had the item though I think he's probably a tourist too since everyone else who has had the item was a tourist too, so I suppose he too is in the clear.

Flame_AC seems to really have no clue with who to trust anymore so he's a bit of a wild card, Scrafty has always been in the game and tried to keep it moving but lately she's been stagnant but it's still not enough to worry about I'd say. If you wanna keep a discussion going just push on with it after reading how Droplet said she hinders talking about certain things.

The original three people I had my eyes on were Timeaisis, Retro and Ultron. Time is gone, Ultron is the vigilante and Retro is well... A bit similar to how Time played the game very safe and cautious doesn't say anything really radical to bring attention to himself but just posts enough to keep from being called out. That's all I'm saying though.

TheWorthyEdge kinda took over my role with how I was in the beginning of the game except slightly better. I think he's still harmless but then again it's all in the game. johnnyquicknives is really the same as usual but something about him rubs me the wrong way but I really can't put my finger on it. I think it might be his single post of validation in the game albeit a fairly detailed one then doesn't linger around kinda weird but I guess some people just do it that way. Hyperactivity is a late game comer and has really done quite a lot, they've really been trying but now with how cold the leads have run even he has slowed down I think you may be a tourist though.

I guess that's everyone then and what I've come to the conclusion on from reading the last few pages which wasn't a lot but still we've got like 20 hours left and I'm gonna vote...


Obviously there's some discussion to still be had, mostly about where you all stand with me I suppose.
I'm not going to force him to do anything, I just think that we needed something more to go on if we were simply going to take his word for it. You can look at Time's example of a claim and see what happened to him, what would have happened if we took his word for it?

I think both you, RoTY and anyone else are still confused on what my power is, but it's not what you think it is, but similar.

Maybe force is a bit strong of a word but youre encouraging him to give details about his role to try and get him to 'prove' he's town. To me thats a pretty anti-town way to play.

I'm not really confused about your power because I'm not speculating on it any further than you saying that you won't let certain players die. That could mean a number of things, hell it could even be a culty power that lets you "save" someone thats about to be lynched but you save them right into your elder god worshipping cult. Over the last day your posts are just sitting worse with me than nin's are.

VOTE: Flame_AC


Holy shit Hyper, if I type up a long post please don't quote the entire thing.

Sure the writings a bit obtuse but I don't think those posts were particularly hard to decipher, I mean you've done it in your summary. They're certainly not wierd enough that I think theyre being written as deliberate distractions

Sure, except they don't make any sense based on any of the information we have so far. We know that people can go insane temporarily, and we know that people can start out insane. Only the people who start out insane, like Darryl, can be recruited. So there's...some other role out there who's trying to recruit insane tourists and kill the rest of us or making us insane? Which is...exactly what we've been saying? But she's disagreeing with us? So what exactly is this saying again?

I've had nothin' but the town's best interests in mind. It's just... I don't wanna accept that one'a youse guys is scum, cuz you all seem like pretty damn fine folks in my book and it always breaks my heart t' see someone who didn't deserve it get th' axe.

It's in yer best interests to keep me around though, if only cuz you'd be throwin' your vote in th' trash by lynchin' me. If I absolutely had to vote for someone t'day I'd say that our best bet would be eitha nin or Edgy. The forma cuz we'd be able to establish once and fer all the patterns of the book and hopefully glean some more information, and the latter cuz he seems to get awfully trigger-happy, especially in regards to information that's been common knownledge for a long time.

Look, it's fine if you don't want to lynch people that are good. I felt bad for Coppa when we mislynched him, and even slightly beforehand I figured he was probably a tourist, but I couldn't change it because we didn't have any viable alternatives. If you're so against lynching somebody, come up with a convincing argument about someone else you think is scum.

I'm glad that all of a sudden you seem interested lynching people now, but I'm confused about your reasoning. You want to kill nin to see if the book only goes to tourists? You, who has said repeatedly, and has just now again said that you didn't want to wrongly kill an innocent tourist? You want to kill nin, who might have a good chance to be a tourist, to understand the game mechanics?

Seriously? These posts don't strike anyone as strange?

I should also mention that you're also the one who told us we should be finding inactives suspicious before because being inactive would be the best way for cult to go undercover. I don't mind if people go inactive because real life exists, but you can't tell us that we should be going after inactives and then proceed to be one of the inactives yourself right as our enemy changes and think that wouldn't seem odd.

Also, TWE isn't even the one who keeps mistakenly retreading on covered ground, that's Hyper and he's new.


Maybe force is a bit strong of a word but youre encouraging him to give details about his role to try and get him to 'prove' he's town. To me thats a pretty anti-town way to play.

I'm not really confused about your power because I'm not speculating on it any further than you saying that you won't let certain players die. That could mean a number of things, hell it could even be a culty power that lets you "save" someone thats about to be lynched but you save them right into your elder god worshipping cult.

I think we have a pretty large difference of what the definition of anti-town means. If someone makes a claim I'd like to have some sort of assurance which is why I asked for more information. He doesn't have to spell it all out for us, just give us something more than some sort of vague "I'm town with a special ability that the enemy won't like".

I'm glad that all of a sudden you seem interested lynching people now, but I'm confused about your reasoning. You want to kill nin to see if the book only goes to tourists? You, who has said repeatedly, and has just now again said that you didn't want to wrongly kill an innocent tourist? You want to kill nin, who might have a good chance to be a tourist, to understand the game mechanics?

I should also mention that you're also the one who told us we should be finding inactives suspicious before because being inactive would be the best way for cult to go undercover. I don't mind if people go inactive because real life exists, but you can't tell us that we should be going after inactives and then proceed to be one of the inactives yourself right as our enemy changes and think that wouldn't seem odd.

Also, TWE isn't even the one who keeps mistakenly retreading on covered ground, that's Hyper and he's new.

While I may have been for the nin lynch earlier when we weren't dealing with another party, I'm now no longer sure if we should be going after these people who are more then likely tourists. You do make an interesting case for Scrafty, the posts you highlighted for her seem to be quite the definition of 'going nowhere fast'.
I think we have a pretty large difference of what the definition of anti-town means. If someone makes a claim I'd like to have some sort of assurance which is why I asked for more information. He doesn't have to spell it all out for us, just give us something more than some sort of vague "I'm town with a special ability that the enemy won't like".

I don't think he should have made a claim at all (and yes that does also make me suspicious). I don't think pushing for power role details is helpful, its easy to lie and buy extra time if you're on the chopping block, particularly in a game like this where there are so many unknowns and the wildcard of players that have vanished. The people who are in the best position to judge the veracity of claims are the cultists, it benefits them way, way more than it does us.

Anyway the actual fact you were pushing for that isn't the sole reason, it's mostly just the impression that your posts have given me over the last day or so (I'm fairly sure I actually stated a couple of day phases back that you were on my town list). I also don't like the vague hints about you having extra sway over votes, whether or not you actually do.


Wow. I mostly made my claim to stir discussion, and that, it has done. I can't say anything else about it without blatantly giving it away - tbh, I'm a little surprised that it isn't out there already.

I honestly don't expect to live much longer, so there's no harm in a little fun.


So are we going to lynch GC and get that suspicion out of the way, or is it going to be Retro today? I think it'd be interesting to have Retro live the night and see what happens, so if everyone wants to go GC instead?


Anyway the actual fact you were pushing for that isn't the sole reason, it's mostly just the impression that your posts have given me over the last day or so (I'm fairly sure I actually stated a couple of day phases back that you were on my town list). I also don't like the vague hints about you having extra sway over votes, whether or not you actually do.

Fair enough, I'd rather you be suspicious of me because of my posts than because of my information seeking way of playing.

It's 3 on Retro, 2 on me, 1 on Nin and Worthy.


*scrafty stuff*

I should also mention that you're also the one who told us we should be finding inactives suspicious before because being inactive would be the best way for cult to go undercover. I don't mind if people go inactive because real life exists, but you can't tell us that we should be going after inactives and then proceed to be one of the inactives yourself right as our enemy changes and think that wouldn't seem odd.

I definitely agree with you on Scrafty. I went through her posts a couple game days ago and came to the conclusion that, except for a brief campaign against GreatCharleston and some actual opinions during the Blarg saga (which we've all established was the safest possible place to have opinions), the vast majority of her posts were wishy washy middle of the road posts that said nothing, possibly backed up by a couple gambling metaphors. I'd been meaning to post something to that effect but never got around to it. Kind of feels like someone trying to stay in people's minds enough to be counted on a "probably town" list but also not enough to draw unwanted Cult attention by being a big mover and shaker. The fact that she has skirted more towards full blown inactivity once cult 1 went down is increasingly suspicious.


Please elaborate on this, I don't understand where this is coming from? Not that I'm particularly concerned I just want some reasoning why you feel this way.

You've been close to the chopping block for a long time, we extended the day to see if you would cure that suspicion. Your certainly not a person I would lean towards saying is town and a lot of people have suspicion on you for different reasons.
You've been close to the chopping block for a long time, we extended the day to see if you would cure that suspicion. Your certainly not a person I would lean towards saying is town and a lot of people have suspicion on you for different reasons.

Some of you have wanted to kill me for a while but it never actually happened. My time hasn't come yet either after this return, like I said though, me being inactive like this should technically clear me of any concerns you have. But if you want to make me another sacrifice like Coppanuva then that's up to you. I can pretty much 100% guarantee killing me won't net you a single piece of information or get you closer to winning the game. I was one of many who voted Coppanuva and we didn't listen to him then so you don't have to listen to me saying this either but like I said your choice.


Some of you have wanted to kill me for a while but it never actually happened. My time hasn't come yet either after this return, like I said though, me being inactive like this should technically clear me of any concerns you have. But if you want to make me another sacrifice like Coppanuva then that's up to you. I can pretty much 100% guarantee killing me won't net you a single piece of information or get you closer to winning the game. I was one of many who voted Coppanuva and we didn't listen to him then so you don't have to listen to me saying this either but like I said your choice.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but how would you being inactive, clear you of all suspicion? Also, your comparison of situation to Coppa is a poor one, being that I strongly objected to it there and was his biggest supporter who only relented against a majority, had it been less than that, he'd probably still be alive.
Coppanuva was pretty much getting killed because there was no leads and eveyone started assuming he was one to lead to big answers (ROTY was ESPECIALLY confident about that) thinking he'd break the game open so some of us just went with it while others had their own reasons in the end killing him didn't do a thing and it will be the same for me, of course someone has to be lynched that much is true but being so sure you'll get somewhere with me is really the same situation as Coppa, you'll only know this once everyone votes for me if they do however.

When I was banned how could I communicate as a cultist to anyone (game leader) to have someone killed or use my powers? It's legit not possible, all I had was Twitter on my profile to contact someone and it's just a no go, I mean potentially I could have given my game details prior to the ban but it was so sudden it just wouldn't happen.


I mean it doesn't necessarily clear you because we don't know how many new enemies there are, but I don't really want to go after you anyway. I don't think killing you would lead to any new answers. You've barely even had the opportunity to post anything in this new phase that would lead me to think you were suspicious.

If we have to choose between Retro and GC, I'd probably go with Retro, but you know...I'd like to have other options.


Your meta-level excuse, unfortunately, is extremely solid, the only thing I could bring up is the private mafia forum to post in.
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