Scrafty's a huge question mark for me. Everyone seems to have her sold on town, and I was reasonably certain she was too - back when we were hunting CoC members. Which makes sense, if someone couldn't do anything anti-town back then, then they were pretty much as good as a town member. I would consider anyone whose win condition was living until the end of the game or killing cultists town too, as in them acting with town's best interests wouldn't be strange at all. Scrafty's still posting with her same strong tendencies towards "we shouldn't lynch anyone if we don't know they're evil", but she's now basically gone full filler, most of which either doesn't make any sense when you look at it, or is following her earlier "but if you wanted to lynch someone who flipped town you might be bad", which is almost certainly not true. I'm also not sure if she's hanging back because everyone seems fine with her or if she's just busy (she didn't show up when Retro and Hyper summoned her which I suppose is a good sign).
Here is almost every post she's made this day phase:
I'm just throwin' this out there, but what if th' remainin' evil power isn't a second cult at all, but somethin' even more sinister? What if evil walks among us, and is hell-bent on draggin' us inta th' depths'a madness?
All I'm sayin' is that who or whateva is recruitin' those nutty tourists might be more than just yer runnathemill cult leader.
What if somethin' from beyond time an' space is now sittin' smack-dab in our midst, ready t' prey offa th' madness and paranoia we've wrought?
What if Those Who Sleep ain't so sleepy any more?
What do these even mean? This barely even qualifies as speculating on what's going on. It's a distraction. Ok, maybe there isn't a second cult. Maybe we're wrong and there's some other non-Cthulhu role out there who's trying to make us all insane? Or...something? I thought I was pretty good at parsing Scrafty's posts before, but I've been staring at these posts trying to make sense of them, and nothing's come up. You can look at her other posts before this and they're at least trying to be helpful. This here is so confusing I can't help but wonder if she's trying to throw us off with it.
By that logic we should be lynchin' you since th' hunch you were so soitain of on Day 2 ended up gettin' an innocent man killed.
I'm all for pokin' and proddin' at theories, but let's not pretend fer a second that makin' a wrong guess means you're scum.
I'm just sayin' we should explore more avenues before latchin' onta someone to lynch at the very beginnin' of th' day like what happened to poor Coppa. Give everyone else a chance to speak first.
Look, you can criticize someone for having a bad read, and I too am guilty of this, but Rats or Sorian or whoever else starts a vote is not the end all be all of who gets lynched. Everyone else here has the ability to vote for who they think is suspicious, the first person to do it is not suspicious because they were the first person to do it and were convincing enough to get others to follow them. They could be suspicious because their reasoning doesn't make sense, or they're overly defensive, but it shouldn't be because they started a vote or made a case for it.
Anyway, I think this is Scrafty trying to stop conversation. A lot of other people were speaking, and there were barely even any votes out. Yet she was on Rats's case for pressuring people, even though Hyper and ultron were right there pressuring people too. Bringing up the Coppa vote is a great example of her doing her "I told you so" thing, which for some reason is doing a good job of convincing other people she's innocent. I don't understand why people have changed their minds on some people but not Scrafty, she's right there making posts that don't quite line up with her early ones and I find it weird.
Here's the deal: I'm not going to vote for her. As I said, she's a big question mark to me. I don't know if this makes her second cult or SK or whatever the hell else we have out there. I'm not super thrilled that Flame is reconsidering me, but on a conscious level I think it's good. I just wish he would reconsider everyone else too. It's been said before and I'll say it again: we're basically on Day One again (and if the second cult theory is accurate, that's doubly true), except that we're all familiar with each other now.
And Flame, please, don't use your override today. I'll admit part of this is for selfish reasons. I want to live another day, at least so if I decide to, I get the chance to use the book. But there's also that if we're really starting over, you have a huge chance to hit town because we have so little information. If you want to use it, I might be fine with it later, but at least I want you to do that on the information that's really there. And I want to be clear with this too, I trust Rats on a day one level in the sense that I think he's helpful to have around. I would feel the same about Hyper if he didn't keep asking repeat questions. And I trust Flame too, even if I don't like how he's playing right now. Could they be good targets for lynch in the future? Sure, but I'd rather not do it today. Today, I think we should get the information we can as we would on Day One, and I'm glad we're finally finished with the book so we can focus on other things. If we're getting someone, and I think we should, I'd rather it not be a big loss if they flip town.
Uh...I guess on another note, I have to think about Retro. I really wasn't expecting a hint at a PR with so few votes. Same with GC, but we should let him talk. He wasn't even here when we started this day and we're extending it for him.