I feel like if you could die due to that, there would've been a warning in loc's role. That's a HUGE fucking deal, that's a while cultist dead to neither night kill or lynch
I say RetroMG isn't a cult simply because I feel if he was a higher role than he wouldn't be playing other games and proctoring other games, he would be much more active I feel. It's not much to go off of but I do feel Rats is also extremely trustworthy because of how much he says and does. Obviously it could be a coy like Timeasis or LoC but I really don't think so. Not this time.
There was a warning in LoC's role. Read it again. We're not pulling this out of our asses.
Castamere's Roleclaim said:Some players may be immune to your magic. Should you use SLEEP: Playername on such a player, there may be further consequences.
No way. I'm sticking with the idea that cult turned someone insane that day.
It mentions consequences. I even made a guess at those consequences. I highly doubt those consequences mean death. That's a full 1/3, 1/4 if the CoC is useful, members dead. I just can't see the consequence being as severe as death for a role blocking role. It just makes more sense for it to simply alert that player who LOC tried to role blockThere was a warning in LoC's role. Read it again. We're not pulling this out of our asses.
so, Ultron you claimed to have killed those 2 poor bastards and are now out of bulets, you still stand by that ?
Yup, everything I said was the truth. No bullets left, didn't kill LoC. My reasons for my targets have already been elaborated on. If I wasn't on the town side, I would've just claimed the LoC kill also to keep everyone off the trail of anything else that might be going on.
Someone else out there knows why that happened without an accompanying sacrifice. Either a switcher got really lucky, there's a second doctor, or someone is insane (which I guess they might not know about).
Also, this is not mutually exclusive with LoC dying to a failed roleblock.
1. Timeaisis sacrifices someone, they turn insane.
2. LoC tries to roleblock someone (perhaps a powerful member of the other Cult) and he dies.
Though, typing this out, another scenario occurred to me.
1. LoC both roleblocks and sacrifices someone, but the roleblock kills him so the sacrifice doesn't go off.
That seems like sloppy play to me, though, because I wouldn't have somebody whose night action could possibly kill him also use the sacrifice. I also don't know the priority of night actions, and I doubt Zatoth would tell us. Don't Mafia kills usually go last, though? I dunno, this is my first time actually playing.
Anyway, it's entirely possible that LoC died trying to roleblock someone, but when I really look back I don't think it was Worthy. LoC would have had no reason to target him in the first place. And Time did flip-flop on going after inactives, but this was after he became a Cult of One and he was probably trying to blend in a bit.
UNVOTE: TheWorthyEdge
Does anyone have a list of who all was suspicious of Timeaisis or LoC? Backed with a quote or two, preferably
OR will volunteer the info for themselves and maybe others
Yup, everything I said was the truth. No bullets left, didn't kill LoC. My reasons for my targets have already been elaborated on. If I wasn't on the town side, I would've just claimed the LoC kill also to keep everyone off the trail of anything else that might be going on.
Someone else out there knows why that happened without an accompanying sacrifice. Either a switcher got really lucky, there's a second doctor, or someone is insane (which I guess they might not know about).
Who DID you kill Ultron? It's fine if you don't want to say but I feel this could shed some light on some things.
You really should at least try and read the thread if you want your theories to have any heft.Who DID you kill Ultron? It's fine if you don't want to say but I feel this could shed some light on some things.
This doesn't make any sense. Darryl's role specifically said he could be recruited by Cultists, and we know that can't have been referring to the Cult of Cthulhu. And if the third party wants people to turn insane, why would they kill Never Forever after he said he was going to use the book? And if they have to guess which people are going to die, why would they get a night kill?
I don't know if you haven't thought this through, or if you're intentionally trying to mislead us. I haven't felt great about you at any point in this game, and the last two guys whose analysis seemed off turned out to be scum.
You really should at least try and read the thread if you want your theories to have any heft.
Flamce_AC anything else to add to the discussion besides your vote on Retro ?
I just went through a bunch of posts.
Right now, I don't have much of anything. Right now, in my eyes, I want to got after TWE.
I just want to clarify, I'm mainly doing this to for info on the others after/who have voted for you in the past, TWE. Although that does mean you'll still have to talk
VOTE: TheWorthyEdge
Shit, I can't believe this hasn't been asked yet
Droplet,have any pages been erased? Is The erase two people page back, or still erased?
I've talked about the book and made my vote on Retro. I think he is the best target right now and that is why he has my vote.
I also completely believe that TWE is completely a Tourist, more than likely an ordinary one at that.
Someone above mentioned that the only person they trust completely is RoTY, but I can't understand that reasoning, saying that because he's prodding the town must mean he's got our best interests at heart.
Hyperactivity seems to be a Tourist to me, and I'm enjoying his perspective on the game so far.
I know I've said that I trust Droplet before, but that was before the presence of a second enemy party was known and so I now think it is entirely possible for her to be anti-town.
Ultron is probably telling the truth as well and he serves no purpose for a lynch today.
Scrafty is also a Tourist in my book, she's been active and has contributed quite well.
GreatCharleston would make for an interesting lynch today as well, it'd certainly give us some more information.
That's my thoughts right now and my vote is staying on Retro, with the only people I'm comfortable switching to are GC and RoTY. TWE, Hyperactivity, and Scrafty will not be getting lynched today, just to point that out, barring some unforseen information of course.
VOTE: TheWorthyEdge
I'm not crying about you voting for me or anything, but why exactly are you voting for me? Sorry it's kinda hard to understand.
Believe, I doubt you're not a tourist. Actually, I'm leaning tourist for you, but that still means I think you're a tourist for now
I'm voting for you right now because no one will be talking if thee aren't at least a couple votes on someone, and that includes both the people voting and prosecuting the person and the person defending. At this point I want info, and going after you has a good chance to yield info
If a stronger candidate comes up or something else happens, I'll likely switch it. But we shouldn't be wasting this day not doing much, right? And this vote could help me eliminate some people from my suspicion (or not)
I mean, I honestly don't understand this. Why would you vote for me while thinking I'm a Tourist when you could vote for someone not talking at all and forcing them to talk? I just find that really weird of a strategy to vote for someone you think is a Tourist...I hope you know what I'm trying to say. "If a stronger candidate comes up"? What? Dude. If you are saying this and voting for me I really feel you don't think I'm a Tourist! It's just so odd of a play. I feel you would get more knowledge if you votes for someone that hasn't really done much of anything today besides someone you feel is Town. There has to be one other person you feel is suspicious even in the slightest.
I'm not telling you to change your vote but this is really contradictory. I feel you are a Tourist but this is a stupid move imo.
I'm not sure of your alignment. The way you flip gives me some information I need to get a little closer to solving the puzzle. I realize this is a weird play. Honestly, I'm going between you and nin right now (you hear that nin?!!)
And to clarify, leans town is basically my way of saying "I'm not sure either way, will just say ordinary townie for now". And that's my main thing. I'm not sure for a number of players, right now, and going after one of them rather than none also helps me
Btw, everybody, I currently am guessing that there are 2-3 Town PRs left, assuming Neuro was our investigator (which is just about the only explanation that makes sense for what he did. Yeah, guys, I don't think we have an investigator right now).
I'm also gonna guess 1-2 cultists assuming a recruit/starts off with two. Sorian was either insane tourist or 2nd cult, by my guess, because again, there's no reason for Neuro to do what he did in that case. (Of course, it could always be the other way, but I feel like Sorian could've bandwagoned Neuro with the info he had pretty easily)
From what I'm guessing, this 2nd cult was either made smaller or designed with the idea of recruiting. If Sorian was 2nd cult, I'm guessing that they are at two right now, cult has recruited someone. IF Sorian was insane tourist, I'll guess they are at one right now, with the 2nd cult designed for recruiting
I'll assume one for now, because it's better to overpredict and be wrong than underpredict
This theory is nonsense and always has been. If Neuro was willing to die to get Sorian out of the game, he would have claimed Cop on Day Two.
Since King Flame of Overrideshire has decreed the acceptable targets for today, I'll go along with his vote for now. Retro has been nothing but agreeable as long as this game has been going on, in my eyes a possible tell for a second Cultist trying to ride things out. If he's Town, no offense, but he's not a huge loss.
I don't see what else could've happened. What reason could there have been for Neuro, or even Sorian, to do that. Cult lives are too precious to waste for a town PR, but a town PR for a cultist is a fair trade, if not advantageous for town
I don't see what else could've happened. What reason could there have been for Neuro, or even Sorian, to do that. Cult lives are too precious to waste for a town PR, but a town PR for a cultist is a fair trade, if not advantageous for town
If I am next to die, so be it, I will meet it with my head up high. Rats is right that I haven't been much use in this game - too many distractions.
I will point out that if I am part of the second cult, I have been playing very poorly, if not outright strangely. I've accepted any and all votes that came my way with little argument. I also tried earlier to prove that the second cult exists. If I were a cultist, would I not try to keep my organization a secret? Why would I point out the wording that implies a second cult?
But if I am to die, (and that is to say, if Flame can actually curry the votes to make it happen,) then at least perhaps some good will come of it. Let's see who jumps on this bandwagon, and what we can learn from it. Flame's already on my "suspicious" list. Let's see who else gets on.
TL;DR: Come at me, bro.
If I am next to die, so be it, I will meet it with my head up high. Rats is right that I haven't been much use in this game - too many distractions.
I will point out that if I am part of the second cult, I have been playing very poorly, if not outright strangely. I've accepted any and all votes that came my way with little argument. I also tried earlier to prove that the second cult exists. If I were a cultist, would I not try to keep my organization a secret? Why would I point out the wording that implies a second cult?
But if I am to die, (and that is to say, if Flame can actually curry the votes to make it happen,) then at least perhaps some good will come of it. Let's see who jumps on this bandwagon, and what we can learn from it. Flame's already on my "suspicious" list. Let's see who else gets on.
TL;DR: Come at me, bro.
My main problem?
You've used this argument all game long. I don't have time right now to find it, but you've said similar things whenever votes come to you, and right now, just as you mentioned, it's looking a little weak
Honestly, it kinda hurts to vote for you. I like you, personally. You've done nothing outwardly suspicious, but that's suspicious in and of itself. I see you as a wild card, and lynching you is more to sate my curiosity than anything else.
Honestly, you're far from my first choice, but somebody wants to go swinging his big dick around, so here we are.
That is a really excellent point, and one that even I hadn't considered making. If I were Mafia, I would hardly have time to be doing as much as I am. (Of course, if/when I AM mafia, I'm going to have to double down, now.)
I have to say, I was suspicious of TWE yesterday, but the fact that he went that far out of his way to clear me makes me feel better about him. I honestly expected to be railroaded today for the fact that I was trying to talk people out of lynching Timeaisis. (I trusted him, dumb roleclaim and all.)
I know I shouldn't be posting but I love watching this game and this phrase got a chuckle out of me.
7 votes are needed to end the day early
New deadline
Honestly, it kinda hurts to vote for you. I like you, personally. You've done nothing outwardly suspicious, but that's suspicious in and of itself. I see you as a wild card, and lynching you is more to sate my curiosity than anything else.
Honestly, you're far from my first choice, but somebody wants to go swinging his big dick around, so here we are.
This legitimately made me laugh. On a personal note, it's fine, I hold noghting against you for this - I would probably be doing it too. (Heck, I have done it before, in other games.)
Here's the thing. I am Town. I am not an ordinary tourist. I do have a special attribute, but I do not think it can possibly be useful to anyone in this stage of the game. However, there is juuuuust enough doubt about that in general that I am certain that if I roleclaim, I will be the next to die.
Does that spice life up enough for ya?
Also, where is Scrafty? I haven't seen her in a couple of days, Maybe she's playing Danganronpa AE. (I'm totally going to pick it up when I finish Metal Gear.)
Just to be sure, the day doesnt end tomorrow, right? We extended it by 1 real day?
And to Retro and the others, I named other people I'm fine with lynching. Retro, if you want to stay alive, why not make your case for why GC or RoTY should be lynched instead?