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Call of Cthulhu Mafia |OT| Nuts on this island taste insane! Yum Yum!

good job everyone, you pulled together and made me proud in the end

please forgive me in advance for being a slight bitch in the dead thread, it's really hard when you see things going awry and you can't do anything about it

thank fuck nobody is ever going to bring that book up ever again, I swear, if there was another discussion of the mechanics of that I was going to rise from the dead to berate you
Another fun fact: I was dropping breadcrumbs of my own for the entire game as the prelude to a defence I never ended up using.

I was keeping a phony roleclaim of being Lythalia, one of the Great Old Ones and goddess of chance, life and prosperity in my back pocket with the fake power of preventing the cult from winning until I died, just in case it came down to either me or a cultist getting lynched and I thought I could swing the vote.

The clues I had been dropping were as follows:

1. Forced gambling metaphors shoehorned into nearly every post as a fake hint aty fake role as the goddess of chance

2. Using the royal We at the end of every day phase from Days 2-4/5 (can't remember when I stopped) to foreshadow delusions of grandeur

I ended up forgoing the fake defense entirely when my nose was to the grindstone, because Timeasis has tried the exact same ploy and it didn't get him anywhere the day before, and plus you guys are just too clever to fool. I even had a mock script written up for the reveal complete with a fake incantation:

Unnecessary? Definitely. Would it ever have worked? Probably not. But hey, us commoners have gotta do somethin' durin' th' night phase!

I was really tempted to claim Yog Sothoth, given his ties to Randolph Carter

It's just that doing so after the reveal of a 2nd cult would be horrible
I also had guessed nyarlathotep was the god of the 2nd cult, so I was wrong there
"who to kill ? Hyper is on to something , Jonny is a pain in the ass
we can handle the rest"

"If you want to hear who i think should be recruited, Its hyperactivity !"

"I killed Rats.

I will try and recruit Hyper."

I was so fucking worried that night. I knew I had a bigass target for talking about Sorian and because mostly people thought I was town

Holy shit guys. You don't even know. I was regretting not role claiming that day that night

I'm not saying this as a haha we won, I literally stressed out over that night phase
I hope you get to have twe as partner someday :)

You know the last Mafia game, Star Wars, I had a R&J role and Zubz was my partner. We did really good. Like I said, it sucks coming in later in the game. I just wanted to see an interesting game, and Nin just wanted to win. Badly. I guess those 2 mindsets just can't cross in Mafia.
That was fun. Good set-up Zatoth.
I feel really guilty about how inactive I was, when I decided I could step in as a replacement I totally overestimated how much time I would have.
here's the chat for the Cult of Cthulhu btw


edit: oops nvm didn't see that Zatoth had edited the post

also from the lovers chat, if Droplet dumps you, you know that I'll always be there for you Rats

she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts

great minds think alike and all that

Oh yeah, just got the part of Day Four when me and Never Forever tag-teamed the case against Time. My proudest moment of the game.
I'm just happy I contributed to the Timeaisis vote before I died, honestly. Pushing that to a three-way tie was probably my best moment, lol.
I liked the part in the CoSN chat where Worthy sent the PM to kill me and then nin told him to change it to ultron.

That would have confused things, because that was the night I used the book to protect Droplet, so my cause of death would have been uncertain.

Thanks, nin! You made the following day easier to parse! :p


Are we actually over? Woooo! I was half-expecting one last turn, even though all the dead people showed up. (This is GAF. The dead rising randomly is a fine old tradition.)

This game was rough, especially as an insane tourist. I was supposed to be town, but could be recruited into a cult. But if I'm town, it would seem like the most Town move would be to warn my fellow townies that I am a potential danger so that they could kill me. But then they would kill me, and I'd be dead.

At first, I tried to signal the cult, but I was too subtle. I'd never played as a Mafia before, and I thought it might be fun.

Well, if that's where it goes, I'd rather my life be claimed by the Cultists than taken by the town.

On a side note, I'm impressed by the new players. Good bunch of recruits this time.

Blarg's post is goung to drive me insane, if it hasn't already.

I eventually gave up on that, and tried to just be the best townie I could be. In the end, though, I knew I was going to have to let someone know what I was. The more the numbers dwindled, the closer I came to being found.

When Flame came hard on me, I expected to die, so I did my partial roleclaim, mostly so that I could raise a middle finger when I actually went out. (I was pretty frustrated with the game at that point, and kind of just wanted to be done.) Then everyone backed off. I hadn't planned on surviving, so I'd been more blatant about who I was than I had planned. Now I was REALLY worried about getting recruited.

I planned to do a full roleclaim to get it out there and die properly, but then Nin claimed Insane Drunk. If I'd had the book, I would have used the message function to warn Rats or Droplet to kill me if it looked like I had been turned, but I never got the book.

Eventually we decided to kill Nin, and I revealed myself. I'm glad Edge didn't turn me. It probably would have been a good move for him. At least, it would have earned him an extra day while they dealt with me.

Anyway, good game, all. I'd like a link to the Dead Thread, please.
Now that it's all over, I've gotta ask: was my schtick grating or bothersome? I just wanted to add some character to my posts since otherwise I had no abilities and my deductive reasoning isn't the strongest (aside from pegging TWE as cult on like the third day; guess I was right about that) but I can understand if people disliked it and would prefer I knocked it off for the next game.


Now that it's all over, I've gotta ask: was my schtick grating or bothersome? I just wanted to add some character to my posts since otherwise I had no abilities and my deductive reasoning isn't the strongest (aside from pegging TWE as cult on like the third day; guess I was right about that) but I can understand if people disliked it and would prefer I knocked it off for the next game.

I liked the schtick, and was sad when it went away. I was seriously convinced you'd gotten an insanity effect when you dropped it. Zatoth making you talk like an intellectual in response to the Akane persona made too much sense.


Awww. Thanks, Sorian. <3

Sorry, but I was Town as fuck. I told you all on the first day, in my reads list.

It was worth a shot, on day 2, I had to try and grab the ones who had been town as fuck if they were recruitable.

Holy shit, nin and Worthy bickering in their thread is the funniest god damn thing I've read in a long time.

I thought it was just an act! But they really hate each other!

It was so hard reading my cult chat after I died, so many times I wanted to just yell in there lol

I am curious, did any of the cults figure out who I was before I claimed? I thought I wasn't very subtle, but I'm curious.

I did but it was long after I died. Around day 4, I think, I was under the assumption that if there was 1 recruit left, it was either GC or you.



I haven't been able to keep up with the game as well as I would have liked recently, but congratulations you guys! And thanks for hosting the game Zatoth, I really enjoyed my time playing.


About Matt Attack's and Blargonaut's roles. Those were actually the only roles I did not assign 100% randomly.

For the neutral roles I only used the pool of players that already played in one of the other games, when I rolled the dice.

Was afraid that a new player may not be up to it.

I also was considering to put at least one veteran player in each of the cults. But did not do that after all and let the dice decide.
I fucked you? What are you talking about, I saved you. You guys won because of me. You should be thanking me.

Even erasing him from history wasn't enough to shut him up.

You were an investigator, one of the most powerful Town roles, and you took yourself out of the game, along with the knowledge that there was a second Cult. If you wanted to sacrifice yourself you could have claimed on Day Three. Then we would have lynched Sorian instead if Coppa.

Sorry, man. It was a bad play.


You were an investigator, one of the most powerful Town roles, and you took yourself out of the game, along with the knowledge that there was a second Cult. If you wanted to sacrifice yourself you could have claimed on Day Three. Then we would have lynched Sorian instead if Coppa.

Sorry, man. It was a bad play.

While I don't entirely disagree with you, Rats, Neuro was in a BAD position. No one was hearing negatives against Sorian. Hell, I was ready to vote him out BECAUSE he was going after Sorian. It smelled like a bad Mafia player trying to get rid of the most active townie.

Even if he had claimed invesigator, I don't know that he would have been believed. It would have been nice if he had tried, but Sorian had me, at least, entirely fooled.

He had a once in a game shot, and he took it.


While I don't entirely disagree with you, Rats, Neuro was in a BAD position. No one was hearing negatives against Sorian. Hell, I was ready to vote him out BECAUSE he was going after Sorian. It smelled like a bad Mafia player trying to get rid of the most active townie.

Even if he had claimed invesigator, I don't know that he would have been believed. It would have been nice if he had tried, but Sorian had me, at least, entirely fooled.

He had a once in a game shot, and he took it.

Imagine the fireworks though. Neuro claims investigator and says he got a cult positive on me, we go back and forth and end up lynching him. What does Cthulhu cult do that night, they know I'm not in their cult, they don't know about a second cult. I think those night results would have been funny. Past that though, revealing the second cult earlier would have done wonders for town, this game would have went on a lot longer and would have been a lot closer if Edge and Nin didn't argue with each other and not communicate :p But yeah, Neuro and I evaporating only hurt town in the long run.
You were an investigator, one of the most powerful Town roles, and you took yourself out of the game, along with the knowledge that there was a second Cult. If you wanted to sacrifice yourself you could have claimed on Day Three. Then we would have lynched Sorian instead if Coppa.

Sorry, man. It was a bad play.
I had no idea there was a second cult. You're just angry and confused that you didn't believe me about Sorian, I can't help that.

If I'd role claimed I would have been killed that night whether anyone believed me or not. And if I let Sorian continue to run the show forever more tourists would have died. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


I had no idea there was a second cult. You're just angry and confused that you didn't believe me about Sorian, I can't help that.

If I'd role claimed I would have been killed that night whether anyone believed me or not. And if I let Sorian continue to run the show forever more tourists would have died. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

You died anyway, if someone had killed you then everyone would have seen you were investigator and I would have been next regardless. It was a horrible play, no defending it.
I had no idea there was a second cult. You're just angry and confused that you didn't believe me about Sorian, I can't help that.

If I'd role claimed I would have been killed that night whether anyone believed me or not. And if I let Sorian continue to run the show forever more tourists would have died. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Whatever we learned would have been valuable information. As Town, information was our number one disadvantage.

We would have no choice but to believe you. Claiming cop is suicidal for scum, because it's immediately verifiable. No matter what happened after you claimed, it would have been better than what we got.
Also, LOL at the idea that we won because of you. The only thing you did was force us to disregard anything Sorian ever said. We won the game based on good old fashioned reads, and one properly played investigative role.


Also, LOL at the idea that we won because of you. The only thing you did was force us to disregard anything Sorian ever said. We won the game based on good old fashioned reads, and one properly played investigative role.

lol I hope you don't mean everyone's reads because if someone wants to claim a good chunk of the town's win that would be ultron.


Eh, I made the one good guess for Lone Prodigy based on what others said and got somewhat lucky on killing Darryl for mostly specious reasons. If I'd shot Worthy that last night I'd feel pretty accomplished, but the desire to hold that last bullet for one more day for mostly dramatic reasons got the better of me.

That's kind of how it always goes for me in these. I'll manage to do one thing well and take someone out but I never do well on the overall town read stuff.

Good work y'all.
sorry, Neuro, I agree with everyone else that you probably should've just waited out N2, then came back D3 with the results of two investigations if you were that concerned about Sorian's influence over the path of the game

you would've been NKed, sure, but you erased yourself from the game anyway soooooo?

a large part of D3's loss of momentum (at least for me) was the fact that we didn't have a clue about anything, so we just sort of threw things at Coppa because there was nothing else to go on. Sorian getting erased was far more detrimental to town than if we had flipped him

we won in the end, but it could've been a lot cleaner and more focused. or hey, who knows, maybe things would've gone so differently that Town would have lost in the end. I don't know. Time, nin and TWE would've always been on my radar.
TWE (and nin to a lesser extent) had been on my radar since the third day but whenever I voiced my suspicions of them I got brushed aside or even had suspicion cast upon me :|


To Neuro's defence, he probably did not know that I would keep their roles a secret after using the book.

Despite that it would have been a better move for town to just role claim an accuse Sorian.
You died anyway, if someone had killed you then everyone would have seen you were investigator and I would have been next regardless. It was a horrible play, no defending it.

Whatever we learned would have been valuable information. As Town, information was our number one disadvantage.

We would have no choice but to believe you. Claiming cop is suicidal for scum, because it's immediately verifiable. No matter what happened after you claimed, it would have been better than what we got.
To Neuro's defence, he probably did not know that I would keep their roles a secret after using the book.

Despite that it would have been a better move for town to just role claim an accuse Sorian.

Well the good news for you guys I have no intention of playing again. I made the best decision I could at the time and all I did was get shit on for it.


Well the good news for you guys I have no intention of playing again.

I hope you know that I only tell you that it was a bad play because if you do play again, you'll have more information on what is and isn't helpful to town. Don't think I'm trying to chase you from the community or anything, you did something and it worked out, I think people just want you to know that doing something different would have had better odds of working out, hindsight so we can say now that your choice didn't matter but, at the time, I was ecstatic that you had removed me in that way.
Nah don't get discouraged. Mafia is about risks and mistakes. You saw an opportunity and took it. Cult could've won if things played out differently.
I hope you know that I only tell you that it was a bad play because if you do play again, you'll have more information on what is and isn't helpful to town. Don't think I'm trying to chase you from the community or anything, you did something and it worked out, I think people just want you to know that doing something different would have had better odds of working out, hindsight so we can say now that your choice didn't matter but, at the time, I was ecstatic that you had removed me in that way.
I'm not playing again, don't worry.

It's always easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. If I'd role claimed I'd have died that night for sure and who knows who would have believed me about you.


I'm not playing again, don't worry.

It's always easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. If I'd role claimed I'd have died that night for sure and who knows who would have believed me about you.

Don't want to discourage you from playing. I had my share of bad decisions. :D

But claiming to be a cop and accusing Sorian would have given town an extra night. Assuming Mafia would have gone after you. Probably would have just blocked you for some time.
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