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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Well free hosting like that would be optimal for such big files imo. If you want to up them, or just give me them to up I don't care, but I was planning on using free file hosting as it was.

Does anyone have the OXM review? I would like maybe a good excerpt from it for the OP, or maybe a link to scans for personal reading, if so PM me please.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
chapel said:

:lol :lol :lol

How did I miss that?

As for the apparently short game, I don't mind too much. 7-8 hours on the first play then probably 9-10 or hard plus the 8-12 months of solid online.


Router said:
So... Any confirmation yet on
there being a WW2 mission in the game linking CoD2 to this game and its characters?
I know that there was talk about that a while ago.

Nope. There's a
flashback mission
, but it's not set
in ww2.
Didn't notice any other connection.

I heard that the SP campaign is only 6-7 hours long, is that true?

Closer to 5 than to 7, sadly. It has some very good moments, but how could anybody give this a ten/ten is out of my reach.


kitch9 said:
Wheres this 5 hours playtime come from?

OXM reckon it took them 10 in their review.
Someone reported 6 hours on normal or something, so it usually gets downsized as times goes on. We don't know how difficult normal is and how skilled the player is.


kitch9 said:
Wheres this 5 hours playtime come from?

OXM reckon it took them 10 in their review.

Ehr... My playtime on Normal? Maybe looking for all the intel pieces (the location was given away in a document that came with the review code) could add a couple more hours, but anyway, unlockables are incredibly lame, so I wouldn't bother if I was you. There's no way in the world an average player is gonna get 10 hours out of this.


Varth said:
Ehr... My playtime on Normal? Maybe looking for all the intel pieces (the location was given away in a document that came with the review code) could add a couple more hours, but anyway, unlockables are incredibly lame, so I wouldn't bother if I was you. There's no way in the world an average player is gonna get 10 hours out of this.
How difficult is normal and how skilled are you in COD?


Varth said:
Ehr... My playtime on Normal? Maybe looking for all the intel pieces (the location was given away in a document that came with the review code) could add a couple more hours, but anyway, unlockables are incredibly lame, so I wouldn't bother if I was you. There's no way in the world an average player is gonna get 10 hours out of this.

I think I'm going to play it on Veteran anyway; I found that I enjoyed COD2 on normal, but when I bumped it up to veteran is when I REALLY had a good time. There were a couple parts that screwed me up, but for the most part it was SO amazing on veteran. That is, it'll work if the game is balanced properly. We'll see, I guess.

P.S. For the love of God, get someone to change the thread title. Maybe make it "official thread of NO MORE SNIPER SHOTS TO THE HEAD, PLZ K THX" or something. I need my revenge. Because believe me, once this comes out, I'm gonna get some sweet, sweet revenge. Mark my words.


Tieno said:
How diffiult is normal and how skilled are you in COD?

Normal (it’s not called like that, actually) is generally a breeze, with some points (I can remember maybe 5-6 of them) where difficulty skyrockets and you have to play it safer. As for my skill, I’m a pretty seasoned player (read: old fart with far too much playtime), but I don’t think it has much to do with the time it took. In fact, the PC versions, whose test wasn’t conducted by me, needed roughly the same playtime.


Varth said:
Normal (it’s not called like that, actually) is generally a breeze, with some points (I can remember maybe 5-6 of them) where difficulty skyrockets and you have to play it safer. As for my skill, I’m a pretty seasoned player (read: old fart with far too much playtime), but I don’t think it has much to do with the time it took. In fact, the PC versions, whose test wasn’t conducted by me, needed roughly the same playtime.
Sounds like normal will be too easy for me too then. Played COD2 on veteran too.


Well I hope that Infinity Ward puts as much time into the different difficulty levels as Bungie did with Halo 3. I mean they don't have to put as much time, but I hope the different difficulty levels have as much variation and detail that makes them feel like separate games almost.


Why are we talking about this extremely short single player campaign?

5-6 Hours, meh, average for a shooter, but we really only care about the MP.


Very (very) early in the SP campaign, the game suggests a difficulty level for you. I wonder how many reviewers are following the suggestion they earn, and how many are choosing a level below their skill to get through things faster.

(That might not be happening here, but it's a fairly classic complaint in dev-circles about game reviews... probably why Bungie dictated that reviewers play on Heroic!)


Tieno said:
Official Call of Duty 4 Single Player Thread

With COD4 I care more about the SP cause the beta wasn't really my kind of thing and I'm happy with Halo 3. I'm going to rent it anyway, as COD gameplay isn't very replayable.

Well I asked for the thread title to be updated, I am still waiting unfortunately. I am looking forward to the sp and mp. I love Halo 3, but it doesn't mean I wont play other games online as well.


Well people have defended lots of games with >8 hour play throughs and the cost of them. Look at Heavenly Sword for example, that is like a 6 hour game if you take your time, but it costs the same as Call of Duty 4. COD4 has more perceived value because it also has a robust and well thought out multiplayer aspect that quite frankly will give the game legs like nothing in SP could ever do (outside of online coop, or coop in general).

Though if you compare it to a game like Halo 3, if you ignore graphics, then the perceived value is different. Doesn't mean COD4 will suck, I personally plan on playing MP a lot in addition to my other MP faves.


AltogetherAndrews said:
5-7 hours? That's it? Stop focusing on MP you buggers!
COD's MP is actually quite succesful, so you can't blame them.
I imagine it'll be closer to 8-9 hours on hardened or veteran.


I'm curious about something. Since the PS3 has bluray would it be possible that they put the extra stuff on the disc itself? Since they do not need a separate disc for the making of the game stuff?


I actually wanted to get this game for the SP , but 5/6 hours even if amazing are not worth the full price for me.

Then again the MP could tide me over to Killzone 2....


RavenFox said:
I'm curious about something. Since the PS3 has bluray would it be possible that they put the extra stuff on the disc itself? Since they do not need a separate disc for the making of the game stuff?





Updated the OP with this information. Thanks to Cornballer for the Perks list.
Multiplayer Perks(That we know of)

Perk Slot 1:
* Bomb Squad (detect placed C4 charges)
* C4 x 2
* Claymore x 2
* RPG-7 x 2
* Special Grenades x 3
* Frag x 3
* Bandolier (adds more ammo to your clip)

Perk Slot 2:
* Juggernaut (More Health)
* Sleight of hand (Reload quicker)
* Stopping power (More weapon damage)
* UAV Jammer (Jams enemy radar)
* Sonic Boom (Bigger explosions)
* Double Tap (increased rate of fire)
* Overkill (carry two primary weapons, no pistol)

Perk Slot 3:
* Extreme conditioning (Sprint longer)
* Steady Aim (Steadier aiming)
* Last Stand (Shoot your pistol while dying)
* Deep Impact (Better bullet penetration through walls)
* Dead Silence (Less noise when running)
* Iron Lungs (Hold breath longer when sniping)
* Eavesdrop (Allows you to listen in on enemy chat)
* Martyrdom (While dying, player pulls a grenade)

Multiplayer Weapons (Potential list pulled from PC Demo files)

Bomb Defuse
Cobra 20mm
Cobra FFAR
Colt .45
Concussion Grenade
Desert Eagle
Flash Grenade
Frag Grenade
Humvee .50cal
Remington 700
Winchester 1200

Information and Single Player Weapon List


Gears of War
Halo 3 SP (if you play below your actual difficulty)

It's plenty long. And then there's Arcade Mode.
I dont get these complaints about a game being short. A longer experience doesnt make it necessarily better and people need to have some sort of reality check on what can be developed on two years with the kind of visuals and other tricks the games. IMO it's stupid to complain about the game being short, I dont look at it as that if I dont get that 15-20 hour experience for my 70 euros (approx 90$), the game is crap! A shorter, awesome experience that I know I have time to play through and wont have slow moments, far better.

I think one of the best things Infinity Ward were able to do with the single player campaign is that you want to play it through again. Fuck playing through any of the previous other cinematic wargames. Here, there's enough cool set-pieces and more importantly, more ways to tackle the set-pieces than just the one path, that there's replay value.

Anyways, the Arcade mode in COD4 is pretty cool, much more thought out than I thought. You get points for shooting enemies in combos, where you shoot them, with what weapon, do you melee kill them etc...it felt pretty damn cool. You can play any section on Arcade or the entire campaign.


COD2 SP didn't have much replay value for me. First time through was one of the most amazing stuff I had experienced until then but second time (on veteran) it's almost exactly the same. It's very linear and heavy scripted, which isn't a bad thing per se, but it has its drawbacks too.
I'm glad they put in some incentives to play through it again, but unless actual gameplay and AI has changed it won't help that much.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
CoD2 had plenty for me seeing as I played it on Normal, Hardened and then Veteran. I expect CoD4 do the same.


RiotPelaaja said:
I dont get these complaints about a game being short. A longer experience doesnt make it necessarily better and people need to have some sort of reality check on what can be developed on two years with the kind of visuals and other tricks the games. IMO it's stupid to complain about the game being short, I dont look at it as that if I dont get that 15-20 hour experience for my 70 euros (approx 90$), the game is crap! A shorter, awesome experience that I know I have time to play through and wont have slow moments, far better.

I think one of the best things Infinity Ward were able to do with the single player campaign is that you want to play it through again. Fuck playing through any of the previous other cinematic wargames. Here, there's enough cool set-pieces and more importantly, more ways to tackle the set-pieces than just the one path, that there's replay value.

Anyways, the Arcade mode in COD4 is pretty cool, much more thought out than I thought. You get points for shooting enemies in combos, where you shoot them, with what weapon, do you melee kill them etc...it felt pretty damn cool. You can play any section on Arcade or the entire campaign.

Have you got to play it yet? Arcade mode sounds cool, like Halo 3's campaign scoring. I wonder if they will track the points and have a leaderboard or something to compare friends with. We all know we want our epeens bigger!


I just read the thread talking about COD4 being on Steam, any further confirmation about that? Since its not officially listed I wont put it in the OP until there is some more word.


next x360 game for me

I hope my launch x360 stills works by then

btw I expect that the campaign is going to be intense like the first 2 so who cares if it's short


Kinda short single player or not, I'm still getting this for PS3. Resistance has been my most intense fps experience so far on PS3, and this looks like it'll fill my fps void. Quality fps's have been kinda hard to come by on PS3. What with UT3 being delayed, Orange Box coming in December, Haze not till late November, I need an ass kicking shooter to play through. Plus, my graphics whore side wants to see those "purdy" graphics on my under-appreciated system :D


chapel said:
Have you got to play it yet? Arcade mode sounds cool, like Halo 3's campaign scoring. I wonder if they will track the points and have a leaderboard or something to compare friends with.
Yup! There are leaderboards on XBox360; for both the per-level challenges, and the full-game ones.


SPEA said:
Is that the difficulty you'd suggest for most experienced FPS players?

I'll second that. Hardened is definitely the way to go the first time through. Expect a solid playtime out of it on that difficulty level. There's one part in COD4 that is unquestionably the most difficult sequence I've ever played in an FPS. And I've played a lotta FPSes.

For those on the fence: If you don't buy this game, you are a masochist. :D


We are getting close guys, just over a week for us yanks and soon for everyone else. Updated the OP with the Gamer.TV review that was posted on Gametrailers. Thanks for the link JB1981.

Gamer.TV Review: SD (Spoilers!) 4.5/5
Can anyone that's watched the GamerTV review summarize the +'s and -'s of the game according to them? I don't want to be spoiled, but I'm curious what they said about it.
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