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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Elios83 said:
It seems like someone has already his hands on the PS3 version:





Updated the OP with the above, was it you that got it early Elios83?


No a guy on the avsforums =) Call of Duty isn't really my fav genre ( personally I'm waiting for my Ratchet, Assassin,Uncharted trio :D )


hide your water-based mammals
narcosis219 said:
I am TORN D:


My comp is 3500+ 2GBram and 7800GTX. This is gonna be a hard decision.
MOD community is strong in PC. PS3 version is still gold though. My PS3 can run it at a rock solid 60fps so that is the one I have always had an eye on.


Goreomedy said:
Yeah, I'm ready for this game.

Anyone have a mirror for the Gamer TV review? Gametrailers version is down.

Yeah it's down, I want to see the review.

I cannot wait for this game...just a few more days.


I think its funny that someone posted about the ps3 pics and that thread has exploded. Must be the console war stuff.


Thanks Synless, added OPM review to OP.

Official PlayStation Magazine said:
The single-player campaign or the multiplayer options alone would make this essential. It's a game where stunning set pieces are linked together by other ever more dazzling set pieces, while the depth and customization potential of the online component promise months of play. Too early for game of the year? Trust us, you'll see.... 10/10


Chapel, could you please edit the OP to give credit for the PS3 screen shots to Adams828 from AVSForums please. Also, here are the two newer shots. Thanks...



God that other thread is horrible.


hide your water-based mammals
h3ro said:
Chapel, could you please edit the OP to give credit for the PS3 screen shots to Adams828 from AVSForums please. Also, here are the two newer shots. Thanks...



God that other thread is horrible.
Can you give me a link to that thread on AVS please? And the other thread should be locked.


h3ro said:
Chapel, could you please edit the OP to give credit for the PS3 screen shots to Adams828 from AVSForums please. Also, here are the two newer shots. Thanks...



God that other thread is horrible.

That looks fantastic, it's nice to see PS3 gamers being taken care of.

I'm getting the X360 version (not a fan of playing FPS games on the DS controller), but it's good to see PS3 version of a multiplat game looks as good (or possibly better?) as the X360 counterpart.


Holy shit at the city on fire pic now too... I'm gonna have to play through the SP now, even just for the visuals, wow...


Added some potential info about the PS3 version from a dev to the OP.

Post made by a member of the forums, not confirmed.
Calen said:
Ok, so, yeah, I'm one of the Infinity Ward programmers. I won't even pretend to be objective about our game, because all of us at IW love it (duh). That said, I see some questions coming up repeatedly in various threads...

1) We don't support keyboard and mouse on PS3, sorry.

2) No rumble (DS3) support - we found out about it too late to add it to this game. Hopefully next time around, though!

2) Yes, the PS3 version does support voice chat (bluetooth and USB mics supported.)

3) There are minor visual differences between the 360 and PS3 versions, due to the platforms being extremely different from an architectural standpoint. This results in us having to make different tradeoffs on both platforms to hit our framerate targets. They're very nearly identical, but you'll be able to pick screenshots in which both versions are "clearly" the better version. They're as close as we could make them without going completely batcrap insane (though whether or not we are already completely batcrap insane is a matter of some debate.)

Tradeoff example: Shadow filtering. We use different techniques on PS3 and 360 to filter shadow edges, which gives them a bit of a different look. I think it's a matter of taste as to which way looks better, but we did it that way because it was the most efficient way to do it on both platforms that yielded a look that was good enough.
Calen said:
I don't know what our patch plans are, if any (and I'm not one of the people who decides these things), but everything turns into a question of time vs. benefit. We don't have any kind of rumble framework on the PS3 yet, so adding it would be significant work that could be spent on other potential fixes or changes that would help everyone with the PS3 version and not just folks that buy the DS3. It's already on our "big board of ideas" though.


For a Finer World
Just got the review from the new issue of Pelaaja, a magazine in Finland I used to work at. Some may remember it as Magaza Pelaaja after the Splinter Cell reveal :)

Got a friend on the inside who sent the layouts to me - I hope they don't get angry at me leaking this stuff.

Call of Duty 4 is the cover (and you can find it on their site here) and the game got a 10/10.

Here's the review:





Really busy, so can't translate. Maybe some other Finn will.
Just got an email from my game store with an Activiosion press release in which they say that the german version of COD4 will be nearly identical to the US version.

There will be 2 differences:

- one cutscene has been changed slightly (bullet impact)

- the "Aracde Mode" won't be available after finishing the SP campaign

"Burglengenfeld – 29. Oktober 2007 – Activision Deutschland veröffentlicht das Action-Highlight Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare am 8. November 2007 für PC, Xbox 360 und PlayStation 3 in einer voll lokalisierten, deutschen Version mit einer USK-Alterskennzeichnung „keine Jugendfreigabe“.

Es ist das Ziel von Activision, seine Produkte weltweit mit denselben Features auszustatten. Deshalb wird es alle Action-Fans freuen, dass sowohl im Mehrspieler- als auch im Einzelspieler-Storymodus von Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare sämtliche Spielelemente ungeschnitten und somit identisch mit der US-Version sind. Alle Levels, Waffen, Animationen und Spielsituationen sind ungekürzt in der deutschen Fassung vorhanden.

Deutsche und US-Version unterscheiden sich lediglich in zwei Punkten. Zum einen ist eine ca. eine Sekunde dauernde Trefferdarstellung in einer einzigen Filmsequenz verändert. Zum anderen wird der alternative Einzelspieler-„Arcade-Modus“ mit seinem veränderten Punktezählsystem, nach einmaligem Durchspielen des Einzelspieler-Storymodus, in der deutschen Fassung nicht anwählbar sein. Dieser „Arcade-Modus“ enthält keinerlei neue Level, Missionen oder zusätzliche Actionsequenzen, er zählt lediglich die erzielten Punkte des Spielers. Somit verpassen deutsche Fans inhaltlich nichts und erhalten in der deutschen Fassung die volle Action im Einzel- und Mehrspieler-Modus."


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Veteran, all the way. Most satisfying achievement I have gotten for X360 is finishing COD2 on Veteran and getting all 1000 points. To me, it felt like a real achievement.


Added info on Pelaaja Magazine review as well as the German version differences to the OP. Thanks for all the information guys.
DenogginizerOS said:
Veteran, all the way. Most satisfying achievement I have gotten for X360 is finishing COD2 on Veteran and getting all 1000 points. To me, it felt like a real achievement.

Afaik playing on Veteran didn't give you the achievement for playing on a lower difficulty. Something to keep in mind.


PjotrStroganov said:
Afaik playing on Veteran didn't give you the achievement for playing on a lower difficulty. Something to keep in mind.
That sucks, so if there are multiple achievements that means I have to play through it on each difficulty level to get the points? I hope that isn't the case, to be honest Halo 3 had some of the better achievements yet in a FPS.


6-7 Hours sounds good to me. Nothing worst than FPS's padding out the game just give me the good stuff and trim the fat.


Added more info from Calen via the PS3 screenshot thread about the misnomers of the PS3 not having ranked matchmaking.
Calen said:
This is a misnomer and this rumor needs to die a fast, painful death.

CoD4 PS3 does have ranked, player skill based matchmaking! It does not use the TrueSkill algorithm, because that is Microsoft proprietary and therefore you'll only ever see it on the 360. People have been ranking and matching players in games long before this though, so we just use a different ranking technique on the PS3.

Server selection is still based around private match + invite, LAN game, local splitscreen MP or online matchmaking with the same party and lobby support the 360 has. The only server browser screen is the one for seeing what systemlink games are underway on your local LAN.

Edited to add, DKo5 beat me to it :lol I see this so often it bears repeating, though.


Respawn Entertainment
Thanks for keeping the OP updated, chapel. Too bad more people aren't in here as opposed to that other thread, though. :p


DKo5 said:
Thanks for keeping the OP updated, chapel. Too bad more people aren't in here as opposed to that other thread, though. :p

Why's this thread single player only? That's why I was avoiding it.


Not Wario
I was going to pass on CoD4 seeing as how, while I enjoyed it, the beta's gameplay felt too close to Halo while not actually matching its quality. (i.e. if I'm going to play mp, why play CoD4 when I can play H3 or TF2?) These sp comments, though, really have me wanting to buy it now. I loved CoD2 primarily for the sp, after all. I guess I'll wait for the rest of the reviews before deciding.


Thanks guys, I just like the game and wanted to contribute to the community for it. I was in a haste to create the thread that I really didn't think through the title as well as I could have. I have asked the mods twice now in PM to change the title, to no avail. I really don't want to bug them though as I'd rather not be banned for doing so.

I can live with the thread not being super popular, but its obvious people want to discuss it so I think the fact that the thread title is displeasing to most and the PS3 community being rabid for another great game the other thread just exploded as do most that have any system bias in the outset.


MercuryLS said:
I really hope the SP isn't that short, it's gotta be at least 10-12h :(
Really!!? It's gotta be? Is there some kind of Standard Videogame Length Rule i'm unaware of? Link please.
fourzerotwo answered a few questions over on the Xbox.com forums. Here's the link via the CharlieOscarDelta.com forums.

fourzerotwo said:
Is VETERAN difficulty unlocked from the get go?

So FOURZEROTWO what level of prestige are you at? Is it worth going through the third/fourth time?
On the retail version I'm not ranked up because I have no one to play with. Sad I've reached all Prestige levels already on the dev version though. Yes, it's def worth it for the bragging rights of Prestige 10.

Yeah, and please explain the confusion between level 55 and 65.
Easy enough. The highest rank is rank 55, not 65. 65 was said on accident in an interview with one of our guys, but the top rank 55, hasn't changed.

Why are there no multiplayer achievements? All of them seem to be single-player?
We've never had MP achievements in IW games, we feel they should be kept to SP as it encourages people to just play the MP game for Achievments instead of just playing to play. Therefore you have guys completely ignoring objectives and losing the round for his team because he was trying to get an achievement instead of playing the game. If you want to aim for stuff in MP go for the Challenges which help you unlock more stuff.

whats your favourite map fourzerotwo cheers mate
We have 16 completely new maps in Multiplayer so it's hard to choose, although Downpour (a farmland in the middle of a rain storm) has some really cool moments and is big.

So, 402, does your post mean it is confirmed that CTF is not an included game type?? If so, why leave out such a classic game type?
Yep, no CTF at launch. We originally had Capture the Flag in the game but it didn't make the cut. We make sure only things we absolutely love make it into the final game, and Capture the Flag just wasn't to that point yet so we cut it. It's not dead though, we always still working on it and if it gets to a point where we think it's kick ass, we'll update the playlists and add it in there. We're going to constantly be adding and updating the game with new or changed playlists in Multiplayer based on community feedback so don't worry. Plus theres lots of brand new gametypes and playlists for you guys to fall in love with.
Here's a little bit more from that Q&A.

Regarding a demo on XBL before release:

"Probably won't be an Xbox 360 SP demo by November 5th - 6th, but if there isn't there may be one shortly after release. Luckily the Xbox 360 had a great exclusive MP beta."

Regarding the release date:

"Sorry guys, I can pretty much guarentee that there's slim chance of getting it before November 5th. So this date is incorrect. The release date is November 5th with it landing on most store shelves on November 6th.

The discs / boxing is being produced now so there is little chance of anything even being shipped to retailers early."

Regarding adding gametypes and playlists after launch:

"Yep, we can easily add more gametypes and playlists after launch. We're shipping with a lot of playlists already and 16 MP maps. We'll be listening closely to community feedback and adding / tweaking the playlists and gametypes as needed based on feedback."

Regarding Arcade Mode:

"Arcade Mode unlocks once you beat the campaign. It allows you to re-play any mission individually (Level Challenge) or as a whole (Full Challenge) in Arcade Mode for a high score on the Arcade Mode Leaderboards.

When playing in Arcade Mode you are awarded points and multipliers for kills. For example you get points for normal kills, more for Knife kills, more for Headshots, and car explosion kills etc.

You also have a limited number of lives in Arcade Mode, but can earn more lives getting lots of points. It's a great way to replay the single player and compete on the Arcade Mode Leaderboards either per level or overall."


Calen said:
Yeah, I just caught up. Sorry about that. I'll do my part to let the other thread die :D

Thanks for posting here with the various info... Question though: "What is the special PS3 perk?" :p ... Honestly though, was it a slip up by someone in that one interview? I'd assume so since the game's less than a week away and we haven't seen nor heard anything about this...


No dedicated servers I take it since the player count is the same on both console? Just PC gets them?


DenogginizerOS said:
Veteran, all the way. Most satisfying achievement I have gotten for X360 is finishing COD2 on Veteran and getting all 1000 points. To me, it felt like a real achievement.
yeah because some parts were hell.

war is hell.
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