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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Ok, I can't take this anymore. I have to play this today. Has anyone found a place selling the game in the Los Angeles area?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Voltron64 said:
Ok, I can't take this anymore. I have to play this today. Has anyone found a place selling the game in the Los Angeles area?


*goes to pick up pre-order*:D


Is there any kind of ranking/stat tracking in the PC version? What about modding options like the PC COD2?

Also, we need more PS3 impressions people! I was a bit bummed by the PC demo first, but a replay or two piqued my interest. Need to know which version to get.


~Devil Trigger~ said:

*goes to pick up pre-order*:D





Malgré l'excellence des animations ou des effets spéciaux, Call Of Duty 4 laisse un arrière-goût déplaisant quand on regarde certaines textures de trop près ou qu'on commence à tester les limites de la physique. C'est regrettable car si dans le feu de l'action on n'y prête pas attention, une fois qu'on a noté ces points de détails on a du mal à les oublier. On souffle le chaud et le froid chez Infinity Ward.

Graphics 8/10... bad textures when standing up-close? something about physics? what do they say?


All my gamestop's in the richmond, va area have all the console versions.

NO one will have PC until tommorrow. :(


well.. i bought the PS3 version :D

its still close. i will open it once i read the review about both versions :D. just wanted to get my ass covered and bought the PS3 version because the local import store sold out till monday


Lince said:

Graphics 8/10... bad textures when standing up-close? something about physics? what do they say?

Bad textures is a stupid complain imo, the BETA was the same, very up close ( and I mean close) textures look meh-ish. But it's the overall picture/art/lighting that counts, and cod4 impresses BIG TIME.

I had a dude over when I played the beta, and he said to me fuck wow you remember that MGS 4 demo 2k5, this looks just like it, only it's running 60 fps in real time.
llTll said:
well.. i bought the PS3 version :D

its still close. i will open it once i read the review about both versions :D. just wanted to get my ass covered and bought the PS3 version because the local import store sold out till monday

Do folks with both systems really expect the online community on the PS3 to be more populated and viable? If I had a PS3 I'd still get the 360 version even if they were 100% identical due to the fact that I know it's going to move units and there will be a ton of people to play with.


Junior Member
My Gamestop just called to let me know that my PS3 copy is IN!!!!!!!!

C'ya all on the battlefield tonight!
forgeforsaken said:
Do folks with both systems really expect the online community on the PS3 to be more populated and viable? If I had a PS3 I'd still get the 360 version even if they were 100% identical due to the fact that I know it's going to move units and there will be a ton of people to play with.

Games like Warhawk and Resistance aren't barren. Is there that much of a difference between enough people to play with and more than enough people to play with? When there are so few differences in a multiplatform title like in this case, it simply comes down to personal choice, or if someone has a lot of friends with a specific version.


Junior Butler
forgeforsaken said:
Do folks with both systems really expect the online community on the PS3 to be more populated and viable? If I had a PS3 I'd still get the 360 version even if they were 100% identical due to the fact that I know it's going to move units and there will be a ton of people to play with.

You've never seen a PS3 before have you?

It's hilarious that people have honestly convinced themselves that there isn't a decent online community on PS3.

Trust me, you won't have any problems finding any competition online in the PS3 version.

You may find that there's less racist kids using headsets though.
belvedere said:
You've never seen a PS3 before have you?

It's hilarious that people have honestly convinced themselves that there isn't a decent online community on PS3.

Trust me, you won't have any problems finding any competition online in the PS3 version.

You may find that there's less racist kids using headsets though.

Are we talking volume, percentage, or simply a lack of headsets? :D


belvedere said:
You've never seen a PS3 before have you?

It's hilarious that people have honestly convinced themselves that there isn't a decent online community on PS3.

Trust me, you won't have any problems finding any competition online in the PS3 version.

You may find that there's less racist kids using headsets though.

The biggest beef I have with PS3 online is the fact that there isn't a large number of people using headsets. I can deal with the occasional racist prick yelling at his mom for some chocolate milk, but I can't stand silence or a single voice yelling "does anyone have a headset" in PS3 online games. Also the only online community I've hated is Halo 2/3, Gears was fine and so was COD4's in the beta.

I love how huge Sony fans can just gloss over this by saying "less racist 10y/o", the problem lies in that there is very few people with headsets period, as a result you can't even talk to the normal people out there. And for shooters that work best with some for of communication (especially for the objective gametypes), this is a major negative for the platform. I still wish Sony would bundle in a cheap headset with the PS3 like MS did with X360 Prem/Elite. The best way to encourage a solid community aspect is to make sure people can talk to each other, even if sometimes the other person is an idiot.

Lack of integrated friends list, messaging and invites adds to the problem too.


forgeforsaken said:
Do folks with both systems really expect the online community on the PS3 to be more populated and viable? If I had a PS3 I'd still get the 360 version even if they were 100% identical due to the fact that I know it's going to move units and there will be a ton of people to play with.
PS3 version for me.
Picked it up today at Gamestop, the DM went himself to their warehouse to pick up some copies. So far I've played 2 levels in SP. Holy fuckin awesome graphics Batman!!!

I won't spoil much but the second level, I don't know how many times I said "Holy Shit" during the level but it was a lot. Fuckin intense game so far. Did one game of multi and eventhough I was lvl 1 matched with some lvl 20's I held my own. It was awesome. I am in awe of COD4.


Junior Butler
MercuryLS said:
Lack of integrated friends list, messaging and invites adds to the problem too.

Actually, you can do all of those. Just not cross game invites, yet.

I have to disagree with your "no headset online PS3 community" myth though. The only game I have ever found a great number of people playing online without a headset is Motorstorm and that was near launch. I frequently play Resistance, COD3, R6:Vegas, Tiger Woods 08, NHL 2k8 and C&C and in every single one of those titles there has never been a severe lack of headset equipped competition.
"All my gamestop's in the richmond, va area have all the console versions.

NO one will have PC until tommorrow. :("

Maybe call them again later, mine just told me they'd be getting the pc version between 6 and 7 tonight. O and thanks for setting up a COD4 server! :D


fredericksburg va here

got my 360 copy at gamecrazy no preorder. so if you have a game crazy call them. see if they have it in.

must say thru a few missions and this game is awsome. lots of action. really crazy. love it. must buy.


forgeforsaken said:
Do folks with both systems really expect the online community on the PS3 to be more populated and viable? If I had a PS3 I'd still get the 360 version even if they were 100% identical due to the fact that I know it's going to move units and there will be a ton of people to play with.

look at resistance, till this day, its full. and its 1 year old. yeah people will play it on PS3. online isnt a problem with a good game. regardless if its on ps3 or 360.

belvedere said:
You've never seen a PS3 before have you?

It's hilarious that people have honestly convinced themselves that there isn't a decent online community on PS3.

Trust me, you won't have any problems finding any competition online in the PS3 version.

You may find that there's less racist kids using headsets though.
thats very true.


MercuryLS said:
Lack of integrated friends list, messaging and invites adds to the problem too.

To bring us back to the topic at hand: COD4 PS3 uses the XMB friends list. You can't do any messaging, and you can only invite people who are already playing COD4.
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