Blank Space Invader
Gold Member
Does anyone have links to good videos with strategies and tips to beat Liberty Falls and Terminus as a Solo player in Directed Mode? I'd really appreciate it! The less annoying and clownish the YTuber, the better lol.
Thank you so much for the tips! I'm gonna try this out.
If you equip the pistol weapon (GS45?) or buy it off the wall in the opening area, then take it to the pack-a-punch machine in the church, you're on the way to becoming basically invincible. Each shot causes an explosion that can take out a huge group of zombies, so you should also get the Phd perk thing from the steps up to the church, so you don't get caught in the blast.
I set up a dual pistol build, pack-a-punched it all the way to the max, and killed zombies in directed mode until I got bored (3000+). It's quite cathartic. Even the big Wolfenstein boss things go down in one or two shots.
Thank you so much for the tips! I'm gonna try this out.