I know you dont know me but I'm a pretty down to earth, reasonable guy. I dont complain about a whole lot. I dont complain about quick scoping, smgs, boucning bettys, shotguns, etc. etc.
Trust me when I say this game is fucked up for me and I can absolutely tell I'm "behind" other players most of the time and it's noticably worse than any other COD I've ever played. I like the game itself, I like most of the maps, guns, perks, etc. Its just so frustrating trying to play it like this. I come in here to see if anyone else has any issues like I do (looks like a lot) or maybe find some type of solution or whatever and vent once in awhile and there's idiots like that guy telling me that it's me and I need to UP MY GAME. Yeahhhhh, ok. Starting to think he's trolling. It's too funny to be serious. Then again I've come across people like that in real life so maybe not.