That Easter Egg ending for Shadows of Evil is pretty funny.
That Easter Egg ending for Shadows of Evil is pretty funny.
Black Market unlocks are permanent, right? Even after you prestige?
Wait you can beat the zombie modes? I thought it was just round based survival.
Wait you can beat the zombie modes? I thought it was just round based survival.
They are, and it didn't end there as you can see, but they do have story related things that can be done while fighting the zombies.Wait you can beat the zombie modes? I thought it was just round based survival.
Yes.Black Market unlocks are permanent, right? Even after you prestige?
Finally Prestiged last night after about 20 hours of gameplay. i've mostly been playing Hardpoint and going for challenges with the LMGs. Dingo and Dredge are gold so far and now i'm working on the BRM. I got battery maxed out with all unlocks and I'm almost done with Ruin.
What unlock did you guys take for your first Prestige? I took Dead Silence. I don't even need Awareness to hear enemy footsteps now and it's so nice to wallrun and not hear that CLING CLING CLING CLING CLING.
I'm still showing moderate Nat
Anyone have luck switching it to open?
I have the ports on my router but nothing
I think this may be the first time since MW3 that I'm going to be buying DLC for COD. I missed BO2 for personal/health reasons when it came out, Ghosts was way too boring and crappy and AW was just crap. Looking forward to new maps as well as remakes![]()
Did a few matches with Haymaker 12..what a gun!
My friend claims the VMP is OP, but from my personal experience it's really not. Has anyone else had any luck with that thing?
getting a bit more lately some of the -
I get killed in 2 shots, it takes them forever to die.
This can be contributed to lag right? Or peer to peer?
I've noticed quite a difference lately
I had some horrific lag last night. Not many issues before that but it was almost unplayable for me.getting a bit more lately some of the -
I get killed in 2 shots, it takes them forever to die.
This can be contributed to lag right? Or peer to peer?
I've noticed quite a difference lately
I'm a Call of Duty campaign fan. Just bought this specifically for that. How's the campaign guys? Am I going to be disappointed or is it quick fun?
Whenever I start the game it would say connecting online and it starts downloading something. After it finishes, however, an error pops up saying something like the servers are not online. This forces me to go to the local LAN main menu. I can still switch to the online main menu but it's kind of annoying.
I have this on digital, PS4.
Does anyone have this problem?
I tried to buy a box got an error and now I am out of keys and got no items. Good stuff.
Did a few matches with Haymaker 12..what a gun!
So no word yet on HC KC and DOM?
Still bummed that they didn't include it.... I'll be playing Tomb Raider until they add it.
I think all the SMGs have a bit of a range issue and the Pharo just accentuates that. I just felt like I was doing the other guys dirty when using the Pharo but this game is pretty well balanced. There's nothing egregiously powerful or at least the right combination hasn't been discovered yet. I might try the M8 though, see how it is. I prestiged my HVK yesterday. The grip is what makes that gun.
I had this happen to me but I kept the keys, they then decided to vanish like 10 minutes later.
I'm a Call of Duty campaign fan. Just bought this specifically for that. How's the campaign guys? Am I going to be disappointed or is it quick fun?
Yup, that is exactly as it happened to me. Glad I only go for the common boxes so it's not that big of a loss.
I had some horrific lag last night. Not many issues before that but it was almost unplayable for me.
I wrote about my thoughts earlier tiday and described some scenarios. Watch the killcams. That is what the server sees. I had plenty of times I would get several hits, even at close range, only to see the killcam show me toss one or two bullets out. That's lag or, as another user said, I must be bad.
This is the same shit as previous CODs and what kept me away from this series. I rerember it was atrocious in BO2 due to lag comp. Pretty sure its still around in some form and P2P on consoles is shitty as fuck, IMO.
Close range it is very OP using grip and quick draw or rapid fire on it but it takes some skill to kill someone at range with it imo, because the damage is quite weak and if you hold down your fire button it has pretty bad recoil, so you have to pop shot.
When I use it, I tend to ignore people at range and just run in a diff direction.
Same issue on X1. I start off good then as the night progresses I can't kill shit as people just sponge, even when I get the jump on someone they drop me first, its bullshit.
I don't know about a range buff either unless its about the Weevil, which needs something to compete with the other SMGs. Razorback already has very minimal recoil, Kuda champions a 3HK capability with manageable recoil, and both VMP and Vesper have much higher firerates which makes them deadly in close range. I do think the suppressor on all SMGs needs a range buff since the damage dropoff is insanely close and having a gun that requires five shots to kill in close ranges in CoD is like asking for frustration.
M8A7 = hitmarkers galore. They nerfed it to hell damnit.
Isn't it a four round burst?They nerfed it back on the xbone beta, but yeah it's total garbage now. During the PS4 beta is was ridiculous though. A three round burst gun where the first two shots killed.
I'm a huge fan of World at War, Black Ops 1, and Black Ops 2... Basically consider Treyarch to be the best CoD dev-team at this point. With that said, I'm very disappointed with the campaign in Black Ops 3. The overarching story and premise is good, but the way the story unfolds to the protagonist is just... bad. Bad writing, but progression,I'm a Call of Duty campaign fan. Just bought this specifically for that. How's the campaign guys? Am I going to be disappointed or is it quick fun?
Yeah I don't really know what would make it better which means it's probably good. I've found success with a ton of different guns so I think the game is in a good spot. Granted, I haven't used them all. I don't find the gorgon too OP because of the standard LMG limitations i.e. the slowness. The Weevil is great simply because of it's large magazine and competitive damage. Great for when the bad guys just don't stop running at you. I've trying out the Man o' war as a faster gorgon substitute and then I'm going to check out the Sheiva when I unlock it. It's great that they were able to give each gun their own feel while still keeping them balanced. Even pistols are viable.
The future.i dont understand why the pump action is so terrible but the "noob" shotguns have this amazing range
Master prestige glitch is garbage.
Nm, I'm probably mistaken lol.Already ? That was quick..
Nm, I'm probably mistaken lol.
Fuck the map glitches though