I'm sorry Jorge, but I sort of forgot that I really really can't hang in Domination.
EDIT: I'm also playing on wireless so I probably was the one giving you lag.
Not a problemOops
I'm sorry Jorge, but I sort of forgot that I really really can't hang in Domination.
EDIT: I'm also playing on wireless so I probably was the one giving you lag.
prestige master 1000?
I do sort of wonder how many people here actually play TDM though.
Apparently you get a calling card for 100% everything, completing every single challenge that exists in the game. I wonder how that looks...
Apparently you get a calling card for 100% everything, completing every single challenge that exists in the game. I wonder how that looks...
Yeah, you don't know what that is? After you reach prestige master you can level up beyond level 55 (each level up is 55,000 XP or more if I recall correctly). For every 100 levels, you get the prestige icons from World at War, Black ops 1, and Black Ops 2 to use as your prestige icon symbol thing. (If you make it to level 100, you can change your icon to the prestige 1 icons from WAW, BO, and BO2. Level 200 unlocks the prestige 2 icons for those games, and so on. Reaching level 1,000 unlocks the master prestige icons from all of the past Treyarch games).
No, I do, but thanks for the extra info on it, which I didnt. I just notice once you hit 10 youre a master, and then you move on. Ive been seeing less fraudulent 1000s lately also so maybe they have been clamping down.
Well done btw.
How are the new maps guys?
About to get on
Ugh, I've gotten the same Argus variant 3 times in the past 25 drops. Can I maybe repurpose those unlikely odds?
nope. You will get that variant and like it!![]()
Oh man, first time getting R.A.P.S all on my own (Team Deathmatch)
It started out as a really shitty game but I went Super Saiyan on their ass
Huh, impressive. Congratulations! I'm sure that was no easy task for you, especially in TDM. So, what did you think of the RAPS? Did you find them effective?
It's probably my favorite scorestreak in the game, and it's pretty ridiculous that they got buffed lol
I mean, you could always shoot down the ship but most people don't bother to switch to another class with a launcher to take down a UAV or C-UAV
Also, I just got another one but the game was at 99 kills and I died before I could launch it ;s
BTW, did you see my last message to you when you tried to invite me? I always get your invites 8 minutes late or so, and when I tried to join with the quick join in-game it told me the lobby was full
You have definitely grown over time, I'm proud of you. You still have a bit more to go, though. Here's a personal challenge from me, though you can choose whether or not to accept it. Earn your first Mothership.
Ah yes, I recall reading that message. I didn't get to play yesterday, though. I suppose what I'll do from now on is invite and wait for you first so that I won't have any other party members to keep waiting. After you join, then I'll invite everyone else. How does that sound?
That would be pretty ridiculous to pull off, but I might be able to do that with the right combination of scores streaks to help me towards that Mothership ;p
I might just pull it off in one game, but probably won't be able to on a constant basis. Although I did just game my third R.A.P.S now!
Regarding the invites, if you can, invite me through the game next time (you can do that by pressing triangle and seeing your friend's list in game). I think it might be instant unlike the PS4 party invite
Oh? As far as I recall, all of my invitations are from the game (pressing triangle to invite you). I don't think I've ever asked for a PS4 party invite. Weird. I guess I can just message you telling you that I'll invite you and/or I'm alone and waiting for you to join.
Would you say you're feeling more comfortable using high scorestreaks? Perhaps not in TDM, since that can prove troublesome at times, but if you were to play Domination in one of my parties (where score is generally more obtainable and is dispersed more for everyone), can you see yourself getting such high streaks often and reliably (I ask since it's a little unspoken rule in my party that everyone inside has to have a friendly competition to see who can perform best and/or get their streaks the fastest, and it would be fun to do that with you)?
Ah, I thought you were inviting me through the PS4 OS... Maybe you should invite me through that then haha, it might be faster? I have no idea why they take so long to arrive
I'm not sure about R.A.P.S and the like but maybe something like Hardened Sentry or Cerberus
I still have games where I play awful then get frustrated and play even worse
The grind for dark matter is killing me and my enjoyment of the game.
I'm probably going up against the wrong people and in the wrong game modes but I'm trying to do the KRM/Vesper/Pharo at the moment and in GW Safe Guard I am getting wrecked as people in this playlist are often pretty good and I struggle to get headshots/up close for the KRM.
Last night was a particularly bad night too, I ended up on a Dutch server against a whole team of Firebreaks who rushed us on the spawn of Breach and we couldn't do anything, we were just being overrun by them all the time with the purifier/heatwave and we got wrecked! Was very frustrating. They are all 200+ with hero armour/dark matter.
i find the snipers tolerable (now the Drakon is done) but I cannot seem to get the final two bloodthirsties for the Locus to save my life, I got to 4 last night and then the game ended.
I'm the same, I've got Diamond on the AR's and all the SMG's apart from Pharo/Vesper and I just don't feel I can use any gun I've done as it's just wasted time (and I don't get to play much anyway).
Maybe I should just mark Dark Matter as unobtainable. I have All shotguns apart from KR, All LMG's, Pistols, knife and the two SMG's to go, I think it's too much. Another case of should have done it at launch before all these weapon nefs.
supressor, thermal site, hardcore, camp the bridge on fringe or the grass in hunted
I go to sleep for a few hours and the easter egg's been solved already. Goddamn it.
I think I might have to resort to that, at least to reset myself on what my priorities are so I'm not stuck on a camo across several guns.
I love your avatar. <3 Cheryl.
Haha, it's expected at this point. These guys are all rushing to be the first.
At least the end cutscene is cool, just like the last one.
It took a few days for Der Eisendrache so I thought it'd be around the same time period. It didn't even last 24 hours lol.
I have this on XB1 but apparently after the patch the Argus can, when aimed down site with no long barrel, reliably 1 hit kill from the room doors on metro to the doorway entrances that you can see from those doors. Or from the room window down to the tracks!
And its much easier to hipfire and get 1 hit kills as well in a decent range around you now.
Betting this buff gets nerfed soon.
Edit: NM, the video I saw has long barrel attached, but if I recall that doesnt increase 1HK range on a shotgun.