More to come presumably, along with Daily and Weekly Contracts:
"Coming soon, players will be able to complete other challenges in the form of Daily and Weekly Black Market Contracts for in-game rewards - stay tuned for more in the coming weeks. Best of all, Black Market Contracts are independent of the Season Pass Bonus, giving Season Pass holders a chance to effectively double their number of Weapon Bribes and Rare Supply Drops."
how do you get long shot kills!!!
only camo im missing for the xm ar
I'm finally just left with snipers and the combat knife for DM. I had a total of 5 kills with a sniper until recently and it hasn't been that fun. I'm tanking my meager kd and definitely not helping my teams win while using them. I just need one more bloodthirsty with the Drakon and it will be gold but I'm working on Locus and P06 as well. I prefer the P06 since it seems so much more stable.
For the first time I really want a new weapon (not the RSA!) to play with. I feel like I'm wasting time when I use weapons that I already have diamond for and that is everything minus the snipers and knife. I got the Garand diamond already. I would love to have a non-melee weapon just to give me something else to work on.
Maybe I'll take a break and work on the rest of the hero armor instead.
I am almost in the same boat. I am halfway done with the side arms, and have the knife and snipers as well. It been a grind and I am not enjoying the game at all. Problem is like you I feel it is a complete waste using guns that I already have diamond for.
I had fun with the side arms in hardcore. They are really strong there and it was a blast. I'm mostly back in core now for the snipers though.
So is this the beginning of the end for this game's mp ? The thread is slowing down and it was the turn for double cryptokey weekend and instead we get rare supply drops for half price with CoD points and double xp on demolition which I had never tried before untill tonight and can now say that its not a game mode for me, by no means a bad game mode but just not my thing.
Fair play I got 450 hours clocked in this game and I still enjoy it but I'm starting to burn out now, I look forward to the contracts but something tells me they are going to be kinda lame except maybe for the weekly.
I fell like it might be slowing down a bit on the MP side, too. Was hoping for a bigger 2XP weekend as well, but eh.
INSTEAD, I finally averted the apocalypse on Shadows of Evil despite my connection strangling me a few times (even the final step).
I'm coming for you Zetsubo.
So is this the beginning of the end for this game's mp ? The thread is slowing down and it was the turn for double cryptokey weekend and instead we get rare supply drops for half price with CoD points and double xp on demolition which I had never tried before untill tonight and can now say that its not a game mode for me, by no means a bad game mode but just not my thing.
Fair play I got 450 hours clocked in this game and I still enjoy it but I'm starting to burn out now, I look forward to the contracts but something tells me they are going to be kinda lame except maybe for the weekly.
I've gotten Dark Matter, Prestige Master, all Hero armor, all weapons maxed and prestiged at least once, and 4 Black Market guns. I'm sick of the cryptokey grind just for duplicates, I got bored of the DLC2 maps faster than any before them, and I haven't played the game in 2 weeks now.
Just tired of it at this point. I'll hop on again for DLC3 and maybe to play zombies with friends now and then, but other games and activities are a-callin'.
Not surprised really. This is around the time any CoD game starts to die down in discussion since the people who participate in these threads are naturally the ones who care the most about playing the game this much. Most of GAF either played the campaign, or just dabbled in the MP and moved on to the next big game release. Most of them didn't spend money on the season pass or map packs.
Also, fatigue. The CoD train can only chug so long for people who still play the games until they either burn out or move along to something new.
Its a joke how long contracts are taking, the game will be dead in 5 months
Nice, I could never get past charging the flags.
I'm doubting it. Infinite Warfare is probably going to be another Ghosts to fans and send people back to BO3.
What is the SMG meta right now? I still rock the Pharo but sometimes I see people with different guns, how has it shifted?
...I stayed on ghosts for 2 years.
You have my condolences sir...
then youve not played it enough, its brilliant online.
then youve not played it enough, its brilliant online.
Mothership vent incoming:
This is my last Air Assault challenge to get. Get better, try harder, play dom you say? No, no. I don't mean getting mothership kills good sirs. I've got plenty of those and used one of my first permanent unlocks on the damn thing.
I'm talking about the support gunner bullshit....
I have 8 days 6 hours in multiplayer in this game. I mostly play solo or with one buddy. In that entire time, ONE mothership has been called in when it was not my own. And in that ONE time, I got one support gunner kill. And I'm not talking about just my team. I have witnessed one mothership ever (outside of the ones I've called in). How this streak was left out of carepackages, even at ridiculous odds, is beyond me.
I suppose they expect people to go browse forums and beg for skilled players to roll that streak and then party up to have others leach those precious kills. Hell, I got my main buddy the 10 support kills, but the support gun turrets are so weak I would literally call the mothership in and NOT KILL ANYONE with it on purpose, just so the support gunners could get a few at a time.
Fix your shit Treyarch....
Just take things slow. The campaign is super boring, but Hardened is completely doable.Is the campaign impossible solo on hardened or do I just suck? I got through the first 2 levels 4 months ago but didn't really have time till now.
I'm pretty sure I can't find any games online because no one plays the campaign now. I was thinking maybe I would finish off the campaign before selling/trading the game, but I might just get rid of the game instead.
I hate how they make you play hardened or you don't get the story trophies, I'm just a casual player. (I previously played MW2 and Black Ops 1 only)
Doesn't help that the campaign is kind of boring too. :/
It really isn't, it's a terrible MP experience.
Kill streaks are dull, maps are too big for 6v6 and the game was the original 50 Shades of Grey
it really is, killstreaks are fantastic (sentry, heli gunner etc) maps are fine, and I've played it for 2+ years so im very well qualified to say. It also has the best perk selection, most customisation, great DLC maps (pyramid, mexico, alien crash site) that came out after people left due to the mistaken bad rep.
the campaign is dreadful, the online is amazing. I dont expect you to get it, most people dont
I bought the season pass for $5 some months back, but no one plays, so I couldn't try any of the new maps. Didn't like most of the default ones. Didn't like the weapon balance either.
What do you mean "most customization"?
It really isn't, it's a terrible MP experience.
Kill streaks are dull, maps are too big for 6v6 and the game was the original 50 Shades of Grey
it really is, killstreaks are fantastic (sentry, heli gunner etc) maps are fine, and I've played it for 2+ years so im very well qualified to say. It also has the best perk selection, most customisation, great DLC maps (pyramid, mexico, alien crash site) that came out after people left due to the mistaken bad rep.
the campaign is dreadful, the online is amazing. I dont expect you to get it, most people dont
whats wrong with the weapon balance? its perfect, examples?
Short ranged weapons sucked because of the map design and difficult-to-see opponents, and the general weakness of handguns and shotguns (sans maybe the Bulldog). So my two favorite weapon classes sucked. Some weapons got free attachments built into them. Lots of weapons felt inferior to others within their own class, or within a similar class.
I can't speak at length about it though. Never got enough points to try everything, but the weapons I picked felt pretty bad. When I unlocked the weapons everyone else was using (like the Honey Badger) I noticed a pretty clear difference in effectiveness and versatility.
The game had that common assault rifle dominance that always makes shooters feel much blander to me.
Im not saying this to score points off you as you seem a nice person, but you are way off here, trust me. Shotguns are super powerful in ghosts, the bulldog is your short range sprayer but the tac 12 is a long range monster, my go to shotty with long barrel, and the others work well too.
it isnt AR dominated at all, as good as the ARs are, the SMGs are monsters. The MTARX is your hybrid AR/SMG, the bizon is your VMP, the ripper your DLC hybrid with the dual AR/SMG modes, vector and vepr are beasts...all SMGS are viable.
Then youve got godly snipers, amazing thermal sights (much better than AWs awful thermals), semi auto marskman rifles if you want that sniper/ AR hybrid...all totally customisable, put an ACOG on a sniper, or a thermal on a marksman, you can do whatever you like - any gun type is buildable.
Sorry man, youre way off, ghosts is a lovely game, if I had to choose BLOPS3 or ghosts to be stuck with forever, its ghosts all the way.
Short ranged weapons sucked because of the map design and difficult-to-see opponents, and the general weakness of handguns and shotguns (sans maybe the Bulldog). So my two favorite weapon classes sucked. Some weapons got free attachments built into them. Lots of weapons felt inferior to others within their own class, or within a similar class.
I can't speak at length about it though. Never got enough points to try everything, but the weapons I picked felt pretty bad. When I unlocked the weapons everyone else was using (like the Honey Badger) I noticed a pretty clear difference in effectiveness and versatility.
The game had that common assault rifle dominance that always makes shooters feel much blander to me.
Sounds like you had a bad experience not representative of the game. The balance is fine, you get sweet 1080p on ps4 and its sharp as a tack, its a fully customisable and hilarious cod. the predator level is good aswell, every dlc level has a secret or bonus or suchlike, like the mad mexican killer scorestreak, playing as the predator, the secrets in egypt, the michael myers axe murderer, and so on.
Wow, this is my luckiest month ever. Thanks to the two bribes, I managed to get the NX Shadowclaw and the MVP.
Then opening rare chests, I managed to get Butterfly Knife, Malice, and the MX Garand. All obtained before the end of the month! Not using CoD points either.![]()
Got my first Melee weapon (Skull Splitter) off of a regular 10 key case. My luck with those has been better than with rares.