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Call of Duty: Ghosts Review Thread | Celebrating 10 years of doody

Yeah it's right before a checkpoint, not in mp. Some other site had it explained.

I haven't seen it anywhere else but the Polygon review mentioned that the game has some frame rate issues in multiplayer when things get "hectic."

Much has been said about the fact that the PlayStation 4 version of the game runs at a native 1080p, and while that may be true, the game did struggle to maintain a steady framerate, especially in hectic multiplayer matches. The PS3 version of the game ran into similar problems, whereas the Xbox 360 version maintained a steady 60 frames per second.
from playing killzone 1-3

I don't have to delude myself into thinking trash like killzone is anything but mediocre drivel since my ps4 has bf4 coming with it. that will hold my fps needs fine until titanfall takes over in march
Wow, you're badmouthing killzone every chance you get, don't you?


So from playing old games you can automatically deduce that the next installment is going to be average? Pretty pathetic don't you think? Then what if the best thing since slice bread "Titanfall" gets average reviews what are you going to do then?
then I can stop playing titanfall and play destiny, or wait for naughty dogs next game, or the division in the fall. why? because I don't have emotional attachment to Videogames like a teenager with no income

but thankfully titanfall is being made by the people with the pedigree that gave me cod, 2, 4 and not rotten horse semen like killzone 3


If you go watch that IGN mp footage, it's smooth. I wonder what they mean as drops. For a second? When bombs are being dropped from the sky? To many dogs on screen at once?

If the drops are that bad, IW did a terrible job on both next gen systems.


then I can stop playing titanfall and play destiny, or wait for naughty dogs next game, or the division in the fall. why? because I don't have emotional attachment to Videogames like a teenager with no income

but thankfully titanfall is being made by the people with the pedigree that gave me cod, 2, 4 and not rotten horse semen like killzone 3

why does everyone forget cod1, dammit
then I can stop playing titanfall and play destiny, or wait for naughty dogs next game, or the division in the fall. why? because I don't have emotional attachment to Videogames like a teenager with no income

but thankfully titanfall is being made by the people with the pedigree that gave me cod, 2, 4 and not rotten horse semen like killzone 3
No offense but I love lunchbox lol. The tom brady avatar makes it even better haha probably my favoritist poster lol
then I can stop playing titanfall and play destiny, or wait for naughty dogs next game, or the division in the fall. why? because I don't have emotional attachment to Videogames like a teenager with no income

but thankfully titanfall is being made by the people with the pedigree that gave me cod, 2, 4 and not rotten horse semen like killzone 3
Haha, well i agree that those CoD games were good. I can'tcompare killzone with rotten horse semen, since i never tasted it. But i do think it was going in the wrong direction after Killzone 2.

And just a slight tip, it's not very chique to brag about money. Most people will instantly laugh at people who do.


then I can stop playing titanfall and play destiny, or wait for naughty dogs next game, or the division in the fall. why? because I don't have emotional attachment to Videogames like a teenager with no income

but thankfully titanfall is being made by the people with the pedigree that gave me cod, 2, 4 and not rotten horse semen like killzone 3

Get em!

On topic: I never expected reviews to be so average it will probably still sell amazingly; it probably already has.
So what's the cause of these frame rate issues on ps4? Surely the ps4 can manage it and the game isn't anything spectacular visually. I thought IW always put frame rate at top priority over image quality.
I haven't seen it anywhere else but the Polygon review mentioned that the game has some frame rate issues in multiplayer when things get "hectic."

It has been stated in a few reviews: http://www.nowgamer.com/ps4/ps4-review/2145680/call_of_duty_ghosts_review.html

One problem that hopefully isn’t indicative of larger troubles under the surface is that the PS4 has the occasional frame-rate stutter in multiplayer. It’s rare – it only happened once every few matches – but it is definitely present and something other players experienced too. It’s not something we’ve seen in any Call Of Duty multiplayer before, so it stood out as particularly odd and unfortunate, given the frame-rate stutter is significant enough to let targets escape to safety or see you killed during the general mayhem of multiplayer.


So from playing old games you can automatically deduce that the next installment is going to be average? Pretty pathetic don't you think? Then what if the best thing since slice bread "Titanfall" gets average reviews what are you going to do then?

there were some ign guys on rebelfm a while ago and they hinted that killzone isn't very good. obviously it wasn't the review build and they said it was pretty to look at but i would expect the worse and hope for the best.

imo a lot of the ps3 exclusives were mediocre, which makes me sad seeing those franchises continue on the ps4. its one of the negatives between the ps4 or xbone choice for me.


So what's the cause of these frame rate issues on ps4? Surely the ps4 can manage it and the game isn't anything spectacular visually. I thought IW always put frame rate at top priority over image quality.

Maybe when they played the Ps4 version, it wasn't the final build. Who knows really.

Hopefully IW addresses it.
Joystiq gave Call of Duty: Ghosts 3.5 out of 5 on PlayStation 4 and the reviewer talked about the frame rate issues saying: “A key pillar of the Call of Duty experience has always been rock-solid 60 frames per seconds gameplay. On Xbox 360, Ghosts maintains this mandate. The PlayStation 4 version, however, has noticeable technical issues, sometimes slowing to a crawl, particularly during set-piece moments with multiple effects. One specific moment I was able to replicate multiple times on PS4 was a campaign scene that ran smoothly on Xbox 360 and PS3, while the game chugged On PlayStation 4. These frame rate hitches happen throughout the campaign on PS4 and, in a series known for its Hollywood-inspired bombast, it detracted from the experience.”

IGN also talked about encountering frame rate issues in their review saying: “On the current-gen versions Ghosts looks nearly identical, though I did encounter occasional framerate issues during the single-player campaign on PS3 and PS4.”

Edge gave the game a 7/10 and had the following to add regarding frame rate: “While the PS4 version runs at a native 1080p, that precious framerate drops briefly before checkpoints, which are at least placed so that the odd stutter never affects gunplay.”

GiantBomb also talks about these issues in their review saying: “Additionally, the PlayStation 4 version has a handful of noticeable dips in its frame rate. This usually seemed to happen when a lot of smoke or other effects were on-screen, but occasionally it occurred in multiplayer for reasons I couldn’t even guess at.”

I am going KZ only next Gen this sounds not exciting.


So from playing old games you can automatically deduce that the next installment is going to be average? Pretty pathetic don't you think? Then what if the best thing since slice bread "Titanfall" gets average reviews what are you going to do then?

Previous Killzones were pretty much high on graphics and a snore on everything else, feels normal to assume the next one is going to be the same, especially since everything I've seen so far is leading to that direction.

If I'm wrong and it somehow good then I'll be glad to take it back, however till then I'll be cynical about it.

Edit: almost forgot, on topic: its about damn time the press is calling the series out on it, their previous COD reviews were laughable.


from playing killzone 1-3

I don't have to delude myself into thinking trash like killzone is anything but mediocre drivel since my ps4 has bf4 coming with it. that will hold my fps needs fine until titanfall takes over in march

"takes over"



from playing killzone 1-3

I don't have to delude myself into thinking trash like killzone is anything but mediocre drivel since my ps4 has bf4 coming with it. that will hold my fps needs fine until titanfall takes over in march

I think 2 is the best of the series. 1 was mediocre, and 3 was a disappointment. 2 had a strange control scheme and was hard as balls, but it was certainly the best of the bunch.


Titanfalls timing is just so perfect

no launch fps from ms
following up a shit halo
another garbage killzone on ps4 and nothing in the spring
bungie getting delays
and now a shit COD

the fps market will be so thirsty in March

Put it away mate, your bias is showing
Treyarch is probably gearing up to really step it up next year.

Based on what?

Treyarch has never developed their own engine for a COD, and most of their games - while interesting, and bringing good ideas to MP - have been a decided notch below the best IW stuff in terms of overall quality.


Put it away mate, your bias is showing
I can buy your house 3 times over and fill it with copies of killzone 4 sandwiched in it shit

know who you're talking to fam, Astroturfers try to buy my OTs and I show them how I wear their net worth on my left wrist


Gold Member
I can buy your house 3 times over and fill it with copies of killzone 4 sandwiched in it shit

know who you're talking to fam, Astroturfers try to buy my OTs and I show them how I wear their net worth on my left wrist

What the fuck?


Coincidence huh? Now that the series has the better resolution on PS4, it's only getting average scores. Hate to bring that up, but fuck all if when reading those reviews, it sounds like the same game from years past. A 7 at GT when this series consistently put out great scores is kinda mind boggling to me. Mind you I never liked this franchise, just don't understand the review process online.

Does the PS3 version run smoothly?

Wait, what the fuck lol.

What the hell is happening on this board these days? Jesus.
Coincidence huh? Now that the series has the better resolution on PS4, it's only getting average scores. Hate to bring that up, but fuck all if when reading those reviews, it sounds like the same game from years past. A 7 at GT when this series consistently put out great scores is kinda mind boggling to me. Mind you I never liked this franchise, just don't understand the review process online.

Does the PS3 version run smoothly?

The game being 1080p on the PS4 (and not X1) has nothing to do with these review scores.
Coincidence huh? Now that the series has the better resolution on PS4, it's only getting average scores. Hate to bring that up, but fuck all if when reading those reviews, it sounds like the same game from years past. A 7 at GT when this series consistently put out great scores is kinda mind boggling to me. Mind you I never liked this franchise, just don't understand the review process online.

Does the PS3 version run smoothly?

To be fair, the insanely high scores from GT probably had something to do with the fact that the former EIC of the site was a ludicrously huge COD fanboy.

If you're inferring that the game got better scores when the Xbox 360 version was considered superior, and it's a platform preference thing, I disagree. I think it's just a matter of what was once new and fresh, exciting and well executed is now less so. It's about timing and expectations. The series was at it's peak when the Xbox 360 was the lead platform, and it's been gradually generating less and less applause from the media with every iteration since MW2 or Black Ops.
Wait, what the fuck lol.

What the hell is happening on this board these days? Jesus.

Haha. I usually don't say dumb shit like that, but damn. I am starting to disconnect with reviewers lately and conspiracies abound. I need some time away from GAF. My mind is poisoned.
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