I was having HUGE trouble with even the first handful of SP missions until I figured out that IW doesn't ever want the player to stop - they want you moving forward at all times. Once I sorted that out I've been dying a lot less.
A.R.K said:WTF IW, SP is as important as MP!!!!
dallow_bg said:Well, sold my copy!
I couldn't resist someone's offers of up to $130 (sold it for $125) and I'll just play my copy from Amazon on Tuesday.
Just made double my money and the game paid for itself.
Haha I wasn't expecting to see this :lol .VASPER said:I have to keep this alive.
Got my copy today can't wait!
Sorry for the shitty Iphone pic.
WTF I loved the MW1 campaign.Solo said:To you and me, perhaps (actually, SP is MUCH more important than MP to my gaming tastes), but evidently not to IW, who havent put together a campaign worth a damn since COD2.
Chittagong said:didn't want to read the thread to avoid spoilers, but would anyone know if MW2 will have enemy closets and trip wire AI triggering? Key factor in deciding if I go in on Veteran or Hard.
Solo said:To you and me, perhaps (actually, SP is MUCH more important than MP to my gaming tastes), but evidently not to IW, who havent put together a campaign worth a damn since COD2.
divisionbyzorro said:This is so, so very wrong.
...welcome to the internet?Solo said:Are we going to start arguing over opinions now? Boy, do I love that!
Solo said:Its been confirmed that endless respawning until you hit arbitrary, invisible checkpoints is still in the game, yes.
Gary Whitta said:...welcome to the internet?
She's going in hard? trannysurprise?Chittagong said:Thanks. Maybe I'll go in Hard thenthat's what she said
Chittagong said:Thanks. Maybe I'll go in Hard thenthat's what she said
crunker99 said:got it baby
love my distributor, always comes through for me baby,
A.R.K said:WTF IW, SP is as important as MP!!!! Looks like more of the same old. I think this is one of those over-hyped games which will get 9s 10s across board but will fall short when the dust settles.
Also after watching some MP footage I am not impressed by the graphics at all apart from some good lighting.
Now I am not sure about my pre-order! :/
Will keep reading GAF impressions.
Should have installed it, durr.Assembly Required said:Hmm...my 360 completely destroyed my copy. And no, my unit is lying down. I'm pissed and relieved at the same time. A nice little sour note to begin the weekend on...#$^@%^@%&@%%%^@ FUCK YOU MICROSOFT AND YOUR SHITTY HARDWARE!
Probably revenge for renting Damnation...
Full Recovery said:Should have installed it, durr.
Not a Jellyfish said:Really? I think graphically the game looks pretty good and as far as those impressions of SP sounds yes SP is important but it is a military shooter, I wasn't expecting much from the story anyway. Multiplayer is where it will have its legs for me. Just need to be realistic with your hype.
A.R.K said:hmmm, may be I got spoiled by certain exclusives on a certain console![]()
it does look good but nothing special IMO
GDJustin said:People seem to be latching onto my SP impressions the most, so I feel like I wanna qualify my statement -
#1 I'm not a huge fan of COD in general. I like the series and I buy each one, but I've always preferred other shooters. So consider my impressions through that lens.
#2 I'm not that GOOD at COD (this might influence point #1). In other shooters my K/D ratio is around 1.2 - 1.5, like clockwork. I'm slightly above average. But something about COD just doesn't translate. In COD my K/D is ~.8.
Basically, I'm playing MW2's campaign and if you took some of these levels and slipped them into MW1 (or vice versa) I don't think I would notice. The game feels the same.
So... those millions of you that are super big into the franchise have nothing to worry about.
I just see a lot of parallels between Uncharted and Modern Warfare. Uncharted 1 and Modern Warfare were both 8's in my book. Good, enjoyable, but nothing too amazing. So whereas Uncharted 2 really seemed to work incredibly hard to exceed my expectations, MW2 just feels like a sequel. Keep in mind I'm only referring to SP, here.
Nardonicus said:for people sad about losing the G3, here is a really short vid showing off the FAL:
cool reload anim.
DarkGreymore said:I finished the game last night.
My Overall impressions is a big MEH at best. It was fun, don't get me wrong. But it was over quite quickly. Some missions are just ridiculously short. And the pace constantly has this feel of someone shouting GO GO GO behind you ALL the the time in almost all the missions.
It's on Par with COD 4 MW. But I feel it was slightly overhyped and that some moments in the game didn't come across as dramatic as they should have been.
Granted I finished it on Regular difficulty and I usually tackle the COD series on Veteran or Hard.
It was fun while it lasted. Just over too quickly. The game did have some bugs for me at a few moments. Ie: Enemies just standing in front of me not shooting. The game objective getting stuck and unable to progress. Had to restart the mission for that one.
Overall I just wasn't impressed THAT much.
On the other hand, multiplayer is another story...
VendettaXXI said:What part of Ohio are you from?
chubigans said:Can you please please help me answer the following:
-Are all the maps (16?) also available on splitscreen? Usually only a handful are.
-Four player split, right?
Many thanks.![]()
This is back?I was having HUGE trouble with even the first handful of SP missions until I figured out that IW doesn't ever want the player to stop - they want you moving forward at all times. Once I sorted that out I've been dying a lot less.
That sounds awful. :\And the pace constantly has this feel of someone shouting GO GO GO behind you ALL the the time in almost all the missions.
Ooh. Another video. Thanks for this.LeMaximilian said:Domination gameplay, bunch of new killstreak footage.
M16 silenced - heartbeat
:edit Eric WK was in there with us last night too.
Yes, all 16.chubigans said:Can you please please help me answer the following:
-Are all the maps (16?) also available on splitscreen? Usually only a handful are.
-Four player split, right?
Many thanks.![]()
SteveO409 said:http://venturebeat.com/2009/11/06/how-investigators-tracked-down-a-modern-warfare-2-cyber-thief/
good read on busting MW2 pirates