Bumblebeetuna said:
Not at all.
If one guy racks up a 20-5 mark in Demolition with the support package he might get through his set of rewards one time. If the guy with the bad ratio goes 10-20 but also shoots down 4 or 5 air support and defuses or plants 1-2 bombs, he not only gets through his chain of rewards one time as well, but he also contributes more to the team.
And honestly, someone who is focusing entirely on K/D and not the objectives, how often do you see them rolling with the support package? I rarely do. It's always assault, and they're always off trying to spawn trap or just camping some random choke point trying to rack up kills to unleash something else to get them more kills.
Honestly in a mode like Demolition or Domination I would take the dude who has the .5 ratio but is a team player over the lone wolf who gets a lot of kills but cares fuck all about objectives any day of the week.
You have some sort of CoD-prejudice where you assume that a player with a low KD:R will necessarily shoot down support and a player with a high KD:R necessarily won't. You also fairly blatantly relegate players with a good KD:R as exclusively users of assault and players with a bad KD:R as exclusively users of support. This is flawed by itself; never mind that you seem to believe that support is intrinsically more useful than assault to a team in an objective-based match (how many objectives are outside?) Sometimes I pick support and only put on UAV so that I get it every four kills, and my KD:R is above 2:1.
In fact, your two arguments are contradictary. Here's why:
- You state that destroying killstreaks is more beneficial to the team than killing players.
- You trivialize assault streaks as "something else to get them more kills".
Which is it? Assault killstreaks are useles or are they not useless? Because your statement changes within this post as the position becomes pervasive to you.
Finally, your argument is again flawed because you assume that the player with the high KD:R does not attempt to plant or defuse the bomb even once. Again, it comes down to some sort of confusing prejudice, and nothing else. It is as if you believe that killing comes at the expense of everything else, as if it's a particularly difficult task to do when the vast majority of the players are like the 10-20 player you describe. These types of players have tunnel vision and take an -- ironically enough -- brute force approach to accomplishing objectives. They're easy to kill because they're trying to complete the objectives before making it safe for themselves to do so, and while it might work some of the time, most of the time, you ultimately just end up feeding the players like me and letting me get into a position where I can take the objective by myself (because I'm better at the game and because I have a chopper in the sky).
Your argument is flawed. You're assuming that someone with a high K

ratio inherently helps the team when that's definitely not the case. If you're going for the objective, you're going to get killed more than if you camp in a corner. Period.
To address this post fully would be to repeat myself a lot. So instead I'm just going to repeat myself once: grabbing the objective doesn't have to be a sucide mission. Making it safe involves killing a lot of people.
rance said:
Man this argument I'm going to have to side with the KDR folks. I used to play with this pretty big group in Halo 2 that basically lumped us into two sides for a short while: dudes who did strategy and dudes who just went for kills, not thinking about much else at all. It was really insulting, never mind the fact that we did exactly what everyone else did except we happen to win encounters more.
Bumblebeetuna said:
So if the crappy player shoots down the air support he is responsible for, AND does actual team things like plants/defuses and has support strike rewards available, then what's the big deal? I would still take him over COD-Qwikscoper and his 25-5 performance where he doesn't contribute in any way other than kills.
The balanced streak rewards, ease of shooting stuff down, and incentive/reward for being a team player has really made a big difference in how you win objective games this time around.
They can't capture the flag if they're dead. This is exasperating.