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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |OT| Got 99 Problems, But Sales Ain't One.


SmokeMaxX said:
Use Type 95(really any AR will work here, but Type 95 is the best; you can also use an SMG but probably not recommended for lower level players) and be more patient when you play. Only run/walk without aiming when you're at least 80% sure noone is around you. To do this, use UAVs and also (if you are alone) listen for footsteps. When you get to a good level (or if you have prestige tokens) use Assassin and Blind Eye. I also recommend Dead Silence for peace of mind. Use lower kill streaks if you can't get to the higher ones. UAV/Care Package/Predator is good for low level and can be supplemented with hardline if you don't have assassin yet. If you can't get a 2-3 kill streak yet, use Support package.

I'm still rank 25, using Scar, but I'm creeping up on Type 95 so I'll jump to that asap. I jump between AR and SMG every once in a while. SMG is definitely quicker for me but they can be a beast to control and easy for me to spray randomly. So 95 it is. I do use Blind Eye for one of my load outs and Assassin will be extremely helpful once I unlock it.

I'll take the rest of your tips into practice and give it a go. Thanks!
Yea, I realize that to win you must, effectively, patrol one area or side of the map. There are games, once in a while, where I only see half the map.

Some tips:

  • Stick to ARs until you feel comfortable predicting flow.
  • Stick to TDM to learn the maps well and work on different loadouts.
  • Use your teammates wisely. If you see a skull and cross-bone, more likely than not there is an enemy real close by.
  • Expanding on that, always, ALWAYS anticipate a second enemy. Don't reload right away unless you're down to 5 bullets or less. I'm serious.
  • Stick to the outskirts of the maps unless you are certain that a daring run will be successful.
  • Run less.
  • Aim more.
RJNavarrete said:
Yea, I realize that to win you must, effectively, patrol one area or side of the map. There are games, once in a while, where I only see half the map.

Some tips:

  • Stick to ARs until you feel comfortable predicting flow.
  • Stick to TDM to learn the maps well and work on different loadouts.
  • Use your teammates wisely. If you see a skull and cross-bone, more likely than not there is an enemy real close by.
  • Expanding on that, always, ALWAYS anticipate a second enemy. Don't reload right away unless you're down to 5 bullets or less. I'm serious.
  • Stick to the outskirts of the maps unless you are certain that a daring run will be successful.
  • Run less.
  • Aim more.

Good tips. I feel I'm going to have to change my playstyle to better suit the frenetic nature of the game. A more careful, meticulous approach with alot less dashing and allowing the enemy to come to me.


Kronotech said:
I'm still rank 25, using Scar, but I'm creeping up on Type 95 so I'll jump to that asap. I jump between AR and SMG every once in a while. SMG is definitely quicker for me but they can be a beast to control and easy for me to spray randomly. So 95 it is. I do use Blind Eye for one of my load outs and Assassin will be extremely helpful once I unlock it.

I'll take the rest of your tips into practice and give it a go. Thanks!
You don't have to use the Type 95- it's just considered the strongest gun in the game in many regards. G36C is also a really strong gun, but really any AR or SMG should be able to take you far. For most guns you want a silencer, but if you use the Type 95, just throw a RDS and/or Rapid Fire on it.

The perks I suggested are for a "ninja" playstyle. You want to hug the outside of the map (more or less) and face towards the center. Staying hidden is key so that you can shoot people when they don't expect you. With your K:D, I imagine you lose a lot of 1v1 battles because the other person is ready to kill you before you're ready to kill them. By running a class that allows you to stay hidden, it lets you have the advantage most of the time since people have no idea where you're at unless they see you.

Wherever you go, aim towards the areas that are most likely to have people coming out of them (i.e. doorways, common spawn points, areas with high traffic, areas red dots are coming from, etc.).
And always, always, always use Stinger missiles to shoot shit down. Not only does it add to your pointstreak, it also gives you massive XP. You'll get 10K XP for 40 and 60 Stinger kills, plus all of the XP normally awarded.


RJNavarrete said:
Yea, I realize that to win you must, effectively, patrol one area or side of the map. There are games, once in a while, where I only see half the map.

Some tips:

  • Stick to ARs until you feel comfortable predicting flow.
  • Stick to TDM to learn the maps well and work on different loadouts.
  • Use your teammates wisely. If you see a skull and cross-bone, more likely than not there is an enemy real close by.
  • Expanding on that, always, ALWAYS anticipate a second enemy. Don't reload right away unless you're down to 5 bullets or less. I'm serious.
  • Stick to the outskirts of the maps unless you are certain that a daring run will be successful.
  • Run less.
  • Aim more.

Thx for the advices. I've realized that I die a lot of times while reloading or running.

I'm about to get gold SCAR. Once done, I'll change the weapon.

Which weapon do you recommend me. Preferably an Assault Gun.


The Xtortionist said:
And always, always, always use Stinger missiles to shoot shit down. Not only does it add to your pointstreak, it also gives you massive XP. You'll get 10K XP for 40 and 60 Stinger kills, plus all of the XP normally awarded.

Even then, if you have Hardline on and have the first few killstreaks up, you'll fly through them and get tons of EXP if you're beasting up your kills AND anti-air.

Switch up your weapons every so often. All i've been doing is the AK on this prestige and at about level 45 i hit a wall. My weapon wasn't giving me as many EXP bonuses as i had already gone through all of the attatchments and crap. Those extra little challenges do help a lot.

Nori Chan

The Xtortionist said:
And always, always, always use Stinger missiles to shoot shit down. Not only does it add to your pointstreak, it also gives you massive XP. You'll get 10K XP for 40 and 60 Stinger kills, plus all of the XP normally awarded.

I see you walk into a building, only to walk back out when you hear UAV has been spotted
I am loving Recon Pro in Search and Destroy. Wow. I just got accused of having infinite UAV with an aimbot because there was "no way" that I could know where this guy was moving at all times.

He ran around a small area in Outpost then into a building and starting peering out the window. I tagged him once with a concussion and a couple times with a silenced SCAR until I could get a clean kill. And with no respawn, using those concussions to gain full positional advantage over your opponent is brutal.
Noriega said:

I see you walk into a building, only to walk back out when you hear UAV has been spotted

Like I said...when enemy air support arrives, my Stinger literally pulls itself out. Thing has a mind of its own.

I am loving Recon Pro

I might roll with Recon as my main Perk 1; almost everything else is disappointing. Sleight of Hand is fine and about equal imo. Blind Eye is redundant with Stingers and ExCon doesn't do much on such small maps. Scavenger is borderline worthless as it doesn't replenish shit besides ammo.


Does anyone else not care about prestiging in CoD? I haven't prestiged in other CoD games because I didn't care for the extras and hate having to start again with weaker guns. They seemed to have "fixed" that with the prestige shop. Strangers actually messaged me in Black Ops asking me why I didn't prestige and another called me a pussy for not doing so. But I play for fun and don't see much fun in prestiging? Is there a great benefit to prestiging in MW3? I didn't care for gold guns or extra class slots in previous games.


belier said:
Which weapon do you recommend me. Preferably an Assault Gun.
Type 95 is the god king of MW3.

I was ignoring it for a while because it felt cheap and I'm not really a burst guy, but I put it on 2 days ago and it really feels like super easy mode. I put a suppressor and rapid fire on it and it still feels like a murder machine with no drawbacks. It's probably going to get nerfed if IW has any idea what's up, so get some kills in with it before they do.

Scarecrow said:
So, what's the deal with this MOAB? What's the difference between it and the nuke (besides not ending the match)?
You call it in and there's a 10 second timer, then the enemy team drops dead and you can see a nuke explosion going off over the map. After the blast, the air gets dusty, there's an orange/brown hue over everything and sounds are muffled. Basically, you keep playing with the graphical effect that happens when you nuke in MW2.

Effect is that enemies can't launch killstreaks and stuff and someone also said the enemy team loses all their perks during the fallout but I'm not sure I believe it. The fallout time lasts until the end of the match.

It's mostly just cool and atmospheric and doesn't really change the outcome of the match. My team of randoms managed to lose after I launched one the other day.


It's funny how all of my friends like to vary their weapon choice but two of the cheapest players, those who are average and just want kills, they just stick religiously to the Type 95. Glad I don't see it very often - Apparently most people find it cheap and boring, because of the burst fire.

The G36C is really a beast of a weapon. Whenever things go a bit sour or I just want a good round, I revert to my G36 and start raking in the kills.


The Xtortionist said:
I might roll with Recon as my main Perk 1; almost everything else is disappointing. Sleight of Hand is fine and about equal imo. Blind Eye is redundant with Stingers and ExCon doesn't do much on such small maps. Scavenger is borderline worthless as it doesn't replenish shit besides ammo.

I have a class specifically set up as my Recon class (Recon perk + Recon Drone), mostly for use against stealth builds. Easily can get 15+ assists in matches, love it.
What I really love about this COD is that I never run into the same Perk/Weapon/Killstreak combination twice. It's so varied between players it's ridiculous. Challenges you to adapt to different playstyles.


belier said:
Thx for the advices. I've realized that I die a lot of times while reloading or running.

Also, in TDM, never run the same direction for too long. I will usually run 1/3-1/2 of the map then turn around and go back (usually when I notice a lot of teammate arrows around me). The way the spawn system likes to work is to spawn people in open areas away from enemies and close to teammates so if your team is all stacked on one side, the enemy will most likely be spawning on the other.

No matter what names people call you, it is OK to stop and wait for an enemy that is coming towards you if you have a UAV up.
The Xtortionist said:
I might roll with Recon as my main Perk 1; almost everything else is disappointing. Sleight of Hand is fine and about equal imo. Blind Eye is redundant with Stingers and ExCon doesn't do much on such small maps. Scavenger is borderline worthless as it doesn't replenish shit besides ammo.

I actually am finding it nice to have a lot of choices for the blue perks. Recon, as stated, is fantastic. It's great for Search and slower-paced matches, but it's also great for throwing a stun into a room, rushing in with the PM9, and cleaning up when you know exactly where they ran to hide.

SoH is always good, especially in close quarters when you don't have time to reload.

I have one Blind Eye class. While I'm finding less offensive streaks in the air (probably because of Support, Specialist, and people getting killed before hitting the higher numbers), I do like the ability to lock on with a Stinger really quickly. The less time spent looking in the air for a UAV, the better.

ExCon, in general, doesn't fit my playstyle. And when I do rush, I'd rather have Recon or SoH. So I agree with you here.

I disagree that Scavenger is worthless. I'm finding myself getting into more encounters per minute due to the size of the maps, which means I'm running out of ammo a lot more than when I would wander around Array with a G11. I do sorta feel it needs a bump by replenishing tactical grenades or something, but it's still good for keeping your gun and not dying due to being out of ammo.

Also, having a launcher is so great in this game, that I'd feel bad using a machine pistol just as a back-up in case I ran out of bullets for my primary. I had success with Scavenger as the first perk on a Specialist class, so I didn't have to be at the mercy of whatever weapon I picked up as I went for the All Perk bonus.
PSYGN said:
Does anyone else not care about prestiging in CoD? I haven't prestiged in other CoD games because I didn't care for the extras and hate having to start again with weaker guns. They seemed to have "fixed" that with the prestige shop. Strangers actually messaged me in Black Ops asking me why I didn't prestige and another called me a pussy for not doing so. But I play for fun and don't see much fun in prestiging? Is there a great benefit to prestiging in MW3? I didn't care for gold guns or extra class slots in previous games.

I'd love the extra class slots, but unlocking things is unbearable for me. I don't go for prestige.


Freezie KO said:
I disagree that Scavenger is worthless. I'm finding myself getting into more encounters per minute due to the size of the maps, which means I'm running out of ammo a lot more than when I would wander around Array with a G11. I do sorta feel it needs a bump by replenishing tactical grenades or something, but it's still good for keeping your gun and not dying due to being out of ammo.
I realized yesterday that the Scavenger nerf is probably because of Specialist. Running around with Recon Pro, Extreme Conditioning and Scavenger would be even more insane than it already is if you could stun every single room before you enter, and so on.

Then again, they could've just limited Specialist-unlocked perks in certain ways and left regular perks alone.
aku:jiki said:
I realized yesterday that the Scavenger nerf is probably because of Specialist. Running around with Recon Pro, Extreme Conditioning and Scavenger would be even more insane than it already is if you could stun every single room before you enter, and so on.

Then again, they could've just limited Specialist-unlocked perks in certain ways and left regular perks alone.

Good point. Recon Pro and scavenging stun grenades weren't meant to be used together, so you're probably right.
RJNavarrete said:
Yea, I realize that to win you must, effectively, patrol one area or side of the map. There are games, once in a while, where I only see half the map.

Some tips:

  • Stick to ARs until you feel comfortable predicting flow.
  • Stick to TDM to learn the maps well and work on different loadouts.
  • Use your teammates wisely. If you see a skull and cross-bone, more likely than not there is an enemy real close by.
  • Expanding on that, always, ALWAYS anticipate a second enemy. Don't reload right away unless you're down to 5 bullets or less. I'm serious.
  • Stick to the outskirts of the maps unless you are certain that a daring run will be successful.
  • Run less.
  • Aim more.

I cannot fathom playing like this, I rush with the p90 silenced with assassin. I get what I feel are pretty good results from it. I get streaky some times and have a handful of crap games, but 90 percent of the time I'm on top. I've tried ARs, I've tried camping, it just doesn't work for me.

I'd say learn the hot spots, run and scan them, dont always use iron sights, shoot from the hip when applicable. The reloading tip is vital, if you play gears a lot after a kill it seems smart to reload, do not do this unless you have ~5-10 bullets in the clip or have sleight of hand equipped.

Another thing that has helped me crawl out of ruts is to run the same package with hardline instead of my usual second perk and that can help get you back into the flow of things. I say run more and be constantly aware of your cover, try and keep your back contained by cover at all times. Slow down at intersections and corners.

I'd really like to switch to an AR or at least have a gun that I'm good with, but none of them seem to offer the mobility I demand.


Terrordactyl said:
I cannot fathom playing like this, I rush with the p90 silenced with assassin. I get what I feel are pretty good results from it. I get streaky some times and have a handful of crap games, but 90 percent of the time I'm on top. I've tried ARs, I've tried camping, it just doesn't work for me.

I'd say learn the hot spots, run and scan them, dont always use iron sights, shoot from the hip when applicable. The reloading tip is vital, if you play gears a lot after a kill it seems smart to reload, do not do this unless you have ~5-10 bullets in the clip or have sleight of hand equipped.

Another thing that has helped me crawl out of ruts is to run the same package with hardline instead of my usual second perk and that can help get you back into the flow of things. I say run more and be constantly aware of your cover, try and keep your back contained by cover at all times. Slow down at intersections and corners.

I'd really like to switch to an AR or at least have a gun that I'm good with, but none of them seem to offer the mobility I demand.
You can do both what you're saying and what RJNavarrete is saying. They're variations of the same thing. Only major differences is using an AR and aiming vs. using an SMG and hip-firing where applicable.


Terrordactyl said:
I'd say learn the hot spots, run and scan them, dont always use iron sights, shoot from the hip when applicable. The reloading tip is vital, if you play gears a lot after a kill it seems smart to reload, do not do this unless you have ~5-10 bullets in the clip or have sleight of hand equipped.
One more thing to master about reloads; cancelling them. Double-tapping Y or starting a sprint (but stopping immediately) work out well if someone rounds a corner right as you pull your mag out.


aku:jiki said:
One more thing to master about reloads; cancelling them. Double-tapping Y or starting a sprint (but stopping immediately) work out well if someone rounds a corner right as you pull your mag out.
I personally recommend starting the sprint because it lets you strafe to avoid where the just saw you (which is where they're going to aim). I don't know if you can run-cancel first-use penalties, but I know you can Y-Y cancel it (i.e. when you first pop that machine pistol that takes FOREVER to come out: as soon as you see the animation begin for it, you can immediately Y-Y and you'll be able to shoot immediately).


Gold Member
The Elite website is still not working for me so I suppose I can't still join the clan.

Every time I log in and hit the "go to Elite" button, I will get to this screen. Observe from the top right corner that I am signed in while it asks me to sign in.

Anybody else having this problem?



My Account -> Profile -> Top right corner "Go to elite" or something like that. If I do it anywhere else than the following order, I don't get anywhere.
Strider2K99 said:
It's up for me.

Maybe try a different browser?

That's odd. The entire Connect section is dead for me on Firefox (was working earlier) but loads fine on IE. WTF.

New clan title background btw. Try it out and let me know what you think.


Neo Member
Yesterday I played spec ops on Resistance with a friend of mine. I dug myself in in the burning house. I got at wave 30 and called in a Riot Squad. Then this walking tank juggernaut came in and I was bleeding out on the floor. One of those riot soldiers blocked the juggernauts path so he couldn't enter and finish me off while I was self-reviving. The Juggernaut hit him so hard that he fell. Then the riot guy just threw away his shield and knifed the juggernaut in the face.

Those guys are amazing.

R.I.P. Pvt. LeBlanc (love them having all French names)


Gold Member
Sethos said:
My Account -> Profile -> Top right corner "Go to elite" or something like that. If I do it anywhere else than the following order, I don't get anywhere.

yep, that's what I always do, and when in my profile clicking the top right yellow "Enter Call of Duty® Elite" button takes me always to the log-in screen I posted.


Is Recon Pro an underestimated perk?

What is the best way to level it up? Just run around with the n00b-tube and spam flash bangs whenever possible?


X-Frame said:
Is Recon Pro an underestimated perk?

What is the best way to level it up? Just run around with the n00b-tube and spam flash bangs whenever possible?
I just play objective based games and spam flash/stun/grenades at high traffic areas (like dom points). Works well in conjunction with the perk that lets you recover from throwing nades faster.


The Xtortionist said:
Worked fine in Blops with Scavenger/Tac Mask.
Recon's way more of a wall hack that your whole team can see.
X-Frame said:
Is Recon Pro an underestimated perk?

What is the best way to level it up? Just run around with the n00b-tube and spam flash bangs whenever possible?
Yup, that's how I did it.


online vault: out of memory 7
the gameplay cannot be played through vault, but can be played through theatre mode. WTF is this shit!?
Im on ps3, does this occur on 360 and PC too?
Has anyone gotten the achievement: Arms Dealer? Although people say it is a cumulative

achievement, I couldn't get it after i gotten the defense and support achievement. I killed

myself after getting those separate achievements. I bought every weapon but none of its

attachments. Is that why im not getting the achievement?
Last time I got to play before last night was Saturday, where everything was turning around, in one solid night of play, raised my early .68 KD to a 1.08, felt like everything was coming back together.

Then last night came.... I was hitting the ground harder and faster than the first day. I couldn't buy a break. And in the rare instance I WAS able to get one, a teammate of theirs would get revenge for their fallen friend not even a second later.

Also, marksman perk is ridiculous. I cant believe I havent used this more so far.
I bought some Mt. Dew for my company thanksgiving party. I hope someone drinks it. I also got my first double when it comes to the trading cards, so if there's anyone who can help me fill out my list, it would be greatly appreciated.

Dat Card.


Polydeuces said:
Has anyone gotten the achievement: Arms Dealer? Although people say it is a cumulative achievement, I couldn't get it after i gotten the defense and support achievement. I killed myself after getting those separate achievements. I bought every weapon but none of its attachments. Is that why im not getting the achievement?
quite sure you need to get every weapon and attachment
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