SmokeMaxX said:Use Type 95(really any AR will work here, but Type 95 is the best; you can also use an SMG but probably not recommended for lower level players) and be more patient when you play. Only run/walk without aiming when you're at least 80% sure noone is around you. To do this, use UAVs and also (if you are alone) listen for footsteps. When you get to a good level (or if you have prestige tokens) use Assassin and Blind Eye. I also recommend Dead Silence for peace of mind. Use lower kill streaks if you can't get to the higher ones. UAV/Care Package/Predator is good for low level and can be supplemented with hardline if you don't have assassin yet. If you can't get a 2-3 kill streak yet, use Support package.
I'm still rank 25, using Scar, but I'm creeping up on Type 95 so I'll jump to that asap. I jump between AR and SMG every once in a while. SMG is definitely quicker for me but they can be a beast to control and easy for me to spray randomly. So 95 it is. I do use Blind Eye for one of my load outs and Assassin will be extremely helpful once I unlock it.
I'll take the rest of your tips into practice and give it a go. Thanks!